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The human energy field is a holographic system of flowing etheric tubes and geometrical fractal

codes a system of light and geometrical shapes. You are not just your physical body. You
are not your mind. You are a multidimensional being of light and vibrations Energy.
Your consciousness and your etheric energy are one and the same thing a vibrational force of
light and fractal codes of information like data packets of digital memory. The quality of your
light and codes are reflections of the quality of your attitudes and inner feelings. They are
just two different languages for one and the same thing. Your attitudes and inner feelings are
what determine the quality of your light and codes. And unlike the facade of the human egos
presentation the quality of your codes and vibrational resonance cannot be faked.
Cold, dark, and negative attitudes, emotions, inner feelings, and rigid intellectual opinions
equal cold, dark, degrading, frictional, and restricting vibrations. The Codes of Restriction.
Warm, light, and positive attitudes, inner feelings, and a flexible open mind equal warm, light,
loving, and liberating codes, energies, and vibrations. The Codes of Light and Liberation.
Its very simple.
Attitudes and inner feelings are influenced by the conscious and subconscious programming of
the ideas, beliefs, and rigid intellectual opinions of the world around you. Ideas, beliefs, and rigid
intellectual opinions are not necessarily based on fact, knowledge, or truth. That which is not fact
is fiction. That which is not knowledge is ignorance. That which is not true is false. All of which
creates the evolutionary path of ego and the rigid human intellect. Illusions.
When something controls your attitudes and inner feelings then it controls the quality of your
codes and energy. It becomes a System of Programming and Control that regulates the conscious
and subconscious human mind and the human energy field at the same time. And ones subtle
etheric energy field is their very life force. Control feeds on life force.
The quality of your attitudes and inner feelings determine the quality of your consciousness and
energy field. But you are not the only one in this world. Your etheric energy field is not the only
etheric energy field. Human beings are all connected via the etheric field. The collective
conscious and subconscious are literal holographic etheric energy fields a collective etheric
energy field of human energy fields. This is the underlying nature and truth of reality.
The underlying attitudes and inner feelings of the world around you are literally fractal codes,
energies, and vibrations flying through the collective field. The collective field is dominated by
emotion and mind. This is why you will sometimes feel emotional for no reason at all. This is
why you will sometimes have nasty or negative thoughts that you cant believe you would ever
even conceive of yourself. You are sensing the emotion and mind within the collective human
etheric energy field. And this is why you intuitively feel that there is something out there that you

just cant quite put your finger on. Its because there is. There is a silent communication of
etheric energies, thought forms, and vibrations beneath the surface of things.
The collective holographic field
So, youre walking down a street in Spain, and youre wondering why you cant find a Mexican
restaurant. Then you realize everyones speaking Spanish, because youre in Spain, not Texas.
So, you opt for an Italian pizzeria, because you dont like paella. And you smile at the locals

But nothing is as it seems. Beneath the surface of things, you can literally see the collective
holographic human etheric energy field. You can learn to see it by disciplining emotion and mind
into calmness, pulling back your mind from locking onto things, and looking at things with a soft
eye. You have to learn to feel, observe, and sense the space between things.

Before you say, look at the pretty lights, you have to understand that the codes, energies, and
vibrational forces flying through the collective field arent necessarily benevolent or benign
forces. Orange (emotion) and lime greens (envy, jealousy, specialness) can make you sick. Black
(anger, control, disdain, hate) and reds (aggressiveness, anger, control) sting. But you cant
determine things by color alone. You have to read things with your intuitive feelings. There are
tons of things flying through the field, and most of it isnt good for you.
You ever wonder why talking to someone rambling in emotional drama or sadness makes your
stomach nauseas? Its because they are literally downloading their sickness into your system.
You ever wonder why listening to someone spewing out rigid intellectual opinions gives you a
headache? Its because they are literally downloading the codes of restriction into your crown
chakra. You ever wonder why walking down a crowded street makes you tired for no apparent
reason? Its because you are not just contending with physical things in this world, youre living
in a multidimensional arena contending with etheric forces, projections, and vibrations.
If you can disengage your mind and allow yourself to go into the deeper and deeper levels of
etheric perception, the physical plane disappears altogether revealing that human energy fields
are all woven together into a larger collective holographic field, like one giant net.

If you practice going into trance state meditations with theta or delta metronomes, you may have
come across various holographic fields in your visions. The grid can appear in a number of
different forms triangles, squares, hexagons, etc. There are endless combinations within the
fields. And its not just a two dimensional image like the one above. The fields are alive and

morphing with flowing codes, energy, and information. If you have seen this, youre basically
looking at the holographic field of the collective human conscious and subconscious.
Ok. Holographic etheric fields are entirely natural. They are the underlying nature of reality
the energy and information that gives form to the physical plane. The corporeal is born of the
incorporeal. The solid body is born of the non-solid etheric force. Even the birds and the trees
have etheric energy fields and collective holographic etheric energy fields that give them form.
The only real difference is that the holographic fields of nature are usually pure.
What makes the Matrix of Control a Matrix of Control?
Most people think of the Matrix as being the Outer Matrix the institutions that control and
regulate human activity in the physical plane. The Outer Matrix is very real but that Outer
Matrix is only the outcropping of an Inner Matrix the negative attitudes, inner feelings, and
rigid intellectual opinions within the collective human conscious and subconscious which
affects the quality of the collective holographic human etheric energy field.
The collective human conscious and subconscious are primarily dominated by fear and the inner
negativity of the human shadow which gives birth to actions and the institutions of
control, regulation, and restriction the Illusions of Security. Even deeper the collective
human conscious and subconscious are often dominated by the Sickness of Greed. And you dont
need a crystal ball to see that. Do you? No. And thus, the Outer Matrix is born.
Before you get angry and defensive, let me explain that some regulation is necessary. It helps
people function in harmony with each other and keep the peace. We live in a society. But have
you ever just stopped and watched the people in society stop for a flashing red light on a city
street that says, Dont Walk when there are absolutely no cars coming down the street?
The very moment that regulation takes away the natural awareness and perception to discern
things for yourself is the very moment that regulation becomes a System of Programming and
Control that disempowers you. They will tell you that its all for your own protection and safety
but your own natural awareness and perception are the only real things that will ever really
keep you protected and safe. Your awareness and perception are meant to be used to determine
what to do in relation to what you perceive. This is reality. Thats life.
And have you ever noticed the stupidity of policy?
Have you ever stood there and watched policy override common courtesy? Have you ever seen
policy override compassion? Have you ever seen policy override loving kindness? Have you
ever watched someone on an egotistical power trip because they have the permission to
enforce their policy but have no real power to override the policy themselves? Its funny.
Have you ever stood there and watched policy overrule common sense? Of course you have. Its

The very moment that some policy overrides a persons natural common courtesy, compassion,
loving kindness, and common sense is the very moment that you have one serious problem
with modern society. But thats societys modern policy. Coldness. Ignorance. Rigidity. Control.
Not to mention the fact that modern policy often has a total disregard for human well-being and
nature because most policy is based on corporate greed and profit. Not concern. Not wisdom.
But no one really cares as long as they are numbed up on consumerism, consumption,
entertainment, nightly news, medication, and the tick-tock routine of making a living.
The Outer Matrix is obvious and very real but its the negative attitudes, inner feelings, and
rigid intellectual opinions of programming that really dominate and rule the collective human
consciousness and subconsciousness and therefore human behavior and life experiences.
The Outer Matrix isnt necessarily standing over you with a stick to enforce control. It doesnt
have to. Once the programming of ideas, beliefs, and opinions are within the collective human
conscious and subconscious the program becomes a self-sustaining system. The program
perpetuates and sustains itself by the very people within it and they dont even realize that
they have become the very Matrix of Programming and Control themselves. Thats the epitome
of programming and control being totally oblivious to the fact that you are even a part of it
oblivious to the fact that you have become the very program yourself.
And even if you think that you are an alternative free thinker and not a part of the system, just
because you take an alternative stand with the protesting of an opposing opinion to the system
it doesnt really matter. Why? Because the System of Programming and Control is sustained by
the conflict of the opposing opinions within it. Conflict sustains the field. Conflict fuels the
system giving rise to more and more control. The Sphere of Control thrives on conflict. Any
given conflict is part of one and the same etheric field of intertwined vibrational forces.
And even if you are silent and dont even voice your opposing opinions that doesnt really
matter either. Because silent attitudes and inner feelings will still project etheric forces and
vibrations that affect others and the quality of the underlying collective human energy field.
Thats why you can feel when someone is angry. Its their subtle vibrational energy.
Its the quality of your attitudes and inner feelings that really matter. Were talking about the
quality of your consciousness. Its the quality of your inner self and inner spirit that determines
the quality of who and what you really are. It all comes down to the quality of your heart and that
is what determines the quality of the energy and vibrations that you are resonating.
What is the Real Matrix? A System of Programming and Control.
What is the Real Matrix? The Collective Human Conscious and Subconscious.
What is the Real Matrix? The Evolutionary Path of Ego and the Rigid Human Intellect.

What is the Real Matrix? The Collective Human Etheric Energy Field.
If the Matrix is a system of programming and control, the collective human conscious and
subconscious, the evolutionary path of ego and the rigid human intellect, and the collective
human energy field then where does the Real Matrix really enforce itself upon people?
At home. At school. At work. The Matrix of Control is everywhere but the Matrix affects you
the most through those that you are the closest to family, friends, co-workers, and people.
The Matrix is the child coming home from school selling cookies or magazine subscriptions as a
fund raiser, when they would actually raise more funds for their own charity if you were kind
enough to just give them twenty bucks for a good cause. The Matrix is the child coming home
from school supporting a politician, before they are even old enough to understand what politics,
political agendas, or propaganda even are. The Matrix is the child that watches reality TV shows
and thinks that blowing $50,000 on a birthday party or wedding is normal. Its not.
The Matrix is the friend who smiles at your face, but lies and gossips behind your back.
The Matrix is the colleague that you present a new idea, solution, something creative, or even
something revolutionary to but they just cant seem to think outside of the box of their rigid
human intellect simply because they have always done what they have always done. Routine.
This is not the judgement of people. This is an observation of the human condition. Reality.
You have to have sympathy for the fact that people are born into the system of programming and
control. You also have to understand that many of the people in that system arent ready to be
unplugged. The world is living in an illusion. Oblivion.

The only real question is: How does one escape The Real
You escape the Matrix of Control by neutralizing your ego and rigid intellectual opinions. You escape
by neutralizing the inner negativity of the conscious and subconscious human mind. You have to
transform attitudes and inner feelings that disempower you into attitudes and inner feelings that
empower you. It all comes down to Inner Power and Perception. It all comes down to expanding
your consciousness and heart into warmth, wisdom, and understanding.

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