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Inbound EDI Idoc Failures

This document explains Inbound EDI Orders IDoc failures. EDI orders are created in
Websphere and then IDoc carries the relevant data to SAP. It stands for Intermediate
Document. SAP dont understand the Webspheres Customer and Material number,
therefore at SAP Customer Master Data and Material Master Data is mapped through
Tables. When the data contained in the IDoc get mapped to data in SAP an order is
created successfully. If there are any mapping issues the IDoc will fail with status 51
or status 56.

EDI Screen Shots

Transaction WE02 gives list of all IDocs for a selection. A selection variant is created
for you in client HRS305. To get the variant press button Get Variant.

Double click on line EDIORDERS1

The selection behind the variant is appearing. You can change if you want to. You will
need to change the date in order to make it suite todays date. Press button Execute to
get the list of IDocs.

Following list will appear. Since I on the selection screen removed all successful
Idocs only the ones with error is appearing. If you want successful Idocs to appear as
well the selection needs to be changed.

The Idoc report looks like as shown below:

Expand the node INBOUND IDocs and select (click once) ORDERS

Failed IDocs are captured in Status 51 and Status 56.

When you Double Click on Status 51, you can see all failed IDoc with status record

Similarly when you double click on Status 56, you can see the all Failed IDoc with
status record 56.

To see successful IDoc, select status 53. IDoc with green traffic light are successful
ones. (you need to change the selection variant in order to see this)

General Information:
To check the Error in IDOC, Select the IDoc and double click on it. Screen will look
like as shown below:
It is showing three kinds of Records.
a) Control record: The very first record of an IDoc package is always a control
record. The structure of this control record of the structure EDIDC and
describes the contents of the data contained in the package.
b) Data Record: All records in the IDoc, which come after the control record, are
the IDoc data. They are all structured alike, with a segment information part
and a data part, which is 1000 character in length, filling the rest of the line.
c) Status Record: Information about the IDoc status.

How to Check Errors, understand them and action to be taken are

explained below with relevant Screenshots:

1) Double click on the line saying 56 to get the errors of type 56.

Click once on the Idoc number to see description of error below.

Description tell the reason which has caused the IDoc failure.
It says that EDI Partner Profile not available which means that customer master
account for EDI has not been set up in SAP.
To reconfirm this and before reporting same to help desk, please carry on the
steps, listed on next page.

Double click on an Idoc to see details, ie the segments and the actual data.
Choose (Expand) Data records and when clicking on the line for the segment the data
will appear to the right. Customer Location Number of EDI order and Partner
detail of SAP can be seen at segment E1DKA1 AG.

This field LIFNR carries the value for Customer Location Number.
Get this number and now check in your raw files to see the Customers NAME.
On getting customers name, check same in SAP system if this customer has been set
up or not.
To find the Customer in SAP use T-code VD03. To search the customer with name,
press function key on your Keyboard F4 on the field Customer Please see the
screen shots below. (you can also press button marked in red to search)

On selection screen under Name field put customer description. Please dont put
complete description. Instead use asterisk * to search. Put * before and after the
search key name. Please see the screen shots below.

Now press Enter.( Green coloured with Right click button).

You will see list of customer (as shown below). Select the one which you look for.

Screen can be scrolled up and own with this

If you found the customer you are looking for, then please check the following
Mapping of customer Location Number in EDI orders to SAP system.
Use T-code VOE4. Below is the table where Customer Location Number is mapped
to SAP Partner number. Column marked as represent the Customer number
found in transaction VD03 and column External Partner represent the Location
number seen in Idoc ( through WE02).

External Partner represent the Customer Location number.

In SAP there are four ways to define Customer, which are called Partner

SP- Sold to Party is the customer number who send the Purchase orders.
SH- Ship to Party is the customer number to whom you deliver the goods.
BP- Bill to Party is the customer number to whom you send the Invoices
PY -Payer- is the customer number who pays for the good.

In most of the scenario for home trade SP=SH and BP=PY.

Column tells about SP or SH based on what defined on column Ext.function

From this table you can search the SAP partner number against Customer
Location number.
Get the Customer location Number from failed IDoc with Status 56 , from the
segement E1EDKA1 AG ( as shown below)

Search the Customer Location Number by dragging the scroll bar down.

If entry is found missing there could be a reason of Idoc Failure.

BUT there might be case when entry is existing there then you need to check
Partner Profiles (use T-code WE20)
Creation of Partner Profile: For every EDI customer set up in SAP, a partner profile
need to be created.Use t-code WE20- Select Partner Type KU.Search for SAP
customer and if it is not maintained, please report this error to Help Desk.

Here in list comes from T-code WE20, some are Irish customer ( which are usually
only 5 digit) while UK customers are generally 6 digit long.
If SAP customer is not maintained here, IDoc will fail.
Action to be taken: Please report to HELP DESK with all your analysis and
request them to take necessary action ( which could be maintaining of the table
EDPAR by T-code VOE4.)

General Information:
To check the customer details , use T-code VD03. Select the tab Sales area data
and click on Partner function tab. Here you can see the four different partner
functions as explained earlier. You may never need to do this.

2) Double click on Status 51 to get the errors of type 51.

Error type 1
On selecting th Idoc 630888, error will appear below in status notification for sel.

Here Error is Material 7140900 does not exist in plant 3005/country GB-this error is
related to Master Data set up issue in SAP.
Action to be taken: Please report this to Help Desk Team. Please confirm
with them Is this material needed to be sold from plant 3005 Kitt Green
and if so please request them to extend the Material Master data for plant
3005. (If the message mention plant 3006 it means the ENN is not
maintained for NDC)

Error type 2
This error Material 70906500 is not defined for Sales Org 3030, distr chan.10,
language EN- this is again related with Master Data set up Issue in SAP system.
(Here I have assumed Customer has ordered the correct EPN)

Action to be taken: Please report this to Help Desk Team and request
them to set up Material Master Data correctly.
If customer has ordered the wrong or expired Material, you need to find
the correct one by checking your Raw file and Master Data Excel. And
request to concerned person to add the correct material in Item Proposal
attached to Customer Master Data. Once it is done @Reprocess@ the
Idoc from Business Work Place.

Error type 3
This error tells Material 60200200 does not exist in storage location 3005 0100 is
related to Master Data set up issue.

Action to be taken: Please report this to Help Desk Team and request
them to set up Material Master Data correctly.

Error type 4
This error tells Item Proposal does not exist for Customer in Sales Org/Chn/Div

To confirm this please carry out the following steps. Get the Customer number as
explained above and check Master Data for the Customer- use T-code VD03.
Key in the SAP Customer number in Customer field and select Customers
Sales Area

Select the relevant Sales Area (should only be one) and press ENTER

Now selection screen will be updated with the sales area chosen. Again press ENTER

Choose the Sales Area Data Tab

Select the Tab Sales

Check the field Item Proposal and note that, its empty and that is why IDoc has been

Action to be taken: Report the error to HelpDesk with all your analysis
and request them to maintain the Item Proposal for required Customer.
It might be the case where Item Proposal do exist but still the error saying Item
proposal does not exist. It might be due to required entry missing from Table
EDPAR (VOE4). This entry is the combination of DEPOT & HEADOFFICE&

Error type 5

This error tells VKORG, VTWEG, SPART cannot be determined for customer
000010920, vendor 5000157000000- It means Sales area for Customer can not be

To reconfirm this please carry put the following steps:

In SAP all customer are defined in some Sales Area. (Sales Organisation/Distribution
channel/Division). To map EDI customers for particular sales area following table is
used: Use T-code VOE2.
Column with Vendor Number represent the Number that the customer uses in an
EDI message to identify you as the vendor (for example, the number under which you
are managed as a vendor in the customer's system).

Customer number represent the SAP Customer number which you can find through
T-codes VD03 and VOE4 (as explained above).

To check the entry, click on Postion and key in the SAP customer number. And
Press ENTER.

If entry not found there, please report to help desk.

Action to be taken: Please report to help desk, with all your analysis and
if entry not found there, please request them to maintain same or you
maintain the same.

Error type 6
This error tells The Material number for item 000210 could not be identified. It
means that customer has ordered the blank entry, no TUC and not Description. In such
case SAP does not recognize that material and gives the error and IDoc will fail.

To check this in detail, double click on the IDoc to check the ITEM DETAILS. Item
details are captured in segment E1EDP01

Field POSEX tells about the line number of the Order & field MENGE means

Material master
To see the Material EAN code in the material master go to transaction MM03.

Error Type 7:
In this type of Error, IDoc will not fail. Infact, Sales Order will be created
successfully but the items which are ordered with wrong TUC code or which are not
present in Item proposal of SAP customer, will be rejected in Sales Order. As SAP
does not understand wrong TUC ( which are defined in Material Master). To find out
such orders you need to carry out following steps:
To check this Error Type 7, you need to run this report ZSD_CUT.
Use T-code ZSD_CUT

Then Click ENTER. It will take you to screen as shown below

Choose the button Variant and list of variant will appear. Please see the screen shot
in next page:

Select the variant EDI ERROR and Press ENTER. Screen will look alike as shown

Change the Date for the Cut Creation as per your requirement. You can give the
range of date as well (ex. From19.04.2006 to 21.04.2006).
Then press clock shaped green coloured button.
Report look alike as shown below: ( Next page please)

Report can be scrolled forward and backward from this bar.

This report tells about all those orders, which have been ordered with Material
a) With wrong TUC code
b) Or with the Material which are not in Item proposal of SAP Customer.
a) For the reason type (a) with wrong TUC, such material will be rejected in
Sales Order with the reason code ZZ04 and saying EDI Material Error and
will be saved as DUMMY Material 60200200. It can be seen in Report as

b) For the reason type (b), materials which are not in Item Proposal, will be
rejected with reason code ZZ01 and saying Not on Buying List.

From this report you can get the Sales Order number also For example , here the
Sales Order number is 30135.

On getting the Sales Order Number, Use T-code VA03, to check the sales orders in
detail. Key in the Sales Order number and press ENTER

It will take you to screen which look alike as shown below:

Click on tab Reason for Rejection and screen will look alike as shown on next

Here you can see rejected item (fields which have been greyed out).( Marked in red

Action to be taken:
1) For the material in Sales Order, which have been rejected with
reason code Z1 Not on buying list, you need to report this to
Helpdesk with all your analysis. Request them to maintain Item
proposal in Customer Master Data in SAP.

2) For the materials in Sales Order, which have been rejected with reason code
Z4 EDI Material Error, you need to investigate further. You need to find out the
IDoc number in SAP. Once you get this number, you can check in your raw file
against Customer Location Number that what actually customer is looking for.
Customer Location Number can be seen in IDoc in segment E1EDKA1 AG. ( as
explained above). To get this done, please follow following steps:

a) Open the sales Orders and go to Reason of rejection tab and find the material
which are being rejected as EDI Material Error and saved as Dummy
material 60200200. Get the wrong TUC code from field Customer Material

Incorrect TUC code send by EDI customer

Once you get this code, use T-code WE09 to find out the IDoc number. Screen will
look alike as shown below

Select the button Variant and pop up will appear as shown below will your user
name in created by field. You have to delete this entry and then run this

Just press clock shaped green coloured button, which will execute this selection.
It will take you list of variant.

Select the variant EDI ORDER SEARCH and press ENTER

Screen will appear as shown below: ( next page)

Please use scroll bar to move the screen upward and backward. Take the scroll bar
down and key in the Incorrect TUC number in field for value Change the date in
field Creation Date based on your requirement.

Run this report , press execute button ( Green coloured clock shaped)

Report will look look alike as shown below:

This number in light blue colour is the IDoc number for the sales order 30135.

Action to be taken: Please check your raw file with the help of this IDoc to get
the correct material ordered by customer. And report same to Help Desk.

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