Herbal Product

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Herbal Product

Code: HB73
Hindi Name: Safed musli
English Name: Safed musli
Botanical Name: Chlorophytum Borivilianum
Chlorophytum Borivilianum or Safed musli is a traditional plant and its tubers
are used in Ayurvedic medicines.Safed musli is a very valuable gift from Nature.
Uses: 1.Safed Musli mainly used in preparation of general Health Tonic and
General Sex Tonic.
2.Useful in Sexual debilities.
3.It is very useful in Impotency.
4.It provides power and energy who are physically weak.
5.It is used as curative for Natal and Post Natal problems.
6.Remedy for Diabetes,Arthritis,Joint Pains,and Rheumatism.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB72
Hindi Name: Vidarikand
English Name: Bidari, Indian Kudzu, Red Indian Kudzu,White Indian Kudzu.
Botanical Name: Pueraria Tuberose
Pueraria Tuberose commonly known as Vidarikand,Indian Kudzu,or
Bidari.This herb is mainly used in General Tonic.
Uses: 1.Vidarikand is mainly used as aphrodisiac.
2.In Ayurveda,it is used in general tonic.
3.Very useful in soreness of throat,cough,lactation.
4.It is diuretic and demulcent.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
Notes: In swelling, it can be applied as paste.

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Code: HB71
Hindi Name: Gokhru
English Name: Land Caltrops, Puncture Vine, Gokhru
Botanical Name: Tribulus Terrestris
Gokhru which is commonly known as Puncture Vine.It is used to treat Kidney
dysfunctioning,Liver disorders,Eye problems,High blood pressure and
Uses: 1.Gokhru is used to treat various sexual disorders.2.It regulate sexual
energy.3.In women,it is useful in premenstruation and in Menopause.4.It is also
used in skin diseases like psoriasis,eczema.5.Also helpful in Impotency.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB70
Hindi Name: Giloy
English Name: Gulanshe Tinospara, Gulancha Tinospara, Tinospara, Giloy
Botanical Name: Tinospora Cordifolia
Tinospora Cordifolia is one of the main constituent of several Ayurvedic
Uses: Giloy which is also famous as Guduchi is very effective in removing body
toxins.The stem is very useful in urinary infections.In Ayurveda,stem decoction is
used to improve the resistance power and immune system.It is anti inflammatory
and diuretic.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB69
Hindi Name: Kantkari
English Name: Yellow Berried Nightshade

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Botanical Name: Solanum Xanthocarpum

Kantkari or Solanum Xanthocarpum also known as Choti Katheri,
Kantkari,Kantakari,Kateli in India.This herb is found throughout India and widely
used in various herbal formulations. It is an important herb in Ayurveda. The
whole herb,like stems, roots, flowers, and fruit is useful for the treatment of
different diseases and disorders.
Uses: Mainly it is used in herbal formulation for coughs.It is digestive,diuretic,
expectorant,and used in the treatment of fevers, coughs,
asthma,stomachache,flatulence,sore throat and toothache.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB68
Hindi Name: Shilajit
English Name: Fulvic acid or Mineral pitch.
Botanical Name: Asphaltum
Shilajit is widely used in preparation of ayurvedic medicines and is regarded as
one of the most important ingredient in ayurvedic system of medicine.It is a kind
of resin that oozes out from Himalayan Mountains due to heating effect of sun in
summers. It is pale brown to blackish brown in colour. This resin is soft in texture,
slimy to touch, pure and heavy. It is soluble in water. Others names by which
shilajit is famous are asphaltum, mineral pitch, and girij.
Uses: Shilajit works as a powerful anti oxidant thereby delaying aging. It is
extensively used for general physical strengthening, anti-aging, blood sugar
stabilization,injury healing, urinary tract rejuvenation.It also enhanced brain
functioning potency, bone healing, kidney rejuvenation. It improves immune
system,arthritis, hypertension, obesity and many other diseases.Shilajit is also
effective in piles and fistula related problems.It works as an aphrodisiac agent and
helps in increasing sperm count.It is use to maintain physical,sexual and mental
strength and to maintain youth and long life.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro

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Code: HB67
Hindi Name: Suhaga
English Name: Borax
Botanical Name:
Colorless transparent crystals which have mild detergent and antiseptic properties.
Used as an emulsifier in conjunction with beeswax.
Uses: 1.In Conjunctivitis:-Take 2 gms of Suhaga and Heat it on fire till it converts
into Calx (Kheel).Add 6 gm of haldi Make a fine powder of both drugs, add 350
ml. of water, boil and strain. Soak a piece of cloth in the decoction and foment the
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
Notes: 1.For Dandruff:- Take 5 grams of Suhaga, 1 tbsp of Yoghurt (Dahi) and 1
tbsp of Coconut oil. Put the Suhaga on a flat girdle/pan and heat it. It will splutter
and flare up. When it has flared, remove, cool it and crush it into a fine white
powder. Mix the Suhaga powder with Yoghurt and Coconut oil and apply it
directly onto the scalp. Allow it to dry and then wash with a mild, herbal
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Herbal Product
Code: HB66
Hindi Name: Shikakai
English Name: Shikakai
Botanical Name: Acacia Concenna
Shikakai is a natural herbal powder derived from the fruit of the Acacia Concinna
tree. It has been used for centuries as a excellent natural hair cleanser.
Uses: Mainly used as Natural hair cleanser. It is also astringent, expectorant,
diuretic, anthelmintic. An ointment prepared from the ground pods is good for
skin diesease. A decoction of the pods relieves biliousness and acts as a purgative.
It is used to remove dandruff and has a detangling effect on the hair, which helps
in increasing the hair volume.It also removes dandruff and strengthens hair roots.
It promotes hair growth prevents dandruff.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB65
Hindi Name: Sarpagandha
English Name: Serpentina
Botanical Name: Rauvolfia Serpentina
The botanical name of sarpagandha is Rauwolfia serpentine. Mainly it is widely
used in treatment of High Blood Pressure.The juice of the leaves of Sarpagandha
cures opacity of the cornea.
Uses: The sarpagandha have great medicinal value.It is beneficial in the treatment
of hypertension, fever, psychological disorders and worm infestations.In serpant
bite, the powder of sarpagandha roots is given orally, as well as, applied on the
site of bite.Specially in snake bite,it is extensively used as antidote.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro

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Code: HB64
Hindi Name: Salab Panja
English Name: Salep/Orchid
Botanical Name: Dactylorhiza Hatagirea
Salab Panja is used as an general body tonic also.
Uses: The tuber yields salap and is reputed as expectorant, aphrobisiac and as
nervine tonic. Locally it is used as a nervine tonic and aphrodisiac.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB62
Hindi Name: Raktachandan
English Name: Red Sandalwood
Botanical Name: Picrocarpus santalinus
Raktachandan or Red Sandalwood is used in India from thousands of
years.Sandalwood has been valued for thousands of years for its fragrance,
carving, and various medicinal qualities.
Uses: Raktachandan is an astringent and a cooling agent.It is used in several
skincare preparations. It is used in the treatment of pimples, acne, wrinkles etc.A
powder made from the wood is also used as an antiseptic paste.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB61
Hindi Name: Punarnava
English Name: Spreading Hogweed / Boerhavia
Botanical Name: Boerhavia diffusa

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Punarnava has an important place among medicinal herbs in India.The word
punarnava means which renews the body.The botanical name of punarnava is
Boerhaavia diffusa.
Uses: Mainly,the roots and the whole plant is used for the medicinal purpose.
Punarnava is the most commonly used and the best herb to alleviate swelling, due
to its diuretic property.Externally punarnava is also used in swelling and pains.The
paste applied on the wounds, dries up the oozing. It is used in coughs.Also used in
Kidney disorders.It can be used as antiaging which restores the vigor and vitality
of youth.It works as Blood Purifier.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB60
Hindi Name: Praval
English Name: Coral Calx
Botanical Name:
Coral calx is a natural source of rich calcium widely used in traditional system of
Indian medicine as a supplement in the treatment of variety of bone metabolic
disorders associated with calcium deficiency.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB59
Hindi Name: Kaiphal
English Name: Box Myrtle
Botanical Name: Myrica Esculenta
Kaiphal Bark is most important part used in Ayurveda.In Ayurveda,the bark is
considered as astringent, heating and stimulant.Kaiphal fruits are considered
pectoral, sedative, stomachic and carminative.

Uses: Decoction of the bark mixed with ginger and cinnamon is valuable in
asthma, diarrhoea,fevers, lung infections, chronic bronchitis, typhoid, dysentery
and diuresis.A compound powder, known as Kaiphaladi Churana, consisting of
Kaiphal bark and other herbs is given with addition of ginger juice and honey in
affection of throat, cough and asthma. Bark is chewed to relieve toothache.Paste is
used in applying on wounds.It improves digestive system,increases appetite.It
improves blood circulation also treats various skin diseases.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Herbal Product
Code: HB58
Hindi Name: Kaunch Beej
English Name: Cowhage, Cow itch
Botanical Name: Mucuna pruriens
Mucuna pruriens or Kaunch Beej commonly known as Cowhage, Cow itch is one
of the popular medicinals of India.It is one of the main constituents in many
indigenous drug formulations.All parts of Cowhage posses valuable medicinal
properties.Mucuna pruriens is a legume, and as a legume it's a rich source of
tocopherol, or Vitamin 'E.' Vitamin 'E' has a variety of beneficial effects.It is very
beneficial in Parkinsons disease.
Uses: Mucuna pruriens seed powder is used as an aphrodisiac to improve the
quality of the sperms, their total count. They are also used for improving physical
stamina and strength.According to Ayurveda,seeds are astringent, laxative,
anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, alexipharmic and tonic.It improves sexual health.It is
also used in intestinal worms and colic.

Total Weight : 0 gms

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Total Price : 0 INR


0 Euro

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Code: HB57
Hindi Name: Marod Phali
English Name: East Indian Screw Tree, Nut Leaved Screw Tree
Botanical Name: Helicteres isora
Helicteres isora which is commonly known as Marod Phali in Hindi,Indian Screw
Tree, Nut Leaved Screw Tree in English.
Uses: The roots and stem barks are expectorant, demulcent, astringent,and
constipating.They are useful in colic, scabies,gastric problems, diabetes, diarrhea
and dysentery. The powdered seeds are used to cure ulcers in ears, dysentery and
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB56
Hindi Name: Manjishta
English Name: Indian Madder
Botanical Name: Rubia cordifolia
Rubia Tinctoria or popularly known as Indian Madder, Manjishtha, Manjit
Gandari, Manchatti, Manjishta.According to Ayurveda,it detoxify the blood, can
assist all inflammatory conditions of the blood and female reproductive system.It
is a Natural Blood Purifier.
Uses: Manjishtha root paste removes freckles, and discoloration of the skin.This
herb is used to cleanse and regulate liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys. It helps in
blood circulation and purification.It is a Natural pain killer because of its strong
inflammatory properties.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro

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Code: HB55
Hindi Name: Majuphal
English Name: Downy Oak, Gall Nut, Oak Gall Tree
Botanical Name: Quercus infectoria
Quercus infectoria which is known in market under the names of galls and nutgalls.Seeds can be dried, ground into a powder and used as a thickening in stews
etc or mixed with cereals for making bread.
Uses: Galls are purely astringent, scarcely stimulant. They may be used as a wash
and gargle in sore throat.It is used in diarrhea.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB54
Hindi Name: Lodhra
English Name: Lodh tree
Botanical Name: Sympiocos racemosa
Symplocos racemosa which is known as Lodhra. It is astringent, cold and eye
protective.It is used in formulations,which are used in iarrhoea, dysentery,
bleeding piles,blood disorders, skin disorders.blood disorders, skin disorders.
Uses: A decoction of the bark was used for gargling when the gums were spongy
and bleeding.It is used in treatment of diarrhea, dysentery and liver disorders.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB53
Hindi Name: Lajwanti
English Name: Touch Me Not
Botanical Name: Mimosa pudica

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Mimosa Pudica which is well known with Touch me not as the leaves of plant
folds itself when touched and spreads again after a while.It is also known as chuimui, lajalu, humble plant, shame plant, sleeping grass ,the sensitive plant. Though
mainly famous for its sensitivity this plant has some excellent curative properties
also. The roots, leaves and seeds of plant are used for medical puposes.
Uses: It is very useful in diarrhea, amoebic dysentery ,bleeding piles and urinary
infections. Decoction of root is used with water to gargle to reduce toothache.
Mainly used in Gynaec Disorders. It stops bleeding and fastens the wound healing
process.It is also used in bronchitis, general weakness and impotency.It is also
used to cure skin diseases.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB52
Hindi Name: Chandan
English Name: Sandalwood
Botanical Name: Santalum album
Santalum album or Sandalwood or Chandan is very famous throughout the
world.It is very expensive species.In Hindu rituals, chandan has an important
position in puja .The main constituent of sandalwood essential oil is
santalol,which is very expensive. The characteristic odor and medicinal properties
of sandalwood oil are mainly due to the santalols.
Uses: Mainly it has a cooling property.It is used in aromatherapy and to prepare
soaps.It is diuretic and used as expectorent.On the skin,it relieves itching and
inflammation and its astringent action balances oily skin conditions.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
Notes: Sandalwood oil never be applied directly on skin,it should be mixed with
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Herbal Product
Code: HB51
Hindi Name: Imli Beej
English Name: Tamarind Seed
Botanical Name: Tamarindus indica L.
Total Weight : 0 gms
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Total Price : 0 INR


0 Euro

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Code: HB49
Hindi Name: Bhringraj
English Name: Thistles
Botanical Name: Eclipta alba
Bhringraj is one of the ayurvedic herbs used as an ayurvedic tonic for treatment of
Hair loss, premature greying, etc.It is used for the treatment of devitalized hair.
Uses: Bhringraj is used as a rejuvenative medicine in ayurveda. It is used as a
tonic for keeping the body healthy and fit.It has many uses.Mainly, it is used in
hair treatment.It is also used in treatment of skin diseases,eye
infections,hyperacidity,anemia.It is also used to relieve post delivery uterine pain.
Intestinal worms in infants leaves extract should be given with honey.It has
antiaging properties.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro

Notes: The paste of bhringraj leaves insect bites, stings, and other swellings.
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Code: HB47
Hindi Name: Bawchi
English Name: Babachi
Botanical Name: Psoralea corylifolia
Psoralea corylifolia commonly known as Babchi,Psoralea Seed, Malay Tea, Cot
Chu, Ku Tzu Malaysia, Scurf-pea, Malaysian Scurfpea, P'o Ku Chih, Pha Cot
Chi.According to Ayurveda, root is useful in carries of teeth.
Uses: is used to improve general vitality.The fruits are regarded as an aphrodisiac.
It is used in the treatment of premature ejaculation, impotency, lower back pains,
frequent urination, and bed wetting .The seeds are antibacterial, aphrodisiac,
astringent,diuretic, stimulant, and tonic. It is also used externally to treat various
skin ailments.It is very useful in hairloss,it improves hair growth and complexion.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB46
Hindi Name: Abhrak
English Name: Mica
Botanical Name:
Total Weight : 0 gms
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Code: HB45
Hindi Name: Amba haldi
English Name: Turmeric

Total Price : 0 INR


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0 Euro

Botanical Name: Curcuma Aromatica

Curcuma Aromatica or Amba Haldi is used from ancient times in ayurveda.
Uses: Amba haldi is an aromatic stimulant, tonic and carminative.Haldi is
commonly used in skincare preparations and treats pimples, acne and black heads.
It helps prevent and slow the growth of unwanted superfluous hair.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB44
Hindi Name: Ritha
English Name: Soapnut
Botanical Name: Sapindus Mukorossi
Sapindus Mukorossi or Soapnut commonly known as Ritha.The dried fruit of
Ritha is most valuable part of the plant. Its fleshy portion contains saponin, which
is a good substitute for washing soap and is as such used in preparation of quality
shampoos, detergents, etc. In fact the skin of the fruit is highly valued by the rural
folks as a natural produced shampoo for washing their hair. They also use these
for washing woolen clothes.The fruit has considerable importance for its
ayurvedic medicinal value.
Uses: Ritha or Sapindus Mukorossi is useful for treating a number of diseases like
common cold, pimples, epilepsy, constipation, nausea, etc. It is also used as
expectorant in small doses.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: Hb43
Hindi Name: Neem
English Name: Lilac
Botanical Name: Azadirachta Indica

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Scientific name of neem is Azadirachta Indica Neem is considered as the
wonder tree.Neem extracts possess anti-diabetic, antibacterial and anti-viral
properties. The oil is used in making neem-based soaps, shampoos and
toothpaste.Neem oil as insecticide is very famous.Neem shampoois used for
removing dandruff.
Uses: Neem is used for external applications in skin diseases. It possesses
antidandruff, antibacterial, anti viral and fungicidal properties.Leaves are used to
cure chicken pox. It is also used in the treatment of acne and has blood purifying
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Herbal Product
Code: HB42
Hindi Name: Mulethi or Yashtimadhu
English Name: Licorice
Botanical Name: Glycyrrhiza Glabra
Glycyrrhiza Glabra or the dried liquorice or licorice roots are the best grade roots.
The sweetness of these roots is due to its significant content of glycyrrhizic
Uses: In Ayurveda, it is used in respiratory and digestive diseases.Its use is
specifically indicated in the treatment of chronic acidity, ulcers and chronic
bronchial conditions. It is very useful in sore throat and cough.

Total Weight : 0 gms


Total Price : 0 INR

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0 Euro

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Code: HB41
Hindi Name: Kutki
English Name: Picrorhiza
Botanical Name: Picrorhiza Kurroa
In ayurveda,Picrorhiza kurroa is a famous herb.It cure disorders of the liver and
upper respiratory tract (URT). It stablelises cholestrol, protects liver.Kutki also
helps in digestion and metabolism of fats. It is antioxidant.
Uses: Kutki is mainly used in constipation, epilepsy, improves eye sight, fever
malaria, scorpion sting, skin diseases, leprosy, cardiac disorders, cough asthma,
burning sensation etc.It is laxative, liver-stimulant, appetite stimulant.Kutki is
useful in Kapha.It is beneficial in the treatment of dyspepsia. It strengthens the
stomach and promotes its action, while improving appetite and stimulating the
secretion of gastric juices.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
Notes: In Jaundice,Kutki (Picrorhiza) powder should be taken 1gm with
Lukewarm water twice a day.
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Code: HB40
Hindi Name: Saptarangi
English Name: Salacia
Botanical Name: Salacia Reticulata

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Salacia oblonga is popular in the Ayurvedic and traditional Indian medicine for
treating obesity and diabetes.
Uses: Saptarangi or Salacia Reticulata are useful in conditions of vata, diabetes,
leprosy, skin diseases and colic.It is used as liver tonic.Salacia Reticulata is very
effective in case of Rheumatism, Menstrual disorders, skin diseases,
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB39
Hindi Name: jamun
English Name: Black Plum
Botanical Name: Syzygium Cumini
All parts of the java plum can be used medicinally and it has a long tradition in
alternative medicine. In India the bark is used for anemia, the bark and seed for
diabetes which reduce the blood sugar level quickly, the fruit for dysentery, leaves
juice for bleeding gums. In the Philippines and Suriname wine is made from the
fermented fruit.It has a high source in vitamin A and vitamin C.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
Notes: Leaves are used as poultices on skin diseases
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Code: HB38
Hindi Name: Isabgol
English Name: Psyllium Husk
Botanical Name: Plantago Ovata
Psyllium husk is white fibrous material derived from psyllium seeds.It is an
effective product with varieties of uses in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and food

products industries.
Uses: It acts as a demulcent, cooling, laxative, mild purgative, natural lubricant.It
is very well known as a laxative, restores proper bowel movements and used in
treatment of chronic constipation.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB37
Hindi Name: Loban
English Name: Olibanum
Botanical Name: Boswellia Serrata
Boswellia is the gummy resin of the boswellia tree which is commonly known as
Loban.Loban is largely used as an incense because of its very unique fragrance.
Uses: Boswellia Serrata Gum Resin is widely used in ayurvedic formulations for
treating Asthma and Arthritis. The gum is used as an anti-inflammatory agent
when applied externally.It has expectorant effect and improves immunity.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB36
Hindi Name: Jatamansi
English Name: Spikenard
Botanical Name: Nardostachys Jatamansi
Ayurveda have recommended nardostachys jatamansi most frequently in mental
disorders, as a sedative and tranquillizer.
Uses: It has analgesic and stimulant properties.Jatamamsi is a well known brain

tonic. The medicated jatamansi oil for massage is extremely useful for smooth,
silky and healthy hair. It increases appetite and improves digestion.Jatamansi is
very much beneficial in mental stress, hypertension, insomnia and headache.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
Notes: The paste prepared in cold water is beneficial to reduce the burning
sensation. It also imparts fair complexion to the skin and alleviates the pain and
swelling specially in acne and pimples.
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Herbal Product
Code: HB35
Hindi Name: Noni
English Name: Indian Mulberry
Botanical Name: Morinda Citrifolia
Morinda citrifolia, commonly known as great morinda, Indian mulberry,or noni.
Uses: Noni is an effective antioxidant,releases stress,rejuvenates the body,purifies
blood,stimulates immune system,improves digestion.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB34
Hindi Name: Sahijan
English Name: Horse Radish

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Botanical Name: Moringa Oleifera

Moringa oleifera which is commonly known as Sahijan or drumstick plant / horse
radish tree which is found throughout India.
Uses: It is effective in treating the digestive disorders , worm infestation, and
constipation.Due to hot potency it is helpful in maintaining the proper menstrual
cycle. It is also helpful in relieving from skin related problems as it generates
sweat in the body.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
Notes: If paste is applied on wounds, skin related ailments, pain effected are
especially head ache and joint pains. .
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Code: HB33
Hindi Name: Heena
English Name: Heena
Botanical Name: Lawsonia Inermis
The word "henna" comes from the Arabic name.Henna has many traditional and
commercial uses, the most common being as a dye for hair.The art of Mehndi is
famous in body ornamentation
Uses: It has been used for its cooling and astringent properties.In hot climates,
henna is used as protection against sun, to soothe sunburn and to reduce body
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
Notes: Take 1 tsp Mehandi powder mix with glass of water. Wash your hair with
this,it is a ho,me remedy for dandruff. If you have a burn somewhere apply paste
of heena with honey.There will be no burning sensation.
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Code: HB32
Hindi Name: Kala Jeera
English Name: Black Caraway
Botanical Name: Nigella Sativa

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Nigella Sativa has been used for thousands of years in the middle east for
allergies, asthma, and for treating immune disorders.
Uses: The seed contains saponins which have good cleansing properties.It
normalises the secretions of stomach and pancreas. Fumigation of kalonji is useful
in respiratory diseases.It is useful in chronic cold. Inhalation of its smell is useful
in common cold.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
Notes: If Kalonji seeds are boiled in vinegar and this solution is applied on Gums
and Teeth, it removes the inflammation of the gums and relieves the pain .
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Code: HB31
Hindi Name: Harad
English Name: Myrobalan
Botanical Name: Terminalia Chebula
Harad which is also known as Haritaki and Abhaya. The HARAD fruit is one of
the three constituents of the famous Indian preparation Triphala, other two are
Amla & Bahera.
Uses: It is famous to cure blindness and it is believed to inhibit the growth of the
malignant tumours. It is allegedly also a powerful detox agent.Harad is mainly
used in digestive disorders, including diarrhea and constipation, as well as
indigestion.It is also used in cough, and sore throat. It is useful in asthma,
vomiting, eye diseases, heart diseases, hiccup,dysentry etc.Prevents premature
graying of hair and makes them strong and free from dandruff.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB30
Hindi Name: Galangal
English Name: Greater Galanga
Botanical Name: Alpinia Galanga

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Galangal is a stimulating aromatic and has been successfully employed to aid the
digestive process.It is useful in case of dyspepsia, reventing vomiting or sickness
of the stomach and facilitates digestion.It also possesses tonic and antibacterial
qualities. It also restores, nourishes, and supports the entire body; it exerts a gently
strengthening effect on the body.
Uses: Galangal rhizome is used against rheumatism, bronchial catarrh, bad breath
and ulcers whooping colds in children, throat infections and fever.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB29
Hindi Name: Jatropha
English Name: Jatropha Seeds
Botanical Name: Jatropha Curcus
Total Weight : 0 gms
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Herbal Product

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0 Euro

Code: HB28
Hindi Name: Kurchi
English Name: Bitter Oleander
Botanical Name: Holarrhena Antidysenterica
Kurchi or Holarrhena Antidysenterica is also known as Kutaj, Bitter Oleander,
Connessi Bark, Dysentery Rose Bay, Tellicherry Bark. It is considered one of the
best drug for Diarrhoea.The bark has astringent, antidysenteric, anthelmintic,
stomachic, and tonic properties.
Uses: It is used in the treatment of amoebic dysentery and diarrhea.In chronic
diarrhea and to check blood coming from stool, it should be used with Isabgol,
caster oil.According to Ayurveda, the bark is useful in treatment of piles and skin
diseases.It is also indicated in diarrhoea, indigestion, flatulence and colic.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
Notes: The fresh juice of bark is considered good to check the diarrhoea.
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Code: HB27
Hindi Name: Kapur Kachri
English Name: Kapur Kachri
Botanical Name: Hedychium Spicatum
Hedychium Spicatum which is famous as Kapur Kachri,Spiked Ginger Lily and
Sandharlika.The rhizome of the plant is said to be carminative, stimulant and a
Uses: Mainly used in nausea, bronchial asthma and vomiting. Also useful in loss
of appetite, hiccups, local inflammation etc.It is well known for its anti-microbial
properties and used traditionally as one of the ingredient in herbal vanishing
creams to protect the skin from UV rays of sun.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
Notes: Powder of rhizome is used as an antiseptic agent and as poultice for
various aches and pains.
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Code: HB26
Hindi Name: Shankhpushpi
English Name: Shankhpushpi
Botanical Name: Convolvulus pluricaulis
Convolvulus pluricaulis commonly known as Dwarf Morning-glory,
Shankhpushpi, Shankhahuli. Shankhpushpi is a prominent memory improving
drug.It is used in mental stimulation and rejuvenation therapy.
Uses: Shankhpushpi is a rasayana specially promoting intellect.It is
laxative,aphrodisiac,nervine tonic,rejuvenator,health promoting,complexion
promotor.It has antistress effect,tranquilizing and antidepressant effect.The root is
used for childhood fever, and the oil stimulates the growth of hair.It improves
brain function like memory & concentration.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB25
Hindi Name: Somlata
English Name: Ephedra
Botanical Name: Ephedra Vulgaris
Ephedra Vulgaris or Ephedra which is famous as Somlata.Ephedra has also been
used for weight loss.
Uses: Ephedra Vulgaris is widely used for acute muscular and Bronchial Asthma.
Somlata is also used as a headache reliever.The plant also has antiviral effects,
particularly against influenza.It acts promptly in relieving swellings of the mucous
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB24
Hindi Name: Arandi
English Name: Castor

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Botanical Name: Ricinus Communis

Castor is commonly used as a purgative in day to day life. It is the best amongst
the purgatives.
Uses: The seeds, seed oil, leave and the roots of eranda have great medicinal
value. The plant is equally useful, both internally as well as externally.Castor Oil
is used for temporary constipation.It has also been used for colic and acute
diarrhea due to slow digestion. It is used as an ingredient in hair lotions and
tonics.Castor oil is commonly used for the preparation of hair-oils, hair fixers and
aromatic perfumes.The massage with eranda oil purifies the breast milk in
mothers. Eranda oil also acts as a cleansing agent for the eyes.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
Notes: Fomentation with its hot leaves relieves the symptoms in the diseases like
arthritis, sciatica, rheumatism, gout, mastitis and skin diseases.
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Code: HB23
Hindi Name: Senna
English Name: Indian Senna
Botanical Name: Cassia Angustifolia
Cassia Angustifolia is also known as Senna, Rajavriksha, Fan xia ye,American,
senna,locust plant.
Uses: Mainly it is Purgative,useful in loss of appetite.Senna is a powerful
cathartic used in the treatment of constipation.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB22
Hindi Name: kapur
English Name: Camphor
Botanical Name: Cinnamomum Camphora
Cinnamomum camphora commonly known as Camphor tree, Camphorwood or

camphor laurel.Camphor is a white crystalline substance, obtained from the tree

Cinnamonum camphora.In Hindu poojas and ceremonies, camphor is burned
during aarti. it acts as pain killer, it also maintains the blood circulation and
strengthens the heart muscles. It helps in dehydrating the body. It removes
indigestion and increases appetite.
Uses: It is a very good pain reliever. It is very effective in convulsions.It
stimulates heart and improves blood circulation. It also works as antipyretic agent
hence it decreases the aggravated body temperature.It acts as a anti fungal agent.
It is a good fungicidal and bactericidal. It also acts on the skin related problems by
purifying the blood.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Herbal Product
Code: HB20
Hindi Name: Brahmi
English Name: Brahmi
Botanical Name: Bacopa Monniera
Bacopa monnieri known as Coastal Waterhyssop, Brahmi, Thyme-leafed gratiola,
Water hyssop. In the folklore of Indian medicine, Brahmi has been used
traditionally as brain or nerve tonic.It is a potent nervous tonic and is anti anxiety
Uses: Brahmi plant has a number of uses in Ayurveda.It has antioxidant
properties.Brahmi is a well-known memory booster.It improves intellect,
consciousness, and mental acuity.Calms the mind and promotes relaxation.It
Decreases anxiety, restlessness.Most commonly used to improve mental alertness,
and enhance learning.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro

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Code: HB19
Hindi Name: Khair
English Name: Catechu
Botanical Name: Acacia Catechu
Acacia Catechu is also called khoira, koir, kheriya baval, kher babul, kagli, cachu,
kugli, kaderi and sandra. Katha is also used extensively in pan.
Uses: The bark and roots of khair are used in treating sore mouth, body pains,
bronchial asthma and indigestion. The bark is especially useful as astringent, and a
cure in cough, diarrhea and indigestion, cancer, piles, sore throat, ulceration,
eczema and certain forms of leprosy.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB18
Hindi Name: baheda
English Name: Belliric Myrobalan
Botanical Name: Terminalia Belerica
Terminalia belerica is a large deciduous tree traditionally called as Baheda or
Bibitaki. The extract is derived from the fruits, which is well-known commercial
myrobalan, called Belliric Myrobalan. It is unique in being both laxative and
Uses: Belliric Myrobalan is Astringent, Tonic, Expectorant and Laxative. It is
used in coughs and sore throat. Its pulp is used in dropsy, piles and diarrhoea. It is
also useful in leprosy, fever and hair care.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB17
Hindi Name: Guggul
English Name: Guggul
Botanical Name: Acorus Calmus
Guggul is a tree which exudes a resin.This resin has been used for centuries as
part of Indias traditional medicine called Ayurveda.Guggul possesses strong
purifying and rejuvenating powers.
Uses: Mainly it is used in rheumatism, obesity, and atherosclerosis and Vata
disorders. In terms of obesity, Guggul increases bodys metabolic rate, improves
thyroid function, increases fat-burning activity of the body.Guggul is a resin
known to increase white blood cell counts and possess strong disinfecting
properties. Guggul helps to lower cholesterol.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
Notes: Guggul should not be used during pregnancy.
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Code: HB16
Hindi Name: Jaswandi
English Name: Hibiscus
Botanical Name: Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis
Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis which isalso known as Hibiscus Flower, Lipstick Flower,
China Rose, Shoeback Plant, Kinaros, Aute.
Uses: Hibiscus has been used as a herbal medicine for long time. Mainly the
flower petals and leaves are used for medicines. The flower petals are well known
for stimulating hair growth, preventing premature graying of hair, preventing hair
loss and correcting scalp disorders. It provides treatment for headache.Its also
good for hair treatment.n the combination with other herbs namely amla and
brahmi it is used as a mild shampoo for babies. The herb is very useful in
problems related to female menstruation. The flower and leaf extracts are used to
regulate the menstrual cycle, to control excessive bleeding during menstruation
and to treat other problems related to the menstrual cycle in women. The root is
also used in drugs that are useful in treating venereal disease.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro

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Code: HB15
Hindi Name: Bach
English Name: Calamus
Botanical Name: Acorus Calmus
Acorus calamus is commonly known as sweet flag in India. Acorus calamus has
long been known for its medicinal value.In Indian Ayurveda, the rhizomes of
Acorus Calamus are considered to possess anti-spasmodic, carminative and
anthelmintic properties.
Uses: Acorus calamus is very popular for the remedies of cough and cold and also
the other respiratory disorders like bronchitis. Acorus calamus provides aid to the
digestive system and acts against flatulent colic, Dyspepsia, and vomiting.Extract
is used as an anesthetic for toothache and headaches. Acorus calamus powder is a
stimulating nervine antispasmodic and a general tonic to the mind,as a
rejuvenative for the brain and nervous system.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB14
Hindi Name: Ashok Chaal
English Name: Ashok
Botanical Name: Saraca Asoca
Saraca Asoca which is also known as Asok, Ashok, Asogam, Wu You Hua, Osaka.
Uses: Ashok Chaal is considered as best female tonic.The flowers are considered
to be a uterine tonic and is used in cases like burning sensation, dysentery.It is
helpful for combating a great number of Gynecological disorders.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
Notes: Crushed flowers and leaves are rubbed on the skin to get relief from skin
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Herbal Product
Code: HB13
Hindi Name: Datura
English Name: Jimson Weed
Botanical Name: Datura Stramonium
Datura stramonium is the botanical name of the plant more commonly known as
jimsonweed. Other common names for jimsonweed include angel's trumpet,
devil's trumpet, jamestown weed, loco weed, moonflower, and thorn-apple.
Uses: In ancient herbal medicine, Datura stramonium was used internally to treat
epilepsy, and depression. Externally, it formed the basis of ointments for burns
and rheumatism.More recently, preparations from the plant have been used as
ingredients in some asthma medicines. With this exception, however, plant is
generally considered too toxic for medical applications nowadays.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB12
Hindi Name: Sharifa Beej
English Name: Custard Apple
Botanical Name: Annona Squamosa
Custard apple (also called sugar apple, sweet sop) tree has different medicinal
properties. Custard apple seed has insecticidal properties.
Uses: Sharifa Beej are useful in destroying lice in the hair.Powdered seeds, also
pounded dried fruits serve as fish poison and insecticides in India. A paste of the
seed powder has been applied to the head to kill lice but must be kept away from
the eyes as it is highly irritant and can cause blindness.

Total Weight : 0 gms

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0 Euro

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Code: HB11
Hindi Name: Bael
English Name: Apple Wood
Botanical Name: Aegle Marmelos
Aegle Marmelos commonly known as Bael, bhel, bilwa, belaphal, Bengal
Quince.Bael is a very good source of protein.Bael leaves, fruits and root can be
used as tonic and coolant with antibiotic properties
Uses: Fresh half-ripe Bael fruit is mildly astringent and is used for dysentery and
diarrhea.Bael leaves are extremely useful for treating Diabetes, jaundice, cholera
and asthma. Bael fruits are valuable for its rich nutritive, sweet, aromatic mucilage
and pectin contents very good for all kinds of stomach disorders. Bael Fruits are
very useful in chronic diarrhea and dysentery,
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB10
Hindi Name: Aloevera
English Name: Aloevera
Botanical Name: Aloe Vera

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Aloe vera is one of the oldest known medicinal plants gifted by nature, Aloe vera
often called Miracle plant known by many names, there are over 200 types of aloe
vera of these only 4 or 5 are commonly used in medicines. Aloe Vera,
Ghratkumari, GheeKanwar, the names are many but they all belong to one miracle
plant Aloe barbadensis.Aloe vera is a clear thin gelatinous material that comes
from inside the aloe vera leaves.Aloe vera is used in many forms for its soothing
and anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera has been used for centuries as a home
Uses: The consumption of aloe vera juice has also been traditionally used
internally for healing and soothing of digestive conditions such as heartburn and
irritable bowel syndrome.Aloe vera works as Anti-septic, Antibacterial, and Anti
infla-mmatory. It cures Eczema, Diabetes,Arthritis and Prevent infections. It also
improves human immune system and digestive system.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB09
Hindi Name: Arjun Chaal
English Name: Arjuna Herb
Botanical Name: Terminalia Arjuna
Arjuna or Terminalia arjuna is a unique herb that helps maintain a healthy heart
and reduces the effects of stress and nervousness. Arjuna promotes effective
cardiac functioning and regulates blood pressure.Arjun Chaal has been used in
Ayurvedic formation since ancient times. The Bark of the Arjuna tree contains
calcium salts, magnesium salts, and glucosides has been used in traditional
Ayurvedic medicines.
Uses: Arjuna helps in maintaining the cholesterol level at the normal rate, as it
contains the antioxidant properties.It strengths the heart muscles and maintains the
heart functioning properly. It also improves functioning of cardiac muscle. Arjuna
is used for the treatment of coronary artery disease, heart failure, edema, angina
and hypercholesterolemia. Its bark power possesses diuretic properties.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro

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Code: HB08
Hindi Name: Shatavari
English Name: Asparagus
Botanical Name: Asparagus Racemosus
Ayurveda has called Shatavari the Queen of herbs and is the rejuvenative tonic for
the female.It is considered both a general tonic and a female reproductive tonic. In
Australia the herb is more often used to treat gastrointestinal disorders and as an
external wash for wounds. It both nourishes and cleanses the blood and the female
reproductive organs.
Uses: The root extracts are antiallergic.It is proved that it increases milk
production in lactating women.Shatawari is however, used for sexual debility and
infertility in both sexes. It is also used for menopausal symptoms and to increase
lactation. It is well known for it effects on the female reproductive system. It is
also effective in a number of other systems of the body and is therefore of use to
both men and women.Men may benefit from the herb as well in the treatment of
impotence and general sexual debility. Also useful for hyperacidity, stomach
ulcers, dysentery, and bronchial infections
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
Notes: The fresh juice of the root is given with honey as a demulcent in bilious
dyspepsia or diarrhea. Shatavari Kalp- 2 tablespoon full to be taken twice a day
with milk.
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Code: HB07
Hindi Name: Amaltas
English Name: Amaltas
Botanical Name: Cassia Fistula
Cassia Fistula which is also known as Fistula, Laburnum, Purging Fistula, Golden
Shower, Amaltas
Uses: Roots are astringent, cooling, purgative and tonic. It is useful in skin
diseases, burning sensations.Bark is laxative. Pulp from fruits called "Cassia Pulp"
is also a well known Laxative that is safe even for children..

Total Weight : 0 gms

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Herbal Product
Code: HB06
Hindi Name: Anantmool
English Name: Indian Sarasaparilla
Botanical Name: Hemidesmus Indicus
Indian Sarasaparilla also known as Naruneendi or Anantmool which is a tonic and
strengthens bodily and mental functioning.
Uses: Indian Sarasaparilla acts as an agent that cleanses and purifies the system.It
is alterative,diaphoretic,diuretic and tonic .It has been used in sore mouths of
children,chronic skin diseases,chronic ulcers,rheumatism and veneral diseases. It
is also used in the treatment of such serious diseases like gonorrhea, leucoderma,
jaundice, dysentery, etc. Anantmool root is also used in the treatment of piles with

painful bleeding.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
Notes: Certain skin diseases and urinary problems too are treated with decoctions
prepared from Anantmool root.
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Code: HB05
Hindi Name: Ashwagandha
English Name: Winter Cherry
Botanical Name: Withania Somnifera
Ashwagandha, the most well known as Winter Cherry, is a famous Ayurvedic
immune booster herb, which is used in many tonics, improves the body's ability to
maintain physical effort and helps the body to tackle various types of stress.It
increase the body's resistance.
Uses: Ashwagandha is a revitalizing herb that maintains proper function of the
reproductive system, nourishment of the tissues, particularly muscles and
bones.Ashwagandha can be used by both men and women and it acts to calm the
mind and promote sound, restful sleep.It is especially beneficial in stress related
disorders such as arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, general debility.Ashwagandha
increases resistance to stress,improves physical endurance,regulates stimulates
thyroid,for anxiety
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB04
Hindi Name: Adulsa
English Name: Malabar Nut
Botanical Name: Justicia adhatoda
Adhatoda vasica or Malabar Nut also known as Vasaaka Adulsa.
Uses: 1.The extraction of leaf is a good medicine for Asthma and cough. 2.It is a
good medicine to stop internal and external bleedings like bleeding gums, piles
and peptic ulcers. 3. It is a good ingredient in decoctions for all types of fever due

to kapha and pitta doshas. 4. It is expectorant, antispasmodic and good blood

purifier. 5. It speeds up the child birth.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
Notes: The juice expressed from the leaves and the decoction of the leaves is an
excellent expectorant and roots are useful in asthma, bronchitis, and other chronic
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Code: HB03
Hindi Name: Amla
English Name: Gooseberry
Botanical Name: Phyllanthus emblica
Amla has been regarded as a sacred tree in India. Amla is the richest source of
natural vitamin C. Amla fruit paste is a major ingredient of Chavyanprash, a
popular Ayurvedic tonic.
Uses: Amla is used in various ailments like fever, liver disorder, indigestion,
anemia, heart complaints and urinary problems. It is also used along with several
other herbs as an ayurvedic tonic. The Indian gooseberry or Amla has cooling,
diuretic and laxative properties. It helps in cleansing the mouth, and strengthens
teeth and bones. It increases the red blood cell count and helps to promote good
health.It also has antioxidant properties.I t also has antibacterial properties and
helps in preventing infections and healing ulcers. I t also helps in preventing skin
infections. Amla has cell rejuvenating properties and therefore used in maintaining
good health of skin and hair. It is widely used in preparation of hair shampoos.
Amla helps to keep the hair glossy and shining.It also helps to prevent dandruff.
Amla is also known to have anti aging properties. Amla also has carminative
properties. It helps in maintaining a healthy digestive system.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
Notes: Amla prevents premature graying and falling of hair.
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Code: HB02
Hindi Name: Podina
English Name: Mint
Botanical Name: Mentha Sativa
Podina is mainly used in culinery purpose as flavoring agent.Mint leaves are used
in teas, beverages, jellies, syrups, candies, and ice creams.Menthol and mint
essential oil are also much used in medicine as a component of many drugs, and
are very popular in aromatherapy.
Uses: It is used as a medicinal herb to treat stomach ache and chest pains. Mint tea
is a strong diuretic. Mint also aids digestion.It is effective in headache, rhinitis,
cough sore throat, colic and vomiting. Menthol obtained from this is used in balm.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: HB01
Hindi Name: Tulsi
English Name: Basil
Botanical Name: Ocimum sanctum
The Queen of Herbs - is the most sacred herb of India,also known as Holy Basil.A
decoction of the plant is used for cough and also as mouth wash for relieving tooth
ache. It is good for headache, convulsions, cramps, fevers and cholera.
Uses: Tulsi is rich in antioxidant and renowned for its restorative powers.Tulsi
relieves stress,enhances stamina,relieves inflammation, lowers cholesterol,
eliminates toxins, protects against radiation, prevents gastric ulcers, lowers fevers,
improves digestion and provides a rich supply of antioxidants and other nutrients.
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
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Code: DH001
Hindi Name: Dhatura
English Name:

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Botanical Name:
this is our demo product.this is our demo product.this is our demo product.this is
our demo product.this is our demo product.this is our demo product.this is our
demo product.this is our demo product.this is our demo product.
Uses: this is our demo product.this is our demo product.this is our demo
product.this is our demo product.this is our demo product.this is our demo
product.this is our demo product.this is our demo product.this is our demo
Total Weight : 0 gms
Total Price : 0 INR 0 USD 0 Euro
Notes: this is our demo product.this is our demo product.this is our demo
product.this is our demo product.this is our demo product.this is our demo
product.this is our demo product.this is our demo product.this is our demo
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