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Emmo Al Rasyid


Praise to be Allah, by grace so we can finish our papers that entitled

Prayer Realization and Character Building.
Writing papers is the one of project which given in Ibadah and Akhlak
course in Islamic University of Indonesia.
In writing process, we find some obstacle, the main obstacle is searching
the book about our title, there is Prayer Realization and Character Building, but
alhamdullilah we can solve and finish it, so critic and suggestion from reader
must expected for improve to make this papers.
In writing process our papers, we tell tanks so much to our lecturer Mr.
Aang Kunaepi S A.g, M A.g.
Which given us the project and given guide to make it.
Finally, we hope from our papers can be useful to reader or to all people,

March 2013


Prayer Realization and Character Building

A. Aspect of Exercise
Aspect of exercise is consist of some motion which have function
when we praying, there are:

Stand Upright Posture

In this postion, muscle which located on back

give chance to back bone in vertical position.

Al-Qiyam (stand up)

Hand are folded on belly button, hand wrist in

relax, blood current back to heart, lymph
production and become more useful, and escape
from joint disease.

To loosen muscle in underneath parts, thigh,

Haryanto sentot, psikologi shalat, mitra pustaka, yogyakarta, halan 67Al-khuli

calf, and belly muscle. Escape from back bone
hilmi, menyingkap rahasia gerakan-gerakan sholat, diva press, yogyakarta,
disease and make easy when birth process.
halaman 97


Fresh blood move to up, body to straight position

while bring the toxin.


To bend two of knee can be avoided stiff in

two of knee. To bend the body to front and
place the forehead on head is most
advantageous to belly and digestion, so can
help digestion process.

Atahiyat awal and atahiyat akhir

To clean poison effect in heart and

stimulate peristaltic motion in large

For totaly, function of motions in pray is:

Strengthen all of muscle in body and joint with change in ruku
and sujud.
Strengthen muscle on back bone and avoid to curving with
change and benting through ruku more than 17 time in one
Ruku motion and stand up from ruku can strengthen back
muscle and belly so can lose something that pile up on
stomach from oil and fat.

The function of 5 pray time in one day:

Shubuh: by lungs therapy, because when morning this air is

still fresh so we can breathe with fresh air.
Zduhur: by heart and small intestine therapy, because when
afternoon along 11:00 until 13:00 is sun on top of the sky,
and then we will take a wudhu to return heart to normal
Ashar: by bladder therapy, because at evening between body
weather and round weather will matching, change from hot
weather to cold.
Maghrib: by kidney therapy, because this time is very
suitable to kidney therapy, when the weather is calm down.
Isya: by pericardium and triple burner therapy, beacuse when
we do isya, decreasing internal organs work will started.

Al-khuli hilmi, menyingkap rahasia gerakan-gerakan sholat, diva press,

yogyakarta, halaman 109Bahnasi muuhammad, shalat sebagai terapi psikologi,
mizan pustaka, bandung, halaman 115
3. Tono sidik dkk, ibadah dan akhlak dalam islam, uii press, yogyakarta, halaman 32

B. Aspect of Muscle Relaxation

Aspect of muscle relaxation is consist about many parts in our
body, there are:

Head parts
Forearms and arms upper
Hand and fingers
Up and down spine and back
Waist and buttock
Knees and calves of legs
Feet and toes

This parts of body at above is consist in doing pray, and this muscle
relaxation can reduce anxiety, cant sleep (insomnia), reducing
hiperactive, and help smokers to reduce and stop to smoke.

3Haryanto sentot, psikologi shalat, mitra pustaka, yogyakarta, halaman 76

C. Aspect Conscious Relaxation of Sense

When we do praying, we must know the ayat and
understanding about reading material in shalat, because in every
sentence when we do praying are contain some meaning.
For example, when we read surah al fatihah, surah al fatihah is
conatin baout some dialogue between us to Allah SWT, there are
some dialogue:
Human: alhamdulillahi Rabil Alamin
Allah: my servant praised me
Human: arrahmaanir rahim
Allah: my servant flattering me
Human: maaliki yaumiddin
Allah: my servant glorify me
Human: iyyaka nabudu wa iyyaka nastaiin
Allah: this half for me and half for my servants, for the
servant-ku, what it ask
Human: ihdinash shiraathal mustaqiim, shiraathal ladzina
anamta alaihim, ghairil maghdluubi alaihim walaadh-dhaaliin
Allah: thats all for my servant, an dfor my servant what it ask

This is example dialogue between human to Allah SWT.


4Sentot haryanto, psikologi shalat, mitra pustaka, yogyakarta, halaman 79

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