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Re-examining the film Divergent after having read Platos The Republic has made me able to
understand and see more clearly the similarities and differences between these two societies. In Platos
The Republic society was divided into three classes and or factions, these were the Rulers or the
Guardians, the Auxiliaries or the military force and the tradesmen or the producers. Similar to that of
Platos the Republic, Divergents society was also divided into factions and or classes which were
Abnegation, Erudite, Dauntless, Amity and Candor. Abnegation were the Guardians of their society, they
made up the ruling body, the Dauntless are Divergents Auxilliaries and Amity were the producers or the
farmers. Erudite were those who were smart, scientists, inventors and Candors are often lawyers which
make up the legal system in their society because they value honesty and there are also the factionless. In
both worlds, there is the belief that the classes and factions are needed to maintain society. There are also
some differences like where Abnegation in the movie were the leaders and or the rulers not because they
had the political wisdom, as the Guardians did in Platios the Republic, but just because they were
selfless. Also, in the movie the Dauntless who are the auxiliaries were easily manipulated which stresses
the fact in Platos the Republic that the Auxilliaries had to be very rigorously trained so that they would
not get manipulated just like in the movie. All in all, both societies were similar in a way that there are
class or faction divisions which have different specializations. We could place Divergents five factions
within those of Platos three classes in the Republics society.
Watching the film Divergent and reading Platos the Republic also made me realize that class
divisions and class hierarchies in society is useful in such a way that with each class and or faction having
a specific specialization, the people would be able to live pleasantly together because if there is someone
who would stray away from their specific specialization that would break the order and bring chaos. In
the movie, Tris tells us that the founders of their society divided them into factions in order to keep the
peace. Both Platos the Republic and the movie Divergent tells us the importance of the social class
heirarchies or factional divisions and that these class divisions were created to ensure that the society will
exist in harmony.
Both Divergents and The Republics society seem pretty similar to me. But if given the chance to
decide in which idealized society or community I would like to live in, I would choose to live in the
Divergents society, although both societies would be pretty similar because of the class and or faction
divisions, the idea of living in Divergents society would be pretty exciting since that there is some sort of
fight for power unlike in the Platos the Republics envisioned perfect society. It would be great to be a
part of the Divergents society with all the drama and excitement going around and the fact that you could
choose the faction or class you would be a part of. Though both worlds are pretty similar. I would still go
for the Divergent society just because of the drama and the excitement.

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