Jan - Feb - Mar 2016: Adult Bible Study Guide

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Adult Bible Study Guide

Jan Feb Mar 2016

powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz



Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Gu

An Appeal

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There are those, however, who add
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may be good, this is not right. Slide #1
says designed by claro ruiz vicente.
For honest Christians, it is not
necessary for anothers creation to be

Rebellion and Redemption

Our Goal

Jesus has won the decisive

The challenge has always been
where we place our loyalties.
The controversy still rages and
the deceptions are everpresent.
Our prayer, then, is that this
quarters lessons will reveal

Rebellion and Redemption

1 Crisis in Heaven
2 Crisis in Eden
3 Global Rebellion and the Patriarchs
4 Conflict and Crisis: The Judges
5 The Controversy Continues
6 Victory in the Wilderness
7 Jesus Teachings and the Great
8 Comrades in Arms
9 The Great Controversy and the Early
10 Paul and the Rebellion
11 Peter on the Great Controversy

Rebellion and Redemption

Lesson 5, January 30

The Controversy


The Controversy Continues

Key Text

Nehemiah 2:18 NKJV

And I told them of the hand

of my God which had been
good upon me, and also of
the kings words that he had
spoken to me. So they said,
Let us rise up and build.
Then they set their hands to

The Controversy Continues

Quick Look

1. With Self: David

(Psalm 51:10,
2. With Believers: Elijah,
Kings 18:20-21)
3. With Non-Believers:

The Controversy Continues

Initial Words

God is able to use

insignificant people to turn
back the tide of evil. Despite
tremendous obstacles, we
dont need to buckle under
over-whelming evil.
Instead, we can stand firm, but
in the power of God, who is

The Controversy Continues

1. With Self: David

Psalm 51:10, 11 NKJV

Create in me a clean heart,

O God, and renew a steadfast
spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from
Your presence, and do not
take Your

1. With Self: David

His Goliath and Bathsheba Experienc

Life is complicated, and thats

because, we are complicated.
Creatures made in the image of
God who then corrupt
Some people attain great levels
of goodness while others,
unfortunately, drop to the
extremes of depravity. Instead,

1. With Self: David

His Goliath and Bathsheba Experienc

The same David who defeated

the giant Goliath is the David
who was defeated by his own
lust and arrogance.
How many women did the man
already have? And he sees one
more, a married woman, and
where is all the talk about the

1. With Self: David

His Goliath and Bathsheba Experienc

that there is a God in Israel

(1 Sam. 17:46)?
If there were a time when
David needed not only to know
that the battle is the Lords
but also to fight that battle in
Gods armor, it wasnt in the
war zone in the Valley of Elah
but in the recess of his own

The Controversy Continues

2. With Believers: Elijah

1 Kings 18:20, 21 NKJV

So Ahab sent for all the

children of Israel...on Mount
Carmel. And Elijah came...and
said, How long will you falter
between two opinions? If the
Lord is God, follow Him, but if
Baal, follow him.
But the people answered

2. With Believers: Elijah

To Turn Their Hearts

These were sorry times for

the northern kingdom of Israel.
Most had forsaken the Lord
(1 Kings 19:10) and were
worshiping fertility gods
For the next three years the
fertility gods are impotent.

2. With Believers: Elijah

To Turn Their Hearts

The real issue: Israels

faithfulness to the covenant.
Notice, too, who had turned
their hearts. It was the Lord
Himself, even before the
miracle itself unfolded. But
God doesnt force hearts to
return to Him.
He sends His Holy Spirit, and

2. With Believers: Elijah

To Turn Their Hearts

have to first make the choice

to turn back to Him; only then,
in His strength, can they act
that choice.
Its no different today.
Its the power of God alone
that sustains the beat of every
heart, but He doesnt force

The Controversy Continues

3. With Non-Believers: Hezekiah, Est

2 Kings 19:32, 34; Esther 3:8, 9;

Nehemiah 4:7, 8 NKJV

Concerning the king of

Assyria: He shall not come
into this city...for I will
defend...to save it. Haman
said...If it pleases the king, let
a decree be written that they
be destroyed.

3. With Non-Believers: Hezekiah

Words of Defiance

Hezekiah was king of Judah

when the new superpower,
Assyria, conquered the northern
kingdom of Israel and scattered
its inhabitants across
Mesopotamia (2 Kings 18:912)
A few years later, Sennacherib
turned his attention to Judah
and captured all its fortified

3. With Non-Believers: Hezekiah

Words of Defiance

Hezekiah then did the only

thing possible for himhe
prayed (2 Kings 19:1519).
The frightened inhabitants
one morning, to see soldiers
lying scattered on the ground in
a deathly stillness (2 Kings

3. With Non-Believers: Esther

Death Decree

Esther found herself as queen.

Though her ascent was
through a route rather different
from Josephs in Egypt or
Daniels in Babylon, she was
(as Joseph and Daniel were)
just where the Lord wanted her
to be, and she was used
by God in a powerful way, one

3. With Non-Believers: Esther

Death Decree

The issue started over worship

(see Esther 3:5, 8) and the
refusal to follow the laws and
customs of the ones in power.
Though the context will be
different at the end of time,
the reality behind itthe great
controversyis still the same:
as many as [will] not worship

3. With Non-Believers: Nehemiah

Rebuilding the Temple

Some people who were not

happy and did all they could
to prevent any work from
done to improve Jerusalem.
When work started on
repairing the walls, these
foreign officials were furious
and very indignant (Neh. 4:1),

3. With Non-Believers: Nehemiah

Rebuilding the Temple

It would have been so easy to

back down; yet, despite all
sorts of machinations against
their work,
they persisted.
Trusting in God, Nehemiah saw
the rebuilding of the wall and
left the threats of his enemies

The Controversy Continues

Final Words

Therefore we do not lose

heart. Even though our
outward man is perishing, yet
the inward man is being
renewed day by day. For our
light affliction, which is but for
a moment, is working for us a
far more exceeding and eternal
weight of glory, while we do

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