Resume JAN 2014 Global International

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FBI Director and Roni Aledo

Global Business Developer/Strategist/Executive Manager/Expert Analyst
International Security and Intelligence Expert
Former CIA Analyst/ Senior Market-Political Analyst

Senior Policy DHS Maker

Masters Degree International Relations
TEL: (202) 492-3424
QUALIFICATIONS: International security, foreign affairs, international relations, military and
intelligence expert. Former Intelligence Analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Received special training, CAMP PEARY, Virginia. International/global business developer.
Senior Expert Market and Geopolitical analyst. Former International business developer for large
defense corporation L-3 Communications. Created international ventures across continents.
Successfully performed marketing of high tech products. Engaged clients in Latin America, the
Middle East, Europe and the US. Developed strategy business plans for homeland security
markets in Argentina and Mexico. Traveled to Mexico for formal meetings with high ranks
officers of the Mexican government including number 3 person of the Mexican Intelligence
agency (CISEN).
Gave formal briefings to top officers in the Mexican Police and Mexican Department of
Transportation about homeland security markets. Wrote market reports and analysis on South
Korea, Japan, Colombia and several other Latin American countries. Wrote company and marketindustry research analysis to include Exxon Mobile, Alcatel, and Asian shipbuilding companies.
Developed international business plans focused in homeland security and counterterrorism.
Developed strategy plans for homeland security markets in Puerto Rico, Israel, Italy, Qatar,
Greece, Kuwait and Jordan. Expert on brainstorming and creating innovative answers to ANY
problem or situation. Unlimited creativity and OUT OF THE BOX answers. Top executive leader.
Former GS 15 (Colonel equivalent) for the US Federal Government. Supervised over 100
employees and signed contracts for more than 2 million dollars.
Served as senior editor and SME for the new US Army Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) online
course, FT Huachuca. Masters degree in international relations, over 17 years experience as

Army officer, FBI investigator, DoD and other agencies intelligence analyst and DHS Director of
regional affairs. Expert in foreign affairs, counterintelligence, counter insurgency, civil affairs,
and politico-military analysis. Wrote reports about Iraq and Afghanistan for the U.S Army. Wrote
analysis in 2002 for the US Army, conclusion: Iraq most likely has no WMDs. Manager and
executive level administrator, graduated of the US Army Logistics School. Native Spanish
speaker converses in German and Italian. Former instructor Military Academy of Bogota,
Colombia, former instructor Colombian Special Forces (COMANDOS). Over 6 years overseas
experience to include experience as counterterrorism officer in Germany and half a year in
Colombia. Studied in Spain, Germany and England. Subject Matter Expert (SME) in Cuban,
Venezuelan, Latin American, European and Middle Eastern threats and defense-homeland
security markets.
Senior Intelligence Advisor to the Afghan National Police (Jul 2014-present), NATO Mission
in Afghanistan (ISAF), (Kabul, Afghanistan): Traveled to Afghanistan to act as senior
intelligence advisor to the Afghan National Police. Was the personal advisor of the General in
charge of Strategic Analysis of the National Police. Gave classes in COIN, CT, Trends and
Strategic level analysis to more than 20 senior analyst from the Afghan Police. Provided expert
analysis as in CT and COIN to Afghan National Police, Afghan Army and National Directorate of
Intelligence. Was a NATO senior officer in international mission in Kabul Afghanistan for almost
a year.
Policy and Intelligence Analyst (Jul 2011-Jul 2014) GS 14, Department of Defense, Joint
Staff, (Washington DC/Kabul Afghanistan): Participates in OSD detainee review processes.
Provides official representation and policy advice. Represents DOD positions during contacts
with Congressional staff, monitors Congressional action of DOD defense/military strategy and
programs. Send recommendations, analysis and explanations to Vice Director and Director of the
Joint Staff. Provide expert advise to Deputy Director of Special Operations. Participates in special
projects, strategic planning initiatives, operational planning, and other cross-functional team
endeavors. Uses experience as intelligence analysts, military officer and former DHS senior
policy analyst to advance the Joint Staff planning and policy mission. Conducts comprehensive
research; evaluates and analyzes facts; and prepares detailed reports, analyses, evaluations,
responses, and recommendations. Wrote draft PLANORD for a key detainee mission. Wrote
draft EXORD for same mission. Planned at highest strategic/COCOM level for key detainee
mission directed from National Security Staff. Establishes and maintains effective working
relationships and conducts liaison activities with officials from various organizations, the Office
of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), combatant commands (COCOMs), the services, and tactical
commands in order to remain abreast of critical activities related to detainee affairs and
operations. Participated as Joint Staff representative on US Army Central inspection of detainee
facilities in Afghanistan. Traveled to Afghanistan to inspect DFIP and conduct meeting with key
leaders to include deputy Commander 535 and 3 Star General Commander of Task Force 435.
Performs other duties as assigned. Keeps current Top Secret SCI with CI Polygraph.
Director Mexican Affairs /Senior Program Manager (Jul 2009- Jan 2011) GS 15,
Department of Homeland Security, (Washington DC): Served as Senior and Supervisory
program manager coordinating a major DHS strategy and plan in order to secure Mexicos
southern border with Guatemala and Belize. Brainstormed a major strategy to be implemented by
the USG interagency (DHS, DoD, State, DEA, etc) in close partnership with the Governments of
Mexico and Guatemala. In charge of major USG and international strategy that will utilize
millions of dollars and will be a major cornerstone in international security in order to prevent
illegal drugs and weapons to arrive to Mexico via Central American corridors (land, air and sea).
This initiative is to become one of the major strategic steps in the US counternarcotics strategy.

Served as Director of Mexican Affairs, Office of International Affairs, Department of Homeland

Security (DHS). Coordinated directly with the Assistant Secretary for International Affairs in
extremely critical issues regarding US national security related to the US/Mexico border.
Provided high level strategic advice to VIPs in intelligence, operational and law enforcement
issues. Served as senior evaluator of the National Level Exercise 2009 in Mexico City: evaluated
national response to counterterrorism and law enforcement emergencies, international
coordination and performance of Federal agencies to include: FBI, DoD, DOJ, US Coast Guard,
DHS/Border Patrol and coordination with Mexican Law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
Wrote briefing memos used by DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano in private meetings with the
President of Mexico. Provided individual SME intelligence analysis and wrote intelligence field
assessments for the A/S for International Affairs. Represented DHS in several high level meetings
at the National Security Council, State Department, US. NORTHCOM, and in bilateral meetings
with the Government of Mexico. Managed the office of the DHS Attach in the US Embassy in
Mexico City and provided supervisory guidance to the DHS office in Mexico City. Composed
initial draft and wrote the One DHS Plan to reduce the violence in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, the
FIRST EVER DHS Joint Operational Plan to perform an international mission. Had semi private
meetings with the Mexican Ambassador in the US and private meetings with the number 3 person
of the Mexican Intelligence Service and the Chief of Intelligence of the Mexican Federal Police.
Had one on one private meetings with the Mexican Federal Police Commissioner, Mr. Facundo
Rosas (FBI Director equivalent) on law enforcement operations for Ciudad Juarez and one on one
meetings with the Minister of Justice of Mexico (US Attorney General equivalent). Supervised
employees to include senior policy analysts, law enforcement special agents, administrative
assistants and senior Border Patrol agents. Traveled in several occasions to Mexico in order to
participate in counterterrorism exercises and coordinate with high level VIPs Mexican
government officers. Gave briefing to three Star General Commander of US Army North.
Special Project (December 08- September 09, Part time basis): Senior Intelligence Analyst/
Subject Matter Expert (SME), NCI, US Army Intelligence School. Served as Subject Matter
Expert (SME) and senior intelligence analyst for the new Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
course being prepared by the US Army Intelligence School, Ft. Huachuca (this course is to have
MAJOR impact in the US Army Intelligence Analysis and the Intelligence Community as whole
in years to come).Wrote course text, added intelligence instructions, corrected practical exercises,
provided edits as SME in OSINT.
Senior Counterintelligence Analyst, (December 07-July 09), Defense Intelligence Agency
(Washington DC): Senior Counterintelligence analyst in DIA program. Wrote intelligence
products for the White House Intelligence Committee and US Congress. Wrote several
counterintelligence operational briefs (CIOB), counterintelligence executive briefs (CIEB),
defense intelligence digests (DID) and defense analysis reports (DAR) for senior policy
makers.Acted in conjunction with federal law enforcement and other intelligence organizations in
order to answer taskings and create counterintelligence analysis products. Traveled to US
embassies abroad to coordinate analysis and support. Provided support to operations. Out of self
initiative initiated a new process within DIA counterintelligence to publish DoD
Counterintelligence products in an Intelligence Community (IC) Web page that dramatically
increased the exposure of DoD counterintelligence analysis to senior policy makers. Wrote joint
National Counterintelligence Executive (NCIX) product for the US Congress and the White
House about a critical National Security issue. Provided politico military advise to senior DoD
analysts linking the military and political situation in a world region to the counterintelligence
situation in another region. Received praised as one of the best counterintelligence strategic
level analyst ever in this DIA division. Received training at CAMP PEARY. Details classified.
Area of responsibility classified. Program name classified.

Intelligence Analyst contractor CENTRA Corp working out of Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA), (July 07-December 07), contractor (Langley, VA): Analyst using Full Polygraph
clearance in location Langley, Virginia. Political analyst. Used expert knowledge of Middle East,
asymmetric warfare and Information Operations (IO). Details classified. Program name
Senior Intelligence Officer (SIO) (December 06- July 07), DoD (Arlington, VA): Senior
intelligence officer, supervised a team of analysts at the GG- 13 and 12 levels. Supervised the
production of finished, all-source intelligence analysis. Responsible for the transformation and
growth of an almost non-existent program. Designed product line, guided current and
contingency analysis. Gave briefings to more than 30 people. Created brand new initiatives to
include interagency cooperation with several members of the IC. Guided and designed the
product line of critical intelligence products. Details classified. Organization classified.
Investigator, FBI, (Washington, D.C FBI Field Office): Researched, identified and analyzed
investigative data. Deduced reasonable investigative conclusions. Cultivated and maintained
reliable and effective liaisons with several government agencies to further advance investigative
efforts. Conducted complex security investigations. Details classified.
International Analyst and developer, (August 05-December 06), L-3 Communications
(Arlington, VA): Analyzed international politics and foreign opportunities for defense business
development. Developed strategy business plans for homeland security markets in Spain,
Argentina and Mexico. Traveled to Mexico for formal meetings with high ranks officers of the
Mexican government. Gave formal briefings to top officers in the Mexican Police and Mexican
Department of Transportation about homeland security markets. Wrote reports and analysis on
South Korea, Japan, Colombia and several other Latin American countries. Wrote company and
industry research analysis to include Exxon Mobile, Alcatel, and Asian shipbuilding companies.
Developed international business plans focused in homeland security and counterterrorism.
Developed strategy plans for homeland security markets in Puerto Rico, Israel, Italy, Qatar,
Greece, Kuwait and Jordan.
Staff Officer, (Nov 04- June 05), OPM- (Washington, DC): Assisted in program management
directly for the Associate Director. Managed documents and executive correspondence, assisted
in the process of placing answers/guiding process to the more than 2000 Defense Security Service
(DSS) agents being moved to OPM. Provided administrative support to the Defense Security
Service (DSS) and the Center for Federal Investigative Services (CFIS).
Civil affairs officer/ Foreign Affairs/ (November 01-August 04), Captain US Army (Ft.
Hood, TX): Acted as key member at Tactical Operations Center and CORPS level staff member
during IRAQUI FREEDOM operation. Wrote the cultural and political guide for Iraq formerly in
use by the US Army in Baghdad (25,000 copies printed). Served as resident expert and advisor in
international affairs, Middle Eastern and Latin American politics. Served as political and foreign
affairs advisor for high rank military Commanders. Contributed to the definitive Civil Affairs and
general rule of law stabilization plan for Baghdad by writing the First Cavalry Divisions plan to
include political, electoral development, and religious sensitivity directives, in coordination with
psychological operations and public affairs. Served as senior advisor charged with conducting
political and cultural training courses for high rank military officers in go to war exercises for
Iraq. Received high rank officers from Jordan as host and coordinated with LTG Peter Chiarelli
for Middle Eastern cultural training for 25,000 soldiers. Wrote open source analysis for Iraq and
the Middle East. Responsible for the training in law enforcement techniques and self defense

techniques of more than 800 soldiers that participated in occupation Baghdad. Trained senior
physical trainers in TRAIN THE TRAINERS program for COMBATIVES (Military Hand to
Hand Combat). Wrote analysis about Iraq in April 2002 that concluded Iraq has no weapons of
mass destruction (WMD). Did strategic analysis for Russia. Predicted Russias current effort in
Air Defense Artillery. Acted as resident senior expert and advisor in multicultural issues and
political affairs for Latin America, the Middle East and Europe. Designed, authored, and
published analysis booklets (political-cultural guides, and reports) for countries such as
Afghanistan, South Korea, Uzbekistan, Israel and Palestine, East Timor, Honduras, etc.
Deputy Chief Logistics (July 02-January 03), Plan Colombia, Captain US Army, U.S
Embassy, (Bogot, Colombia): Managed and supervised a multifunction mission supporting the
US and Colombian Armies. Signed contracts for more than 2 million dollars on fuel and other
military supplies. Oversight transportation, military supplies and direct support to US Special
Forces. Managed operations in support of counter drugs programs in PLAN COLOMBIA. Acted
as instructor at the Colombian Military Academy. Trained the elite Commandos (Special Forces)
of the Colombian Army on law enforcement techniques, self-defense and military hand to hand
combat. Supervised Special Forces status in war zones and traveled to combat areas to include
Florencia and Larandia in the Colombian Amazon jungle. Supervised more than 100 employees
to include US military, US civil service and local national employees. Trained the US Embassy
MARINE CORPS security team.
Force Protection/Counter Terrorism Officer, (April 98-April 01), Captain US Army,
(Germany): Wrote 600 pages force protection and counterterrorism plan. Managed security,
coordinated emergency response, force protection to include Counterintelligence investigations
and counter-terrorism plan for a military community near Frankfurt made of 11,000 people.
Conducted Force Protection exercises in coordination with Counterintelligence units and military
police. Wrote the hostage and negotiation exercise. Performed evidence accountability and
inventory in coordination with military law enforcement. Coordinated and supervised all
emergency response and counterintelligence/counter-terrorism exercises in area of operations.
Visited the Lithuanian embassy in Warsaw Poland as official guest of Lithuanian Attach.
Prepared security plan and counterterrorism briefing for a 3-star Army General deputy
USAREUR Commander. Acted as international relations and political advisor. Acted as European
Theater threats expert for a large military base. Coordinated with US military intelligence units,
local German police and US military police for counter terrorism plan and emergency reaction
plan. Recommended Threat condition changes for the military bases within the area of operations.
Acted as advisor on international relations and terrorist threats in area of operations
Germany/Central Europe. Coordinated counterintelligence, physical security and quick
reactionary force (QRF). Trained Army soldiers in Military Hand to Hand Combat many years
before the same became official TRADOC approved doctrine in the US Army.
Platoon Leader/Logistician/ (November 96-April 98), Lieutenant US Army, (Germany):
Trained and lead logistics platoons that supported a large military base in central Germany. Acted
as report of survey officer in charge of conducting investigations for accountability of property.
Conducted brigade level training (weapons and gunnery) for about 2,000 people. Signed and
accounted for more than 15 million dollars in trucks, buildings, and communications equipment.
Served as leader and supervisor for 80+ soldiers. Trained 80+ soldiers in map reading, gunnery,
weapons, physical training, and safety. Trained several hundreds of soldiers on COMBATIVES,
Military Hand-to-Hand Combat. Gave seminars in self-defense to several military units.

1999-2002, Masters Degree, International Relations, University of Oklahoma
1992- Politics, Anthropology and Literature, University of Minnesota in Spain
1991-1995 Bachelors Degree, Political Science, University of Puerto Rico
Military and Intelligence
2014- Ministry of Defense Advisor (MODA) Training, Washington DC/Indiana Training Center
2008- Special training, CAMP PEARY, Virginia
2008- Counterintelligence Analysis Methods, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
2007- US Air Force Civilian Supervisors course, Bolling AFB
2002- Civil Affairs Advance Course, Army Special Warfare School, FT Bragg, NC.
2002- Force Protection Certified, FT Benning, GA.
2001- Combined Arms and Services Staff Course Army Staff College, FT Leavenworth, Kansas.
2001- Logistician Advance Course for ARMY Captains, FT Lee, VA.
1996- Army Officer Basic Course, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD.
Special Qualifications
-- 3/3 DLPT Spanish, converses in German, Italian and Portuguese.
-- Conceal Handgun License Republic of Colombia (9-mm pistol qualified)
-- First Place Literature Contest: Interamerican University of Puerto Rico (1994)
-- Champion Open Cup of France, Submission Wrestling (2001)
-- Knight Order Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem, Vatican City.

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