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Universidade Trs-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Departamento de Cincias do Deasporto, Exercicio e Saude

Mestrado em Cincias do Desporto, Ramo de Jogos
Desportivos Coletivos

Vila Real, 2015

Hugo Ferreira, n51190

Positional data in football performance analysis

Positional Data in Football- A Short Review ....................................................... 3
Football as a complex dynamical system ........................................................... 4
Technological Advances .................................................................................... 7
Measuring Tactical Performance ........................................................................ 9
Physical Measuring through Positional Data .................................................... 18
Technical measuring ........................................................................................ 20
Conclusion........................................................................................................ 22
REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 22

Positional data in football performance analysis

Positional Data in Football- A Short Review

Modern football training is a process demanding high knowledge and
expertise in the physiological, technical, and tactical areas. Sport sciences are
attaining a very important role in the last few years, providing coaches and
players meaningful tools and findings which can lead to success. However,
remains unknown and a huge challenge how will these new insights be
integrated in the coaching process in a clear way.
The quantification of physical demands in team sports was always seen
as a key to programme accurate conditioning plans and guarantee optimal
conditions for competition (Sampaio et al. 2013). Variables like heart rate, blood
lactate concentration, rating of perceived exertion, and total distance covered
associated with speed range have been used to quantify physical demands in
football. Rampinini et al. (2007), studied the technical performance during Serie
A league games and measured factors like passing, crossing, shooting,
dribbling, heading and tackling. Otherwise, tactical behaviour can be measured
by the distance between players and the team centroid (Frencken,Poel ,
Visscher, & Lemmink, 2012), as the team centroid is hypothesised to be a
collective tactical behaviour indicator by capturing the teams dynamics during
the game. Also, these teams dynamics seem to be related with players
decision making processes during the game (Sampaio et al., 2013.)
During a large period, notational analysis was the main method used by
the researchers specialized in football performance analysis to analyse the
game, essentially focused in technical aspects of the game. However, the
technological advance seen during last years, allowed tosport scientists to focus

Positional data in football performance analysis

their analysis in other variables like the teams tactical behaviour, using
positional data.

Football as a complex dynamical system

A few years ago, sport scientists introduced a new approach that
contemplates and analyses sports competition based on principles of a
dynamical system. This point of view has been studied in the context of
individual sports (squash and tennis) and recently on team sports, more
specifically in basketball or football.
In a study of 2002, McGarry et al considered that complex spatialtemporal patterns characterize a sports contest as a dynamical system instead
of the previous assumption of an equal weighting within a general system
description of sports performance analysis.
Starting with the presupposition that in team sports, each player on the
same team seeks to coordinate with his or her team members in the pursuit of a
common competitive goal, the author defended that sports competition is
characterized in a game rhythm that takes one of two forms where the ball
possession alternate equally (e.g. tennis, badminton, squash) or unequally (e.g.
hockey, basketball, soccer, rugby football). Hereupon, McGarry et al suggested
that the mathematical language of dynamical systems could provide the
understanding of these patterned behaviours.
McGarry et al described yet the perturbation as factor which can lead to
instability inside a dynamical system. Hughes (1998), described a perturbation
in football as an incident that changes the rhythmic flow of attacking and

Positional data in football performance analysis

defending, leading to a shooting opportunity. For example, in a football match a
perturbation can be identified by a changing of pace, a penetration pass or a
dribble that allows to the attacking player a shooting opportunity. Finally,
McGarry et al launched the concept of intra and inter-coupling among the team
sports. They suggested that the varied and mixed patterns seen in a team
sports game are the result of self-organization among the players, presumed in
this case as the many coupled oscillators of the system. Intra-coupling refers to
the connection between two players from the same team and inter-coupling to
the connection between two players from opposing teams. Nevertheless,
individual sports incorporate a single inter-coupling between two opponents,
whereas team sports offer the possibility of multiple dyads comprising both
intra- and inter couplings. (McGarry cit. in J. Bourbousson et al., 2010).
There are already some combined variables which allow capturing and
analysing complex group and collective patterns of performance in sports. One
way of categorize such variable is by: team dispersion (stretch index, team
spread, surface area, team length per width ratio), team centre (centroids and
weighted centroids), team synchrony (relative phase, cluster phase), labor
division (dominant regions, heat maps, major ranges, player-to-locus distance),
and team communication networks (social networks), (Duarte Arajo et al.

Team centre
The stretch index is calculated by computing the average radial distance of all
players to their teams centroid. It can also be calculated according to the axis
expansion, providing distinct measures of dispersion in longitudinal and lateral

Positional data in football performance analysis

directions. There are available some studies using this index. For example Yue,
Broich, Seifriz, and Mester (2008) analysed the dynamics of attacking and
defending in football by representing the intermittent expansion and contraction
patterns of competing teams. Team spread measures have been reported by
Moura, Martins, Anido, Barros, and Cunha (2012), who observed a counterphase relation between expansion in attack and contraction in defence, with
greater dispersion values when teams had ball possession. Clemente et al.
determined a weighted stretch index that accounted for the dispersion of
players in relation to the game centre containing the ball. They observed a
negative relationship between both teams stretch index values and lower
values of this variable without possession of the ball, compared to being in
possession of the ball, in seven-a-side, under-13 (years of age) football. It
seems that the expansion and contraction properties of a team are constrained
by proximity of players to the ball.
The effective playing space (or surface area) is defined by the smallest
polygonal area delimited by the peripheral players, containing all players in the
game. It can also provide information about the surface that is being effectively
covered by opposing teams, and informs how the occupation of space unfolds
throughout performance and how stretched both teams are on the field.

Team Synchrony
Several tools have been used to assess coordination between two
oscillatory units (e.g., the coupling of two centroids, or the phase relations of
two players in a dyad). For instance, the phase synchronization of two signals
has been previously studied in team sports through relative phase analysis

Positional data in football performance analysis

(Bourbousson et al., 2010a, 2010b) and running correlations (Duarte et al.,
2012b; Frencken et al., 2013).

Technological Advances
Since the last decade of 20th century and the beginning of this century, the
world is assisting constantly to changes and developments in the technological
area. Sports in general and particularly football, as a global business have
taken advantage of these devices who allow capturing and processing data
from the games and training sessions, in real time. Position data of players and
athletes are widely used in sports performance analysis for measuring the
amounts of physical activities as well as for tactical assessments in game
sports. These technological advances are mostly based in GPS units, radio
frequency systems or semi-automated video tracking systems.
GPS system permits measurement of player position, velocity, and
movement patterns. The receivers worn by players during training and
competition draw on signals sent from at least four of the earth orbiting satellites
used in the GPS to locate their position. Also, provides scope for better
understanding of the specific and positional physiological demands of team
sport and can be used to design training programs that adequately prepare
athletes for competition with the aim of optimizing on-field performance
(Cummins et. al, 2013). A study of Cummins and colleagues, conducted a
systematic review of the depth and scope of reported GPS and micro
technology measures used within individual sports in order to present the
contemporary and emerging themes of GPS application within team sports.

Positional data in football performance analysis

Researchers concluded that that GPS technology has been used more often
across a range of football codes than across other team sports. Work rate
pattern activities are most often reported, whilst impact data, which require the
use of micro technology sensors such as accelerometers, are least reported.
The main benefit of these measurement systems is movability and low-cost
price, when compared to other systems. However, the system operates only
outdoors and requires the attachment of portable devices, which are still not
allowed in official football competitions (Folgado et. al, 2014).
On the other hand, there are the radio frequency systems. One example
is the Local Positioning System. This system is based on the frequencymodulated continuous wave principle, measuring the distance between fixed
base stations and mobile tags placed on the players and have been established
as an accurate and valid tool to record positions of players in outdoor and
indoor fields, providing accurate data in static and dynamic conditions at various
speeds (Leser, Baca, & Ogris, 2011). However, there some disadvantages in
using this technology, like the weakness of the radio signal and the number of
players' tracked (Mandeljc, Kovacic, Kristan, & Pers, 2013). Also this not
portable and players cant use it during official competitions.
Finally there is the semi-automated video tracking systems. This
technology uses multiple video cameras to provide players' tracking information
(Mandeljc et al., 2013). The computer vision cameras capture video and,
afterwards, several combined algorithms extract the positioning data from all
objects on the field. Then, the obtained data are converted into performance
variables. (Sampaio et. al, 2014). The players do not need to carry any device,
which allows using the technology during formal competitions. Nevertheless,

Positional data in football performance analysis

there are difficulties in maintaining automatic tracking over longer periods, since
the players move quickly, unexpectedly change direction and collide with other
players (Needham & Boyle, 2001). Also, these systems are not easily portable
and have major costs associated. One example of a video tracking system is
Prozone which is a new computerised video system that allows the tracking of
many individuals performing a sporting activity. A study directed by Valter et. al
proved that represents a valid motion analysis system for analysing movement
patterns of footballers on a football pitch.

Measuring Tactical Performance

Tactical performance is perceived as the individual and collective
behaviours, emerging from the opposing sides interactions, while attempting to
gain advantage over the adversary, both attacking and defending (McGarry,
Anderson, Wallace, Hughes, & Franks, 2002) and its measure implies analyzing
individual players positions, taking into account their time and context.


shown before, its possible now to measure the tactical performance of a team
and its players interactions during the game, using their positioning data.
Recent studies have focused their analyses in the: intra/inter team/player
interactions and to the density of relations established. This density can be
between two players (dyad), a small group of players (group, normally inside of
a team sector) or the relations of the whole team. Thus, we can analyse and
describe players and team performance from different levels of interactions
(micro, meso and macro).

Positional data in football performance analysis

Micro Level Interactions

There are considerable studies analysing the interactions between

players when in 1x1 situations. Usually, the analysts focus their analyses in
factors like the distances between opponents players (attacker and defender),
as the relative and individual velocities between them and the distance to the
goal. For example R. Duarte et al. (2010), investigated the informational
constraints that influence the dynamics of 1v1 sub-phases in football, through
the analysis of interpersonal distance and relative velocity between the players,
based on the ecological dynamics approach. Although dyadic system
behaviours appear in an ecological exploratory process and cant be explained
entirely by only one control parameter, the results showed that attackers are
more successful on passing the defender when a higher difference of relative
velocity is achieved. In other study also performed by R. Duarte et al. (2012),
was made a research in order to examine whether interpersonal coordination
tendencies emerging between opposing players influenced the performance
outcomes of 1-vs-1 sub-phases of soccer, using relative phase calculations to
measure the phase relations of the minimum distance of each player to the end
line over the entire duration of each trial. The authors showed that while
successful outcomes for attackers were related to a high level of spatiotemporal
synchronisation between players, the success of the defenders was distinctly
associated with their ability to lead the relationship (i.e., the to-and-fro
movement displacements of defenders preceded the moves of the attacking
player). Thus, results suggest that trials in which performance was controlled by


Positional data in football performance analysis

the defending players were associated with larger time delays in the phase
relations controlled by these players. Thus, it seems that the success of the
attacking players in destabilizing dyads was based on creating a tight coupling
with the defender. It implies that the dyadic interpersonal coordination
tendencies emerging in relation to the attacking players successful outcomes
were characterized by a higher level of irregularity (less periodicity). This higher
level of unpredictability seemed to be a key feature related to successful
attacking performance in the 1-vs-1 sub-phases of play. In contrast, the success
of the defenders seemed to be associated with higher levels of regularity and
predictability in the interpersonal coordination tendencies that emerged.

In other study developed this time in futsal games, L. Vilar et al. (2014) explored
the coordination patterns of attackers and defenders respecting key task
constraints on performance (e.g. locations of the goal and the ball), that enable
the creation/prevention of opportunities to score goals during team sports.
Distinctive patterns of movement coordination between a shooter, a closest
defender and the location of the ball were identified that managed to the
creation/prevention of opportunities to score goals. These required relationships
of an attacker with the defender and the goal were also shown to emerge before
an assisting player received the ball to create a shooting opportunity. Moreover,
results suggested that, even when the defender was not able to intercept the
balls trajectory, he might have constrained an attacker to shoot earlier than he
needed to, providing the goalkeeper with possible conditions to intercept the
shot at goal.


Positional data in football performance analysis

Meso level interactions

When we refer to a meso level analysis, we consider the interaction between

groups of players, mostly in a small sided game situation. On this specific
situation, the research is focused on the teams centroid and its distance when
compared with opponent teams, teams' areas and/or teams' length and width.
For instance, a study of W. Frencken et al. (2011), studied centroid and surface
area measures to capture the collective behaviours of teams in 4 vs 4 smallsided football games. They confirmed that measurement of team centroids
accurately captured the synchronized tendencies between opposing teams.
These investigators reported that the variable occupied surface area did not
seem to adequately describe the interaction between opposing teams during
competition. However, in some performance contexts there may be some intrateam coordination trends for surface area in these sub-group relations over
time. In other words, observed variations in surface area may express intra
team coordination processes as a consequence of cooperative goal-directed
behaviours (e.g., a number of teammates coordinating together to create a
goal-scoring opportunity). Moreover, using a variable with only one dimension,
based on the forward-backward oscillations, presents a higher correlation
coefficient between teams centroid, and it is assumed that this is the most
dominant direction of play. Frias (2011) meant to analyze the influence of the
variation of the defensive play method on the players collective behaviour in a
six-a-side game (GK+5 v. 5+GK). The small sided games were performed in


Positional data in football performance analysis

two experimental conditions (zone and man-to-man defense). The teams
behaviour was captured by four compound positional variables: surface area,
stretch index, lpwratio and teams centres distance. Concerning zone and manto-man defensive playing methods results showed that zone defense appeared
to be a more organized and less willing to opposing team initiatives. Also, lower
variability gives zone defense an economic character that can result important
in practice. The results clearly confirmed hypothesis that the defensive method
influenced teams collective behaviour. Sampaio and Mas, (2012) used
dynamic positional data of players to assess tactical behaviour by measuring
movement patterns and inter-player coordination. A pre and post-test design
was used to assess the effects of a 13-week constructivist and cognitivist
training program by measuring behaviour in a 5-a-side game. They used GPS
devices (SPI Pro, GPSports, Canberra, Australia) and analyzed with non-linear
signal processing methods. Approximate entropy values were lower in post-test
situations suggesting that these time series became more regular with
increasing expertise in football. Folgado et al. (2012) investigated how collective
behaviour varies with age (under 9, under 11 and under 13 years old) in
different small sided games formats (3vs3 and 4vs4). The collective behaviour
was measured by players field position ratio (lpwratio) to study team behaviour
variability and teams centroid distance to study their interaction within the game.
The results exhibited that team variable values were influenced by the age of
the players, as younger teams tend to present a higher value of lpwratio in their
dispersion on the pitch. The variability of this variable also showed a decrease
for teams with older players, indicating a more consistent application of the
width and concentration principles of play and reflecting a higher level of


Positional data in football performance analysis

collective tactical behaviour. Match variable showed a larger centroid distance
for the older age groups in comparison with the younger players in the
GK+3x3+GK, while all age groups demonstrated similar large centroid
distances in the GK+4x4+GK game format. These results suggest that length
and width ratio and centroid distance are useful measures of tactical
performance in small-sided games in youth football- Furthermore, , Duarte,
Arajo, Freire, Folgado, Fernandes & Davids (2012), investigated how collective
behaviours emerge in 3 vs 3 football near the scoring zone by identifying
coordination tendencies for the centroid and surface area of each and
comparing team these group-motion variables in three key moments of play, to
understand their temporal evolution and clarify the intra- and inter-group
coordination tendencies developed by the two sub-groups. The results showed
that emerging coordination tendencies displayed a mainly symmetric pattern
between the centroid of the teams in all trials. Despite the fluctuations in
centroid displacement time-series, results showed that the average position of
both teams approached and moved away from a defensive line in a highly
coupled fashion as demonstrated by high positive correlation values. Equally,
analysis of the surface area of each team did not reveal a clear coordination
pattern between subgroups. But the difference in the occupied area between
the attacking and defending sub-groups significantly increased over time.
Silva (2013) aimed to analyse the influence of field dimension and players
skill level on collective tactical behaviours during small sided and conditioned
games. Positioning and displacement data were collected using global
positioning system (15 Hz) during small sided and conditioned games (Gk+4 v.
4+Gk) played by two groups of participants. Team tactical performance was


Positional data in football performance analysis

assessed through established dynamic team variables (effective playing space,
playing length per width ratio and team separateness) and nonlinear signal
processing techniques (sample entropy of distances to nearest opponents and
the teams centroids mutual information). They concluded that the effective
playing space and team separateness increased significantly with pitch size
regardless of participant skill level. Furthermore, small sided and conditioned
games played on fields of different dimensions clearly constrained different
interpersonal interactive behaviours in players of distinct skill levels. Increases
in field dimensions promoted similar larger playing areas and similar larger
distances between direct opponents in both groups. In fact, the more skilled
players presented higher unpredictable values of distances to immediate
opponents, which was interpreted as a strategy for creating space and avoid
close marking. Sampaio et al. (2013) studied the heart rate, time-motion
characteristics and players tactical behaviour according to game status, team
unbalance (winning and losing when in superiority and inferiority) and the pace
of the game (slow, normal or fast) in football 5-a-side small sided games. They
used a GPS system to measure positioning data. The results showed that when
inferiority and winning, teams revealed more distance covered, more % heart
rate (majority in > 90% HRmax) and more distance to the team centroid.
However, when in superiority and losing team showed more distance covered,
more % heart rate (majority between 75-84% HRmax). When winning and in
superiority, team only showed more distance to team centroid. This research
brought new findings and insights to be applied on the training sessions like For
instance, positioning variables such as distance and randomness to centroid


Positional data in football performance analysis

were more accurate in discriminating the constraints and need to be considered
when planning and monitoring performance.
More recently, another research was developed in order to better
understand football tactical behaviour in a meso level. Travassos et. al (2014),
investigated how the change on targets information modifies teams tactical
behaviour during football small-sided games. To measure that information, they
played two 5 vs 5 games where one of them had 2 official targets with
goalkeepers and the other, 6 small targets. A GPS system was used do capture
all positioning data like the distance between the centres of gravity (CG) of
teams, the stretch index and the relative stretch index. Results showed a
moderate increase on the distance between the centre gravity of each team and
a small decrease on the stretch index and on the relative stretch index from 2
targets to the 6 targets games. It was also identified that pitch location affected
the interaction between teams. Also, an increase on the time that teams
displayed on lateral corridors and defensive sectors were observed on the 6
scoring targets in comparison with the 2 scoring targets small sided game.

Macro level interactions

There are some studies made in the macro level, where the interactions
between player-team and team-team are described, concerning new insights in
football tactical behaviour.
For instance, Duarte and colleagues (2012) investigated changes in the
complexity (magnitude and structure of variability) of the collective behaviours
of association football teams during competitive performance. By using a


Positional data in football performance analysis

prozone tracking system, researchers measured five compound positioning
variables such as the surface area, stretch index, team length, team width and
geometrical centre during an English premier league football match.
With the results it was possible to take some conclusions possible to see
that while the home team tended to show patterns of collective behaviour
characterised by high levels of depth, the visiting team exhibited patterns of
behaviour in which the lateral spread (width) was predominant in the first two
time periods of the match. By this researchers can achieve that visiting team
could have exploited the lateral spaces of the field more greatly, probably
pointing for a predominant lateral circulation of the ball. On the contrary, the
home team could have exploited more the spaces created by the increase in
depth, and possibly, their passing sequences might were short and related with
a direct playing style. The surface area and stretch index measures showed
alike patterns in their variations, indicating that both compound variables share
a similar nature at the 11vs11 level of analysis. However, there were key
events (goals) changing the tactical behaviours during the game, which appear
to be essential constraining the appearance of collective patterns of
Following the same researching line, Frencken et. al (2012) investigated
how inter-team distance dynamics correspond to match events through
continuous analysis of variability. As a method, researchers collected position
data from the Amisco system and determined periods of high variability in the
distance between the teams centroid positions longitudinally and laterally in an
international-standard soccer match and evaluated corresponding match
events. Investigators hypothesized that periods of high variability in inter-team


Positional data in football performance analysis

distance would indicate critical match periods like goal-scoring opportunities or
goals, but contrary to their predictions, results showed that periods of highly
variable inter-team distance were associated with collective defensive actions
and team reorganisation in dead-ball moments rather than goals or goal

Physical Measuring through Positional Data

As referred before, studies try to describe physical profiles of football

As an example, Gonalves et al. (2013), identify differences in time
motion, modified training impulse, body load and movement behaviour between
defenders, midfielders and forwards, during an 11-a-side simulated football
game. During two periods of 25 minutes of a simulated football match, the
investigators used a GPS system to measure distance covered by the players
heart rate values and position variables. The results showed that the total
distance covered during the game was similar for all players positions.
However, forwards spent less time in 93%HR comparing to defenders and
midfielders. Also, forwards exhibited lower body load values. About the
positional data, results indicated that all players (defenders, midfielders and
forwards) were nearer and more coordinated with their own position- specific
centroid. Moreover, all players dynamical positioning showed more irregularity


Positional data in football performance analysis

when related to the forwards centroid, as a consequence of their need to be
less predictable when playing.
Recently Folgado, Duarte, Fernandes & Sampaio J (2014), aimed to
quantify the time-motion demands and intra-team movement synchronization
tendencies during the pre-season of a professional soccer team, according to
the opponent levels. Positional data from 20 players were captured during the
first half of six pre-season matches of a Portuguese first league team. Time
motion demands were measured by the total distance covered and distance
covered at different speed categories. Intra-team coordination was measured by
calculating the relative phase of all pairs of outfield players. Outcomes showed
that there were no differences in total distance covered per opposition levels,
while matches opposing teams of superior level revealed more distance
covered at very high intensity. Playing against superior level teams implied
more time in synchronized behaviour for the overall displacements and
displacements at higher intensities. Also, the results suggest that reducing the
opponent level tends to lower the requested movement synchronization.
Therefore playing against higher-level opponents (1st league teams) may
increase time motion demands at high intensities in tandem with intra-team
movement synchronization tendencies. Thus, teams should be aware that
playing against opponents of lower levels might not present sufficient stimulus
for tactical and physical development and may be prejudicial during the
competing season.
Recent studies tend to study physical demands during an overloaded
period of a football season. Folgado et. al developed a study in order to
examine the physical and tactical performances of a professional football team


Positional data in football performance analysis

under congested and on congested fixture periods. Six home matches of an
English professional football team were analysed during competitive season (3
matches distancing three days from the previous fixture and 3 matches
distancing six or more days from the previous fixture). Players physical
performances were measured by the total distance covered and distance
covered at different speed categories. Tactical performances were measured by
the percentage of time of players movement synchronization of lateral and
longitudinal displacements. Results showed that that there was no difference in
physical performance between congested and non-congested periods, although
players did spend more time synchronized during the non-congested fixtures.
Given that players cover the same amount of distance at similar intensities in
both fixture distributions, the reduction in synchronization during congested
periods could be associated with adaptations due to the perception of fatigue.

Technical measuring
There are also some studies from researchers, trying to describe and
analyse the players technical behaviour, during elite football matches. For
example, Rampinini et. al (2007), examined the changes in technical and
physical performance between the first and second half during official matches
of Italian Serie A league and compared the technical and physical performance
of the players of the more successful teams (ranked in the first 5 positions) with
the players of the less successful teams (ranked in the last 5 positions) from the
same league. By measuring the total distance covered, high intensity running
distance, very high-intensity running distance, total distance with the ball, high20

Positional data in football performance analysis

intensity running distance with the ball, very high-intensity running distance with
the ball and the number of skill involvements, they showed that the players from
the more successful teams covered greater total distance with the ball and highintensity running distance with the ball and also had more involvements with the
ball, completed more short passes, successful short passes, tackles, dribbling,
shots and shots on target compared to the less successful teams between the
first and second half was found for both physical performance and some
technical scores (involvements with the ball, short passes and successful short
passes). This study showed a decline in technical and physical performance
between the first and second half, and that both physical performance and
technical skills were different between players from more successful and less
successful teams.
Also, Bradley and colleagues (2014), studied the influence of situational
variables on ball possession in elite soccer and quantified the variables that
discriminate between high or low percentage ball possession teams across
different playing positions. Results showed that Playing against weak opposition
was associated with an increase in time spent in possession while playing away
decreased the time spent in possession was increased when losing than
winning or drawing. Finally, the better the ranking of a team, the higher the time
spent in possession. The results also demonstrates that high percentage ball
possession teams and low percentage ball possession teams developed
different possession strategies during matches and that selected variables such
as successful passes were identified to explain these data trends across
various playing positions.


Positional data in football performance analysis

As we could see, positional data appears to be a new important and relevant
tool to understand teams tactical behaviour. Coaches and football players have
now one more way to improve their training method, by monitoring it in real
time. Also, positional data can be captured during official competitions, which
allow to coach staffs analyse their game performance.


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Positional data in football performance analysis

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