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Book 1

Nicoleus and her group awaken after a week-long break, only to realize that they are
not in their home as they were the night before. They are now surrounded by many
beings they have never seen before, staring at them. They do not understand what
5 has happened, but ask the apparent leader there, and find out that they are on the
planet of New Yorkus. The king is highly skeptical of their kindness and immediately
wants to kill them. They ask to tell the account of what had happened the previous
night, and the king begrudgingly allows them to do so, and agrees to help them
return to Earth. Due to the fact that the organisms on the planet do not understand
their language, they tell the accounts to a translator on New Yorkus. They began at
when they found out that they have another, say, “mission” to do. They need to dash
10 to the nearest bus stop and prepare for a day against Zeus and Poseidon. They have
to rush through Venice Beach, act common, and all the while, search for the diamond
anklet that so rightfully belongs to one of their crew, Julianeous. The other members
of this group are Phoebus, Amyus, and Estelleus. The entire epic is the telling of the
event that had occurred the day before. While hearing the story of Nicoleus and her
friends, the translator becomes highly touched at the dedication that she has in
protecting her friends, and tries to help them as best as he could to get them back to
15 their own place. The story begins with Nicoleus, Amyus, Phoebus, Julianeous, and
Estelleus hurrying to get to the bus stop.
Looking both left and right
20They dashed to the near stop
To successfully complete the task given
Fearing Zeus’ wrath
Unwilling to trip to Hades’ lair
25Until Phoebus brought up a well point
Bus will take long
While vehicles will take us the
Entire distance with half the time to spare
So, come, shall we take a car, ladies?
30Amyus furious, reminded Phoebus
Fool! We have no other choice
What car, do we have to take us in?
Who shall drive,
For we are not yet of age?
35Have you thought of that, Phoebus?
Please, provide me with an answer
And I will delightfully follow
Do you think we are taking this with joy?
No! Of course not.
40Now, have you an answer?
With a small sad shake of her head,
Phoebus passed Amyus and her smug look
Into the bus
Nicoleus held Amyus back and said
45To her with a sort of force
That her father would have taken them
Had we asked earlier
So there is no need for reprimanding
When it is so unneeded
50Did she understand?
Amyus nodded with a disgustingly dignified look
Then got on the bus, paid the fare
Then sat for the following ride that would
More or less take an hour
Book 2
After boarding the bus, Nicoleus and her group are riding the bus, not talking, for
about an hour, when suddenly one of Poseidon’s sea monsters, that look human and
are able to interact as one, appears near the beach. They are unaware of the monster
at first, but the monster sees the group and stomps its feet and the ground shakes for
a minute in response. Estelleus sees the monster and warns Nicoleus. Nicoleus takes
Phoebus, her strongest warrior, to go with her to try to defeat the monster secretly.
With a quiet sigh
Julianeous moved seats often
Having to open seats for elderly
When suddenly an earth rumbling shake
5 Frightened the wits out the passengers
Estelleus stood,
Looked outside and saw
Nearing the beach was
Poseidon’s smaller sea monster,
10 A human like thing, with monstrous size
Of teeth, of body, of head
Jagged teeth that could transform to neat
Black, endless eyes,
That intimidated or wooed when needed
15 Short coarse cherry brown hair,
Ending with the body that fit so perfectly
One would say is near a god,
Making them rather dangerous
For they can capture a mortal’s interest
20 Easily and quickly
Luckily, this monster was merely
Heading towards the beach,
Growling and knocking random things,
Searching for Nicoleus and the rest
25 Knowing this,
Nicoleus and Phoebus, her strongest
Jumped out of the bus,
However, much to the surprise of both
The sea monster turned around and began to run
30 Nicoleus and Phoebus chased the monster
The town people around them
Curiously looked on
Nicoleus was still running after the monster
But realized Phoebus had stopped a while back
35 Nicoleus asked her what was wrong
And Phoebus replied
I don’t see it anymore
It has disappeared for me
Yet you can still see it, I am guessing?
40I stand here, wondering what on earth happened
So tell me, Nicoleus, can you see?
Where has it gone?
Is it still running away? Or is it chasing us now?
I must know, oh please say.
45 Nicoleus stared stunned, at Phoebus
But still, looked back and with a gasp
Could no longer see the monster
Nicoleus laughed
Saying that the monster probably just
50 Ran back in the water and
Let’s go Phoebus, and get the others
Book 3
Laughing and reassured, Phoebus rushes to tell the others of the story. However,
55 Nicoleus is doubtful and worried. Poseidon’s monsters had only flaw: They could not
run very fast. So, Nicoleus knew that the monster could not have escaped in the
water. Furthermore, sea monsters do not run away from any god, nevertheless a
mortal like herself. She walked cautiously to the waiting bus, when she sees the sea
monster slyly approaching the bus from behind it. She quickly yells to warn Phoebus
but Phoebus does not hear her. Nicoleus rushes to rescue her friends and





Ah, Nicoleus was terribly confused
At what had occurred
Poseidon rarely made mistakes
But apparently so once
5He created his sea monsters
But they were unable to sprint,
Unable to escape quickly,
Much to the chagrin of Poseidon
But no less, the sea monsters were vicious
10They were cunning and sly
Which also made Nicoleus wonder
Why on earth had they run?
Briefly she had glanced up
And to her surprise, the sea monster from earlier
15Was sneaking up on the bus and on
Poor, wonderful Phoebus.
She cried out,
Phoebus! Dear Phoebus!
The sea monster is coming on your side!
20Phoebus! Listen to me Phoebus!
Much to her disappointment,
Phoebus did not turn around,
Nor did she even hear.
Oh woe is me! Mistake! Mistake!
25But whose? Hers or it’s?
Nicoleus, blinded by rage at the low level
Of the monster’s attack,
Scrambled quietly to where she would
Be behind the terrible sea monster
30It did not notice, the disgusting thing,
For it was too preoccupied in taking
The life of her friends
Alas, Nicoleus had a great battle before her.
She ran forward, toward the sea monster
35And pushed it to the side,
To first deter it from the bus
Nicoleus grabbed her bag
And threw it at the head
Of the repulsive sea monster
40It staggered back, groaning
While it was only dizzy
It was already begging for mercy
But without so, Nicoleus threw the bag
Back and forth,
45Until the monster begged and begged
Finally it ran away, towards
The sea and its master Poseidon.
The group still in the bus,
Unaware of this occurring
50Were surprised at the state of Nicoleus
Upon returning to the bus.
Nicoleus didn’t offer explanations
But tearfully wished aloud
For a peaceful day for her friends.
55Though still confused,
They smiled and they continued,
Their journey on the bus
To search for that diamond anklet.
Book 4
After the encounter with the sea monster, Nicoleus is extremely tired, but still willing to
search for Julianeous’ anklet. They all finally reach Venice Beach, and the first thing
they did was eat. After, they split up into two groups to look for Julianeous’ bracelet.
They know that it is near the forbidden stores, but they are not sure where that is.
Amyus, Phoebus, and Estelleus end up going near the beachshore, and Nicoleus and
Julianeous go near the huts. Nicoleus and Julianeous go to where the rest are after
65 succeeding to find the anklet. They can finally head on home.





Amyus, Phoebus and Estelleus crawl
Around town, searching for the anklet
Eventually they tire of doing so
And decide to rest by the beachshore a bit
5When Nicoleus and Julianeous
Come running towards,
Laughing with relief
That they did it! They found the anklet,
They can stay for a while by the beach
10And go home.
They snap polaroids,
They run around the beach
Like the persons of their age
And they enjoy life.
15Nicoleus earlier tired and near collapsing
Feels none of this,
As she watches the rest jump around
She does not join, but it is okay
For she is okay with watching over her friends,
20Because for her friends, and with her friends,
Everything is worth the trouble
Monsters do not exhaust her,
Fights do not tire her
Nicoleus feels exhaustion
25When the balance is off,
And when love around her stops.
That is why, dear chief, this is not a sad story,
But a refreshing story.
That is why this story ends like this,
30But do not be sad, precious leader, for every ending
Is merely another beginning for something beautiful.
They are truly brave, and I believe they will
Benefit their world, and guide their people
To a better, healthier environment and society.
35That is why; I think they deserve to be released.

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