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Vsphere Infrastructure

1. Vcentre Access via Web: From the Browser e.g Mozilla or IE

2. Enter the Username and Password


3. If the username & Password are correct, then we get the home page

4. To Manage Vsphere (ESX) Servers , Click on Hosts &

Clusters. Various Tabs are shown, e.g Getting Started, Summary, Monitor &

5. To manage Virtual Machines (Vms), Click on Vms and Templates.

6. All the Virtual Machines & Templates are displayed.

To Manage a Particular VM, Double click on the VM, or
Right click on the VM and click on the task that is required to be performed

7. When We right click on the VM, we can (I) Power on/off,

Migrate VM, Open Console if the VM is powered on,
Clone VM, Edit settings etc.

8. Select Edit Settings: From this window, the following settings can be done:
1. Increase or decrease number of CPUs ( possible when the VM is off)
2. Increase/decrease Memory Size ( Possible when the VM is off)
3. Change the hard disk Size, 4. Add Devices like Hard
disks, Network Cards etc. The Hard disks can be VMFS disks or RDBMS disks.

9. Add Devices to a VM, eg: Adding Disks, Adding Network Cards

10.When We Double click on the Virtual Machine Name, we may also get this
window. Which show a Summary of the VM configuration (e.g Number
of CPUs , Memory Size, Hard disk size , the Number of
Hard disks allocated & Network Connectivy. Clicking Edit directs us to the
edit settings Window of the VM.

Creating Virtual Machines

To Create a New Virtual Machine, The following Details may be required:
1. Virtual Machine Name ( New Name not an already Existing name)
2. System Resources: Number of CPUs, Memory Size, Number of Network Car
ds, Number of Hards and Their corresponding sizes.
3. Operating system Type & Name.
4. Applications to run on the VM. (some applications may require rdbms disks
) 5. Hostname & IP Address of the VM.

6. To create VM right click on the Data Centre name


click on New Virtual

7. Follow The Wizard

8. Select the cluster Name

9. Select the datastore that will hold the Virtual Machine

10 Select the VM version

11.Select The Type OS to be Installed on the VM.

12.Modify the Various hardware parameters like HDD size, Number of HDDs,
Number of CPUs, Memory Size, Network Cards

13.ISO's can be attached from the Datastores, especially if

they are required as bootable media. This may be required during the initial
OS installation.

14.Browse through the Datastore and choose the ISO image required.

15.Then click Finish

Uploading ISOs to Datastores

IT may be convenient to have all OS and application ISOs uploaded to a
particular Datastore. Once an ISO file is created from a DVD or CD, The
procedure for uploading the ISO is as shown in the following screenshots.
1. Select the Datastore onto which you want the ISOs. e.g ucchq01datastore1

Click on the Upload icon, Select the iso file from client PC and click open

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