Asbestos On Board

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11647 EPE amiados




IMO MSC/Circ.1045/2002 (Guidelines for maintenance and monitoring
of ON-BOARD materials containing asbestos).
PD 212/2006 (Protection of employees who are exposed in asbestos at
MD 8243/1113/91 (Determination of methods for the prevention and
reduction of the pollution of the environment from asbestos emissions).
MD 13588/725/06 (Terms and restriction for the management of hazardous waste).
SOLAS (Chapter II-I) Regulation 3-5 (New installation of materials containing asbestos).

Environmental Protection Engineering S.A. is the leading Greek Asbestos
Removal Company. Since 2003 EPE S.A. has successfully conducted
more than 400 Asbestos Removal related projects and has managed
more than 5000 tons of asbestos waste material, thus providing with an
important lifework the society and the environment in general.

Environmental Protection Engineering S.A. (EPE)

24, Dervenakion Str., 18545 Piraeus - Greece,
Tel: +30 210 5530600 , Fax: +30 210 5574684,


11647 EPE amiados




Asbestos is the name given to a number of naturally occurring



If analysis of material samples confirms the presence of

Encapsulation or sealing

fibrous silicate minerals that have been mined for their useful

Sprayed-on fireproofing/soundproofing/thermal insulation.

asbestos, the potential exposure of persons entering the ship

Encapsulation involves coating the asbestos material with a

properties such as thermal insulation, chemical and thermal sta-

These vary from hard, impervious and well-sealed materials to fri-

should be evaluated. Many factors associated with the condition

sealant, which usually penetrates to the substrate and hardens the

bility, and high tensile strength. The three most common types of

able materials applied by spraying or trowelling. The colour will

and composition of the material need to be assessed in this

material. Sealing is the process of covering the surface of the

asbestos are: a) chrysotile, b) amosite and c) crocidolite.

normally vary from white to brown/grey to blue, although in some


material with a protective coating impermeable to asbestos.

Chrysotile, also known as white asbestos and a member of the

instances products may have been painted or dyed.

The general condition of all asbestos products contained in the

Encapsulation or sealing is not considered to be an acceptable

Serpentine mineral group is the commonest. Asbestos can only

These materials are found on structural steel members and decks

workplace, including those used in the ship for thermal or sound

alternative to repair or removal of severely damaged asbestos

be identified under a microscope.

(as fireproofing), ceilings, fireplugging, fire doors and occasional-

control, shall be visually assessed by a person who is competent

materials. Sealing would be inappropriate where the sealed

ly on walls (as fireproofing and/or soundproofing). They may be

to assess the associated risk (that is, the potential of such

asbestos is likely to suffer mechanical damage, for example,


exposed or may be concealed by suspended ceilings or other

asbestos products to release airborne dust).

through impact, drilling or sanding.

The shipbuilding industry has used asbestos to insulate boilers,

decorative structures. It should be noted that where the material

The period between each visual assessment will be determined by

steam pipes, hot water pipes, and incinerators. Asbestos dust

has been used exclusively for fireproofing, it will probably be

the condition and location of the asbestos. In some cases a visu-


collects around these areas and in poorly ventilated compart-

found to have been used for the same purpose throughout the

al assessment will be required on at least an annual basis.

Enclosure is the placing of a barrier between the asbestos mate-

ments of a ship.


rial and the surrounding environment. Enclosure of asbestos the

Many workers employed in shipyards were heavily exposed to

Acoustic plaster soundproofing. This is a firm, open-pored,

material is particularly suitable where the material or its protective

asbestos in ships and buildings. In later years, those who worked

plaster-like material, applied by a trowel. The soundproofing

coating is liable to mechanical damage. An example of this would

around asbestoscontaminated pipes, boilers, and other items in

material is usually exposed and not usually painted.

be building a box enclosure around exposed asbestos-lagged

shipyards were also exposed to asbestos dust. Overhauling an

Insulation. Asbestos-containing material used in the insulation

steam pipes.

old ship, which most likely contains asbestos, poses a very high

of air conditioning ducts, hot and cold water pipes, hot-water

health risk.

reservoirs, pressure tanks, and boilers is generally covered with a


fabric or metal jacket. Fire doors often contain laminates of

In general, asbestos insulation should be removed:

asbestos materials covered by wood or metal.

when it is breaking away from the substrate base; or


The health consequences of asbestos exposure in the shipyard
are great. One medical study followed a group of workers with 20
or more years of employment in ship repair work, and found that
86% developed asbestosrelated lung disease or lung cancer.
The risk continues as attempts are made to renovate
asbestoscontaining ships and control damaged asbestos in
shipyard buildings and structures.

when the insulation is likely to be abraded or otherwise

damaged; and
when the surface is friable and other control techniques are not
deemed to be satisfactory.

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