Y12PhysExamT1 2011

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General Instructions

Total marks - 70
There are two parts, Part A and Part B

Reading time 5 minutes

Working time - 1 1/2 hours

Board-approved calculators may be used

Write using blue or black pen

Draw diagrams using pencil

A data sheet and formulae sheets are

provided at the back of this paper

Write your Student Number where


Part A 12 marks

Attempt Questions 1 - 12

Allow about 15 minutes for this part

Part B 58 marks

Attempt Questions 13 - 23

Allow about 1 hour and 15 minutes for this


The content and format of this paper do not necessarily reflect the content and format of the HSC
examination paper

Y12 Phys T1 Exam 2011

Part A 12 marks
Attempt Questions 1 12
Allow about 15 minutes for this part
Use the multiple choice answer sheet.
Select the alternative A, B, C or D that best answers the question. Fill in the response space.

What is the weight of a 24 kg mass on Mars if its surface gravitational field = 3.5 N/kg?

235.2 N


84 N


24 kg


6.86 kg

A space shuttle is placed in a circular orbit around the Earth. It then thrusts its engine and moves
to a new orbit, as shown below. Which statement is true about the shuttles speed in this new
higher orbit, if the new orbit is also circular?


The speed will have to be greater than in the lower orbit


The speed will have to be less than in the lower orbit


The speed will have to be the same as in the lower orbit


The speed will have to increase continuously in the new orbit

Which of these statements best describe escape velocity?


It is the initial speed necessary to go into orbit


It is the speed necessary to escape from the surface of a planet


It is the initial speed necessary to become free of a planets gravitational pull.


It is the speed of the gravitational force

What occurs to the mass and acceleration of a rocket from lift-off to orbital insertion?

The mass decreases and the acceleration decreases


The mass decreases and the acceleration increases


The mass decreases and the acceleration remains constant


The mass remains constant and the acceleration increases

The escape velocity from a planet is 8.0 x 103 m s-1. Which of the lists shown below contains
factors that would all affect the value of the escape velocity?

planets radius, planets mass, the value of G (the universal gravitational constant)


planets radius, direction of launch, planets rotation


the value of G (the universal gravitational constant), mass of launched object, planets


mass of launched object, planets radius, direction of launch

Which of the following statements best describes how a satellite is kept in place once it is in its
orbit around the Earth?

The rotation of the Earth helps to maintain the satellites momentum.


The rocket thrusters on the satellite keep it moving in a circle.


Gravity provides all the force necessary to maintain the satellites orbital motion.


Earths orbit around the Sun provides enough motion for the satellite to keep in orbit.

Y12 Phys T1 Exam 2011

For the points P and Q on the trajectory of the projectile shown below, which of the following
statements is NOT correct? (Assume the projectile is not affected by air friction.)


The acceleration of the particle is the same at P as it is at Q.

The horizontal components of the velocity at P and Q are equal.
The total energy of the particle is the same at P as it is at Q.
The vertical components of the velocity at P and Q are equal.

A planet with the same mass as the Earth has an acceleration due to gravity four times greater
than the acceleration due to gravity on the Earth. What is the radius of this planet in terms of
earth radii (r )?


What is the difference between an inertial reference frame and a non-inertial reference frame?


4 re
2 re
re /4


All inertial reference frames must be accelerating with respect to another inertial
reference frame.
Newtons laws of motion are obeyed in all non-inertial frames


All inertial frames move at a constant velocity with respect to the Earth.


Newtons laws of motion are obeyed in all inertial frames.

A current carrying straight wire is placed in a uniform magnetic field. In which of the following
situations will the wire experience the maximum force?

When the wire is parallel to the magnetic field.


When the wire is placed at 300 to the magnetic field.


When the wire is placed at 900 to the magnetic field.


None of the above

Y12 Phys T1 Exam 2011


Two straight, rigid metal wires are parallel and 10 mm apart. Wire M sits on a table while the
second wire, N, is supported directly above, using two coiled conducting leads that act as
springs as shown below.

The wires are attached into separate electric circuits with DC power supplies. When the power
supplies are switched on, equal currents of 10.0 A flow though both wires. The wire N is
observed to move UP. Considering the electrical connections to wire M, (shown), when the
circuits are both switched on, which of the following statements is correct?
(A) ThecurrentinwireNflowsfromlefttoright.




(D) ThecurrentinwireNismorethaninwireM.


What is the function of the slit ring commutator in a DC motor?


To link the coil to the magnetic field to produce a uniform magnetic field.


To reverse the direction of the current in the coil every half a turn.


To increase the strength of the magnetic field.


To maintain a constant torque in the motor.

Student Number
Part B 58 marks
Attempt Questions 13 - 23
Allow about 1 hour 15 minutes for this part
Answer the questions in the spaces provided
Show all relevant working in questions involving calculations.
Question 13 (4 marks)
The power source of the space shuttle is its rocket engines.

Identify how the gravitational potential energy changes as a shuttle takes off from the
launch pad.


Explain the consequences for the craft and its occupants if the shuttle is undergoing
re-entry, and the angle of re-entry is significantly greater (steeper) than optimal.

Y12 Phys T1 Exam 2011

Question 14 (4 marks)
A very important experiment was carried out at the end of the 1800s to detect the relative motion of the
Earth through the aether.

Name the physics phenomenon or type of experiment that was used in this experiment
to detect the relative motion of the Earth through the aether.


Why did the apparatus have to be rotated through 900 after the first measurement
(observation) was carried out in the experiment?


What should have been observed if a positive result occurred for this experiment?

Question 15 (7 marks)








2.95 108



5.26 108

Assuming these moons are in a circular orbit, find the orbital speed of Tethys

continued next page
Question 15 continued

Calculate the orbital period for the satellite Rhea.



Describe the importance of Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation in understanding

and calculating the motion of satellites.

Y12 Phys T1 Exam 2011

Question 16 (6 marks)
The centripetal force required to keep a satellite in orbit around a planet is provided by the gravitational
attraction between the planet and the satellite.

Equating the centripetal force and the gravitational force on a satellite moving in a
circular orbit, derive an expression for the orbital speed (v) of the satellite in terms of
the mass (m) of the planet, the radius of the orbit (r) and the universal constant of
gravitation (G).

continued next page

Question 16 continued

Compare a low earth orbit satellite to a geostationary satellite. Use the table below.
low Earth orbit (LOE)

geostationary orbit (GSO)

Question 17 (3 marks)
Nuclear accelerators are used by scientists to accelerate charged subatomic particles to very high
speeds. In one accelerator, an electron is accelerated to a speed of 2.8 108 ms-1.



If a light beam was sent down the accelerator in the same direction as the moving
electron, how fast would the light beam appear to be moving with respect to the


Calculate the relativistic mass of the moving electron as measured by a scientist in the
laboratory frame of reference.

Y12 Phys T1 Exam 2011


Question 18 (4 marks)
The weights of several masses were measured on the surface of a newly discovered planet, called Asila.
The results are shown in the graph below.


Explain why the graph above is a straight line.


On the above graph, draw the expected line of best fit if the mass of Asila were
exactly twice its present value and all other factors remained the same. Compare the
gradient of the line you draw to the gradient of the line shown above.

Examination continued on the next booklet


Student Number
Part B (continued)
Question 19 (7 marks)
A projectile is launched from the surface of the Moon so that it will land 20.0 km away along a
horizontal line from the point of projection exactly 40.0 s after being launched. Gravitational
acceleration on the Moon is 1.60 m s-2.

Calculate the projectiles initial horizontal speed to the correct number of significant


Find the projectiles initial vertical speed.



Describe how the angle of launch and the initial horizontal component of velocity for
this projectile (on the Moon) would be different to the angle of launch and the initial
horizontal component of velocity for a projectile on Earth that is designed to travel
the same horizontal distance. Give a sufficiently clear reason in your answer.

Y12 Phys T1 Exam 2011

Next page



Question 20 (5 marks)
A satellite of mass, m is orbiting Earth of mass, M. The radius of the orbit of the satellite is R. The
satellite orbits the Earth at a constant orbital speed, v. The acceleration due to gravity at the altitude of
the satellite is 7.2 ms-2.

Outline why, although the satellite is moving at a constant speed, the net force on it is
not zero.


Explain why a person experiences a weight force on Earth but feels weightless
orbiting the Earth in the satellite.


A second satellite, mass 2m, is placed into the same orbit. What will be its orbital
speed compared to the first satellite? Justify your answer with appropriate equations. 2

Next page

Y12 Phys T1 Exam 2011


Question 21 (8 marks)
A group of students were performing an investigation to determine the acceleration due to gravity, g,
using a pendulum.

Describe the method that they would have used to carry out a valid investigation.
Use point form to describe the sequential experimental steps.


A group of students in North Canada, doing the same experiment obtained a different
value of g to those students doing the experiment in South Australia. Assuming that
both groups carried out a reliable and valid investigation and that each groups value
was accurate, give two possible reasons why the two values differ.


The graph of period squared (s2) vs length (m) for the South Australian students is
shown below.


continued next page

Question 21 continued

Use the equation T = 2


and the graph above to determine the value of g.


Question 22 (4 marks)
A side view of a square coil of wire of 50 turns of dimensions 5 cm x 5 cm is drawn below. A uniform
magnetic field of strength 9.2 x 10-2 T is passing through the coil at an angle of 300 as shown.

If a current of 5.0 A flows in the coil, calculate the magnitude of the torque on the coil
at this instant.

Y12 Phys T1 Exam 2011



Is this the maximum torque on the coil? Justify your answer.



Question 23 (6 marks)
In a demonstration device a light metal rod, MN, sits loosely on two parallel metal rails of negligible
electrical resistance, a distance 150 mm apart. A uniform magnetic field of 0.25 T acts vertically down
as shown. When a DC power supply attached to the ends of the metal rails is switched on, a current of
8.40 A flows through the rails and rod is observed to move to the right, sliding easily along the
horizontal rails.
Magnetic field of 0.25 T acts vertically down
Metal rod


To DC power

150 mm

What causes the rod to move?



What is the direction of the flow of the current in the rod? Give directions in terms of
N and M.


Determine the magnitude of the force that causes the rod to move.


How is the force on the rod affected if the rod is replaced with another one of a higher
electrical resistance? Justify.


How is the force affected if the electrical rails are closer together? Justify.


Y12 Phys T1 Exam 2011


End of Examination

Student Number



Write your Student Number at the top right hand corner of this page.

PART A Multiple Choice

Select the alternative A, B, C or D that best answers the question. Fill in the response space.













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