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Mordheim Additional Rules

(light version)
Armor provides a save against post-battle serious injury equal to the Armor
Save of the armor (e.g. Gromril Heavy Armor grants a 4+ save against serious
injury, Light Armor grants a 6+ save against serious injury, etc.). Roll for the save
against serious injury for warriors taken Out of Action before rolling on the serious
injury table and treat a successful save as 'Full Recovery'. Shields, Bucklers,
Helmets and any other forms of armor do no provide this save against serious injury.
Shields and bucklers grant the defending model a +1 Armor Save in close
combat in addition to the official rules, if used along with a hand weapon (sword,
axe, dwarf axe, mace, club, hammer, sigmarite warhammer, steel whip all count
as hand weapons; dagger, spear and morning star do not).
Dual Wielding:
Due to the difficulty in fighting with more than one weapon, any warrior
attempting to do so suffers a -2 to hit penalty when attacking with the off-hand
weapon. It is necessary to declare the off-hand weapon before rolling to hit. Attacks
from additional weapons equipped due to skills (e.g. Tail Fighting) or mutations (e.g.
Extra Arm) are exempt from this rule. Weapons that come as a pair (e.g. Fighting
Claws) are also exempt from this rule.
New combat skill - Ambidextrous: The Warrior is adept at fighting with a
weapon in each hand. He may ignore the penalty that such practice normally incurs.
Any Dramatis Personae (e.g. Johann The Knife, Bertha Bestraufung and Veskit) that
comes equipped with two hand weapons should all be granted the Ambidextrous
Missile Weapons:
Attacks made with pistols in close combat resolve before any other attacks of
the model armed with pistols and can be done only in the first round of combat (if
any pistols are not fired in the first round of close combat, they are not fired for the
rest of the combat). If a brace of pistols is used in close combat, the second shot is
subject to an off-hand penalty to hit modifier of -1. This modifier is removed with the
Pistolier skill. Models armed with pistols and spear/halberd choose whether to use
pistols in close combat or to benefit from the First Strike/Polearm special rules. They
cannot choose both.
Close Combat Weapons:
Halberds have the Polearm special rule and cost 2gc more than listed.
Polearm: Whenever a model armed with this weapon is charged, order of
who strikes first is determined by initiative, unless the charging model has the
Strike First special rule or the defending model is already in close combat.
Change the Concussion special rule to: Any enemy taken an unsaved wound
from a weapon with the Concussion special rule is reduced to initiative 1 until the
end of the next Close Combat phase.
Flails and morning stars have the Concussion rule in the first round of

Change the Healing Hand prayer of Sigmar to healing one wound instead
of restoring the full quota of wounds. Add an option of casting the prayer at
difficulty 10 (if successful, restore the full quota of wounds). Using healing herbs
also restores only up to one wound.

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