Trustworthy Answers in Untrusting Times Part 1: Pathways Through Grief Seminar

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Volume 7, Issue 10 April 11 2010

Trustworthy Answers in Untrusting Times Part 1—John MacArthur

ASSEMBLY TIMES From the human per- asked.

spective, life doesn't "No," he replied, "but
Sunday Morning: always make sense. It is I've put myself into a
a difficult journey with situation where I don't
PATHWAYS THROUGH GRIEF SEMINAR 10:00am Bible Class obstacles to face and have to ask the ques-
11:00am Worship pitfalls to avoid. All of us tions!" Unfortunately,
Sam Hawkins will be here on April 17th have asked the same that is the best human
and 18th to offer the community a semi- Thursday Evening: hard questions: "Is wisdom can do.
there a God?"; "Does He
nar on coping with loss and grief. All are 7:00pm Bible Study
really love me?"; "Why The last fifty years have
welcome to come to the full five sessions am I here?"; "Why did produced an informa-
this have to happen?"; tion explosion unparal-
on the weekend. There will be three CONTACT INFO
"What is life really leled in human history.
sessions on Saturday, and two on Sun- about?" Yet with all we have
1 Christina Street Life is a process of seeking answers for the learned and with all the volumes that have
day (Bible class and Sermon). A de- Village of Kenosee Lake road ahead. But the real question is: been written, modern knowledge has been
tailed schedule will be released soon. "Where do I go to get the answers to those unable to shed any new light on the most
questions?" Philosophers can only specu- basic spiritual questions facing the human
These sessions will be open to the pub- Box 184
late about the meaning of life. At best, they race. That's exactly the situation the Bible
S0C 2S0
lic. Please feel free to invite your friends (306)577-2477
can suggest theories for the reasons of ascribes to mankind in the end times:
suffering, the existence of God, and other "always learning, but never able to come to
and neighbours. Also, watch for our ad- onthe- basic spiritual questions. In the end, phi- the knowledge of the truth" (2 Timothy
vertisement in the Carlyle Observer and losophy's answers are totally unsatisfying. 3:7).
Even Bertrand Russell, perhaps the premier Man has solved incredibly difficult prob-
the Kipling Citizen. For more information ___
philosopher of the twentieth century and a lems in the fields of mathematics, astron-
talk to Jim or Rolland LEADERSHIP man totally opposed to Christianity, admit- omy, microbiology, and even space travel.
ted before he died that philosophy had But the true meaning of life stubbornly
availed him nothing. eludes those whose methods of pursuit are
I'll never forget a man I once met while merely rational. They end up totally puz-
Cameron Husband hiking through the mountains of northern zled about life, death, God, man, sin,
Harold Floyd California. He was a graduate of Boston heaven, hell, love, joy, and peace.
Dale King University who lived in an overturned Fri- The problem is that spiritual answers can-
Jim Sedor gidaire box by a stream. not be deduced by human reason alone (1
I saw him there and introduced myself. Corinthians 2:14). It's not that spiritual
After describing his frustrating search for truth is irrational or illogical, but human
Minister: the meaning of life, he told me, "I've es- wisdom is defective because it is tainted by
Rolland Bouchard caped." man's sinfulness and unable to perceive the
(306)577-8418 "Well, have you found the answers?" I things of God.

Puzzles and Cartoons used with Permission. For rights and permissions see and
Volume 7, Issue 10 April 11, 2010

flection as in a mirror; then TODAY: NEW Team 4
We are requesting that all of the chil- NEXT WEEK: NEW Team 5
we shall see face to face.
THRIFT STORE DAYS SAM HAWKINS SMALL GATHERINGS: dren in our congregation have their Welcome and Announcements
Now I know in part; then I picture taken and a bio written that we
We will be working the thrift store Sam and Paulette will be here with shall know fully, even as I Jesus Loves Me
Thank you to all who attended a can send down to the Sunday school
April 27 & 29 on Saturday and Sunday April 17 and am fully known. And now class in Lazaro Cardenas, Mexico where Jesus Loves the Little Children
small gathering last Thursday
May 18 & 20 18. and will be needing a place to these three remain: faith, Bernard and Alicia are serving as mis- Prayer
evening. Your feedback on these hope and love. But the great- sionaries. Please submit these pictures
June 15 & 17 stay on Saturday night. Anyone in- events is essential so please
O ‘Twas Wonderful Love
est of these is love. to Ronda as soon as possible. For more
July 13-15 terested in hosting them in their speak with Rolland about your information talk to Ronda
Come Share the Lord
More dates coming very soon. home please talk to Rolland or Jim 1 Corinthians 13:12-13 Communion
 today. God Has Smiled On Me
HOMEMAKERS CIRCLE  What is it? Love Lifted Me
Here is a list of upcoming Homemak- GRIEF SEMINAR LUNCHEON The small gatherings are simple, Message
ers Circle events. For more informa- We will be hosting a soup and sand- though they may look different Wonderful Love of Jesus
tion talk to Judith. from week to week and place to As many of you know Western Christian is in a state of crisis. The school Sharing and Prayer
wich lunch during the grief seminar
April - Public Speaker/ to be place. The express purpose of has been given until mid May to come up with a plan and funds to keep
announced. on April 17th. Anyone interested in
these gatherings is unified: it’s doors open. A recommendation has been made to the school to pivstiV (peh-stiss)
May - Greenhouse. bringing a soup and/or buns/ close the doors unless they can raise $600,000 for the remainder of this
Relationship building. Your in- 1) conviction of the truth of anything, belief; in the
June - Tea house. sandwiches for the luncheon see the year and $600,000 for next year. We, the alumni, are calling on all of us NT of a conviction or belief respecting man's
The specific details will be an- put and ideas are necessary and
signup sheet on the bulletin board to help with this dire situation. Western is one of six organizations in all
relationship to God and divine things, generally
nounced as each activity comes up. welcome.
today. of Saskatchewan that has lasted for over 65 years, we would love to see
with the included idea of trust and holy fervour
 If you were not invited to one born of faith and joined with it 1a) relating to
 it last another 65 years. It has been serving the church faithfully, and
CHURCH SCRAP BOOK! this past week, or would like to God 1a1) the conviction that God exists and is the
ANNOUNCEMENTS the implications of it closing are huge. The administrative staff are creator and ruler of all things, the provider and
If you have any photos that you host one in your home, please
Submit in writing by Thursday each hopeful and overflowing with vision for some of the schools future pos-
bestower of eternal salvation through Christ 1b)
would like to be put into a church speak with Rolland. relating to Christ 1c) the religious beliefs of Chris-
week to make sure your announce- sibilities, but that does not make the crisis any less real. Please prayer-
scrapbook please talk to Ronda. tians 1d) belief with the predominate idea of trust
ment makes it into the newsletter. Thank you for your vision. fully consider how you can help the school during this time of need. (or confidence) whether in God or in Christ,
Here are some things that we are working on. springing from faith in the same 2) fidelity, faith-
fulness 2a) the character of one who can be relied
1) Carolyn McMillan is selling Watkins products and is going to donate on. Hebrews 11:1
profits to the school.

 Marie McMillan—Continued  Pamela King—General  Chris Cornforth—continued 2) Joe is going to start up a weekly horseshoe night and the cover
Heal concerns prayers for Her well being health concerns. charge will go to WCC.

 Bernard and Alicia Krogsgaard  Joe Fox—Surgery for His  The Lawrence Family— 3) On June 12 Wawota has their annual garage sale, we would like to
- Missionaries in Mexico knee and consequent unem- struggling with grief. set up a full pavilion of donated items where all of the proceeds will
go to Western. We would also like live music, consider that an invi-
 Brent Peterson—continued ployment.  Our small gatherings. SPONSOR A CHILD THROUGH COMPAS-
tation to all of you musicians out there.
recovery  Our Shepherds—leadership SION OR FOR A WAY TO SUPPORT THE and care To find out more about how you can help please talk to Monica or RELIEF EFFORTS IN HAITI VISIT
Rolland. Thank you.

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