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For each of the following items, choose the correct


1. Sam the library every weekend, but her go there.
(1) goes; doesn't like (2) goes; don't like
(3) went; liked
(4) goes; likes
2. " the plane like?"
"It's a small plane
(1) What's; like
(3) What's; with
3. " "

two engines."
(2) What does; like
(4) What does; with

"Thirteen baht a kilo."

(1) What cost is the sugar?
the sugar have?
(3) How much is the sugar?
the sugar have?

(2) What cost does

(4) How much does

4. "Is there...........corn in the field?"

"Yes, there....."
(1) lots; is
(2) many; is
(3) much; are
(4) a lot of; is

5. Before Laddy came to live in this town she in a

big store in Bangkok.
(1) used to working
(2) used to work
(3) was used to work (4) got used to working

6. Sam..................come here tomorrow. Her father
won't let her.
(1) can
(2) could
(3) couldn't
(4) can't

7. "May I see your photo?" "Yes, of course..............."

(1) Thank you.
(2) You're welcome.
(3) Here it is.
(4) There is it.
8. "Did the driver drink
"No, only......"
(1) much; a little
(3) a lot of; little

(2) lots; little

(4) much; little

9. "How"
"Since the day Iborn."
(1) did you live; was
(2) were you living; had
been born
(3) are you living; am (4) have you lived; was

10. "...................."
"Yes. Here it is."
(1) Is it your pencil?
(2) Is that pencil yours?
(3) Can I lend your pencil?
(4) Can you lend me
your pencil?
11. When last night, I.television.
(1) were calling; watched (2) called; was watching
(3) called; watched
(4) were calling; had been
12. "Don't you have
to tell me?"
"No. I say."
(1) something; anything (2) nothing; none
(3) anything; nothing
(4) anything; none

13. "What did the coach want the students to do?"

"He wanted them
all period."

(1) exercising
(3) to exercise

(2) exercise
(4) to exercising

14. "The plane's scheduled to depart at 6:05."

"But..........a delay."
(1) there'd be
(2) there's
(3) it'll be
(4) there'll be

15. "Sam treats his secretary badly."
"Yes. He seems to think that she's person in the
(1) less important
(2) less important than
(3) least important
(4) the least important
16. "I wonder if it's
to take a picture."
"I think it's......"
(1) too cloudy; light enough (2) cloudy too;
enough light
(3) too much cloudy; too light enough (4) cloudy
too much; too light

17. "Why should I try Sam and Mark's computers?"

"Because.......the best."
(1) theirs are
(2) they're
(3) there are
(4) those are
18. "Will Mark use his brother's motorcycle?"
"No. He'll use.."
(1) one of his own
(2) of his own one
(3) one of him
(4) of his one own
19. "Where were you yesterday?"
"We went.....with our friends."
(1) to hike
(2) on hiking
(3) by hiking
(4) hiking

20. "Don't bother to drive me back."

"But then you'd have to walk home alone
(1) hadn't you?
(2) don't you?
(3) wouldn't you?
(4) couldn't you?

21. "Which shirts are ?"

"Let me see. .in the hall closet."
(1) you; those
(2) yours; the ones
(3) yourself; those
(4) you; the one
22. "Must we take a bus?"
"No, you.....You can walk from here."


(1) must not
(3) don't have to

(2) better not

(4) are better not

23. I suppose that you, the reader, think of. as a
very organized person and have come to the
conclusion that we're not too bright.
(1) myself
(2) yourself
(3) himself
(4) ourselves
24. She quit her job,
(1) because
(3) and

she's looking for a new one

(2) but
(4) or

25. We.............go to the party. We're going to a

1) couldn't
(2) shouldn't
3) aren't
(4) won't be able to
26. If we miss the bus, we take a taxi.
(1) are going to
(2) will
(3) will be able to
(4) are to

27. "Could you get us some coffee, please?"

(1) No, I couldn't.
(2) I'm sorry.
(3) Sorry. Serve yourselves. (4) I'm sorry but
there isn't any.

28. Of the two things, a car is a cart.

(1) expensive as
(2) the more expensive
(3) the most expensive as
(4) more expensive
29. Laddy always works Winny.
(1) more carefully than (2) more careful than
(3) less careful than
(4) so carefully as
30. Which option is correct?
(1) The boys are sometimes very noisy.
(2) Sometimes the boys are very noisy.
(3) The boys sometimes are very noisy.

(4) Both 1 and 2

Read the conversation and choose the correct answer
to complete each blank.
Manager: Umm, yes, your qualifications are in order.
Good. Now tell me, why do you want to work
in a bank?
Malinee: I'm looking for a
31 job and one that
pays fairly well. I have always been interested
in bookkeeping and accounting. I often help my
uncle with his accounting problems. I also have
friends who works in banks and it sounds very me. They enjoy the work and
they say the working 33 are good.
Manager: Fine. When did you graduate?
Malinee: ........34 six weeks ago.
Manager: What was your grade point average?
Malinee: 3.38.
Manager: You only provided one reference with your
Malinee: Yes, the 35 one is here.
Manager: If you came to work here, you would have
to join our training scheme and work in many
positions so that you get an......36 picture of
the organization of the bank.
Malinee: Yes, I would like that.
Manager: We have quite a few foreign customers. Do
you feel comfortable about ...............................37
their questions in English?
Malinee: Well, I passed my English exams quite well
and I've been studying at a language school in
the evenings. I don't foresee.......38....problems.
Manager: Good. Which job would you like to do most
in the bank?
Malinee: I'm interested in the Foreign Exchange
Department. I think that must be fascinating

work. There would be a chance to meet many
Manager: And how do you 39 about our uniform?
Malinee: In my opinion it's very smart.
Manager: Why did you choose to apply to this bank?
Malinee: Well, it's very near my home.
Manager: Have you had any experience of operating a
computer terminal?
Malinee: During our course there was a theoretical
introduction to computers but I ........................40
much practical experience.
31. (1) secure
(3) to secure
32. (1) interest

(2) secured
(4) security
(2) interested

(3) interesting

(4) interestingly

33. (1) conditions

(2) applications

(3) security
34. (1) Over
(3) Just
35. (1) later
(3) second
36. (1) overall
(3) average
37. (1) answer

(4) place
(2) Well
(4) Approximately
(2) delayed
(4) extra
(2) overalls
(4) all over
(2) to answer

(3) answered
38. (1) some

(4) answering
(2) a

(3) the

(4) any

39. (1) consider

(2) feel

(3) judge
40. (1) have had
(3) had had

(4) suspect
(2) haven't had
(4) hadn't had

c. For each of the following items, choose the best

word or phrase to complete it.
41. My older brothers are 22, 20, and 18 years old
(1) respectively
(2) together
(3) reliably
(4) respectfully
42. Mr. Jim has a very good camera. Is he a
(1) painter
(2) philosopher
(3) photographer
(4) pickpocket

43. The price of gas more than 20%
this year.
(1) downed
(2) drowned
(3) departed
(4) decreased
44. Several passengers the train crash.
(1) injured
(2) damaged
(3) destroyed
(4) deformed
45. Employment..............for women are poor at the
present time.
(1) occasions
(2) means
(3) situations
(4) opportunities
46. The bus company has the fare by 50%.
(1) raised
(2) risen
(3) claimed
(4) said
47. Exercise is essential to health because it leads to
(1) competition
(2) athlete
(3) physical fitness
(4) fame
48. He went to a seaside resort because he was
(1) bright
(2) keen
(3) interested
(4) eager
49. He was pleased to have the to hear such a fine
musician play his favorite piece of music.
(1) occasion
(2) possibility
(3) luck
(4) opportunity
50. John earns only 200 baht a week. This is not to
feed a family of five in the city.
(1) normal
(2) enough
(3) easy
(4) usual

D. Read the following articles and choose the correct
answer in each item. Then write the number of the
chosen option in the brackets provided.
Article 1
He struck out 1,330 times. But it isn't what we
remembered about Babe Ruth. We remember his 714
home runs.
Cy Young is among the greatest pitchers of all
time. He was a winner 511 times. But do you know
that he lost almost that many games.
Thomas Edison failed again and again. Yet we
remember that it was he who gave us electric lights.
Don't be afraid to fail. By failing you learn how to
win. And when you win who remembers that you ever
51. Why did the three great persons in the article
(1) They always won in games.
(2) They did not
like to fail.
(3) They had more failures in life. (4) They were
not afraid to fail.
52. Cy Young has.........................................
(1) never lost any games (2) won more than lost
(3) lost about 511 times
lost more than won
53. What sport did Babe Ruth and Cy Young play?
(1) football
(2) baseball
(3) basketball
(4) tennis
54. From the passage, people tend to.......
(1) remember only one's failures (2) remember
only the winners
(3) forget one's success
forget one's failures
55. According to the article, what does the writer really
want to say?


Let our failures in life be the lesson.

Keep trying as long as you don't fail.
You can win the games if you keep trying.
All men can always win.


Article 2
Health is the general state of a person's mind and
body. A person in good health is ready to work and
to play with energy and enthusiasm. A healthy body
is the best starting point for general well-being. Every
growing person should follow four rules to keep his or
her body in good health. The first rule is to eat a
balanced diet of foods that help the body do its work
and grow. The second rule is to get enough sleep. A
growing person needs eight to ten hours of sleep
each night. The third rule is to stay clean. Cleaning
the skin and hair removes germs that can cause
infections. And, finally, a healthy body needs exercise.

56. What is the best title for the article?

(1) Health
(2) Mind
(3) Foods
(4) Exercise
57. The synonym of the word 'well-being' (line 3) is
(1) mind and body (2) health and happiness
(3) food and exercise
work and play
58. For growing people, how many rules do they have
to follow for their well-being?
(3) 3
(4) 4
59. The word 'enthusiasm' (line 2) can be replaced by
(1) emotion
(2) intelligence
(3) interest
(4) strength
60. According to the article, what is the last rule for
general well-being?
(1) Doing homework (2) Military operation
(3) Fitness activity (4) Skill training


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