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The Last

The Last is actually a

transforming alien who is the
last of his kind. As his ship
crashed to earth, he changed
to blend in with his
surrounds. When he hit
ground, his ships internal
health regulator
malfunctioned and
suspended his ability to
change his shape, and edited
his DNA to a Fifth Dimensional Scale (I have no
idea what that means!). Managing to escape his
burning hull without too many injuries, he wished
he could go back in time and save his ship from
crashing, in which he found out that when his
ship changed his DNA, he could literally be in two
places at once by being able to place himself
anywhere in time. Failing to save his ship, he
managed to pilot it (badly) to a cave in where he
slowly created his secret HQ, the Vortex-Cave. He
then hitch-hiked to London, where he became
one of the most successful British fish & chip
store owners.

His only weaknesses are that his body is very

conductive to electricity and even a frayed power
cable could kill him (this also means he can
sometimes give nasty electric shocks) and that
he isnt always caring for other people and he
can go too far even to risk or lose the lives of

He is usually prepared to put others lives before
his, especially those close to him, but when there
are threats that are coming from his home
planet, he can be selfish and stressed, as he has
no edge on them. He is usually fairly friendly but
also boastful and show-offish and possibly has a
rather large ego. His favourite food is fish &
chips, his fish & chips.
The Last has a small but close group of friends,
consisting of Jake, who helps out at his fish & chip
shop, Timothy, who works at the nearby gumball
factory, Lewis, his (supposed) brother, and
Mandy, his girlfriend, and supposedly the only
other person apart from The Last that knows his
secret identity.

Michael Brindley (or The Last) has the ability to

travel through time and sometimes used to use
this to mess with peoples lives, until the Shadow
Proclamation, a sort of inter-galactic law force,
caught up with him and told him how he had to
use his powers. He is experienced in the use of
power gauntlets, gloves that will wield any sort of
weapon and he is also experienced in lucky chain
reactions. He can also slow down time so it
seems that he is moving at high speeds.

The Last came from a planet called @#$%! (This
was unable to be translated into English, as our
scientists are too lazy to do anything) about half
Earths size, but had been hollowed out in the
middle to create an inner city. The Last, or as he
was known, Flux, lived on the outer city (as the
inner city was for the important & egotistic
people) in an unused ship by the beach. The only
problem was that @#$%! kept all its military
weapons in the inner city, which happened to a
bad thing when, lets say, someone tripped while
carrying a bomb. The chain reaction obliterated
the inner city and it wasnt stopping there. It tore
through the outer city and destroyed their moons
(all 78 of them!), took out their neighbouring

planet (which they were constantly at war with)

and took out their sun. They had quite a lot of
military weapons. As the planet blew up, Flux
jumped for the light speed button. Instead he got
the self-destruct button. The explosion of his ship
thrust him straight into space only seconds
before Earths gravity pulled him down to earth.
Literally. In London, he was about to undertake
the persona of Warwick Davis, when he realised
that another alien already had that name, and
called himself Michael Brindley.

Volt is The Lasts arch nemesis (well, that is the
name of this section) from the year 4140. He was
called John Barolo and was a janitor working on a
satellite orbiting the planet Mars. Once when he
was cleaning the floors, (And walls, and ceiling,
well I guess in space, they are pretty much the
same thing) when he accidentally kicked over his
cleaning bucket, messing up the circuits. One
astronaut was sucked out into space, one choked
on his dinner, and the last had his guts sucked
out by the toilet.
John, not knowing what to do, jumped into an
escape pod with the command to travel back to

Earth. But as the ship crashed, the pod faulted,

and the time warp function activated, sending
him back through time. But the time shields
werent activated. Some say that people can go
insane without the time shields activated, and
guess what happened to John? He went insane,
you dimwatt! One of the side effects of having no
time shields it that you will merge with whatever
it taking you through time. So he became bionic
and he also can travel through time. Also,
because the ship was ridden with electricity, he
harnessed the ability to control any electrical
currents and control any electric devices. He can
also control electrical currants. Finally landing in
21st century America, he started his own
company, VOLTcorp. 10 years later, he saw a
falling meteorite, and using his telescopic eyes,
saw a crashing ship
Volt is very self-obsessed. He likes heavy metal,
classical, and nursery rhymes. His favourite foods
are ice cream, flowers, and sometimes gets a
craving for flesh. He is not a zombie. Volt is also
best friends with Wide-Awake, a psychotic street
cleaner. We think. He also can get attracted to
the colour Hipster Pink. Its apparently not pink;
its a light shade of red. If he had three wishes,
he would wish for a yearly subscription to his own

magazine, Girly Fun, world peace, and then world

The only associate VOLT has is a street cleaner
that goes by the name of Wide-Awake, who is
crazed with the afore mentioned Katy Perry song,
and is slightly insane and maybe, possibly, gay.
He is also possibly dead.

VOLT possesses the ability to change the flow of
time, fly using the electrical currents in the air,
control any electrical power source and/or
appliance, and has an IQ of a estimate 400. and
he can control electrical currants.


Sol 3. Earth. Terra. The third in line from the Sol
systems Star. The people of this planet were only
a level 5 civilisation, not having progressed very
far. But there was one. One that went by the
name of Michael Brindley. Something unexpected
was coming for him

Meanwhile, in Androzani cave system, there was

a noise. It sounded like it was a cat. It was a cat.
Michael Brindleys cat.
What do you want, Woof? Michael spoke cat.
Im busy at the moment. He was indeed busy
building a house. A third house. YES HE WAS
BORED! So very bored. Even time travel had its
limits. Michael stood up, stretching, walked over
to the fridge (a recent construction, and over 20
meters high. You need his step ladder, which also
was a recent invention, at a whopping 30 meters
high to reach the top. It was a very big cave.) and
pulled out a cake.
You wanted cake? Michael was talking to the
cat. No he isnt crazy, he can just talk cat.
Meow if we translated that to English using a
dodgy translator, we would get Cake is CRAP.
Wanting chicken. Maybe he could speak slightly
dodgy cat. But he was excellent at speaking dog.
Wrapping his scarf around his neck, and
conveniently forgetting his cat, walked outside.
Yeah, having his secret cave just out in the open
was rather a stupid idea.
Meanwhile, in London, John (or VOLT), was
considering running for queen of Britain.
Rethinking this statement, he thought he should
consider running for president instead. After a

careful thinking through, John pivoted around and

started for the stairs. He was suddenly craving
fish & chips
Ding! Ding! The incredibly annoying bell on
Michaels fish & chip shop. It had to be fixed as
every time it opened, it sung Santa Claus is
Coming to Town. Slamming the door, Michael
stormed behind the counter.
Youre unusually angry. Whats going on? Jake
appeared, who is his employee, and his closest
friend, eating chips out of a bucket. Somehow he
still managed to keep fit.
Im bored as hell. And I am hungry. All the chips
have gone because YOU BLOODY ATE THEM ALL!
Whoa! No need to snap! There are plenty more
chips out the back!
through the back, he slammed the door.
Gees, whats with him today? Jake muttered.
I HEARD THAT! Michael could be heard from the
next street.
Ding! Ding! The incredibly annoying doorbell
struck again.

Hello, and how may I help you today? standing

on the customers side of the counter stood a
man in his 40s, wearing a khaki coloured trench
coat, an ear piece, business shoes, black jeans
and a tee shirt. He had four grotesque mechanic
arms extruding out of his back.
Nice Halloween costume! Although
I know it isnt Halloween, I just cant get them
off. Ill have the large chips with extra chillibeanie sauce.
Certainly. Just hang on a sec. Jake scuttled out
the back. Here he saw a horrific sight. Michael
had eaten all the chips, scoffed all the chillibeanie sauce, and eaten all the fried fish fingers
(and with some custard).
Oh nononononononononono! You ate
everything! It was literally all gone, and there
was Michael lying on top of a pile of bags.
Uhhhhhh, I dont feel so good Michael
Come on, we need to get out of here! the
wheelbarrow was the most effective getaway.
Jake wheeled Michael out of the back into an
alleyway. But meanwhile, back inside the shop
Come on! Where is my food? Its been a good 10
minutes! John was ringing that little bell they

have on the counter that you cant resist pressing

repeatedly very quickly. Deciding that he wasnt
waiting any longer, he jumped over the counter
and ran out the back.
Where are all the supplies? M-m-m-m-m-m-y c-cchips? Jake and Michael could hear this from
where they were hiding, and were slightly worried
about the future of their business. All of a
sudden, Michael felt the humongous urge to
burp. He could feel it building up inside him, and
he couldnt hold it any longer.
Michael no-
Of course John heard this, and whipped his neck
around. He kicked down the back gate.
WHERE ARE MY CHIPS?! he shouted.
Jake, get out of here! Jake ran down the alley
You know what? I am fed up with being
unnoticed. I run the most successful company in
the northern hemisphere, and still no one notices
me! So maybe, I can make a different impact on
the worl-

Oh, shut up. John was rudely interrupted by

Michael with a faster than normal punch to the
face with a power glove.
Ive met people like you before. Go insane, want
to destroy the world or control it. You know what?
I am really not in the mood. I am fed up. I will
stop you, and then leave you to scavenge. I have
won before, and Ill win again. And then I
It was Michaels turn to get interrupted. A bolt of
insanely high voltage electricity hit him straight
in the chest, as he shook and quivered.
Ha! Dont have the upper hand now, do you?
John laughed as he flew away.
Michael are you ok? Jake conveniently rushed
Oh, that was shocking Michael fainted.
Ive called the hospital, its gonna be okay

FYI, Michael turned out alright, except the fact

that he strangely became obsessed with Jaffa

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