Web 2.0 Workshop: Overview

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Web 2.

0 Workshop

Learning Technology Unit

Name: Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Date: Auckland
New Zealand


This session introduces you to the Web 2.0 tools and engages you
in a project that will help you to think about how you can use these
tools purposefully in your teaching.

Aims of this session:

The aim of this workshop is teach you how to purposefully integrate

Web 2.0 tools into your teaching. 

Learning Outcomes for Session One:

By the end of this workshop:

• You will be able to describe the difference between Web 1.0

and Web 2.0.
• You will be able to describe a blog, a wiki and social
bookmarking in terms of the purpose and functionality of each
• You will be able to create a blog, a wiki and social
bookmarking account;
• You will be able to use the basic features of a blog, a wiki, and
a social bookmarking service;
• You will be able to create a learning design to integrate one or
more Web 2.0 tools into your teaching.

Learning Supports

 This workshop makes use of the workshop Wiki –


Structure for Session One

The session is scheduled for 3 hours.

Activity Time
Introduction and Pre-Course Questionnaire
Orientation Exercise
Web 1.0 and Web 2.0
Blogging Overview and Account Creation
Wiki Overview and Account Creation
Social Bookmarking Overview and Account Creation
Teaching with Technologies
Learning Design Activity
Presentations and Discussions
Post-Course Evaluation

1. Contextualizing Web 2.0

The purpose of this first exercise is to get you thinking about your
own teaching context and to provide a focus for the use of these
tools in your own teaching.

1a. Take two minutes to talk to the person sitting next to you about
challenges that you face in your teaching and/or opportunities to
enhance your teaching. For example, you may face the challenge of
lecturing to a very large class and want to find ways to engage the
students in the learning process:


1b. In this section of the workshop, we will provide an overview of

some commonly used web 2.0 tools for teaching. As we run
through this section, you might like to think about how you might
use the tools; you can jot your ideas down below. Think specifically
about how one or more of these tools might be used in your


2. Self-Directed Learning Exercise

In this section we would like you to focus on a particular project

relevant to your teaching context. If you have time after the
workshop we would recommend reading the following article by
Peter Jones.

Jones, P. (2007). When a Wiki is the Way: Exploring the Use of a

Wiki in a Constructively Aligned Learning Design. Paper presented
at the 24th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for
Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, ICT: Providing Choices
for Learners and Learning, Centre for Educational Development,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Retrieved 1 st March
2010 from

3. Learning Design Worksheet – Web 2.0 Tools for Teaching

The purpose of this section is to guide you towards the purposeful

use of technologies in your teaching.

3a. Briefly describe how you think the web 2.0 tool(s) will help
you to improve/enhance your teaching. Make specific
reference to the learner experience.


4. Achieving Alignment

4a. What are the learning outcomes for the course/programme
that you are considering?


4b. What are the teaching and learning activities for your
course/programme and how will these activities help students
to achieve the learning outcomes?


4c. How are you going to assess whether your students have
achieved the learning outcomes for the course/programme?


4d. Web 2.0 tools might be incorporated into teaching and

learning actvities and/or into student assessment(s). In each case,
the use of the technology needs to sit in a clear and coherent

relationship with what it is hoped students will achieve. How might
you use Web 2.0 technologies to support student achievement?


5. Feedback:

Imagine you are going to a conference to present your ideas to a

group of e-learning “champions” and that you will be receiving
constructive feedback. Prepare to describe to your colleagues the
project that you intend to implement in your teaching duties and
how this intervention puts into practice sound educational practice.
You might want to jot down a few notes below.


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