The Daily Tar Heel For Jan. 29, 2016

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Serving UNC students and the University community since 1893

Volume 123, Issue 139

Friday, January 29, 2016

The most interesting coach in town

UNC fencing
coach Ron Miller
inspires team
By Blake Richardson
Staff Writer

Two boys heard a rattling sound in the

bushes and prepared their trap.
They had trekked into the Florida woods to
find rattlesnakes to sell for $5 per foot and had
just stumbled across their first one. Then a
rookie at hunting snakes, Ron Miller turned to
his friend for instructions.
He said, Here, stand still, Miller recalled.
Hold the bag, and when I tell you, go forward
about five steps and jump up and down.
Miller obeyed, standing just outside the
rattlesnakes 10-foot reach. When he began to
shake the bag, the snake coiled and pounced.
But as the rattlesnake struck, so did Millers
friend. He grabbed the snake just behind
its head and quickly stuffed the reptile into
Millers outstretched bag.
Miller didnt know that catching snakes
would prepare him for his 49-year career as
the fencing coach at North Carolina the
longest current tenure of any UNC coach.
Like snake hunting, fencing is a game of
deception. Opponents dance around each
other and tempt the other to strike. Miller
learned if he could trick the opponent or
the snake to attack preemptively, he could
use the vulnerable position to his advantage.
His attacker would become his prey.
Youre daring them to come into your
space, he said.
And when they do, the trap springs.

Becoming a coach
At first, Miller wanted to be an architect.
Fencing was just a hobby he started for a
friends sake. But when Floridas great freeze
in 1962 destroyed his fathers crops overnight,
he had to give up architecture school.
There was no money, he said. I mean, we
lost everything.
That did not deter him. At community college, he designed swimming pools. Although he
enjoyed it, he knew it was not the career for him.

Ron Miller watches the fencing team practice in Fetzer Hall on Jan. 19. Miller is the longest-tenured UNC coach. He has coached at UNC for 49 years.

I realized that sitting behind a drawing board

eight to 12 hours a day (was) not who I was, he
said. The only other thing that I really enjoyed
was some kind of physical activity, athletics.
So he transferred to Florida State and finished graduate school at Eastern Kentucky,
where he started a fencing club that competed
in the state championship.
At a convention in Kentucky, Miller ran into
an old professor of his. In the professors class,
he had written a term paper on kinesiology
and applied anatomy of fencing.
The professor enjoyed the paper and
knew someone else who would Richard

Jamerson, UNCs chairperson of the

Department of Physical Education at the time.
UNC had a club fencing team that
Jamerson believed could become a varsity program. But he needed a coach.
So Millers professor introduced him to
Jamerson, which led to a job offer as a physical
education teacher and fencing coach.
Its amazing when you write a term paper
how much it might affect your life, Miller said.

A little home
Under Millers leadership, the fencing pro-

gram has taken off. The team that was once all
walk-ons is now 85 percent recruits, and both
the men and women are ranked in the top 15
in the country.
But fencing is about more than just a talented team.
The main issue is that everyone cares
about everyone else that everyone supports
everyone else, Miller said. That your teammates are your family.
First-year right-hand foil Sydney Persing
said Miller maintains closeness by alleviating


Trustees support bond issue Greek members quiet on

talking LGBTQ issues

Experts say the

medical school needs
a new building.

Only 10 out of 58 organizations

responded to a DTH survey.

By Acy Jackson

By Liz Bell

Assistant University Editor

If approved, the Connect

NC bond will award the UNC
School of Medicine $68 million for a new building.
The Board of Trustees
unanimously approved a resolution to support the bond at
their Thursday meeting. North
Carolina residents can vote on
the bond on March 15.
Were really hoping that we
can get the support because
it will allow us to continue to
train more doctors for this
state. There is a critical need
for more doctors; they need to
be outstanding doctors. Weve
got the capacity to do it, and
we really need to improve the
facility, Chancellor Carol Folt
Faculty Chairperson Bruce
Cairns, his daughter Ashley
Cairns and Julie Byerley, the
medical schools vice dean for
education, gave a presentation
about the school to explain
why the board should support
the bond.
What Im hoping to do
is give you more content as
you talk to your friends and
neighbors about this bond
issue, she said.
Byerley told the board 97
percent of graduates are satisfied with their education once
they leave the medical school.
Byerley said there is an

Senior Writer

The Board of Trustees discuss policy at a general body meeting
Thursday morning at the Rizzo Conference Center.

expected shortage of physicians by 2020, and they hope

the new building will attract
more top students.
Ashley Cairns, a first-year
medical student, said the
building also needs to adapt
to the schools new style of
medical teaching, which
emphasizes clinical practice.
Bruce Cairns said the current building, Berryhill Hall,
reflects the time in which
it was built, and times have
changed. He said teaching is
no longer isolated, passive and
competitive, but the building
still forces that atmosphere.
Imagine if youre a patient,
and your trainees are sitting
in that kind of environment,
and all theyre focusing on
is, What about me? Cairns

After a presentation from

religious studies professor Bart Ehrman about his

research on the spread of
Christianity, Folt told reporters she hopes to bring more of
a focus on the humanities by
having professors come speak
for the board.
We do tend to focus on
the immediacy. Whats going
on right now in medical care,
how is it changing in business.
And one really great thing is to
go back and talk about some
of the basic, the fundamental
studies, she said.

The trustees also reviewed
the issues heard in committees the day before and then
went into closed session.
Closed session lasted for
approximately two hours and
40 minutes.

FEB. 3rd

Many Greek members hesitate to talk

about their chapters LGBTQ policies.
Some cite not wanting to impact recruitment. Others dont want to stir up controversy.
In a six-month investigation, The Daily Tar
Heel asked all 58 UNC Greek organizations a
series of questions on their attitudes toward
making sure the organization is a welcoming
place for LGBTQ students. The survey was
sent Dec. 21, and the deadline to respond was
Jan. 12. One Interfraternity Council fraternity
was missed in this timeframe and received
the survey Thursday.
Out of 58 organizations, 10 responded to
all four questions by press time. Three who
responded were from the IFC, one was from
the National Pan-Hellenic Council and six
were from the Panhellenic Council. None
of the 14 fraternities in the Greek Alliance
Council responded to the survey.
The four-question survey asked chapters if
they have a formalized policy on anti-discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender
identity, if they would accept LGBTQ students into their organization, if they have any
current LGBTQ members and if they have
methods to foster an inclusive environment
for LGBTQ students in their organization
outside of a formalized policy.
Seven of the 10 organizations that responded had formal policies that specifically mentioned sexual orientation.
Others had broader wording. For example,
Paige Hopkins, member of the Theta Pi chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., an
NPHC sorority, said in an email that her sororitys anti-hazing policy protected all members
against discrimination and harassment,

including those who identified as LGBTQ.

All existing and prospective members
have the right to be treated with dignity and
respect, the organizations policy reads.
Paul Irby, the president of IFC fraternity
Sigma Phi, said his fraternity hasnt yet needed
a formalized policy because of a strong culture
of social conscience and inclusiveness.
Terri Phoenix, the director of UNCs
LGBTQ center, said in an email that making
sure anti-discrimination policies of Greek
organizations include sexual orientation and
gender expression is important.
Five of the 10 organizations that responded
to the survey didnt say if they have current
members who identify as LGBTQ because of
privacy or because they do not ask. Two of the
10 said they have current LGBTQ members.
When asked how they make sure LGBTQ
members feel welcomed, Panhellenic sorority
Kappa Delta mentioned having allies within
the sorority who push for equality in the community. Both Phi Mu and Alpha Phi sororities
said they host regular educational events and
programs on sexuality and inclusivity. Multiple
Greek organizations mentioned open discussion and non-discriminatory recruiting.

Hesitant to talk
Garrett Holloway, president of Alpha Phi
Alpha Fraternity Inc., said he didnt feel his
organization could respond to the survey, and
he doubted that most NPHC organizations
would be willing to respond to the survey or
talk about LGBTQ policies.
He said national organizations set the rules,
and individual chapters or members often dont
want to say something in fear that it wont align
perfectly with their national associations.
They monitor everything we say and do,
Holloway said.
One member of a Panhellenic sorority didnt

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From Page One

The Daily Tar Heel





intra-team competition.
I think that Coach has
made it that kids work hard
and theyre competitive, but
its healthy, she said. And at
the end of the day your opponent is Ohio State or Duke,
not UNC.
Miller takes on the role
as caretaker of his athletes
beyond fencing. When
Persing got sick in her first
week at UNC, she called
Miller, who took her to the
doctor for treatment.
I kind of call him like my
on-campus parent, she said.
Hes there for anything I
Persing said she transitioned seamlessly into college life because of fencing.
She has made some of her
closest friends on the team
and is able to turn to her
coach for guidance beyond
I feel like I have a little
home in a really big place,
Persing said.

want to respond until a later

point after fall recruitment.
When asked how she thought
discussing her experience
would hurt the process, she
did not respond.
Another Panhellenic sorority president didnt want to
talk unless she could review
the entire article before print,
which is against The Daily
Tar Heels policy.
A member of an IFC fraternity didnt want to respond
because he did not know how
his response might affect
his fraternity. He also did
not respond as to what he
thought that might happen.
Though none of the GAC
chapters responded to the survey, The Daily Tar Heel spoke
with coed literary and art
fraternity St. Anthony Halls
current and former president
earlier in the investigation.

Silly and serious

Growing up, Miller and
his daughter Caroline Walton
had the same routine every
He would always say, Are
you alive, awake, alert, joyous
and enthusiastic about life?
Walton said.
He would say that that
exact same order of words
every single day.
Walton said Miller made
everyday moments fun
through the way he made silliness and seriousness coexist.
He coaches his team the
same way.
Even as the athletes ran
sprints at the end of practice
on Jan. 19, they stayed playful.
Fencers encouraged
each other and occasionally
cracked jokes which were
met with spurts of laughter
between the panting.
Miller paced back and
forth, directing the sprints
but also smiling and offering
words of encouragement.
I dont motivate by
speeches or by yelling at
them or, you know, that type
of thing, Miller said before
I think leadership and
motivation is very much by
example. If you are a calm,
self-satisfied person, if you
believe in what you do, if
you treat people equally, if
you show value for work,
those are the things that
motivate people, because
they feel that what they did
is important.

Seeking inclusion
Lucas, who asked not to
use his last name because
members of his hometown
dont know he is gay, joined
Sigma Phi his first year at
UNC. When he came out to
his parents that same year,
they threatened to cut him off
Though he was still a
pledge, the fraternity members started researching
scholarships and alternatives
for Lucas. They discussed
fundraising to support him
for the time being.
It was just this overwhelming support, Lucas said.
He knew not all fraternities
would accept him because of
his sexuality.
He especially pointed to
older fraternities on campus.
Theyre trapped by their
age, and theyre trapped by
these old habits, Lucas said.
I know a lot of fraternities,
especially the more famous
ones at UNC, they are anti-gay.
Like, if you are gay, you are not
allowed in the fraternity and

Friday, January 29, 2016

UNC Basketball
Ticket Giveaway

theyre open about that.

Seth Paterson, vice president of public relations for
the IFC, said there is no
problem of homophobia in
IFC fraternities. To assume
so, Paterson said, is placing
an unfair stereotype on Greek
An LGBTQ-friendly environment, he said, is something that comes naturally
and cant be forced.
We encourage each chapter to have their own persona
or brand depending on the
group of people, he said.
They then attract people who
are like them. Diversity is
encouraged by diversity.
Junior Christian Haig, who
is president of St. Anthony
Hall and identifies as gay, said
his organization facilitates
diversity through its reputation as an artistic, progressive
Given the nature of art,
you have an open environment where freedom of
thought and expression are
openly encouraged, he said.

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Taking steps
Phoenix said the center has
worked with multiple Greek
organizations to facilitate discussions and educate members on LGBTQ issues.
Organization leaders and
members should host inclusive events, celebrate LGBTQ
community events, use
inclusive language and have
current LGBTQ members,
Phoenix said in an email.
Lucas said discussions help
Sigma Phi members brainstorm concrete steps toward
solutions whether its
regarding LGBTQ inclusivity
or other complex issues.
In our fraternity, we talk a
lot about culture, Lucas said.
What culture are we developing? What are we trying to
What values do we want
our culture to consist of?

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Clean your showers



Some students are concerned they might contract

MRSA from dorm shower
curtains. See pg. 4 for story.
2015 The Mepham Group. All rights reserved.

Still going
After coaching for 49 years,
Miller has seen changes not
only in fencing, but in the
athletes he works with.
He said this generation is
much more focused on immediate results. Now, he works
to help his athletes see the
bigger picture.
Keeping up with the
changes is hard, but Miller
doesnt slow down.
A lot of my friends that are
my age or younger have given
up the coaching profession
because they cant deal with
it, he said. But to me, its
if everything stayed the same,
it would be boring.
Miller loves coaching
because he can help people
learn something new and
achieve their goals. He wont
stop doing what he loves just
He lives every day like
hes never worked a day in
his life, Walton said. Like
everything he does is just, you
know, the next fun adventure
that hes going to do
Its just an awesome way
to approach your life.

Complete the grid

so each row, column
and 3-by-3 box (in
bold borders) contains
every digit 1 to 9.

Locally Printed

Solution to
Thursdays puzzle

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T-Shirts, Posters and

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with UNC ID*
Resume & Digital
Printing 919-968-0000

Let it snow, let it snow

Parents were frustrated
when public schools were
closed for three days due to
weather. See pg. 3 for story.

16 to All-Conference
We talked to former
UNC womens soccer player
Alexa Newfield after she was
drafted. See pg. 5 for story.

Living without coffee

Yes, you need to put the
coffee down. In return, we
have some advice. Visit Tar
Heel Life Hacks for more.

Looking to rent? Try this house!

4 Bed, 3.5 Bath
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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

1 If I may interject ...
5 Stops to smell the roses
11 Briquettes fate
14 Passed
15 Potassium hydroxide, e.g.
16 Siete menos seis
17 Threat to the queens
19 Water source
20 Herseys A Bell for __
21 Wind dir.
22 Call forth
24 Help for a sad BFF
26 Subject of the first picture
in Mussorgskys Pictures
at an Exhibition
27 Satans broadcaster?
34 Physical, e.g.
35 On the move
36 Plane compartment
37 Told, as an elaborate tale
38 Repeating rhythmic pattern
used in Cuban music
39 Balderdash
40 39-Down
41 Deli equipment
42 Protected at
43 Really
46 Rushed
47 Mauna __
48 Expert
49 __ Kapital
52 Make whole
56 First woman to
land a triple
axel in

57 1958 Orson Welles film
noir ... and a hint to 17-,
27- and 43-Across
60 Revival prefix
61 Overshoot
62 Bears cry
63 Philosophy
64 Trinket
65 Town near Padua
1 Indian district with three
World Heritage Sites
2 Rain protection
3 Irish musician with four
4 Transitional period
5 Hand analog
6 Pub array
7 Oahu entertainers
8 Keep
9 Manning taking a hike
10 26-Across feature
11 Lot occupant

12 Part of Oregons border

13 Last thing in Pandoras box
18 Relax
23 Cross my heart, e.g.
25 Round ornament
26 Vague
27 John of Scotch fame
28 Clears
29 Ed Norton catchphrase on
The Honeymooners
30 Firm
31 Climate control systs.
32 Jewel thief portrayer in
The Pink Panther
33 Theyre often bent
39 About 125 million people
41 Not objective
44 Halogen suffix

(C)2012 Tribune Media

Services, Inc.
All rights reserved.

45 High hair style

48 Revealing apparel
49 Household glue brand
50 Served very well
51 __ butter
53 Variations on America
54 List
55 How she looks in Paris?
58 Good Grips kitchenware
59 They say there is divinity
in __ numbers: Falstaff


Friday, January 29, 2016

The best of online

The Daily Tar Heel
Established 1893


122 years of editorial freedom








New app brings campus faves to lazy collegiates


By Kameron Southerland


Weve all been there. Eleven

oclock hits and your stomach
starts singing to you. But, like
not inspirational American
Idol: The Farewell Season
singing. More like Mariah
Carey Live at Rockefeller
Center 2014 singing.
Your mind starts to race:
where can I get some sustenance at this hour???
Late night? No, its basically almost over and you
dont wanna annoy the dining hall workers, especially
not after the ranch dressing/
chicken noodle soup fiasco of

Staff Writer




















Contact Managing Editor
Mary Tyler March at
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Chapel Hill, NC 27514
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One copy per person;
additional copies may be purchased
at The Daily Tar Heel for $0.25 each.
Please report suspicious activity at
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2015 DTH Media Corp.
All rights reserved

The Daily Tar Heel

fall semester.
Franklin Street? Ugh, who
wants to walk 500 miles/risk
their life on a P2P for cheesy
Enter EnvoyNow.
The self-proclaimed official sponsor of the college
munchies, EnvoyNow was
started in 2014 by four first
years at the University of
Southern California (USC).
The gates to the university
closed at 9 p.m., basically killing anyones dream of getting
a late night snack delivered.


Go to

The Daily Tar Heel asked

respondents whether Greek life
hurts the first-year experience.
Results as of publication.
Nah, you do you.
54 percent
46 percent
To weigh in, head to


Staff writer Kylie Marshall

explains how to survive
cuffing season when youre
single at UNC.
If this advice sounds
pertinent to your life, head to
our Tar Heel Life Hacks blog.


Lindsay Starck Launches

Debut Novel: Lindsay Starck,
editor-in-chief of Carolina Quarterly, will launch her first novel,
Noahs Wife, at Flyleaf Books.
This event is free and open to
the public.
Time: 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Location: Flyleaf Books


UNC Mens Basketball vs.

Boston College: The Tar Heels
will take on Boston College at
home in the Smith Center. Tipoff
is at 4 p.m.
Time: 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Location: Smith Center
Art a la Carte: Color Screenprints: The Ackland Art
Museum hosts hands-on,
beginning art classes designed
specifically for UNC students.
Materials are provided, and
classes are $10.
Time: 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Location: Ackland Art Museum


Support Group for Male Survivors: The Orange County Rape

Crisis Center will hold an eightsession weekly meet for male survivors of sexual assault and abuse.
Advance meetings with staff and
group facilitators are required
before participating. Call 919-9684647 for more information.
Time: 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: 1506 E. Franklin St.,
Suite 302
To make a calendar submission,
Please include the date of the
event in the subject line, and
attach a photo if you wish. Events
will be published in the newspaper
on either the day or the day before
they take place.

The Daily Tar Heel reports any inaccurate information published as soon as the error is discovered.
Editorial corrections will be printed on this page. Errors committed on the Opinion Page have corrections
printed on that page. Corrections also are noted in the online versions of our stories.
Contact Managing Editor Mary Tyler March at with issues about this policy.


Follow: @dailytarheel on Twitter

Staff writer Karli

Krasnipol explains why
theres one less candidate
for student body president.
Declared student body
presidential candidate
Murphy Liu has dropped
out of the race to pursue the
prospects of young love.
Liu said hes interested
in a student at Duke
University, who is an
exchange student from
We matched on Tinder
last semester I think it
was in September, Liu said.
To continue being
inspired by modern
romance, head to

Carrboro police have seen
an increase in the number of
breaking and entering of residential buildings, according
to a release.
The department is requesting help from residents to
report suspicious activities
and people in their neighborhoods by calling 911.
staff reports

UNC has once again
received a record number of
applications: 35,748 applications were submitted as of
Jan. 25.
This is a 12 percent
increase from the year before.
There was a 19 percent
increase in global applications, a 10 percent increase
in in-state applications and
a 15 percent increase in firstgeneration college students.
staff reports


Triangle Disability Awareness Council Celebration: The
Triangle Disability Awareness
Council will celebrate its 36th
birthday and the new year.
There will be refreshments
and a showing of the movie
Changing Faces of Disability.
Time: Noon to 6 p.m.
Location: Chapel Hill Public



Follow: dailytarheel on Instagram

Someone damaged
property at a parking lot
at 106 Billie Holiday Court
between 3:13 a.m. and 3:18
a.m. Thursday, according to
Chapel Hill police reports.
The person slashed a vehicles tires and caused $65 in
damage, reports state.
Someone reported a loud
disturbance on the 100 block
of N.C. Highway 54 at 1:49
a.m. Thursday, according to
Carrboro police reports.
Someone issued a trespass warning at the Carrboro
Family Clinic at 104 N.C.
Highway 54 at 3:43 p.m.
Wednesday, according to
Carrboro police reports.
Someone attempted
larceny and vandalized
property on the 500 block
of Umstead Drive at 10:44
p.m. Wednesday, according to
Chapel Hill police reports.
The person attempted to


10:00 AM 3:00 PM

FOR 2016

take a catalytic converter,

causing $250 of damage,
reports state.
Someone reported larceny from a vehicle at Craige
Parking Deck at 9:57 a.m.
Thursday, according to UNC
Department of Public Safety
Someone reported a stalking at the Health Sciences
Library at 10:58 a.m. Thursday,
according to UNC Department
of Public Safety reports.
Someone reported a verbal disagreement at Dogwood
Parking Deck at 12:44 p.m.
Thursday, according to UNC
Department of Public Safety
Someone reported
trespassing at the Health
Sciences Library 3:01 p.m.
Wednesday, according to
UNC Department of Public
Safety reports.


Friday, January 29, 2016

The Daily Tar Heel

Congress denial cant stop Buzz Rides MRSA might be

in dorm shower

The students who run

the company say its
having a good year.

By Cailyn Derickson
Staff Writer

By Kelly Jasiura
Senior Writer

Buzz Rides still doesnt

have funding from student
government, but that isnt
stopping them from staying
on track to give 20,000 rides
this school year.
Were very happy where
demand is right now, said
Chris Jones, CFO of the
Buzz Rides was denied student government funding in
2014 after Student Congress
passed a bill banning the Safety
and Security Committee from
designating student fee money
to for-profit companies.
Student Congress denied
the funding because it confers money from student fees
only to student organizations.
Though its run by students,
Buzz Rides is not a recognized student organization.
The purpose of that fee is
to support student organizations, not for-profits, David
Joyner, speaker of Student
Congress, said.
Joyner said if a representative wanted to introduce legislation to change that law, the
legislation would go through
the same process as any other
bill but right now, Student
Congress is more focused on
representing all students than
revising financial rules.
We are pretty confident in

(From left) Parker Draughon and Joey Skavroneck are business partners and operators of Buzz Rides.

our current financial regulations, he said.

Joey Skavroneck, co-founder and CEO of Buzz Rides,
said since the 2014 denial,
they have not submitted
another funding request.
Theyve made it very clear
on their platform that they
dont want to work with UNC
entrepreneurs, he said. They
like to play a lot of political games, stuff youd see on
House of Cards, and you know,
were too busy making sure students get home safe and making sure we make a real impact
here and leave a legacy here.
Jones said after Buzz Rides
was denied funding from
Student Congress, they had to
be more entrepreneurial, so

Theyve made it very clear that they

dont want to work with UNC entrepreneurs.
Joey Skavroneck
Co-founder and CEO of Buzz Rides

they started to investigate into

how the University handles
late night safety on campus.
They used the UNC
Research Hub to do a safety
study, based on transportation
and safety data obtained from
the Department of Public
Safety and Alert Carolina.
They say they found that Buzz
Rides can transport students
home 100 times cheaper than
these other services, at a cost
of only 49 cents per ride.
Their report also said only
51.43 percent of reported
assaults and robberies
occurred within the zone
that SafeWalk and the P2Ps
Library Shuttle cover, and
only 8.82 percent of these
events occurred within the
times these services operate.

Its really stunning, you

know, what UNC has paid
for, you know, to get students
home safely, said Jones.
Buzz Rides said it doesnt
see Uber as a competitor,
because Uber costs money,
while Buzz Rides is free.
Skavroneck said instead,
they see media advertisers as
their competition, because
Buzz Rides is able to make
a profit by wrapping their
vehicles in advertisements.
He also said much of Buzz
Rides publicity is organic
and their service is promoted
through word of mouth.
We dont need to spend
money on a big marketing
push, Skavronek said.

Students living on campus

are wondering if a potential
outbreak of the MRSA infection originated from a shower
curtain in their communal
MRSA, a strain of staphylococcus bacteria that is resistant to the antibiotic methicillin, is sometimes known as
a superbug because it has
a super ability to be almost
everywhere, epidemiology
professor Steve Wing said.
MRSA can even appear in
dorm showers something
sophomore Emma Holcomb
learned at Campus Health
When I talked to my doctor at Campus Health about it,
she asked me if I volunteered
at the hospital and if I showered at the gym, and I said no,
Holcomb said. But then she
asked me if I use communal
bathrooms, and I told her I
live in a dorm, and she said
that could be where I acquired
it. And frankly, my dorm bathroom is pretty disgusting, so I
was not shocked.
Holcomb said theyre not
certain the bacterial strain
came from the bathroom.
I cant say for sure that I got
it from the dorms, they said.
Sophomore Allory Bors,
who lives near Holcomb in
McIver Residence Hall, heard
about the suspected MRSA
in their dorm bathroom and
decided to visit their doctor.
My doctor doubts it
came from the bathroom,
but I would appreciate it if
the shower curtain with the
suspected MRSA or mold or
whatever was investigated or
removed, Bors said.

I know that everyone carries MRSA on their skin, so

Im not 100 percent sure (its
from the shower), so Im not
really that worried.
Dr. Mary Covington, executive director of Campus Health
Services, said its impossible to
tell exactly where a patient has
acquired MRSA, as its such a
common skin organism.
Twenty-five to 33 percent
of us have staph on our body
at any particular time, so I
think its almost impossible to
tell where someone acquired
it unless there is an outbreak,
she said. Its not just common among college students.
It is common in communal
environments where a lot of
people are in a high-density
area. So, for example, in
gyms, prisons, in camps and
in residence halls, or houses
where theres a lot of individuals living in it, like a sorority
house or fraternity house.
Covington said if a student
suspects they have acquired a
MRSA infection, they should
look out for painful red
bumps that become inflamed.
Im going to make an analogy we all get pimples. It
gets swollen and tender and
red, and eventually it will get
that pustule, she said.
Rick Bradley, associate director of housing and residential
education, said he has received
no reports of MRSA in bathrooms of any residence halls.
Holcomb, a public health
student, said infections
like MRSA require medical
If you have any staph
infection, MRSA especially,
you should cover it and go to
the doctor, Holcomb said.

54 NC legislators remain unchallenged in primaries

By Sam Killenberg
Staff Writer

Millions of North
Carolina voters will be left
without a choice this March
in the primaries.
Forty-one state House
districts and 13 state Senate
districts will have only one
legislator on the ballot.
These uncontested elections are a direct result of
gerrymandering, according
to Common Cause North
Carolina, a grass-roots organization that advocates for
government accountability.
Bob Phillips, the organizations executive director, said
the majority party draws districts to maintain an advantage in the legislature.

The party in power wins

so decisively that the opposing party is marginalized to
irrelevancy, Phillips said. And
yet that is not reflecting where
North Carolina truly is a
very evenly politically divided
state that is very competitive.
Phillips said after primaries an additional 18 candidates will have no further
competition, meaning 72 of
170 seats in the N.C. General
Assembly will be uncontested
in the general election.
Thats not healthy for
democracy, he said. It basically disenfranchises the
people who live in all those
districts in that they dont
have a vote that matters in
these legislative races.
Rep. Grier Martin, D-Wake,

steak &
cheese in


and Rep. Chuck McGrady,

R-Henderson, are two cosponsors of a bill in the N.C.
House of Representatives to
establish a nonpartisan redistricting commission.
Candidates who run unopposed in partisan districts
are less likely to be effective
legislators as they do not have
to build a bipartisan coalition
of voters, Martin said.
When weve got a system
set up to elect folks who dont
need to build consensus, we
shouldnt be surprised when
they show up to do their work
in Washington or Raleigh and
dont compromise and dont
come to agreements to make
government work, he said.
Efforts to protect incumbents have led to greater partisan gridlock, McGrady said.
I think its resulted
in a more conservative
Republican Party and more
liberal Democratic Party and
has really done away with the
middle in the political spec-

trum, he said.
If signed into law, the bill
would take effect before the
next redistricting in 2021.
McGrady said the
Republican majority would
need to feel threatened by a
Democratic takeover before
they decide to support nonpartisan redistricting.
I frankly dont expect that
the bill will see the light of
day right now, McGrady said.
I think the real possibility of
passing legislation is going to
come just before redistricting
occurs, and at a point in time
perhaps when Republicans
arent sure whether theyll be
in a majority again.
But Martin is hopeful the
legislature will take action during its current short session.
In the end, its a cliche,
but we want voters to choose
their legislators not the
legislators to choose their voters, he said.


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The Daily Tar Heel

Friday, January 29, 2015

Goldstock embraces leadership vision

By Chandler Carpenter
Staff Writer

As a sophomore in 2015,
Luke Goldstock blended into
the third-best scoring offense
in mens lacrosse, even as he
set a North Carolina singleseason record with 50 goals.
Those 50 goals combined
with 17 assists put Goldstock
in third in total points for
the Tar Heels. No. 1 and No.
2, Jimmy Bitter and Joey
Sankey, led the team in points
with 78 and 72, respectively.
Bitter was drafted in the third
round of the Major League
Lacrosse draft by the Ohio
Machine, and the Charlotte
Hounds picked Sankey with
the first pick of the second
And with their departure,
all eyes now turn to Goldstock
to carry the load both as an
offensive threat and as a seasoned leader.
Steve Pontrello, a senior
attackman, will now shoulder
more of the offensive burden

alongside Goldstock. He says

this years team will be a little
different offensively.
Last year, we had Jimmy
and Joey, Pontrello said. We
were really fortunate to have
those guys who were good at
scoring and assisting, but I
think well have a more balanced offense this year.
That balanced offense will
have an improved player in
Goldstock. Everyone knows
he can shoot, but as an upperclassman, he knows more is
expected of him as a leader.
Just his IQ overall has
improved from year to year,
Pontrello said. From his
freshman year til now, he
knows little stuff to do that
hes teaching the other guys.
I think its great to have a
leader like that.
Coach Joe Breschi couldnt
agree more, especially when
he talks about Goldstocks
improvement as a player.
This growth has been
even more noticeable this
week, especially in Thursday
nights scrimmage against
Limestone. Goldstock had
two assists to go with his
three back-to-back-to-back
goals as the Tar Heels won the
scrimmage 18-12.

Hes not just a

shooter, which he
can do, but he gets
everybody involved.
Joe Breschi
North Carolina mens lacrosse coach

Hes really come out in

these scrimmages this week
and has distributed the ball
very well, Breschi said. Hes
not just a shooter, which he
can do, but he gets everybody
involved. Hes the veteran
back there.
Breschi noted improvements in Goldstocks vision,
being able to draw double
teams and dish the ball off
to an open teammate. But
Breschi knows Goldstock can
make his game even better.
I think his dodging ability has gotten better as well,
Breschi said. But I think
as he continues to take that
to the next level, I think
itll make him a top, AllAmerican type of player.
Goldstock says hes worked
on improving his vision and
play-making ability. The 2015
team, according to Goldstock,
had players who could win

Limestone first-year Colton Watkinson (left) and UNC sophomore William McBride scrimmage Thursday.

one-on-one matchups and

score seemingly at will.
But with this seasons team
focusing on scoring through
the scheme, Goldstock says

hes not concerned with his

I think were more worried
about the whole offense scoring, Goldstock said. If I have

zero goals, but our offense

scores 15, Im fine with that as
long as were winning.

Q&A with FC Kansas UNC prepares to face 3

Citys Alexa Newfield rivals in under 24 hours
On Jan. 15, FC Kansas
City of the National Womens
Soccer League selected former North Carolina forward
Alexa Newfield with the No.
28 pick in the 2016 NWSL
Draft. Before she came to UNC
in 2013, Newfield played at
Georgia, where she set numerous school records.
Over the next three years,
the forward had four major
knee surgeries, the last of
which caused her to miss the
entire 2014 season. But in the
sixth and final year of her college career, the redshirt senior
led the Tar Heels in both goals
(11) and points (25).
Assistant Sports Editor
Jeremy Vernon spoke with
Newfield about her college
career, her draft day experience and her expectations for
the pros.
The Daily Tar Heel: What was
going through your mind
when you heard that you were
drafted by FC Kansas City?
Alexa Newfield: I was very
relieved and very excited.
Kansas Citys a great club to
go to. Theyve won the past
two years back-to-back, so its
obviously a good team. And
they drafted well earlier in
the draft so I was very excited
to be there with a teammate
and go in there with someone
like Katie (Bowen) who I had
three years with.
DTH: Given all the injuries in
your college career, how much

Newfield is
a former UNC
womens soccer player who
was picked No.
28 in the 2016
NWSL Draft.
more did it mean to you to get
AN: It was very relieving, kind
of making it all worth it, I
guess. The work and the suffering and all the ups and
downs kind of, finally, paid off
and took me to the next step,
which was always the goal.
DTH: You mentioned that
Katie Bowen was drafted by
FC Kansas City as well. Have
you been able to talk to her
since draft day?
AN: Right after it happened
we FaceTimed each other
because shes in New Zealand
right now training with their
camp. And I think it was like
7 a.m. there or something, but
we were like, Hey teammate!
Looks like were keeping it
going for a few more years.
Its very exciting.
DTH: As you mentioned, FC
Kansas City has had some
success over the past few
years. They have four players
who were on the 2015 World
Cup Champion U.S. National
Team. How does having those
high-level players already on
the team benefit you?

AN: It will be a challenge, but

theyll make us better. You
know, you cant not learn
from four players who have
won the World Cup and who
have won the pro league the
past two years. So I think it
will be a cool experience to
get better learning from them
and practicing with them
and just Im used to how
Carolina does soccer things
but now it will be a whole
new type of game playing and
its just exciting to see what
else there is to offer.

By Kiley Burns
Staff Writer

Its rivalry weekend

Because of the weather this
past weekend, dual meets
between Virginia and N.C.
State on Friday and UVa. and
North Carolina on Saturday
were postponed.
The teams are now slated
to face off in a tri-meet at
4 p.m. Friday in Koury
Natatorium, where UNC will
honor its 20 seniors. The Tar
Heels then turn around and
travel to Duke for an 11 a.m.
DTH: Youre coming in older
matchup on Saturday.
than the other draft picks and
In what could be one of the
some of the players that have
top events in NCAA swimalready been on the team. Do
ming this season, the No. 8
CCJS Course Ad for DTH v1_Layout 1 8/14/13 11:54 AM Page 1
you look at that as an advanUVa. women (6-0, 2-0 ACC)
tage or as a disadvantage?
and the No. 15 N.C. State
women (8-1, 1-0 ACC) will
AN: I think in the end we all
take on No. 16 North Carolina
put our shorts on the same
(6-1, 1-0 ACC).
way, weve all been playOn the mens side, No.19
ing the game for 20 years
UNC (5-2, 1-0 ACC) will face
whether its college or pro or
No. 21 UVa. (3-3, 1-1 ACC)
anything ... I think maybe
and No. 8 N.C. State (1-3, 1-0
going in as a rookie at 24 is
a little advantage just from
Were really eager and
more maturity and maybe a
excited to mix it up with
few less nerves just because
some great competition, said
Ive been around the block
Coach Rich DeSelm.
more, but obviously theres
These teams are highly
other people my age who have ranked. N.C. States men and
been in the league for two
women are stellar. Virginias
years now and theyre used to
women could be a team that
that game. In the end its just
soccer. You just play how you
know how to play and I think
the age kind of gets swirled in
and lost.

could vie for the national

championship, and their men
are much improved over the
last year.
In a senior night unlike any
other, the Tar Heels Class of
2016 has the opportunity to
cement its legacy. Competing
against three conference
rivals in a 24-hour span is
no easy feat, especially when
coupled with the emotional
toll of the seniors final meet
in Chapel Hill.
We are definitely in the
midst of getting ready for
ACCs, but were not quite
resting yet, senior Annie
Harrison said. Were racing
tired, which means we have
to race tough. Thats probably the biggest challenge to
overcome, but its something
that were definitely ready to
Luckily, the Tar Heels have
been preparing outside of the
pool all season for a situation
like this.
In anticipation of the
slew of intra-conference
competitions and the upcoming championship season,
DeSelm utilized UNC sports
psychologists Dr. Bradley
Hack and Dr. Jeni Shannon.
You know, swimming
is so mental, senior Mitch
DeForest said. Theres a lot
of things going through your


Time: 4 p.m., Friday

Location: Koury

head, so its been helpful just

to have (Hack and Shannon)
give us some tips and tricks
on what to do when negative
thoughts creep in or when the
pain comes along.
Being present is a big part
of that. Focusing on what
youre doing now, not the
future and not the past.
The Tar Heels will rely
on that mental toughness
and leadership from their
senior cast when they have
to report to the pool at 7 a.m.
on Saturday morning before
squaring off against the Blue
Devil men (6-3, 2-1 ACC) and
women (7-2, 3-0 ACC).
But DeSelm believes his
teams are up for the challenge.
It will be draining and tiring. Its Dukes senior day on
Saturday, and I think thatll
be exciting for Duke, DeSelm
said. But well rise to the
occasion. Its probably the
best Duke team weve faced in
10 years.

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with Professor Yaakov Ariel. Visit for more information.




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Arts & Entertainment

Friday, January 29, 2016

The Daily Tar Heel

SNL head writer, UNC graduate gives talk at Carroll

The Freedom Forum
hosted a talk and Q&A
with Bryan Tucker.
By Ziyad Habash
Staff Writer

Live from Carroll Hall

its Bryan Tucker.
On Thursday night, UNC
Student Television hosted the
comedian, actor and screenwriter for a talk and question-and-answer session in
Freedom Forum. Tucker is the
co-head writer of Saturday
Night Live and a graduate of
UNCs class of 1993.
Addressing a packed room,
Tucker shared clips from his
time as a student at UNC. As
an undergraduate, he worked
for STV, helped produce a
sketch comedy show called
Off the Cuff and formed a
comedy troupe with friends
called Selected Hilarity.
In the beginning of his first
highlight reel, Tucker introduced himself to his audience.

Hi, Im Bryan Tucker, and

today we have a segment that
will be hilarious.
Tuckers early work was
not as polished as SNL, but it
showed a young comedian having a great time with friends
against the backdrop of UNCs
campus. Grainy videos showed
a college-age Tucker cracking
eggs over his head, pulling
pranks in the quad and impersonating an arrogant athlete.
Tucker said one of his earliest attempts at producing a
show took place in the basement of Morrison Residence
Lana Jordan, who attended
the talk, said she immediately
wanted to go to the event.
I saw that he was coming,
and I wanted to see him since
he was an alumni of UNC.
After graduating from
UNC, success was delayed
for Tucker. The members of
Selected Hilarity stayed
together and performed 400
shows at small bars and clubs
before going their separate
ways. His first exposure to a

Hi, Im Bryan Tucker, and today we have a

segment that will be hilarious.
Bryan Tucker
SNL co-head writer

national audience came when

Tucker joined a team of comedians who mailed in jokes to
The David Letterman Show.
If the joke ran, then Tucker
received $125.
His reputation as a comedy
writer grew as he branched out
and worked on Tough Crowd
with Colin Quinn, The Chris
Rock Show and Chappelles
Show before landing a position at SNL in 2005.
SNL helped Tucker get
comfortable writing jokes for
people with different comedic
styles and collaborate with a
team of writers.
Sasha Perea said she drawn
to the event by the work
Tucker had done on the iconic
sketch-comedy show.
I am a big fan of SNL, and
I am a producer for Student
Television, Perea said.

Tucker has rubbed shoulders with household names

like Seth Meyers, Tina Fey
and Kenan Thompson. STV
didnt miss the opportunity
to bring back one of its most
successful graduates.
I reached out since Bryan
he was a graduate, Gabrielle
Garland said. I am station
manager here, and he agreed
to come back and give a talk
for STV.
In between clips from the
shows he has worked on,
Tucker talked about his career
and offered advice to UNC
students trying to find success
in television.
I didnt start getting good
at writing until I was doing it
all day. Give yourself time to
be bad.

Comedian, actor and screenwriter Bryan Tucker speaks at a Q&A
forum hosted by UNC Student Television on Thursday evening.

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6BR/3BA HOUSE. 206 Prichard Avenue. Walk
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Do it by Pit

If January 29th is Your Birthday...

Your touch seems golden this year. Strengthen

foundations, especially for shared accounts. Spring
profits surge, opening doors for a two-year study
and travel phase (after Jupiter enters Libra, 9/9).
A breakthrough in family finances over autumn
impacts your cash flow. Secure what you have.
Share love and gratitude.
To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Today is a 9 Professional advice comes
in handy. Dont take on more work before
handling what you have. Keep your head
low, and get quietly productive. Provide well
for family. Follow the rules exactly. Forgive

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Today is an 8 Theres extra cash available
over the next two days. Make preparations
carefully. Financial miscommunications could
get costly ... take it slow. Dont let it destroy
your domestic tranquility. Its a choice to be

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Today is an 8 Watch for hidden surprises
at work. Practice your speech ahead of
time or at least outline what you want to
say. Dont gamble needlessly. Partner with
someone experienced. Allow extra time
for delays.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Today is a 5 Relax in peace and quiet over
the next few days. Keep a low profile, in
frugal simplicity. Consider the road traveled,
and make future plans. Take time to notice
the sunset. Give thanks for small kindnesses
and gifts.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Today is an 8 You can have fun without
spending much. Postpone chores. Gather
together with friends and family. Play and
explore. Add music. Share a movie and
some food. Relax and love creeps in.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Today is a 7 Complications arise from an
unforeseen direction. Friends are there for
you. Let them know what you need. Your
connections have the resources that would
make a difference. Allow others to contribute
to you. Reciprocate later.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Today is a 7 Its busy at home. Help others
to see the bigger picture. Misunderstandings
are possible. Take the time to sort them out.
Apply elbow grease to a home improvement. Create a safe path forward.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Today is a 7 Talk is cheap. Dont believe
everything you hear. Miscommunications are likely ... keep your patience and
speak clearly. Avoid stepping on anyone.
Keep it simple. Illuminate the backstory.
Do the homework, and summarize your

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Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Today is a 7 Do the numbers to find ways to
save. Financial miscommunications could get
costly... take it slow and clearly. Ignore hearsay, gossip and rumors. Play the game exactly
by the book. Maintain domestic tranquility.

Religious Directory
Creekside Elementary

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Today is a 9 Your studies are proving
fruitful. Take a trip for a deeper look. Enjoy
museums, libraries and archives. Bring along
a good conversationalist. Play up the love
factor, and share an exploration. Write up
your conclusions.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Today is a 7 Abandon a preconception.
Assumptions can prove false. Postpone a
financial discussion and pay bills before
purchasing equipment. The numbers may
not be as they seem. Dont advertise your
winnings. Go for transparency and integrity.

UNC Community

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Today is an 8 Professional issues have your
focus. Prepare for a test or a challenge. Enjoy
a business trip, conference or group event.
Choose your words carefully. Avoid ambiguity
or double-speak. Aim for clarity.

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Friday, January 29, 2016

Established 1893, 122 years of editorial freedom







I have watched in disgust as my beloved Tar

Heels go on a game changing run as the fat
alumni sit on their tails barely noticing

Southern Urbanist

jjones123, on moving student tickets closer to the court

Sophomore environmental studies

major from Daytona Beach, Fla.


Stuck in
the snow
and with
our cars

A public response
from the The BOG 4


We want (tourists) to come back, we want

them to have that great experience, we want
our citizens to come back downtown.


Brian Vaughn

Editors Note
Tyler Fleming writes about an
issue close to home.


Pam Hemminger, on changing the parking process in Chapel Hill


idewalks, the North

Carolina Department
of Transportation and
Winter Storm Jonas walk into
a bar. This is the beginning of
a bad joke that I wont finish,
but the relation between the
three is unmistakable.
Citizens across North
Carolina were made immobile on Friday as many roads
remained impassable. The fact
that we could go nowhere is a
wake-up call to many North
Carolinians of their autodependence, the conundrum
we seem to recognize only
while sitting in hours of traffic
or when Mother Nature dumps
half an inch of snow on us.
When the snow started falling early Friday morning, the
University and many other
institutions closed. Town,
University and state employees
and contractors were hard at
work plowing and shoveling
snow all weekend. Despite
their labor, North Carolinas
roads proved deadly multiple times that day, claiming
accident victims in Hickory,
Johnston and Iredell counties.
The people clearing those
roads and those who direct
them have the best intentions.
But the decisions made by the
tobacco magnates, politicians
and engineers who built much
of our infrastructure did not
have much foresight in the way
of planning for safe, walkable
and resilient cities.
When the first highways
came to our state, they were
envisioned as an economic
development tool. Instead,
they stimulated endless sprawl
that turned tiny towns like
Cary, Apex and imminently
Pittsboro into cookie cutter
As an asset today, they drain
our transportation budget,
contribute to millions of hours
of labor squandered and
foment the emission of climate
change inducing pollutants.
An analysis of the states
transportation funding by
the Tri-State Transportation
Campaign found that a huge
majority of transportation
funds are funneled to new road
construction and maintenance,
while negligible amounts are
doled to bicycle, pedestrian
and transit infrastructures.
Many of these investments
are antithetical to the type
of infrastructure the 21st
century American wants. A
2015 National Association
of Realtors poll found that
millennials, Americans born
between the early 1980s and
the early 2000s, are more likely than previous generations
to desire and seek out dense,
walkable, transit-oriented
communities to live in.
The easy answer is to build
more sidewalks and bike lanes.
The more difficult one is to
create an economic system
in which all new residential
growth happens in places served
by these transportation modes.
Only then can North Carolina
and other largely suburban
states tear themselves away
from building almost exclusively
for the automobile.
Im not calling for Chapel
Hill or any other city in
North Carolina to become
Manhattan, and I sure hope
the Triangle wont become the
next San Francisco. But I do
hope legislators become privy
to the ideas of urbanism, rather than nixing our light rail
projects on a political whim.

The Daily Tar Heel


Let us weigh in
Potential RFPs need
to be open for the
UNC community.

s the administration has considered privatizing

UNC Student Stores over
the past few months, parts
of the campus community
have communicated one
message loudly: Save our
But now, as we near the
end of the bidding period,
we are hearing a different
request: Make information public.
In the debate over
Student Stores privatization, we, as UNC community members, find ourselves
in an unusual position. As
both important stakeholders in Student Stores and
its primary customers, we
are heavily affected by the
decision to privatize or not
to privatize.
Our community has
worked hard to magnify the voices of Student
Stores workers and supporters who are deeply
concerned by the potential privatization. And
these voices should not be
lost in the shuffle of committee decision-making;
we hope and expect that
the reasoned arguments
coming from the campaign to save student
stores will be heeded
in the administrations
examination of the pro-

But as this process of
bids continues, we believe
the members of this community should also be able
to engage with this process ourselves that we
should be able to examine
the businesses proposals
ourselves and make up our
own minds. We propose
that the community should
have free and open access
to the same information
as administrators on this
We hold this to be
especially true considering that all sides of
this debate have the
same stated goals: store
efficiency, a continued
responsiveness to local
interests, good wages and
conditions for workers,
product affordability and
high scholarship revenue.
If the UNC community
could critically examine
the business plans put
forward by all parties, we
could reason through our
own conclusions about
the best decision for our
own store.
Even more, if we were
armed with all of the
information provided
by these companies, we
could more clearly and
persuasively articulate
our positions to the
Board of Trustees and the
administrators who will
ultimately make the decision concerning Student

If the campus community and the administration

are both evaluating these
proposals with the same
goals in mind, we propose
that we can engage more
effectively with the deciding committee and have a
larger part in the conversation around this issue. This
would give the Board of
Trustees an opportunity to
hear the campus reaction
to the proposals and weigh
the arguments from all
sides. Though that still will
not gain us a formal vote
in this process, we will be
able to reason through the
facts and present our arguments to the board with all
facts in hand.
For these reasons, we
ask that the proposals be
made public, that the committee meeting be open to
the University community
and that the committee
promote transparency
throughout this process.
At the Board of
Trustees University Affairs
Committee on Wednesday,
referring to the potential
of privatization, Matt
Fajack, vice chancellor for
finance and administration, said, We would not
be responsible managers
if we didnt explore this
In response to that,
we say that we would not
be a responsible campus
community if we didnt
explore the facts in this
bidding process.


Bound to STEM
State follows job
centered approach
in bond focus.

n March 15, we
voting Northern
Carolinians will
decide on a $2 billion
investment in important
infrastructure across
the state, almost half of
which will be directed
toward the UNC school
system. Coming at a time
of low interest rates, in
theory it will not raise
taxes and will bring us
better parks, better universities and a better
It is, overall, a good
And yet, the facilities
upgraded by the bond are
almost exclusively STEM
or business. Among
the projects, our campus
will get a new medical
education building ($68
HBCUs receive attention N.C. A&T will
receive a new engineering building ($90
million), and UNCPembroke will begin

making a new business

school ($23 million).
The renewed investments are beneficial
to our UNC system.
However, as usual, the
state is investing far more
in STEM and business
than in other areas.
Elizabeth City State
University stands to
receive $13 million to
upgrade its only library
and Historic Moore
Hall named for the
university founder P.W.
Moore UNC-School of
the Arts would get $10.9
million to upgrade its
library and the principal
performance space, and
UNC-Asheville has $21.1
million earmarked for
a remake to Owen Hall,
home to management and
art programs.
Let us literary types
produce some STEM
research. The numbers
are striking. Including the
Owen Hall project, of the
$980 million investment
into the UNC system,
about 5 percent go to
non-STEM, non-business
Forty-five of $980 mil-

The state continues to
focus on STEM and business education ahead of
the needs of the broader
liberal arts university.
A part of this is structural: forgiving Wilson
Librarys alleged silverfish scare, University
buildings built in the
18th, 19th and 20th centuries for humanities and
social science courses
remain relevant in ways
that an 1850s-era chemistry lab does not.
However, we should
temper the states dutiful
investment in expanding
fields with criticism of the
belief that getting a job
is the primary function of
a degree.
What are we teaching these courses for if
theyre not going to help
get a job? asked Gov. Pat
They make us good
citizens, great employees and excellent voters, should Hurston
Halls purported thirdfloor possum posse not
obstruct our geography

On Jan. 26, 2016, the
UNC Systems Board of
Governors held their meeting at The Center for School
Leadership Development
building on the campus of
The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. This
public meeting is held every
six weeks and rotates among
the 16 colleges and universities of the UNC System.
In the past few years the
Board of Governors have
faced intense scrutiny in
several ways, but in three
concentrated areas.
1.) The untransparent
decision to make Margaret
Spellings the next president of the UNC system.
Spellings is a product of
the right wing and has
served several positions
under President George W.
Bush including Secretary
of Education. She was also
one of the principle proponents of the 2001 No Child
Left Behind Act.
2.) The cutting of
programs, mainly from
humanities/liberal arts
departments all while large
raises are being given to
those higher in the towers
such as chancellors.
3.) The overall lack of
care and support of the
Historically Black Colleges
and Universities in the
UNC system.
We were pretty much
respectful as we sat there
periodically commenting to
one another on the bullshit.
Then, someone on the
board dropped the statistic
that education majors are
down a staggering 30 percent. This sucked the air out
of the room. We all understood that this is a direct
correlation of the state of
teaching in North Carolina.
North Carolina, deemed the
worst place to teach in 2015,
has some of the poorest paid
teachers of public education
in the nation. This statistic
was ruthlessly followed with
a unanimous vote from
the Board of Governors to
cut programs from the liberal arts department at East
Carolina University. When
one of the board members
asked if anyone disagreed,
we all yelled NAY! and so
it began.
After standing and
proudly voting to cut the
futures of many ECU
students, the members
were asked to take their
seats. There were so many
empty seats at the Board of
Governors table because
none of them showed up.
Someone said, Yeah, lets
take our seats, and we
began to fill up the empty
seats and chant.
The video picks up
where I am stopping:
I want to close with saying that the action we took
symbolized our collective
power and how decisions
about our future should
involve US. We will continue to shut your meetings
down until you listen to

students instead of making

decisions for us that are
hurting our people on the
ground. We understand
this attack on HBCUs and
the liberal arts programs as
a component of the larger
right wing takeover the
state of North Carolina has
been enduring since 2012.
That is me saying
MOVE! and I need to see
him! They were shoving
Irving in a corner, trying
to force him on the ground
and trying to close the door.
I feared something would
happened to that Black
man if they closed that
door with just him and 10
officers. The video ends as
I am told to put my hands
behind my back.
The cops were physically
violent and we do not agree
with how they reacted in the
space. All four of us were
wrongfully arrested and we
find it our right to put pressure on those who hold our
education in their hands.
Femi Shittu
With the support of
Irving Allen, Jen Myers and
Madeleine Scanlon
The BOG 4
To view the full letter
please visit dailytarheel.

Kvetching board
v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
I got an email from the
PSP listserv informing me I
could not contribute to the
PSP listserv without being
on the PSP listserv. SMH.
More convinced than ever
that students need regular
coursework on crosswalks
and traffic lights.
Shame on you, Mama
Manager for airing dirty
laundry and openly scolding your DTH Kiddies. I do,
however, thank you for that
Honey Boo Boo moment.
Although Im sad about
Hes Not closing, I have to
wonder if he was ever even
really there.
The next time my inbox
gets filled with 40 emails
from idiots who requested
to leave a listserv by replying all, Im signing them all
up for every last f*cking listserv in this entire University.
To the pre-health advisor
who is holding a seminar
called So, You Think You
Want to Go to Med School?:
Do you thrive off the tears
of the broken pre-meds you
have failed??
When the teacher calls on
you in class, but the only
reason your hand was up is
because you were dabbing
to celebrate the Panthers.
Big shout-out to the snow
for absolutely ruining my
Theres nothing to prove
Murphys Law like an imminently due paper, bad driving in a parking deck, broken printers, rude people
who wont hold elevators
and getting locked out of
a class one minute after it
Send your one-to-two
sentence entries to,
subject line kvetch

Please type. Handwritten letters will not be accepted.
Sign and date. No more than two people should sign letters.
Students: Include your year, major and phone number.
Faculty/staff: Include your department and phone number.
Edit: The DTH edits for space, clarity, accuracy and vulgarity. Limit
letters to 250 words.
Drop off or mail to our office at 151 E. Rosemary St., Chapel Hill,
NC 27514
EDITORS NOTE: Columns, cartoons and letters do not necessarily represent the opinions of The Daily Tar Heel or its staff. Editorials reflect the
opinions of The Daily Tar Heel editorial board, which comprises 10 board
members, the opinion assistant editor and editor and the editor-in-chief.

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