Thlarau Taksa (Spiritual Body) A Awm Ngei A Ni Tih Finfiahna Chu

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K.Vanlalliana (Yahweh Tsidkenu )

      Fapa ( Lal Isua ) hi Mary pumchhunga A luh hmain mihring ang a lo

ni dai tawh a.Tisa taksa ( physical body ) A neih hmain Thlarau taksa
( Spiritual body )mawi tak  A lo nai daih tawh a ni.Adamate awm
hmain,Fapa chu ,Kut pahnih,ke pahnihnei tung chhoa kal mihring pian
hmangin A lo piang daih tawh a. 

Mary pum chhunga A awm hma a Fapa hnathawh leh A lan dan
then khat te lo tar lang i la;- 

      Thlarau Taksa ( Spiritual Body ) A awm ngei a ni tih finfiahna chu;- 

1Corin.15:40 Van taksate a awm bawk a,lei taksate pawh;nimahsela

van taksa ropuina chu a danga,lei taksa ropuina chu a dang a ni.

1Cor.15:40 " There are also celestial bodies,and bodies terrestrial:but

the glory of the bone,and the glory of the terrestrial is
another."( KJV )

1Corin.15:49 Tin,leia siam mi anna kha kan put angin,vana mi anna

chu kan pu bawk dawn a ni.

1Corin.15:49 " And as we have borne the image of the earthy,we shall
also bear the image of the heavenly "(KJV )

Danel.7:13 Zan in larnaahte chuan,ngaiteh,van chhumte nena lo kal, mi

pakhat," mihring fapa ang hi ka hmu a ",

Danel.7:13 " I saw in the night visions,and,behold,one like the Son of

man came to the Ancient of days,and they brought him near before
him."( KJV ) 

Jhon.1:1 "A tirin thu a awm,Thu chu Pathian hnenah a awm,Thu chu
Pathian a ni ".
Jhon.1:1" In the beginning was the Word,and the Word was with
God,and the Word was God( NKJV )

Thu ( word ) Tih hi Lal Isua hming a ni tih fin fiahna chu;-

Rev.19:13  Puan thisen kai a sina;A hmingah chuan Pathian Thua an ti


Rev.19:13 " He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood,and His name is
called the Word of God."( NKJV )

Pathian Thu kha Lal Isua a ni tih achiang hle mai.

Cols.1:15 Ani chu hmuh theih loh Pathian anpui,thil siam zawng
zawnga piang hmasa ber chu a ni a;

Cols.1:15 " who is the image of the invisible God,the first born of every
creature "( KJV )

Rev.3:14 " Amena,thu hretu rinawm leh dik taka,Pathian thil siam bula
khan heng thu hi a sawi a ni "

Rev.3:14 " Amen,the faithful and true witness,the beginning of the

creation of God; "(KJV)

Jhon.17:5 Aw ka Pa,khawvel awm hmaa I hnena mawina ka neih

khan,tunah nangma hnen ngeiah mi chawi mawi rawh.

Jhon.17:5 " And now,O Father,glorify thou me with thine own self with
the glory which I had with thee before the world was "(KJV )

Jhon.8:58 Isuan an hnenah," Tih tak meuhvin,tih tak meuhvin ka hrilh a

che u," Abrahama awm hma pawhin ka awm " a ti a.

Jhon.8:58 " Jesus said unto them, " Verily,Verily,I say unto you,Before
Abraham was,I am "( KJV )

Prov.8:22,23 LALPA chuan a thil siam bul berah min din a,Hmasanga
thil siam bul berah,chatuan ata,atir tea din ka ni,leilung awm hma

Prov.8:23 " I was set up from everlasting,from the beginning,or ever

the earth was"( KJV )
Prov.30:4 Tunge ni van chho tawh a,lo chhuk leh A chu? Tunge ni A
kuta thil hum khawmtu chu? Tunge ni A puana tui funtu chu? Tunge ni 
kawlkil zawng zawngte tinghet? Tu nge ni A hming,tunge ni A fapa
hming pawh i hria em?

Prov.30:4 " Who hath established all the end of the earth? What is his
name,and what is his son's name,if thou canst tell?( KJV )

Ephe.1:4 Hmangaihnaa thianghlim leh sawiselbovin Ama hmaah kan

awm theihna turin leilung pian hmain kristaa min thlan ang khan:

Ephe.1:4 " According as he hath chosen us in him before the

foundation of the world " ( KJV )

Rev.1:8 " Kei Alpha leh Omega ka ni",Lalpa Pathian awm meka leh
awm tawha leh lo la awm tura,engkimtitheia chuan ati a ni.

Rev.1:8 " I am Alpha and Omega,the beginning and the ending,saith

the Lord,which is,and which was,and which is to come,the Almighty.
( KJV ) 


Tawng danga an lehlin dan atangin lo tan ila;-

      THEOS(Greek) = GOD ( PATHIAN ) 

      JEHOVAH ( YAHWEH ) Hebrew  = LORD ( LALPA ) Avaia Capital a

ziah thin a ni. He hming hi Pathian hmel hmuh lohva,a chan chin ringawt
emaw,a hming ri ngawt emaw sawi nana hman a ni. 

                  Adonai ( hebrew ) = Lord ( Lalpa ) " L " chauh Capitala lehlin

a nia,Lal Isua kohna bik a hman a ni.( O.T ) ah 300 vel hmuh a ni. ( N.T
) a atlukpui chu KURIOS = hei hi " Bawihin a pu a kohna a ni " Book of
Ezekiel-ah hian Adonai,Lord,Lalpa tih ziak hi 203  a hmanga inlarna
hmuh anih avangin,Adonai = Lord ( Lalpa ) hi inlarna, mita hmututen
an hman kher thin a ni.OT-ah 300 times vel hmuh a nia,N.T-ah pawh
Lal Isua sawinan vawi tam tak hman a ni bawk. " L " chauh capital hi Lal
Isua sawina bik  ani tih a chian zawk nan,a finfiahna BIBLE verses then
khatte lo tar lang i la :- 

            Matt.13:14 " the grace of the Lord Jesus christ "

            Mark.2:28 " Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath

            Luk.2:11 " which is Christ the Lord "

            Act.2:36 " Whom ye have crucified,both Lord and Christ "

            Act.10:36 " Preaching peace by Jesus Christ:he is Lord of all "

            Act.16:31 " Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ "

            Rom.10:9 " thy mouth the Lord Jesus,"

            1Corin.2:8 " they would not have crucified the Lord of glory."

            1Corin.15:47 " the second man is the Lord from heaven."

            Gal.1:3 " and from our Lord Jesus Christ "

            Gal.6:14 " The Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ "

            Gal.6:17 " The marks of the Lord Jesus "

            Gal.6:18 " Our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit "

            Eph.1:2 " God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ "

            Eph.1:15 " your faith in the Lord Jesus "

            Eph.1:17 " God of our Lord Jesus Christ "

Phil.2:11 " And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is

            1thes.1:1 " The Father and the Lord Jesus Christ "

            1thes.1:3 " in our Lord Jesus Christ "

            1thes.3:11" our Lord Jesus Christ "

            1thes.3:13 " The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ "

            1thes.4:1 " exhort in the Lord Jesus "

            1thes.4:2 " Through the Lord Jesus "

            1thes.5:23 " at the Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ "

      1thes.5:23 " The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you ".Amen

            Jude.4 " denying the only Lord God,and our Lord Jesus Christ "

            Rev.19:6 " for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth "

      A chunga BIBLE verses kan tarlang atang khian ' L '  chauh Capital
khi, Lal Isua ( Jesus ) sawina bik a ni tih chiang takin a hriat thei awm

            Theology dik lohvah chuan, Pa hun,Fapa hun,Thlarau

Thianghlim hun,Thuthlung hlui ( O.T ) hun lai kha Pa hun,Lal Isua
khawvela a chen lai hun kha Fapa hun,Pentecost-ni a tanga tun thleng
hi Thlarau Thianghlim hun ti tein,Mi pathum hian hun anin sem emaw
tiin zirtir a lo ni tawh thin a.Thuthlung hlui ( O.T ) khan Pa chauhin hna A
thawk lova,Pa vente hnenah Fapa khan Thu A zu sawi thin a,Thu a
sawi thinnate chungah chuan Thlarau Thianghlimin A thuam thin a ni
zawk; chu tak chu kan sawi fiah thiam loh pawhin,Pathian finna
rinchhanin hrilhfiah theih kain beisei tlat a ni.LALPA hming chu Fakin
awm mawlh rawh se.AMEN.

             A chunga Hming kan tarlan atang khian sawi tumta dawn a ni.
Thuthlung hlui( O.T ) a Fapa inlarna thinte lo sawi phawt i la:-

            Kan hriat hmasak tur chu " Lord "  ' L ' chauh Capital khi Lal Isua
sawina bik ani tih,achunga kan sawi tawh ang khan hriat hmasak phawt
a tha ang.

            Abrahaman mikhual pathum anei a, hei hi Trinity-a mi pathumte

An ni tih hriat theihna chu;-     

Gen.18:3 Ka pu,mi khawngaih theih chuan,khawngaih takin i

chhiahhlawh hi mi kalpel lul suh ang che u;

            Khi laia ka pu tia ahmannaah khian sap BIBLE-ah chuan Lal Isua
kohna Adonai = Lord kha a hmang a ni.
            Gen.18:3  and said, " My Lord,if I have now found favor in your
sight,do not pass on by your servant.( NKJV ) 

            Pa Pathian chu tu ma hmuhtheihah a in lan ngai lo.  

         Jhn.6:46  Tumahin Pa an hmu ngai ka ti lo,Pathian hnena lo

chhuaka chauh lo chuan;Ani chuan Pa chu A hmu.

Jhn.6:46 " Not that any man hath seen the Father,save he which is of
God,he hath seen the Father ".(KJV ) 

Tin,Thlarau Thianghlim pawh tuma hmuhah ain lan ngai kan hrelo.A
changin,thlipui ri nasa tak (Strom)angtein,Mei(Fire),thuro(Dove),chhum (
cloud ) te ( symbolize ) hmang chauha inlan thin a ni a.Chuvang chuan,
Abrahaman' mi khual pathum aneihte hi Pa,Fapa,Thlarau Thianghlim
te ani ngei tih chu rinhleh rual a ni lova;Pathum ni si
in,Adonai,Lord,Lalpa kha a be bik kher a,adang mi 2 te kha chu hetia
han biak mai chi an ni hmel loh riau a ni. 

            Tin,LALPA vantirhkoh ( The Angel of the LORD ) pawh hi kan

Lalpa Isua tho kha a ni a. 

            Judges.13:18 Tin,LALPA vantirhkoh chuan a hnenah," Engati

nge ka hming mi zawh? sawi mi a ni hlei nem," a ti a. Heta ka hming
sawi mi a ni hlei nem tihah hian Sap BIBLE-ah chuan "Wonderful " a
hmanga. Isah.9:6 " A hmingah chuan Maka,Remruattua,Pathian Chaka,
tih nen khan a in angchiah a ni.A hnuaia BIBLE verses te hi ngun takin
han chik teh le.

      Judges.13:18 And the Angel of the LORD said to him," Why do you
ask My name,seeing it is Wonderful?" ( NKJV )

      Isah.9:6 For unto us a child is born,unto us a son is given;And the

government will be upon His shoulder,And His name will be called
Wonderful,counselor,mighty God.Everlasting Father,Prince of Peace.
( NKJV ) 

      A chunga kan tarlan atang khian,( The Angel of The LORD ) hi Kan
Lalpa Isua ngei kha a nihtih a chiang reng mai a,LALPA Vantirhkoh
inlarna dangte leh Lal Isua ani ngei ani tih finfiahnate lo tar lang leh i
      Jacoban' atute Mal a sawmna tawngkam atang hian;

Gen.48:16 " Sual zawng zawng laka mi tlantu Vantirhkoh chuan

naupangte hi malsawm rawh se,"

Gen.48:16 " The Angel which redeemed me from all evil,bless the
lads; (KJV )

      BIBLE-ah hian Vantirhkohten  sual antlan theih thu hi kan hmu

lova,Pathian tirhkahte,fakchite,phubalatute etc. an ni mai chauhva,chu
vang chuan,Pathian hmaa sual zawng zawnga mintlan thei awm chhun
chu Lal Isua chauh kha A ni a ni.

      Gideon inlarna hmuah;- Judg.6:22 " Chutichuan Gideon chuan

LALPA Vantirhkoh a nitih a hre ta a;tin,Gideonan " E khai aw,aw Lalpa
Pathian! LALPA Vantirhkoh chu a hmai chhan ngeiah ka hmuh tak chu
le," a ti a.  

      LALPA Vantirhkoh tih ni siin, Gideonan a kohnaah chuan,

Adonai,Lord,Lalpa ( Fapa Isua ) kohna bawk kha a hmang leh a ni.A
chian zawknan Sap BIBLE tarlang  leh ila a tha ange;

Judg.6:22 " And when Gideon perceived that he was an Angel of the
LORD,Gideon said,Alas, O Lord God! For because I have seen an
angel of the LORD face to face " (KJV )

            Tin,LALPA Vantirhkoh ( The Angel of the LORD ) kan tih hi

Thuthlung Hlui, O.T hun laiin kan hmu a,Lal Isua khawvela Chanchin
Tha hrila A chen lai khan LALPA Vantirhkoh ( The Angel of the
LORD ) hi vawikhatmah kan hmu lova,Lal Isua A thawh leh hnu
( resurrection ) hunah chuan LALPA Vantirhkoh ( The Angel of the
LORD ) hi kan hmu leh chauh a ni,chu vang chuan kan Lalpa Isua ngei
kha a ni tih hi rinhleh rualloh a ni.

Jacoban' Jabbok lui kama Van mi a buan kha kan Lal Pa Isua tho kha a
ni tih a finfiahna chu;-

Gen.32:30 " Pathian chu A hmai hma ngeiah ka hmua,ka nunna hi

zuah a ni si," a ti a ni.

Gen.32:30 " for I have seen God face to face,and my life is

preserved," ( KJV ) 
Tin,Melchizedek pawh hi kan Lalpa Isua bawk kha ni tih hriattheihna
BIBLE chang i lo en leh i la; 

Gen.14:18 " Pathian chungnung bera puithiam" ( The Priest of God

Most High )

      Heb.7:1-3 " Pa neilovin,awm tan ni neilovin,nun tawp pawh nei

hek lovin Pathian fapa anga siam a ni zawk"( " without father,with out
mother,with out genealogy,having neither beginning of days nor
end of life,but made like the son of God "  ( NKJV )

Melchizedek = tih awmzia chu; " Felna Lal,salem Lal " tihna a nia.
Felna Lal ( King of Righteousness ) chu kan Lalpa Isua tho kha a ni
a,Salem Lal ( King of Salem )  pawh A mah tho a ni a.Tin,Thuthlung Hlui
( O.T ) hun lai khan Mithianghlim zawlneite,puithiamte kan lo hmunual
tawh a,heng Titles nei hi tumah an awm lova;Paneilo,awm tan ni
neilo,nun tawp neilo,chungnung bera puithiam;-heng Titles-te hi
hmeichhehrin tungchhova kal nih theihloh vek a nih a vangin;
Melchizedek hi kan Lalpa Isua ngei kha A ni tih pawmnah awm tak a

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