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Restaurantaur Profiles50 points

Having completed a profile on one of your fellow students last semester, we will begin
your journey on evaluating the intersection of food and culture this semester with you
profiling a famous chef, restaurateur, entrepreneur, and innovator who has shaped food,
fine dining, and cuisine in the 21st century. These selected chefs all have a background
story, a philosophy, and a struggle they have faced which has been instrumental in catapulting them to success.
We will begin our first week by watching a chapter from Netflixs award winning series
Chefs Table, taking copious notes on what guiding philosophy stands out the most in
shaping the chefs vision of food. This will culminate in an extended paragraph using 2-3
quotes from the film (primary evidence) to explain and explicate your point. The paragraph will be due day 1 hard copy next weekthis will be followed by a class discussion
to introduce the official Profile prompt (listed below).
For your larger Profile essay, you will choose one of 4 chefs (April Bloomfield, Grant
Achatz, David Chang, & Gabrielle Hamilton) and you will commit the same treatment
with them that you did with Chefs Table.
Here is the trajectory you should follow for prepping the essay and outlining/drafating it.
You will read essays, watch videos, and listen to podcasts (all this info is under
links on myMitty) and, once again, take copious notes cataloguing what makes
this chef tickwhat struggles they encountered early on and how they shaped
their food philosophy, why they do what they do, what inspires them, what vision
they have for food, etc. You will be expected to turn in a completed blue book
filled with notations from these sources by the end of the unit.
Next, you will outline TWO primary features of this chef that stand out the
most in answering the question of what represents their profile/story the most.
Each feature will represent one body paragraph (totaling two) and you will
have a minimum of 3-4 paraphrased or quoted examples from your sources (including end notes) to illustrate your claim.
Finally, you will flank your essay with an introduction (open with a grabber
about your chefpresumably a quote from them; next general background summarizing who they are, where they come from, restaurants they own, what theyre
known for, etc.; finally, a codified thesis itemizing the two features that represent
the core of you they are) and a conclusion (repeat your thesis; provide personal
commentary on what you learned about this chefs profile and life and what you
personally think of them given all that youve read and written about).
The essay should be a total of 3-4 pages in length and include a Works Cited
page of the specific works you read, listened to, and watched that shaped your
profile of them.

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