Low Country Sun - April2010

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The Tri-County’s Premier Publication for the Young and Active After 50

Serving Berkeley, Dorchester

and Charleston Counties
Volume 9, No 4 www.lowcountrysun.sc APRIL, 2010

Ship Shapes
of Charleston
William Thomas-Moore
and Diane Scher
By Don Gordon
They came to Charleston from widely
separated places for totally different rea-
sons and met at the local census offices,
where they both worked in 2000. The re-
sult was not only a life partnership but one
in which their talents and interests comple-
mented each other to a remarkable degree.
William Thomas-Moore is a master
craftsman and model shipwright, who also
does some acting. His wife, Diane Scher,
is a writer and a public relations executive
Master craftsman and model shipwright Bill Thomas-Moore works on a commis-
with significant performing arts education sioned restoration on his back porch-turned model shipyard on James Island.
and background.
So it was entirely reasonable that one day afternoon through June. home tours in Charleston.
of the first things the two did after they Ms. Scher’s role portrays a modern-day As for Thomas-Moore, he has been a
connected was to produce a play, one in reporter going back in time to interview the professional ship model builder for 50 of
which they would comprise the entire cast fictional ship’s doctor, “Dr. Moore,” in his his 69 years to the point that his eminence
A completed model rests proudly on
The story was about the Confederate sub- Tradd street office. The time is February in the craft is widespread. But that wasn’t
display. 1864, three days after the disappearance of his full-time line in the beginning. “I
marine H.L. Hunley, a subject on which
Thomas-Moore is an authority. “I went Citadel,” Ms. Scher recalled. She offered the vessel. For the play, Ms. Scher adopts couldn’t make a living at it until I achieved
to one of his lectures on the Hunley at the some of her own input on the subject, and the style of Hollywood columnist Hedda an international reputation,” he explained.
things progressed from there. Hopper, complete with the large hat. He remembers the first model he sold.
The couple performed the one-act play “I wear many hats,“ she commented, It was 1960, and his father had brought

called, “Romancing the Hunley,“ at vari- meaning that both literally and figurative- home a piece of mahogany from an old
ous venues in the South for several years ly. She also fulfills many roles in life, such ship that had sunk in Boston Harbor. From
and now are reviving the performance for as artist, freelance journalist, copywriter, half of that piece, young Thomas-Moore

Lowcountry Sun three months at the Powder Magazine in

Charleston. The first showing is scheduled
for April 4 and will be repeated each Sun-
public relations marketing consultant and
arts promoter. More than that, both she and
Thomas-Moore work as docents at historic
constructed a ship model.
Ship Shapes continued on page 2

Page 4
April Alamanac Battle of the Ages: Boomers vs. the Young
We’ve just seen the first pitched battle the generations -- the huge number of baby The first pitched battle was staged last
Page 9 in the next war -- The War Between the boomers who have been promised benefits week -- at college campuses across the
Changes to 2009 Taxes Generations. It will be a war that divides
America in a way we haven’t seen since
in their retirement years -- and the smaller,
but equally vocal generation that will be
country. The younger generation -- college
students, high school students and some in
the Civil War. Unlike the recent political taxed to pay for those promises. grade school -- joined to protest the rising
Page 15 battles between red states and blue, or the Until now, the focus has been on the cost of college tuition, along with cuts in
Quick Look at the liberals vs. the conservatives, this battle federal government, but now the battle has resources at all levels of public schools.
will not be a matter of choice. It will draw moved to the state, city and local level. Un- In Chicago, the public school district
Health Care Bill its lines of distinction based on age -- and like the federal government, states cannot is cutting back some spring non-varsity
wallets. simply “print” or create the money, or run sports and eliminating lacrosse and water
Page 27 I first wrote about this topic exactly budget deficits. So they’re forced to raise polo, and facing other funding decisions
six years ago in a column titled “Medicare taxes or make spending cuts -- or both. The because of its budget crisis.
Ode to the Front Porch Drain Heralds Generation Warfare.” In it, pain is starting to be felt. Battle continued on page 2
I pointed out the growing conflict between

Visit us online at www.lowcountrysun.sc

Ship Shapes continued from page 1 ery. The seacoast, one or the work ranging in size from six fact, formed the basis of the full- Acting provides him a break
other, was her preferred location inches to eight feet. Authenticity size replica of the submarine that from model-building. Thomas-
“It was on the mantle of our and when a friend suggested she down to the smallest detail is key, was later constructed. His model Moore has considerable experi-
home. An executive for Goodyear come to Myrtle Beach, she made which necessitates extensive re- of Blackbeard”s “Queen Anne’s ence acting in period costumes
saw it and asked me how much the move, later migrating south to search. “About one quarter of my Revenge” is on display at a res- and has appeared as an extra
I wanted for it,“ Thomas-Moore Charleston. taurant of that name on in several movies filmed in the
said. Young Bill thought he had “I’m in love with Daniel Island. Charleston area.
named a ridiculously high price Charleston,” she ex- Restoration is also a Even though “Romancing
but got a surprise. “He said ‘fine, claimed. “We would never major part of Thomas- the Hunley” has been and will
I’ll take it,‘ “ Thomas-Moore re- move.” Of her life with Moore’s work, including be performed repeatedly, it does
called. Thomas-Moore, she said, those of models dating as not grow stale for the perform-
The early stage of Thomas- “We have done more in 10 far back at the 18th and ers. That’s because, as Ms. Scher
Moore’s working life was as an years together than most 19th centuries. He referred explained, the actors improvise
administrator at Kent State Uni- people do in a lifetime.” to two so-called bone with new dialogue at times while
versity in Ohio and as an execu- The lives of the cou- models, one vintage 1770 remaining within the basic story
tive at Goodyear Tire and Rubber ple relate largely in one and the other from the line.
Co. in his native Akron. Thomas- way or another to Thom- early 1800s. They were In short, the two do not fol-
Moore was at the university dur- as-Moore’s virtuosity with built by French officers low a rigid script in the play, nor,
ing the Vietnam anti-war protests ship models, from the held captive by the British one suspects, in life itself. That
that led to the fatal shootings in play to her promotion of using cooking bones from may explain Diane Scher’s state-
May 1970. Of his experience his work to their teaming the kitchen and human ment of enthusiasm for what the
there, Thomas-Moore said, “I to teach what they called hair for the rigging. Those couple has experienced together
was a conservative in a very lib- Modeling 101, by which were details that Thomas- over the past 10 years.
eral environment, which wasn’t the master builder seeks to Moore managed to dupli-
very comfortable.” share his talent with oth- cate. The models are worth “Romancing The Hunley”
Thomas-Moore arrived in ers. They no longer hold as much as $100,000, and Sundays
Charleston in 1989 by way of classes at schools but he for restoring them, Thom- April 4th - June 27th, 3:30 PM
Atlanta because his wife at that tutors students privately.
Bill and Diane rehearse their roles for “Romanc-
as-Moore earned substan- Tickets: $15
time had been transferred here. “It was the love of
ing the Hunley”, the stage play they not only enjoy
tial fees. Powder Magazine
In the meantime Diane Scher was the sea,” Thomas-Moore
together as actors, but producers.
Obviously, his work 79 Cumberland Street
facing life issues of her own. A commented, that motivat- does not come cheap. For Downtown Charleston
native of Detroit, Mich., she had ed him to build his models. In his work is in doing the research,” new models, custom-ordered, his
been schooled in performing arts For information and tickets:
youth, his family spent summers he said. Thomas-Moore’s studio beginning price range is $6,000 to 843-722-9350.
and journalism, had performed at the coast in Massachusetts. is his back porch at the couple’s $10,000. But building a model is
and done public relations work in www.powdermag.org.
Moreover, Thomas-Moore is an James Island home. no rapid process. He estimates the
New York and eventually settled avid sailboat sailor in his own Thomas-Moore’s credits in- time frame to be anywhere from For more information about
in San Jose, Calif. right. clude some impressive items, six months to two years, though “Ship Shapes of Charleston”
“My mother had died, and His models have been of his- starting with the original Hunley he never has just one project go- E-mail: shipsgallery@aol.com,
my daughter was married,” Ms. toric sailing vessels, all of which model for which he was commis- ing at any given time. “The work website: www.shipshapesof-
Scher recalled, indicating she he builds to various scales, his sioned. His five-foot model, in is too tedious for that.” charleston.blogspot.com.
was ready for a change in scen-

Battle continued from page 1 Students typically don’t have of Wisconsin-Milwaukee to the rebuild devastated 40l(k) plans get boomers’ jobs? A crunch is
a voice that can compete with the University of Texas in Austin, to and hope that they’ll be able developing, a logjam at the top
Across the nation, from New Medicare lobby. But in the last Auburn in Alabama. The younger to sell their homes at a reason- of the pyramid as boomers stub-
Jersey to California, after-school week, as part of the “March 4th generation has found its voice. able price, when they’re ready to bornly refuse to give up their
activities are being cut for lack Day of Action to Defend Pub- Gone are plans for “early downsize into retirement commu- jobs.
of funding. That hits working lic Education,” demonstrations retirement” -- a concept that has nities. It’s not surprising that one
parents hard and creates a new raged on campuses and in front of been replaced by “hanging on as But will younger workers reason the health care debate
generation of latchkey kids and statehouses from Berkeley, Calif., long as I can.” Working longer have the income to purchase is stalled revolves around the
at-risk children. to Tennessee to the University gives boomers an opportunity to boomers’ homes -- if they can’t critical issue of “saving money
through cuts in Medicare reim-
bursements.” The huge -- and ac-
The Tri-County’s Premier Publication for the Young and Active After 50 tive-voting -- boomer generation
is about to demand that the con-
tributions they’ve made into the
system now be used to take care
of them in their senior years, even
though the cost will be greater
than their payments.
Over 200 Distribution Points and 45,000 Readers Boomers grew up expect-
in the Greater Charleston Area ing the best of everything -- and
getting it. Now they will turn vi-
The Lowcountry Sun is a monthly newspaper dedicated to informing, ciously on anyone who suggests
serving and entertaining active senior adults in the Greater Charleston
any form of rationing of health
care -- whether by price, avail-
Subscriptions are available, prepaid with order, at $31 for one year. ability or cost. If the government
Send subscription orders to: cuts back on Medicare reimburse-
Lowcountry Sun, 1961 Treebark Drive, Charleston, SC 29414 ment to physicians, who in turn
Orders received by the 15th of the month will start with the next issue. decide not to take on new Medi-
Publication of advertising contained herein does not necessarily consti- care patients, the impact will be
tute endorsement. Signed columns are the opinion of the writers and not felt at the polls.
necessarily the opinion of the publisher, advertisers or their agencies. The cost of caring for the ag-
Copyright 2008 - Neighborhood Newspapers, Inc. All rights reserved.
ing population of our country will
Publisher Contributing Writers Mark Gallagher pit seniors against the next gen-
Torrey Monroe Liz Sharp Business Development eration of workers who will be
843-345-1314 John Parker Print & Online Advertising taxed to pay for the benefits that
Cappy Hall Rearick Call 843-762-0030
John Schumacher
boomers have been promised.
Jill Lancaster
Belinda Roberts Pitting Grandma and Grandpa
Dr. Eric Stem against their children and grand-
children is a cruel war.
Let us mail the Lowcountry Sun to your home. There is only one way out:
Only $31 for one year.
economic growth. Only if we
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lenge we face -- not tomorrow,
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but now.
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2 APRIL, 2010 • www.lowcountrysun.sc

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www.lowcountrysun.sc • APRIL, 2010 3
April Forecast:
Rain. Expect to see a very wet spring in
the greater Charleston region Distribution Locations
Kiawah/Seabrook -Island Oaks -God’s Green Acre
-Indigo Books -Carousel Boutique
N. Charleston
-Kiawah Real Estate -Breck’s
April Temperature Top Ten Rainiest Cities in April -Vincent’s Drugs
-BC Liquors
-Lowcountry Adult
Services -O’lacy’s Pub
-Gerald’s Tires -Flowertowne
-Newton Farms -El Rosarito
-Marie’s Diner
Normal High 76 F 1. Hilo, Hi - 12.54 inches Downtown Charleston -Chas. Denture Center -Dorchester Senior
-Hardee’s -Jones Ford Center
Normal Avg. 64 F -VA Hospital -La Hacienda -Paul Lawton Construc
2. Yakutat, AK - 10.80 inches -MUSC
-Rogers Tax Advisors
-Cardiology Consultants
-Norm’s Pizza -Hudson Nissan -Village at Summerville
Ocean Temperature 3. Mt. Washington, NH - -Kim’s Express -Perkins -Trident Cardiology
-LaHacienda -Jiffy Lube
-Summerville Library
8.43 inches -Diana’s -Chik-fil-A
-Beaner’s Coffee
April 1-15 64 F -Joseph’s
-Canterbury House
-Utopia Homecare
-Odyssey Healthcare -Pivotal Fitness
April 16-30 68 F 4. Quillayute, WA - 7.44 inches -Chas. Crab House -Dr. Hugh Robinson -Chas. Brace
-AW Shuck’s -Castle Keepers
-Blossom’s -True Value Hardware -Advanced Centers for
-Khouri Chiropractic -Planter’s Crossing Internal Medicine
5. Annette, AK - 7.37 inches -Tommy Condon’s Apartments -China Wok
April Sky -T-Bonz -Dr. Gail Rearden -Tricounty Radiology
-Chas. Bone & Joint -Northtowne Restaurant -Hibachi Fusion
6. Jackson, MS - 5.98 inches -Delta Pharmacy -Otranto Library -Anytime Fitness
Normal High 76 F -Chas. Library -North Rivers Dental -China City
-Chas. Visitor’s Center
Normal Avg. 64 F 7. Memphis, TN - 5.79 inches -Radcliffe Manor
-Palmetto Family Care
-Vitamin Shoppe
-Southern Palms
-Arby’s -Hardee’s
Goose Creek
Sunrise: 8. Meridan, MS - 5.62 inches West Ashley
-Pearl Vision
-Dr. Thaddeus Bell
-Center Pointe Bar &
-Dunkin Donuts
April 1 7:08a -Jiffy Lube Grill
-Chas. Active Day
April 15 6:50a 9. Baton Rouge, LA - 5.56 inches -Groucho’s Deli
-Doctors Care
-SAS Shoes -Hardee’s
-Lowcountry Cardiology
April 30 6:34a 10. Kodiak, AK- 5.48 inches -Appel Vision
-Nelda’s Barbershop
-Aunt Bea’s Restaurant Mount Pleasant/Isle of
-The Bridge Assisted Palms
-Palmetto Hearing
Sunset: -Heartland of West Living
-Life Care Center of
-MUSC Pathology
April 1 7:40p -Sunfire Grill Chas. -East Cooper Womens
-Senior Tequila -Amedisys Ctr.
April 15 7:50p -Arby’s -Dunkin’ Donuts -Chas. Cornea
April 30 8:01p April Fishing -St. Andrew’s Library
-Kassis Bros. Shoes
-Nason Medical
-SC Sports Medicine
-MUSC Heart &Vas
-Precision Tune -Ladson Seafood -Mt. Pleasant Dermatol
Full Moon -Palmetto Orthopedics
-Lowcountry Medical
-Lowcountry Lung
-Pain Specialists of
-MUSC Medicine
April 28 Best 12 days Assoc.
-Dr.’s Cain & Lackey
Chas. -Lowcountry Gastroen
-Lowcountry Rheuma terology
-Cardiology Assoc.
Meteor to fish in April -Total Wine
-Lowcountry Ortho-
-Chas. Pulmonary
-East Cooper Rehab
Showers In the Morning: -Hardee’s pedics
-Palmetto Urology
-Lowcountry Obstetrics
-Tidewater Neurology
-Lowcountry Tobacco
April 21-22 -Edenbrook -Chas. Cancer Center -Hollings Cancer Ctr.
April 9,10,11,12,13, 25 -MUSC Family Care -Tricounty Radiology -East Cooper Hospital
(swift streaks -MUSC Bone & Joint -Trident Senior Center -Lowcountry Hemato-
-Trident Surgery
overhead In the Evening: -Palmetto Digestive
Disease -Trident Diagnostics
-Mt. Pleasant Family
between April 1, 2, 3, 20, 21, 30 -Jewish Community
-Trident Breast Care
-Palmetto Primary Care
-The Palms of Mt.
2a to 4a) -Trinity Mission
-Ashley Park
-Lowcountry Hematol- -Pleasant
ogy & Oncology -Palmetto Medical
-Roper St. Francis -Dr. Marzluff Research
-Northwoods Family -Mt. Pleasant Visitors
-Tidewater Internal

Need Help? Medicine

Practice Center
-Chas. Hematology -Lowcountry Family -Hardees
-Lowcountry Cardiology Podiatry -Whole Foods
-Ashley Oaks OBGYN -Chas. Neurology -Smoothie King
Personal Assistance -Carolina Lung -Chas. Radiology -Carpentiers Wine &
that Promotes -Dematology & Laser
Ctr. of Chas.
-Gerald’s Tires
Independence -Endocrine Center -East Bay Deli -Locklears
-Parson Jack’s -Premier Medical Center -Boulevard Diner
-Doctors Care -Dunkin Donuts -Pitt St. Pharmacy
-Star Motors -State Farm Insurance -Alex’s
-Ye Old Fashioned Ice -Tire Kingdom -Abes Oyster House
Cream -Eastern Buffet -Mozzo Deli
-Sojourn Coffee
-Coosaw Creek Crab -Dunkin Donuts
James & Johns Island Shack -SouthEastern Spine
• Care for seniors, new mothers, disabled -EarthFare -Advanced Dentistry -Coastal Carolina
individuals, and others. -Osaka -Medcare Express Research
• Assistance with dressing, bathing, -La Carreta -Ladies Choice Fitness -Sandpiper
shopping, etc. -Arbys -Rolly Pollie’s -MUSC Storm Eye
• No hourly minimum requirement. -Roper -Senior Tequila Institute
• Free, comprehensive, in-home evaluation. -Doctors’ Care
-Wescott Liquors -Franke Home
• Thoroughly screened and credentialed -Sweetwater Café
-Mother Nature -A Dough Re Mi
caregivers. -Kronic Coffee
-Mom & Pop’s Pizza -Lifetrust Financial -China Dragon
• Acceptance of long-term and private -Betty’s Hair
-Foresberg Wine
insurances. Summerville -Goin’ Postal
-Great Wall
• Quick turnaround for care - often within -Platts HVAC -Banana Cabana
-Gold’s Gym
24 hours. -BC Liquors -Doctors’ Care -Morgan Creek Grill
Contact Us Today! -Pan Garden -Wendy’s -Pelican Cleaners
-American Legion Post -Bill’s Liquors -Bagel Nation
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-Ye Old Fashioned Ice
-Boone Hall Farms
-Jack’s Cosmic Dogs
-Ravenous Reader -Allcare -Just Fresh
www.maximhomecare.com -Dunkin Donuts -Hardee’s -KHM Gas Station
-Plantation Pharmacy -Old South Diner -The Denture Center
-Palmetto Vision Care
-Starbucks -Cutchin Law
-Lowcountry Hearing
-Chas. Crabhouse
-Massage Envy -Geralds Tires
www. -Chas. Muni Golf -Tire Kingdom -Chas. Bone & Joint
-Lowcountry Senior -Anytime Fitness -Boulevard Diner
lowcountry Center -Eclectic Chef
-Ruth’s Hallmark
sun. -Sea Island Habitat for
Humanity -Simply Delicious
4 APRIL, 2010 • www.lowcountrysun.sc

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www.lowcountrysun.sc • APRIL, 2010 5

Good Credit Score of Past Not So Good Now
With historically low rates, many homeowners are watching closely for the right time to refinance their mortgages. Those with good
credit may well recall being showered with praise by a mortgage broker during the initial purchase for that solid credit score.

That was then. This is now. The road to new scoring terest, taxes and insurance. 1. Check your credit free at www. scores if something is reported in-
A few years ago, a credit How did we get to this new • Down payment from the bor- annualcreditreport.com. Find out accurately and there is proof of a
score of 620 or higher was good reality? rower’s own funds. what might have gone wrong. discrepancy.
enough. That increased to 680 in The nation’s two largest Applicants should know their 3. Decrease the percentage of
• Low debt-to-income ratio. The
early 2008. Then it jumped to 720 mortgage lenders, Fannie Mae credit score, understand what it available credit used. This can
required ratio varies between
in April last year and 740 in Au- and Freddie Mac, suffered major means to their loan rates and ask be done by paying down bal-
banks but is generally less than
gust, says Rodney Anderson, se- losses in the market last year and their loan officers to use credit ances or increasing credit limits,
40 percent, according to many in
nior managing partner of Plano, then redefined risk, announcing analysis on their behalf, says says Guthrie. Ideally, this means
the industry.
Texas-based Rodney Anderson price adjustments for borrow- keeping balances as close to zero
Lending Services. ers with FICO scores below 720, as possible, and definitely below
In the past, any score of 700 says Sean Cragg, vice president 30 percent of the available credit
or higher would get a double of sales for Ann Arbor, Mich.- limit, experts say.
thumbs-up from credit experts. based Gold Star Mortgage Finan- “We’ve seen people increase
Now, rate adjustments begin kick- cial Group. their scores by as much as 90
ing in at 740, with every 20-point And, in case you were won- points or more, simply by pay-
drop adding another adjustment. dering, “these fees have noth- ing off the right cards,” Anderson
In other words, many people ing to do with your mortgage says.
who were taking pride in their company or its various products 4. Move things around. If one
credit habits either must pay sig- and cannot be negotiated away,” income can be used to qualify
nificantly higher or try to make Cragg says. for the loan, transfer accounts to
quick changes to nudge their All mortgage bankers, bro- “park” the debt in the other par-
scores upward. kers and credit unions must com- ty’s name, Guthrie says.
“I have clients all the time ply with the higher interest rates 5. Get a rapid rescore. It’s the
who literally wind up with a and delivery changes in all tra- only way to find out fast if an
score of 739, 719, 699, 679... and ditional mortgages, says Heidel- attempt to improve a score was
it costs them money to either fix it berg. Only entities intending to successful. It’s done through your
or pay for it,” Huettner says. hold the mortgages in their own lender and a rescoring company.
One of Huettner’s clients, portfolios can follow their own
who always had a score of about guidelines. Aside from working toward
740, went to do a refinance and Surprise, surprise a better score, there are two ad-
found her current score at 719. Joe and Jane Homeowner ditional options. One is paying
“The reason was, she put a new have likely heard of the new cred- points to buy down the interest
washer and dryer on a store credit it restrictions. But the actual cost rate. “This is only a good idea
card,” he says. Many store cards to them is often a surprise when if the borrower will then live in
are actually revolving credit, they sit down with a broker. the house beyond the break-even
which means your limit is essen- “Often, lenders will quote point, meaning the time where
tially your starting balance. So rates that include the adjustments, the money they’ve paid in points
that purchase maxed out her card without calling attention to them, is made up for by way of less ex-
and caused about a 20-point score in order to avoid a negative reac- pensive monthly payments,” says
drop. tion from their customer,” says Findlay.
Another wrinkle in today’s Make sure you check your credit often. Know your score and be
James Guthrie, a partner in New aware of how scoring works. The other option: shopping
market: Even those with FICO Home Finance in Suwanee, Ga. around. Some lenders, such as
scores of 740 or higher are penal- Less surprising are other fac- Palo Alto, Calif.-based Addison
ized for buying in a geographic • Good loan-to-value percentage. Chung. Credit analysis tools are a
tors that go into securing financ- It also varies, but it’s often cited Avenue Federal Credit Union,
market on the downswing. “This simple way to identify key score
ing for a new or existing mort- as less than 80 percent. have loans, known as “portfolio”
adjustment affects all borrowers, influencers by scrutinizing the in-
gage. Paola Kielblock, national loans, that aren’t subject to blan-
regardless of score, if in a de- • Having equity in your home is a formation contained in each of an
products manager for Sun Prairie, ket rules on credit scores because
clining market,” says mortgage major factor in getting approved individual’s three credit reports
Wis.-based Fairway Independent the lender intends to keep them
broker Jim Heidelberg, president for a refinance and in finding the to look for inconsistencies, errors
Mortgage Corp., clarifies today’s rather than sell the loans in the
of Heidelberg Capital Corp. in best rate. The more equity in the and omissions that may artificial-
requirements: secondary market.
Tampa, Fla. home, the less risk there is to the ly depress the score.
• Good credit. In a perfect world, anyone
In many cases, the added lender if the home is repossessed. 2. Correct any inaccuracies. Al- contemplating a refinance or a
costs of rate adjustments are • Stable job, with a minimum of Taking action on your score though consumers can improve new mortgage anytime within the
“enough to make a refinance two years of employment. What can a homeowner who scores on their own, Kielblock next year or so would start work-
that would otherwise make sense • Reserves after closing, includ- wants to refinance do with a notes that credit agencies offer ing on getting the ideal credit
have no benefit to the borrower,” ing a minimum of two to six good FICO score that’s not good services to mortgage brokers to score now.
Huettner says. months of mortgage principal, in- enough? Here’s what to do. help consumers raise their credit

'Age in Place' 1 - Ford Tough

with In spite of a struggling

economy and an attitudinal
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vironmentally friendly lifestyle,

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Family-Owned and Operated rys in 2009. cient vehicles, as only one of
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www.lowcountrysun.sc • APRIL, 2010 7

Boomers Abroad! - Can You Retire Overseas?
There are many reasons to Cost of living: What can you af- and many have reported it is next on where you live the crime rate ping you or raising your premi-
move away from the U.S. during ford to pay for your monthly to impossible to get a landline has risen to dangerous levels and ums.
your retirement years. One of the comfort? What kind of lifestyle phone in a reasonable time. Costa some retirees have been forced to Thailand also has good qual-
most important is that your mon- do you plan? Luxurious, Simple, Rica, however has its share of hire bodyguards for protection. ity and affordable hospitals and
ey will buy you more. Another Moderate? violent crime and, as Forbes re- Belize, Panama, Honduras Thailand’s “O” visa is available
big reason is inexpensive health ported (Oct. 22, 2008), it also has and Nicaragua also have a good to any American retiree with at
care and affordable prescription Language: Are you comfortable it share of land title scams. sized population of U.S. retirees least $24,000 in the bank and a
drugs. in a country where English is not Land scams are prevalent in and they actively court American minimum of $1,935 in monthly
The laws of various countries the native language and perhaps many countries where Americans retirees by offering tax-free status income.
should influence those planning is not spoken or understood by plan their retirement. In Mexico’s to anyone willing to buy or build Australia is a particularly
on living there as some penal- many of the natives? good choice for many Americans
ize the wealthy and others make We cover some of the pos- as it is relatively inexpensive,
it difficult for those that are not sible destinations that meet some English is the native language and
wealthy. or several of these criteria, but it offers most of the amenities re-
Other important factors to we urge you to do substantial re- tirees are seeking; however Aus-
consider are the crime rate, the search as well as spend time in tralia’s “investment retirement
distance from your home in the the location you think you wish visa” requires that an immigrant
U.S. if you plan to return often to retire to prior to your actual have at least $56,000 in annual
to visit friends and family and, of move. Every country has its plus- income ($43,000 if you settle in
course, the lifestyle you are seek- es as well as its minuses. a rural area) and you must be
ing. Many U.S. Citizens are retir- prepared to invest a minimum of
List what is important to you ing to Central and South America. $650,000 locally ($430,000 in a
as this should influence your de- Housing as well as the cost of liv- rural location).
cision: ing is usually substantially less
Climate: Hot, cold, temperate; do than in the states. Costa Rica is www.boomersabroad.com
you want a beach or mountains or one of the countries that has a
both? large contingent of retirees. Costa Is overseas retirement a
Rica allows U.S. citizens regis- One of the attractions of living overseas is living in a place with a lower cost of good option, is it safe to live over-
The arts: Museums, opera, sym- tered under its pension system living and the opportunity for new experiences. seas, where does one move to
phony, ballet, theater. to pay into the country’s social- and what is in various locations
security system. Less than $40 a Baja peninsula a few years ago, a house there. Moving to Brazil is that may be of interest to those
Sports: Do you wish to play golf,
month qualifies you for full hos- many U.S. retirees learned that great choice as it is relatively in- wishing to retire overseas? How
tennis, ski, run, bike and do you can this library answer those
wish to be able to watch profes- pitalization and pharmacy cover- deeds on their beachfront prop- expensive and has much to offer
questions? These issues are ad-
sional or amateur sporting events? age. erty were not valid as they did with regard to climate and ame-
dressed in the introduction to the
Many retirees in Costa Rica not meet certain provisions of a nities but Brazil’s murder rate is
Healthcare: Do you have medical use the local public-health admin- national-security statute that per- four times that of the U.S.
Overseas Retirement Library.
problems that require you be near istration as a backup for emer- mits only citizens to own land on Excellent and inexpensive
a hospital that can provide quality http://www.escapeartist.com/
gency care and rely on private Mexico’s coasts health care is available in France. Overseas_Retirement/Refer-
care? Do you need prescription clinics for most of their care. The Millions of Americans have Insurance companies there are ence_Library/
drugs regularly? immigration office is difficult, retired to Mexico but depending prohibited by law from drop-

8 APRIL, 2010 • www.lowcountrysun.sc

Temporary Employment Set to Increase terparts who must receive com- Speizer quoting a recent study, thousand dollars a year. Retirees
As the economy’s recovery
continues, the number of tem- pany benefits for themselves and “73% of responding employers and Boomers who have the skills
porary jobs could triple in 2010, their families.” are planning to increase their use and experience can often find
clearing the way for thousands of Depending on the hours of contingent labor.” many project assignments and
seniors, boomers and retirees to worked, the length of the assign- And while jobs are still tough earn more than if they worked
return to the workforce in execu- ment and other factors, employ- to find, there are ways for boom- for a single company. These types
ers can save on contingency labor ers and retirees to maximize the of jobs usually provide no health
tive, managerial and professional
by avoiding expensive company opportunity. The key is knowing insurance, sick days, vacation, re-
benefits. It is also a great deal easi- where to look and what to do to tirement benefits, severance, ac-
Estimates suggest that tem- er to off-board contingency work- improve your chances of being cess to unemployment insurance
porary employment could in- ers than full-time employees. And hired once an opening is located. or stock options for top-level
crease its penetration from the employers with a departmental or “Temp employment and freelanc- executives, all of which makes
current 13 percent of employees companywide hiring freeze can ing are two of the few sectors of them a particularly good fit for
to 39 percent. 73% of employers hire temporary employees from the labor market that are growing many older workers who can ac-
are planning to increase their use a different budget, thereby avoid- rapidly and should be explored cept temporary or retirement jobs
of contingent labor. ing hiring freeze limitations alto- by all job seekers, regardless of without benefits.
The country’s economic re- gether. age or the type of position that’s The web site Koff founded in
covery could be particularly ben- The number of Americans sought,” Koff said. 2003, www.RetiredBrains.com,
eficial for boomers and seniors With full time jobs hard to find, many working part-time or temporary “Don’t assume because you offers links to hundreds of thou-
looking for jobs after retirement, job hunters are discovering part time jobs for economic reasons (most- are an executive, a professional sands of employment opportuni-
as estimates suggest that contin- or temp jobs are just as fulfilling as a ly because they are unable to find or in management that temporary ties and retirement jobs for boom-
gent labor could increase its pen- full time position. full-time jobs) has doubled since jobs or project assignments are ers, seniors and retirees. Jobs can
etration from the current 13 per- the recession began, to 9.2 mil- not for you,” Koff pointed out. be searched by areas of experi-
cent of employees to 39 percent RetiredBrains.com, a job and in- lion workers. It’s a trend that sees In 2009, firms like Kelly Ser- ence, geographic preference, full-
in 2010. formation service for Americans America catching up to Europe, vices, Aerotek, Adecco and Man- time or part-time opportunities,
“This is good news for boom- 50 and older. where employers use a much power placed many thousands and temporary and project as-
ers, seniors and retirees, as this “Many older workers do higher percentage of temporary – including company presidents, signments. The site links to sea-
demographic is often more likely not require the company benefits and part-time workers than their lawyers, controllers, sales manag- sonal jobs and jobs with organi-
to be hired on a part-time, tempo- of full-time employment,” said U.S. counterparts. ers and senior level managers – in zations like the census bureau or
rary or project assignment basis,” Koff. “They are often in a better According to a Workforce assignments that paid anywhere the Peace Corps.
said Art Koff, founder of www. position than their younger coun- Management article by Irwin from $80,000 to several hundred

Changes to watch for on

the 2009 tax return
More people are looking forward to If you purchased a home in 2009, you
tax time this year. More than 25 tax cuts may qualify for the first-time homebuyer
for 2009 federal returns have been passed credit. Keep in mind the name of the credit
to help those struggling in the downturned is deceiving, as current and past homeown-
economy. Many states are also offering tax ers may also qualify. The credit is equal
breaks this year. to 10 percent of the purchase price, up
“Virtually everyone is eligible for new to either $6,500 or $8,000, depending on
tax credits, deductions and other changes the purchase date, price, whether you’ve
on their federal tax returns,” says Jessi Dol- owned a primary residence and when you
mage, spokeswoman for 2nd Story Soft- last owned a primary residence. Income
ware, Inc., makers of TaxACT. Dolmage level and filing status also affect eligibility.
summarizes seven changes that could im- Those claiming the credit must mail their
pact your bottom line. federal returns along with certain docu-
The Making Work Pay credit replaced mentation for the home.
the 2008 federal stimulus checks for 2009 Energy efficient improvements made
and 2010. The refundable credit is worth in 2009 and 2010 may give homeowners
6.2 percent of your earned income, up to up to $1,500 through the Nonbusiness En-
$400 for individuals and $800 for married ergy Property Credit. Up to 30 percent of
couples filing jointly. The credit phases the costs for qualifying improvements to a
out for married couples filing jointly with primary residence can be claimed.
a modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) The modified HOPE credit, the Amer-
between $150,000 and $190,000, and for ican Opportunity Credit, is equal to 100
single taxpayers whose MAGI is between percent of the first $2,000 and 25 percent
$75,000 and $95,000. of the next $2,000 (totaling up to $2,500
Most taxpayers already received the per student) for tuition, related fees and
credit for 2009 through reduced federal required course materials. It applies to the
withholding starting in April 2009, result- first four years of post-secondary education
ing in an increase of $10 to $13 per pay- in 2009 and 2010. The refundable credit
check. Even if you received the credit in phases out at MAGIs of $80,000 for indi-
your paychecks, you generally still need viduals and $160,000 for joint filers.
to claim the credit on your federal return Finally, if you made a cash contribu-
to make up for the reduced withholding tion towards earthquake relief efforts in
throughout the year. If you don’t withhold Haiti after Jan. 11, 2010, and before March
federal taxes, you must file a return to re- 1, 2010, you can deduct it on your 2009 or
ceive the credit. 2010 return (but not both).
If you received the one-time economic To ensure you get all the tax breaks
recovery payment or qualify for the Gov- you qualify for, Dolmage recommends a
ernment Retiree Credit, the amount must do-it-yourself tax solution like TaxACT
be subtracted from any Making Work Pay that includes a maximum refund pledge.
credit amount. TaxACT’s Making Work The program will break down all the tax
Pay Calculator (www.taxact.com/recov- law changes in an easy-to-understand and
ery-act) can estimate your credit amount. easy-to-follow format and point out poten-
For the 2009 tax year, your standard tial deductions and credits you may over-
deduction may also include state or local look on your own. TaxACT users can e-file
real estate taxes of up to $500 ($1,000 for their federal return free, so they can have
married filing jointly) and net disaster loss- their refund in as few as 8 days with direct
es that occurred before Jan. 1, 2010. deposit.
The first $2,400 of unemployment For information about all 2009 tax
compensation is exempt from 2009 federal law changes, visit www.IRS.gov and www.
taxes. Any amount over $2,400, as well as TaxACT.com.
severance pay, is taxable income.

www.lowcountrysun.sc • APRIL, 2010 9

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10 APRIL, 2010 • www.lowcountrysun.sc

 Capt. Gary Powers U-2 Spy Plane Shot Down
Over Russia. 
 Israelis Kidnap Adolf Eichman from
Argentina to Jerusalem. 
 Khrushchev at U.N . Pounds Shoe In Anger. 
 John F. Kennedy Wins Democratic Nomination,
Nixon wins GOP. 
 Kennedy Wins Presidency, Democrats Sweep
 Two White Public Schools in New Orleans
Are The First To Integrate. 
 House Committee Looks Into “Payola” American
Bandstand DJ Dick Clark Involved. 
 Alan Freedman Eight Arrested In Taking Radio Payola. 
 Soldiers stop riots at Newport Jazz Festival. 
 Enovil 10, first contraceptive pill sold
for .50 cents each. 
 Two airliners collide over Staten Island, 134 die. 
 Howdy Doody show ends after 13 years. 
African -American Sit-ins Integrate Lunch Counter
In Greensboro. North Carolina. 
 Floyd Patterson is first fighter to regain title
by beating Ingemar Johanson. 
 Castro Nationalizes all American property. 
Black runner Wilma Rudolph wins 3
Olympic gold medals. 
 Kennedy and Nixon meet in first televised
Presidential debate. 
 Emily Post, Queen of etiquette dies.

Answer to Who Am I?
Page 31
James Dean
(February 8, 1931- September 30, 1955)
Best known for his role in the
1955 movie
Rebel Without a Cause
playing James “Jim” Stark

Crossword Solution
from page 30

www.lowcountrysun.sc • APRIL, 2010 11

20 Tips to Help You Prepare for Surgery
Are you facing surgery? You are not alone. Every year, more than 15 million Americans have surgery. Most
operations are not emergencies and are considered elective surgery. This means that you have time to
learn about your operation to be sure it is the best treatment for you. You also have time to work with your
surgeon to make the surgery as safe as possible. Be active in your health care to have quality care.

After the decision is made 5 - Reconcile risks and benefits 17 - Sign up for autologous blood
to have joint replacement sur- Weigh the risks versus the donation
gery, typically arthritis patients benefits and reconcile that in In the weeks prior to surgery,
go through an intense phase of your mind. Don’t go into surgery donate autologous units of blood
becoming both physically and dwelling on risks or potential to be held for your operation.
psychologically ready for the pro- complications.
cedure. If the patient can go into 18 - Do you need to stop any med-
the operation with a sense of pre- 6 - Have a positive approach ications?
paredness and peace of mind, the Feel encouraged and have Ask your doctor if you need
chance of a successful outcome a positive attitude. Focus on the to stop any of your medications
increases. Here are 20 tips to help high rate of success of joint re- prior to surgery.
you get ready: placement surgery. 19 - Seek assistive devices and
1 - Find the right Doctor 7 - Gain perspective adaptive equipment
Find an experienced surgeon with Talk with others who have Make your environment
whom you feel comfortable. It is had the same procedure done. Knowing what to expect with surgery before you get to the hospital can make ready for your homecoming be-
imperative that you feel you can Talk with some of your surgeon’s you less anxious about your surgical experience - and less stress helps a fore you go into the hospital.
develop a longterm relationship other patients in order to gain person recover faster. Have assistive devices and
with the surgeon. The surgeon perspective. Other success stories other adaptive equipment avail-
will become an important person can remarkably ease your mind. 11 - Practice using crutches 14 - Keep organized able, such as: raised toilet seats,
If you have spent time on Remember that you will be reacher aids, shower benches
in your life. 8 - Visualize life after surgery crutches before, reacquaint your- laid up for several weeks. Orga-
2 - Educate yourself Recognize that the pain and self with them. Practice on your nize your life! Schedule appoint- 20 - Arrange for help
Make sure you ask your deterioration of your joint has di- crutches, so the awkwardness is ments and take care of business Arrange for someone to be
doctor all pertinent details about minished your quality of life. Vi- not overwhelming just after sur- as much as possible in the weeks with you, especially the first week
your surgical procedure. Educate sualize yourself getting your life gery. prior to surgery. or two after you go home from
yourself about the surgery. Learn back after surgery. the hospital. If no one is avail-
as much as possible ahead of time 9 - Acknowledge anxiety
12 - Invest in your rehabilitation 15 - Follow proper nutrition able, make arrangements to enter
Don’t view the recovery Take multi-vitamins and eat a post-op inpatient rehabilitation
about post-op care, precautions, Realize that you may feel in- period as time lost, but rather as well-balanced meals in the weeks
and possible complications. creasingly tense or anxious as the facility until you become inde-
time to rest and recuperate. Real- or months prior to surgery, so that pendent and are able to care for
surgery date approaches. Don’t ize that the time you will invest in the healing of surgical wounds
3 - Possibly seek a second opinion
fight it - it’s normal! yourself at home.
If you have any doubts, seek the rehabilitation process is nec- will be promoted.
a second opinion from another 10 - Commit to the process essary for better health. Your Goals
well-respected surgeon. Make a commitment to do
16 - Watch for signs of infection Never lose sight of your
your part to ensure a positive out-
13 - Prepare for physical therapy before surgery goals. The surgeon and surgical
4 - Plan ahead Realize that physical therapy Infection can be a devastat- team do their work in the operat-
Schedule the surgery at a come. Actively participate in the is critical for a successful out- ing complication of joint surgery.
process and assume responsibili- ing room - the rest is up to you.
time when you can afford time come. Envision each exercise as If any sign of infection exists any- Be inspired and work hard during
off from work and when it will be ty for your own care (for example a stepping stone toward improved where in the body, surgery must
- follow precautions, do exercises the rehabilitation phase of your
least disruptive to your family. strength, range-of-motion, and be postponed. recovery.
daily). function.

SANDRA SUMNER-WRIGHT, PA Getting the Nutrition Your Body Needs

ATTORNEY AT LAW As you get older, good nutrition plays an
increasingly important role in how well you
age. Eating a low-salt, low-fat diet with plenty
Probate • Wills of fruits, vegetables, and fiber can actually re-
Powers of Attorney • Real Estate duce your age-related risks of heart disease,
Crowfield Executive Park diabetes, stroke, osteoporosis, and other
107 Greenland Drive chronic diseases. By eating a wide variety of
Goose Creek, SC 29445 843.572.2021 foods, you can pretty easily get what your body
needs, including:
Thirty Years of General Practice
Protein, which is needed to maintain and re-
build muscles. You can get low-fat, quality pro-
tein from poultry, fish, eggs or egg substitutes, limited fat intake from the polyunsaturated fats
soy, and limited amounts of nuts and low-fat (as in liquid corn oil or soybean oil) and mono-
meat and dairy. unsaturated fats (in olive oil, avocados, and
Carbohydrate, which is the body’s preferred nuts). Limit saturated fats (beef, pork, veal, but-
source of energy. There are two main sources ter, shortening, and cheese). You can do this
of dietary carbohydrates: simple sugars, such by eating these foods less often, having small-
as sucrose (the refined white sugar added to er servings, choosing less fatty cuts of meat,
Eggs, pancakes, sandwiches, soups, sweets and desserts), fructose (the sugar con- and by using stronger tasting cheeses so you
desserts and the largest selection of tained in fruit), and lactose (milk sugar); and can use just a little and still get the cheese fla-
vegetables of anyone in town! complex carbohydrates, which come from vor. Try to avoid the trans fats (hydrogenated
More food for your dollar! vegetables and grains. Unlike refined sugars, fats) found in stick margarine and in many pro-
fruits contain vitamins and fiber, dairy prod- cessed foods such as crackers and cookies.
Breakfast, lunch or dinner ucts contain nutrients such as calcium and vi- Trans fats are now shown on the nutrition facts
served anytime. tamin D, and complex carbohydrates contain labels found on most packaged foods.
Locations vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Get most of your Water, to replace water lost through activity.
302 Coleman Blvd. Dorchester Rd. at I-26 Flowertown carbohydrate calories from vegetables, grains, Because your kidneys gradually become less
Mt. Pleasant, North Charleston Restaurant and fruits. And try to replace fat calories with efficient at keeping your body hydrated, make
843-881-7714 843-747-9198 120 E. 5th N. Street complex carbohydrates in your diet. a conscious effort to get six to eight glasses of
Family Atmosphere 843-871-3202 Fat, also provides energy. To help keep your water a day. Courtesy about.com
blood cholsterol levels low, get most of your

12 APRIL, 2010 • www.lowcountrysun.sc

Hip and Knee News
Hip Replacement Surgery
By Dr. Eric Stem in the femur, a new prosthetic ball
is placed on the top of the stem.
The initial management of This ball can be either metal (co-
hip arthritis can include activity balt-chrome) or ceramic. The ball
Hip & Knee News
By Dr. Eric Stem
modification, weight loss, use of a is carefully placed into the socket
cane, medications, and injections. and the soft tissues around the hip
When the pain from hip arthritis are repaired. There is no linkage placed on the implants. Conse-
progresses to the point that it is no between the ball and socket. Con- quently, it is important to have
longer controlled by medical and necting the ball and socket creates regular periodic check-ups with
non-operative treatments, surgery high stresses on the implants and an orthopaedic surgeon in order to
may be considered. this leads to early failure of the check an x-ray to insure that the
prosthesis. The prosthetic joint is hip implant is holding up.
Total hip replacement is the held together by the natural mus- Most problems are easier to
final treatment option for hip ar- cles, ligaments, and tendons. correct if they are identified early.
thritis. In this surgery all of the The patient’s is replaced with the ball of this ball-and-socket joint replaced After the surgery you can be Unfortunately, a failed implant
remaining cartilage is removed by a metal head that is set in the thighbone or femur and the socket replaced partially or fully weight bearing usually does not cause symptoms
from the hip by replacing the ball by a white plastic cup. Hip replacement is currently the most successful and
on the operative leg, depending on until a significant amount of dam-
and resurfacing the socket. Once
reliable orthopaedic operation[citation needed] with 97% of patients reporting
your surgeon’s recommendation. age has occurred.
the remaining cartilage has been
improved outcome.
Getting started in therapy as soon Hip replacement surgery is
removed, the arthritis is gone and and socket are replaced with a dons, and muscles, remain in place as possible after surgery is impor- a safe and extremely successful
cannot return. mechanical ball and socket joint. around the hip. tant, because it starts the muscles surgery with 90 to 95 percent of
The hip is a ball and socket A small number of muscles are During the procedure, all of on the road to recovery and de- patients having good to excellent
joint that is composed of the junc- cut during the surgery, which are the damaged cartilage is removed creases your risk of developing a relief of their pain after surgery.
tion between the acetabulum (the typically repaired at the end of from the socket and the socket is blood clot. The risk of develop- There are a small number of risks
socket portion of the pelvis) and the procedure. After the hip joint reshaped with a round shaver. A ing a blood clot after hip surgery involved in the surgery, which in-
the femur (thigh bone). In hip re- is opened, only a small amount of metal shell is then impacted into is high. This risk can be decreased cludes the risk of anaesthesia, frac-
placement surgery, or total hip re- bone is removed during the sur- the newly reshaped socket. The by wearing compressive stockings, ture, dislocation, infection, blood
placement (THR), the native ball gery. All of the soft tissues, which socket is tightly placed, so it will taking a blood thinner, and moving clots, leg length inequality and
include all of the ligaments, ten- not move. Screws can also be the muscles in the legs. implant failure. Only you know if
used for additional fixation to the Since the ball and socket are your hip pain is limiting enough to
bone. Over time, bone grows into held together by the tension of the make the benefits of surgery out-
the coating on the shell, which soft tissues around them, it is pos- weigh the risks.
provides long term stability to the sible to dislocate the hip, or pop For additional information
socket. After the socket is fixed in the ball out of the socket. A hip regarding hip replacement or any
place, an insert is placed inside the dislocation is more common in the other orthopaedic problem, point
shell, which serves as the bearing first six to eight weeks after hip re- your internet browser to the Amer-
surface. This insert can be metal, placement, but it can occur at any ican Academy of Orthopaedic Sur-
ceramic, or high density polyeth- time. Dislocations typically occur geons web site, www.orthoinfo.
ylene (a high tech plastic). Occa- when the hip is put in certain po- org.
sionally, the socket is cemented sitions, either a highly flexed or

in place, due to poor bone quality highly rotated position. Discuss Dr. Eric Stem is an Ortho-
or anatomical considerations. The the risky positions with your sur- paedic Surgeon with sub-
worn out ball is then cut off of the geon and therapist so you will have specialty training in joint

for the New Year!

end of the femur. This is replaced a good understanding of which po- replacement and recon-
by a new prosthetic ball, which is sitions are safe. Hip dislocations struction.
attached to a stem that fits inside can typically be treated without
the femur (thigh bone). surgery. If the hip dislocation re- Eric S. Stem, M.D.
Two types of stems can be
Multiple Manufacturers curs multiple times, revision sur- Hip and Knee Center
used, either cemented or unce- gery may be indicated. Prevention Lowcountry Orthopaedics
mented. With the uncemented of the first dislocation is better than North Charleston, S.C.,
Home Visits Available - 30 Day Trial Period stem, the bone grows to the coat-
ing on the stem. The femur (thigh
treating a dislocated hip. 29406
Mail Supplies to Home - Repairs On All Makes bone) is prepared to accept the
Hip replacements can last
many years, fifteen to twenty years
Musicians Earplugs stem by removing a small amount
of the soft bone from inside it. The
on average, but they can wear out This article is for provided
for general information only
or loosen over time. Joint replace-
stem is then either cemented or and is not a substitute for
Joseph Gillespie, Audiologist • 843.881.8666
ments wear out faster in younger
impacted tightly into the femur de- patients due to increase activ- seeking appropriate medi-
Mt. Pleasant | Downtown | Moncks Corner | Kiawah Island pending on the type of stem being ity levels and increased demands cal care.
used. After the stem is firmly fixed

www.lowcountrysun.sc • APRIL, 2010 13

April is Alcohol Awareness Month
Staying healthy means
using our own awareness
and careful understanding Mature Adults and Alcohol
of our own health. To be
Surveys indicate that six to eleven percent of el-
healthy is to be aware of
what diseases or disorders derly patients admitted to hospitals exhibit symp-
are out there, what may af- toms of alcoholism, as do 20 percent of elderly
fect you and what you can patients in psychiatric wards and 14 percent of
do to prevent it or treat it. elderly patients in emergency rooms.
The prevalence of problem drinking in nursing
homes is as high as 49 percent in some studies.
It’s About Your Health Late onset alcohol problems also occur in some
retirement communities, where drinking at social
The consumption of alcohol slows down brain activity. For a ma- gatherings is of-
ture adult who may already have issues with senility, excessive ten the norm.
drinking can be fatal. There is the risk of falls or accidents. As we For American
age our body’s ability to absorb and dispose of alcohol changes. women age 60
Over time, heavy drinking permanently damages the central ner- and over, sub-
vous system, the brain, liver, kidneys, stomach and heart. The stance abuse
anesthetic effects of alcohol can dull the warning signs that could and addiction to
signal a heart attack. The effects of alcohol can also make medi- cigarettes, alco-
cal problems hard to diagnose. Alcohol changes the heart and hol, and psycho-
active prescrip-
blood vessels. For older Americans with Alzheimer’s, the risk is
tion drugs are at
ten fold, for alcohol increases the problem of forgetfulness and epidemic levels.
confusion. Alcohol is a drug and is often harmful when mixed with One report found
prescription or over-the-counter medications, which the majority that women over 59 are susceptible to abuse and
of older adults take. Even just mixing alcohol with aspirin can addiction to these substances because they get
cause a much higher risk of bleeding in the stomach and intes- addicted faster when using smaller amounts than
tines. None of this has even really touched on the social stigma any other group.
that is attached to being a drinker of a certain age. 1.8 million older women are addicted to or abuse
alcohol; 2.8 million abuse or are addicted to
If you are a older adult and suspect that you may have a drinking psychoactive prescription drugs; and 4.4 million
problem, you can be comforted with the knowledge that there is smoke cigarettes.
plenty of help out there. You could start by contacting your clergy
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
or your local social services agency. Or there is AA. In every town
Administration (SAMHSA) Center for Substance
across the nation just pick up a phone book and you will find an Abuse Treatment estimates that up to 17 per-
Alcoholic Anonymous chapter near you. Most people know what cent of adults over the age of 60 (approximately
AA is but if you don’t, it is a voluntary fellowship of alcoholics who 8 million people) abuse substances – primarily
help themselves and each other get and stay sober. The National alcohol, prescription drugs, and over-the-counter
Institute on Aging also offers resources on health and aging and medication.
will help you get the help you need. For help in understanding and finding help for a
Courtesy www.associatedcontent.com senior alcohol or drug abuse problem, visit:

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14 APRIL, 2010 • www.lowcountrysun.sc

Understanding the Health Care Bill
President Obama and Demo- ceive a $250 rebate as the first “doughnut hole” will receive dis- begin. Insurance companies will 2015
crats in Congress have come to step in closing the coverage gap, counts on prescriptions. not be able to deny policies to A new Independent Payment
the end of a 14-month health care or “doughnut hole,” that requires 2012 anyone based on their health Advisory Board will be formed
odyssey. The result is a historic them to pay full freight after they There will be new money for status or to refuse coverage of a to come up with ways to lower
new health law that will make have spent $2,700 on drugs. The primary care services and new treatment based on pre-existing Medicare costs and promote bet-
sweeping changes in our health gap would be phased out entirely incentives to encourage doctors health conditions. Their ability ter care. The recommendations
system over the next few years. by 2020. to join together in “accountable to charge higher rates to people will go to Congress and private
They include new consumer pro- Certain small businesses will care organizations.” The govern- based on age, geography, family insurers.
tections, coverage of millions of start getting tax credits to offset ment will track re-admission rates size or tobacco use will be lim- 2018
uninsured people, penalties for up to 35 percent of the cost of in- at hospitals and impose penalty ited. Annual limits on coverage This is when the most con-
individuals and businesses who suring their employees. That will fees on hospitals with the highest will be abolished. troversial new tax begins, a 40
don’t buy insurance, attempts to rise to 50 percent in 2014. rates. Each state will open a health percent excise tax on insurance
control rising costs, and Medicare Plans must have “an effec- 2013 insurance exchange, or market- companies and plan administra-
savings and new taxes to pay for tive apeals process” for decisions This is when higher taxes will place, for individuals and small tors for any family plan that costs
it all. Here is a year-by-year look and claims. States will get grants begin for households with income businesses without coverage. more than $27,500. The tax ap-
at what’s in store: to set up programs that help con- above $250,000 and individuals People will be able to compari- plies to the cost above that thresh-
2010 sumers with complaints or ques- above $200,000. The Medicare son shop for standardized health old. There are higher thresholds
Adults who can’t get cov- tions about health insurance. The payroll tax on earnings above packages. There will be a multi- for retirees over 55 and plans that
erage because of a pre-existing federal government will set up a those amounts will rise from 1.45 state private plan available na- cover workers in high-risk jobs.
medical condition can join a high- website to help people in different percent to 2.35 percent. Unearned tionwide, supervised by the U.S.
states figure out their insurance Office of Personnel Management. 2019
risk insurance pool (this is an in- income above those amounts, The new system will have
terim step pending the launch in options. such as dividends, will now be Tax credits will be available to
make insurance and care afford- reduced the number of uninsured
2014 of competitive health insur- subject to a 3.8 percent tax. people by 32 million, according
ance marketplaces and premium The first tax increase kicks in: A In addition, maximum contri- able for people who make too
10 percent tax on indoor tanning much to qualify for Medicaid, but to the nonpartisan Congressional
subsidies). butions to pre-tax Flexible Sav- Budget Office. That will leave
Insurance companies will services. ings Account contributions will have incomes below 400 percent
2011 of poverty. an estimated 23 million unin-
have to issue policies for chil- be limited to $2,500 a year (down sured, one-third of them illegal
dren with pre-existing conditions. Medicare changes will in- from the current $3,050 for indi- Most people will be required
clude free annual wellness visits; to buy insurance coverage or pay immigrants. Coverage of legal
They will not be allowed to re- viduals). residents too young for Medicare
voke existing policies if people little to no cost-sharing for pre- There will be a new 2.9 per- penalties that start at $95 in 2014
ventive care, like immunizations and rise to $695 or 2.5 percent of (under age 65) will be 94 percent,
get sick. Lifetime limits on cover- cent excise tax on medical devic- up from 83 percent now.
age will be banned in new cover- and cancer screenings; bonuses to es. income in 2016. Employers with
age and annual limits will be re- primary care doctors and general Medicare will sponsor a na- 50 or more workers who do not
surgeons; a new Center for Medi- offer coverage will have to pay Sources: House Energy and
stricted. Preventive services will tional pilot program on “payment Commerce Committee, Speaker’s
be fully covered, with no co-pays care and Medicaid Innovation to bundling” -- paying hospitals, annual fees.
test ways to provide better, more Medicaid eligibility will in- Office, WhiteHouse.gov, Kai-
or deductibles. Coverage will be doctors and other providers based ser Health News, Congressional
available for dependent children efficient care; and, the start of a on patient outcome, not services crease to 133 percent of the pov-
phase-out of overpayments to erty level ($14,404 for individu- Budget Office.
until they turn 26. provided.
People in the Medicare pre- private Medicare Advantage in- 2014 als) for everyone under 65 (when
scription drug program will re- surers. People in the prescription More consumer protections they qualify for Medicare).

Spotlight on Caregivers
“There are only four kinds of people in the world — those who have been care-
givers, those who currently are caregivers, those who will be caregivers and
those who need caregivers” - Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter

Caregivers not only have Caregiver Health Tips: Featured Caregiver

to deal with a loved one’s health
issues, they also have to stay Find your sense of humor.
Laughter releases positive emo-
The Lowcountry Sun will
feature Charleston resident,
Emory’s School of Nursing
fit themselves. As life expec-
tancy increases, (it is currently
81 years for men, and 84 years
tions that can get you through al-
most anything in life. Exercise is
Dewey Teske, in the May edition.
Dewey is a baby boomer with a
Receives Large Gift
for women) the likelihood of a important. But exercise doesn’t distinguished naval career. He
necessarily mean having to be- is also an unpaid caregiver de- Emory’s Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing in
caregiver having to deal with
their own health issues as well long to a gym to ‘work out’. Go voted to the well being of a loved Atlanta received $8.16 million from the Bill & Melinda
for abrisk walk on the beach or at one’s life. The Lowcountry Sun
also increases. Caregiving for
your favorite park. This will help web site ---www.lowcountrysun.
Gates Foundation for a project designed to improve ma-
a loved one can be one of the
most stressful events you ever ‘work out’ those stressful things sc--- will also host your care- ternal and newborn survival rates in rural Ethiopia. This
experience. In fact, the 25 mil- that ail you on a daily basis. giver stories come May, as we is the largest gift in the school’s history. The Gates Foun-
lion Americans currently act- Keep a journal of your caregiving dedicate a forum and build a
ing as caregivers for their loved regimen. This will inject perspec- caregiver blog for those wanting dation continues to be the most generous philanthropic
ones are often referred to as tive into the bigger picture. to share their own hardships, tri- vehicle in the world donating an average of $800M per
‘hidden patients’ because their umphs, advice and overall expe-
own health is often neglected. rience of having two lives. year amounting to billions of dollars for various charities
Thanks to Lowcountry Yan- since its inception.
kees fan, Tom Sweeney, for his
power of suggestion.

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www.lowcountrysun.sc • APRIL, 2010 15

Preserve Your Independence
Stay in the home you love with confidence
and help 24/7 with the push of a button.
The Charleston Referral Exchange Town Center at 4776 Hwy 165

Call 720-8440 Meets every Thursday morning from 8 Meggett, SC

a.m. – 9:15 a.m. in the Rooftop Restau- The festival features Lowcountry Artists

Roper St. Francis Lifeline

and Crafters, St Paul’s Garden Club Flow
rant at the Holiday Inn Riverview; 301 er Show will be on display, Educational
Savannah Highway (known as the Displays, Food Vendors, Antique Trac-
Round Holiday Inn just over the bridge tor Display, Silent Auction, Raffles and
from Charleston on Highway 17.) Please much more.
come as our guest. For more information, 843-889-3622
please call Nancy Green at 843-364-8465.
10 First Annual Captain’s Choice Golf
1 Start Smart PLAYTIME Tournament
Hazel Parker Playground, 70 East Bay St. Tee-Off 1:30pm -Shotgun Start
Downtown Charleston Shadowmoss Golf Club
6 sessions beginning April 1st Snacks * Cookout * Prizes
Award Winning Fitness Programs For Adults Age 50+ 10am -10:45am Age: 2 ½ to 3 years old

20 Dunvegan Drive, Charleston, SC
shinnm@bellsouth.net or
865 Riverland Drive, Charleston, SC 29412 Cost: $20 843-574-6655
Children will burn off some energy in this Sponsored by: Chapter 266 -
(843)762-9555 mini sports program. Game stations are Mended Hearts Inc.
set up so that children can try differ 10-18 Family Circle Cup
ent activities at their own pace. Their Family Circle Tennis Center,
will be bowling stations, target throwing Daniel Island
stations, basketball shooting stations, World No. 1 Tennis Champ Serena Wil-
liams faces Caroline Wozniacki, Victoria
golf stations, soccer kicking stations and Azarenka, Jelena Jankovic, Samantha Sto
much more. *Each child must be accom- sur and many more-world cass tennis play
panied by an adult. for mor info, www. ers.
charlestoncity.info/dept/?nid=22 10 7TH ANNUAL PARK CIRCLE PLANT SWAP
3 HAT DIVAS SOCIETY INC. 10am set-up and browse....11am swap...
immediately afterwards...LUNCH!
12 Noon Park Circle, North Charleston, by the Gaze
Annual Easter Luncheon bo. “What kind of plants should I bring?”
High Cotton Restaurant The motto is: If it grows, It goes!! Shrubs,
199 East Bay St. Charleston Houseplants, Annuals, Perennials, Yard
For info and membership: call Belinda Art, Tools, Seeds, Pots, if it is garden relat
ed... BRING IT!! Bring a Pot Luck dish. Email
for more info and directions, Cactusmusic@
6 The Heart of the Caregiver netzero.com
Bible Study
11 Estate Planning Seminar
9 AM - 10:30 AM, Seacoast Church
Kuhn and Kuhn
Longpoint Road, Mt. Pleasant
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
developed for women who are car-
Hampton Inn, Mt. Pleasant
ing for someone in their family who
1104 Isle of Palms Connector
is chronically ill or disabled. The
essence of this study is that caregivers 12 Estate Planning Seminar
will come to see themselves, their situa Kuhn & Kuhn
tion, and the person they are caring for in 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
a whole new way – through the light of and 6:00 PM - 08:00 PM
God’s amazing love. Small fee for work Town & Country Inn, West Ashley
book. 2008 Savannah Hwy.
Contact the.caregiver@comcast.net 12 Citizens of the World presented by
for more information and to sign up PrudentiaL
or contact Abbie Kowalke @ 486-0193 4:30pm - 7:00pm
ext. 1601 Celebration of diversity inspired by tennis
6 AARP Mount Pleasant legend Arthur Ashe.
East Cooper Chapter Family Circle Tennis Center
5:30 p.m. Dunlop Sport / Playmate Ball Machine
Mt. Pleasant Senior Center (Card Room) tennis games, Lowcountry Tennis
Von Kolnitz Road. For more information, Association tennis clinics, City of
contact Debra Whitfield, president Charleston Touch-a-Truck program,
at 856-8800 live music, face-painting, Coast
Guard / Navy / Air Force F-16/ C-17
7 Computer Classes
displays, a flight simulator, Armed
Forces football toss challenge, a military
WWW What? An Introduction
Battle of the Branches contest, Navy
to the Internet

PRIDE band, College of Charleston
Dorchester County Library
Men’s Basketball team, South Carolina
Summerville Branch
Stingrays, Charleston Battery, Charles-
Services for shut-ins and disabled gentlemen
Sign up at the library.
ton County School District Quickstart
Contact Kathy Marrah at 871-5075
Spirit Award competition, mascot appear
8 Computer Classes ances from local sports teams, and a

9:30-10:30am meet and greet with cast members of the
Email Basics hit Lifetime show Army Wives.
Dorchester County Library FREE
Summerville Branch
Sitting • Shopping Sign up at the library.
13 Living Well:
East Cooper Community Outreach
Doctor Appointments Contact Kathy Marrah at 871-5075
Tuesdays, April 13-May 18, 12:30-3pm.
Errands • Personal assistant 10 Estate Planning Seminar Join this innovative workshop designed
Kuhn & Kuhn specifically for people with diabetes,
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM arthritis, asthma, heart, back or other
Let us take care of your needs

and 6:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Town & Country Inn, West Ashley

ongoing health conditions. Learn new
ways to take charge. This six-week work
2008 Savannah Hwy. shop is free for members and nonmem
10 April in Meggett Arts and bers. A $15 donation is appreciated to
Crafts Festival cover the cost of the book you keep.
10am - 3pm


16 APRIL, 2010 • www.lowcountrysun.sc

13 Estate Planning Seminar chusetts; and the American Library Associa- Island. Thirty local crafters will be there with
Kuhn and Kuhn tion, Chicago, Illinois, through funding pro a variety of handmade items for sale. Lunch
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM vided by the National Aeronautics and Space will be available.
Country Inn & Suites, Summerville Administration. Ramona Small, Chairman Ad Committee/Island
220 Holiday Dr. (Exit 199-A) Visit www.dcl.lib.sc.us for specific days Crafters Guild, calicocc@bellsouth.net.
14 Cost-Effective Divorce Solutions and times and registration information 26-30 St. Philip’s Tea Room
10am-11pm for these events. Individuals may also Parish Hall, at the corner of Church and
Free Seminar, Klok Law Firm, LLC, 1002 call the library for further information at Cumberland Streets.
Anna Knapp Blvd., Suite 103, Mount 871-5075(Summerville) or 563-9189(St. 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Pleasant, SC 29464, please contact George). “Charleston Receipts” okra soup, classic
Suzanne Klok at 216-8860 to register or 22 Health & Wellness chicken salad and shrimp salad. Desserts,
to schedule a free initial consultation. 2:30-1:30pm made by parishioners, include Hummingbird
14 Computer Classes Lowcountry Senior Center, 865 Riverland Cake, Coconut Cake, Huguenot Torte and a
9:30-10:30am Drive, Charleston wide variety of others.
Word Basics Alzheimer’s vs. Forgetfulness: Tyler Love, 843-471-2508
Dorchester County Library John Kleckley, MD of Lowcountry tylerandstevelove@gmail.com
Summerville Branch Geriartrics is the speaker. Caroline Burns, 843-345-4851
Sign up at the library. Free formembers, $5 for nonmembers. clineburns@aol.com
Contact Kathy Marrah at 871-5075 843.762.9555. Lavonda Doyle, 843-847-1796
23 - 24 OLGC MEMORIAL GARDEN YARD SALE mileyconsulting@aol.com
15 Computer Classes
9:30-10:30am 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM each day. 28 Cost-Effective Divorce Solutions
Resume Writing Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish Memorial 10am-11pm
Dorchester County Library Garden Committee Proceeds will be used Free Seminar, Klok Law Firm, LLC, 1002
Summerville Branch for the Parish Memorial Garden next to the Anna Knapp Blvd., Suite 103, Mount
Sign up at the library. church on Center Street. Appliances, gift Pleasant, SC 29464, please contact
Contact Kathy Marrah at 871-5075 ware, household goods, kitchen items, Suzanne Klok at 216-8860 to register or
knickknacks, ladies’ & men’s accessories, to schedule a free initial consultation.
15 Know Your Community linens, and outdoor furniture. Donations are
10am - 11am 28 “ROMANCING THE HUNLEY, circa 1864”
being accepted. Powder Magazine, 79 Cumberland Street,
Lowcountry Senior Center, 865 Riverland Father Kelly Hall at 105 West Hudson Ave.
Drive, Charleston 3:30 PM
Folly Beach. Nancy Biddlecom at 795-0002 The story of the Confederate Submarine
Trident Area Agency on Aging: Our local or Tom Bahringer at 406-0004.
community has many resources to of Tickets are $15.
fer its citizens. Come find out more about 23 2010 North Charleston This “charming, tragic, but entertain
the Trident Area Agency on Aging and Arts Festival Gala ing, drama is short and sweet. It is based
what services and information they can 6:30-11:00PM on an intimate dialogue between Wil-
offer older adults. Free for members and Charleston Area Convention liam Thomas-Moore, who portrays the
nonmembers. 843.762.9555. Center Ballroom fictional character, “Dr. Moore,” the
Heavy hors d’oeuvres, Leonard School physician to the crew and residents of
16 - 18 The Civil War Battle of Charleston . of Music Jazz Combo, the Fabulous Chi- Charleston, and Diane, a modern day
Legare Farms, Johns Island. Living History nese Acrobats, gymnastics, balancing, news reporter. Call 843. 722-9350.
School Day, Infantry, Calvary, Artillary, Field juggling, dance, comedy, and magic. For online ticket sales: www.powdermag.
Hospital, Civilian Refugees, Suttlers & More! Desserts and dancing to Heart & Soul. org. There is limited seating.
Call 843-559-0788 for info. Tickets: $75 each – Group discounts 30 – May 8, 2010 North Charleston
available. Ticket packages include park
17 HAT DIVAS SOCIETY, INC. Arts Festival
ing, pre-performance reception & enter One of the most comprehensive arts fes
2:30 - 4:30 P.M. tainment, performance, and post-perfor-
“TEA” with HABITAT for HUMAN- tivals in the Lowcountry, The Main Event,
mance party w/ dessert and entertain- held May 1 & 2 at the North Charleston
ITY, to benefit the “Women Build” ment. Performing Arts Center & Charleston Area
Sea Island, Tickets: $75 each Convention Center Complex. Free admis
The Charleston Tea Plantation, Pam Smith at 843-740-5854 sion and parking. Judged art, photography,
Wadmalaw Island. 24 Sell for a cure-Yard Sale! and fine craft exhibitions, a gem & min
Wonderful food, music, silent auction, and Rain or shine, 8-5 eral show, children’s activities, Art & Craft
Goose Creek Wal-Mart booths, and an Outdoor Food Court. Fire
beautifully decorated tables. Public is in 605 St. James Ave. works over the Cooper River at the Grand
vited, 30.00 Per person, for ticket info: Fundraiser! Breast Cancer Awareness Finale at Riverfront Park on Saturday, May
Molly Coffey 843-768-0998 Limited tables, Please RSVP. Call for more 8. Info: www.northcharleston.org.
17 Indoor Juried Art Exhibition Piccolo information. Contact: 843-740-5854
Spoleto Evelyn 843-901-0976 Michelle Whitbeck, 843-720-8505
Deadline for Entries: 5pm Dutch 843-906-6900 mwhitbeck@mac.com
The City of Charleston Office of Cultural 24-25 The Island Crafters Guild Spring Show For information about the Charleston
Affairs and the Charleston Artist Guild are 9 to 5, Saturday -1 to 5, Sunday Men’s Chorus, call 843-720-8505 or
collaborating to produce the 2010 Juried Masonic Lodge,Ft. Johnson Road, James www.cmchorus.com.
Art Exhibition at Piccolo Spoleto this
May-June in Charleston, SC. Margaret
Hoybach and Jack Alterman will jury the
exhibition. Artists from across South
Carolina are encouraged to submit their
works for consideration of being included
in this exhibition.
Please send your Name and Email
Address to Cultural_Affairs@ci.charleston.
sc.us to be added to the Application
Email List.
21 Cost-Effective Divorce Solutions
Free Seminar, Klok Law Firm, LLC, 1002
Anna Knapp Blvd., Suite 103, Mount
Pleasant, SC 29464, please contact
Suzanne Klok at 216-8860 to register or
to schedule a free initial consultation.
21 Visions of the Universe
Dorchester County Library
Traveling photographic exhibit covering 400
years of space exploration and is presented
by the Space Telescope Science Institute,
Baltimore, Maryland; the Smithsonian Astro
physical Observatory, Cambridge, Massa

www.lowcountrysun.sc • APRIL, 2010 17

Be Counted... BUT Watch for Census Scams
The U.S. Census -- which trying to extract their financial ID Phishing fraud: A phishing scam you for money to pay for the 2010
comes around every 10 years -- is numbers, says William Kresse, typically uses a phony e-mail to Census, says Kresse.
harmless, right? Actually, no. It associate professor and director collect your personal or financial Make sure you’re talking to a
could be very bad for you if you of the Center for the Study of information under false pretenses. Census worker, ask to see his of-
get caught in one of the census Fraud and Corruption at St. Xavi- ficial government badge with his Did you know?
scams floating around. er University in Chicago. Fake Census survey: You receive name and a Department of Com-
The 2010 U.S. Census sur- “In the past, the fraud has a fake 2010 Census questionnaire merce watermark. If you’re still Census Facts
vey has been mailed to all U.S. been related to identify theft, in the mail, requesting your per- not sure, there are numbers on the
residents, opening the door to con gaining access to victims’ bank sonal financial information. Census Web site to call to confirm • Required by Article 1, Section
artists who will use the program accounts and credit card ac- The phony Census call: If some- that the visit is legitimate. 2 of the U.S. Constitution.
as an opportunity to swindle peo- counts,” says Kresse. one calls you claiming to be Kim says the best way to • The first census was in 1790
ple out of their money and their Seniors are most at risk, from the Census and asks you to avoid problems is to educate
identity. says Kresse. “Seniors tend to be divulge personal financial infor- yourself about the process by more than a year after the
The Census questionnaire lonely and more willing to talk mation, it’s a scam. Only in rare checking out the Census Bureau nauguration of then President
asks 10 questions, none involving with strangers on the phone than instances, a Census worker may Web site and to mail back your George Washington. Then,
personal financial information any other group,” says Kresse. call to clarify information you’ve 10-question survey as soon as the U.S. population totaled 3.9
such as bank account or credit “Many also have access to money submitted, according to the Cen- possible.
card numbers or your Social Se- they’ve accumulated for retire- sus Web site. “Our site has the actual form million and the largest cities
curity number. ment or other assets.” A Census visit in person: and the questions we are asking, were New York, Philadelphia,
Already, there have been re- Here are some ways that In this type of scam, some- plus a link to questions you may and Boston.
ports of people identifying them- scammers may try to deceive you one knocks on your door, states have,” Kim says.
selves as Census takers, contact- and what you should do: • Ex-slaves were named in the
he is a Census worker and asks Courtesy Bankrate.com
ing senior citizens in Chicago and 1870 census for the first time.

U.S. Passport Rules Revamped

Before then, they were simply
recorded numerically by age.
• The 1900 census included
If you will be traveling from (such as if the cruise ship makes ment of State, the relatively new ers that there are other means of Hawaii for the first time.
the United States to an interna- international stops in the Carib- wallet-size U.S. Passport Card documentation.
tional port of call via the sea in the bean), may require a passport for is a travel document that may be Several states and Canadian • The 1940 census collected
upcoming months, passport regu- you to enter different countries. a more affordable option than a provinces/territories are issuing
lations updated as of June 2009
information about the popula-
Check with your cruise line to regular passport. It can be used to an Enhanced Drivers License or
may cause some confusion. ensure you have the appropriate enter the United States from Can- identification document that de- tion and its housing.
Individuals taking a cruise documents. Travelers flying to an ada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and notes identity and citizenship. It
from a U.S. port who will be re- international location to connect Bermuda at land border crossings is specifically designed for cross-
• Census 2000 incorporated a
turning to the same U.S. port with a cruise WILL need to pres- or sea ports-of-entry. It cannot be border travel into the United $167 million advertising cam-
upon completion of the trip do not ent a passport. Air travel is still used for international air travel. States. NEXUS, SENTRI or FAST paign to reach every person
need a passport. This is called a governed under passport regula- The passport card, which is $45 enrollment cards are part of the
closed-loop cruise. Passengers tions. for a first-time adult applicant and Trusted Traveler Program. They
living in the United States.
will be able to enter the states Passports and birth certifi- $35 for children, is more conve- are issued only to pre-approved,
with a birth certificate (with raised cates aren’t the only acceptable nient and less expensive than a low-risk travelers. The cards are
Population Clock
seal) and government-issued means of identification for sea passport book, which is roughly valid for use at land or sea. Vis- 308,949,322
photo ID. However, keep in mind travel. Travelers may also want to $100. it, www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/travel/
that regulations for entering ports investigate other options. U.S. Customs and Border trusted_traveler/ to learn more. as of March 27, 2010
of call on the cruise vacation According to the U.S. Depart- Protection also informs travel-

18 APRIL, 2010 • www.lowcountrysun.sc

The Life and Times of
Cappy Hall Rearick
By Cappy Hall Rearick who were raised right, feel a shudder. Imagine that! Instead of
Humor writer, Cappy Hall
certain kind of reverence to this embracing the subtle salty flavor Rearick has won numerous
“Sitting by the roadside almost holy way of cooking the and the delicately firm pip of the short story awards through-
on a summer day, lowly goober. Yankees may think South’s unofficial favorite food, out California, Pennsylvania,
Chatting with my messmates, we’re nuts, but that just puts into they dare to turn up their noses Minnesota, New York, South
passing time away, question how they were raised. without even a taste. I will never Carolina, Florida and Georgia.
Lying in the shadow My Pennsylvania born husband understand how we lost the war to In 2003, she was nominated
for the prestigious Georgia Au-
underneath the trees, Babe, for instance, eats anything those people.
Goodness how delicious, not Super Glued to the floor so he When I pop a warm boiled pea-
Puttin’ On The Gritz thor of the Year Award. She is a
By Cappy Hall Rearick member of the National Soci-
eating goober peas! may be an exception. He consid- nut in my mouth any time from ety of Newspaper Columnists,
Peas! Peas! Peas! Peas! ers boiled peanuts a gourmet deli- June through October, it is like South Carolina Writers, Geor-
Eating goober peas! cacy, but then I going back the bald peanut, as we from the gia Writers Association and
Goodness how delicious, work overtime to the womb. Palmetto State like to say. Florida Writers Association.
eating goober peas!” trying to purge Well, almost. After reading about the food
Cappy and her Yankee hus-
~ him of his Yan- I never swal- poll, I began to ponder why it is
band “Babe” live on St. Si-
“Goober Peas,” written in 1866 by keeness. low that first that the boiled peanut is so be- mons Island. She is the mother
A. Pindar and P. Nutt The large goober with- loved in the South. Why, I asked of two sons and six grandchil-
quantity of All- out thinking myself, do we put it up there on a dren who all live in the South
Although I am aware you are Yo u - C a n - E a t of the twenty- pedestal next to Robert E. Lee? Carolina lowcountry.
reading this in April, March was Buffet restau- five cent bags The quintessential Southerner,
Cappy’s website: www.sim-
named National Peanut Month, so rants found up that were like the boiled peanut is unpreten-
without further adieu, I implore and down the always avail- tious, albeit a bit salty. We South-
all Georgia peanut growers to East Coast is able on the erners love tradition and a boiled
move over and make room for the clear evidence street corners peanut is tradition; eating one is
South Carolina Peanut Gallery, that Southern- in the small not unlike a right of passage for Dime for twenty-five cents a bag.
Me. ers enjoy having an enduring South Carolina town where I those lucky enough to be raised “I felt like crossing myself,” she
When it’s summertime in my taste for good food. We are proud grew up. below the Mason-Dixon Line. It says. “A town with a local boiled
home state, it is also time for of our ability to pick something When, several years ago Geor- was a recognized Southern title- peanut stand is, in my opinion, a
frosty cold beer and munchies from the garden, like the pea- gia’s good neighbors to the north holder long before Jimmy Carter town that has good taste.”
around four o’clock in the after- nut, boil it to death in salt water were polled by Charleston’s Post made it a household word all over Which is to say, in my opin-
noon. Dry roasted peanuts just and then dance it around in our and Courier Food Editor in or- the world. ion, that eating a boiled peanut is
don’t cut it as a doable munchie. mouths. Give me a cold beer and der to ascertain South Carolina’s Like a religious experience, a about as close to a religious expe-
Even Cape Cod Potato Chips, as a bowl of fresh goobers and I’ll most popular food, the ugly, no- boiled peanut can change your rience that I can think of. I might
much as I adore them, don’t do shag to that tune any old day. color, lowly, salty, boiled peanut life. not cross myself or genuflect in
the trick. In my opinion, nothing I have tried explaining to our came out on top. Who’d have When my brother’s wife, Eve, front of a peanut stand, but I will
can compete with a fresh batch of unenlightened northern friends thunk it? I was born and raised moved to our small South Caro- say this: if there are no boiled
hot boiled peanuts, regular or Ca- that a boiled peanut is consid- in South Carolina, but nobody lina town from Wilmington, she peanuts in heaven, then I don’t
jun style. ered a viable food source in Di- polled me. If they had, I’d have spied a boiled peanut stand on want to go there!
Southerners, at least the ones xie, but they simply frown and jumped up and down cheering for the corner by Wood’s Five &

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www.lowcountrysun.sc • APRIL, 2010 19

With mother nature allow- still come back. If it is a woody
ing spring to finally break we shrub then you can try scratching
will start seeing changes in our the bark off to see if there is a soft
lowcountry landscaping. First of green wood underneath the bark.
all, we have had a brutal winter If so, you have a good chance
for our area compared to prior this plant will be fine and come
years. back as the warmer temperatures
We should expect that some resume. Some perennials will not
plants that would normally make show any soft green texture and
it through the winter will not have will actually come back from the
survived the cold and prolonged roots as it warms up. If you have Out in the Yard
By James Parker
temperatures we have seen. A lot a plant in question, we advise cut-
of southern grasses will have a ting it back to the ground, marking
man’s grass which means it re-
condition called winter kill. This the area where it is at (so it won’t
quires very little fertilization and
could be a situation where either be mistaken for a weed) and then
overall care. In today’s society we
brown patch has over wintered seeing what happens over the
always want the bright green golf Spring is the time to pamper your lawn and plants to ensure a healthy and
(see previous articles on brown next month or two. These plants
course looking grass, but Centi- green summer yard.
patch at w w w. p l e a s a n t l a n d - will often emerge thru fresh pine
pede should be the color of a lima concrete driveways and homes.
scapes.com) or that the freezing straw or mulch finding their way
bean. If you are going to use an iron Don’t forget your
temperatures have actually killed to the warmth of the sun.
Our other southern turf grass- supplement to green up your lawn Lawn Mower Tune-Up
the southern grasses. The grasses I would like to reiterate the
es can often take more nitrogen and shrubs keep if off of any new
that often die first are ones that idea that if you are not familiar Chances are your mower
which is the first of three numbers concrete, stucco or painted areas
are stressed out due to things like: with where this plant is located has been sitting dormant in a
on a fertilizer bag. The higher the of your property as it will oxidize
shade, foot traffic, or boggy con- please be sure and mark it as it garage for three, four, maybe
first number is the more nitrogen in the air and cause an orange even five months. It’s time to
ditions. may look like a weed in the be-
contained in that bag of fertilizer. stain. get that thing out and show
The lowcountry is right on ginning. Once it gets bigger it will
An easy way to get a nice green As always, if you have any
it some love. There are a
the tip between a tropical envi- begin to bloom and resemble the few things you’ll need to do.
up on all plants and grass is thru questions about your lawn or gar-
ronment and a cold hardy envi- original plant. Spring is often a First, change the oil, air filter
the use of iron. Iron promotes den you can reach me at:
ronment. We often see tropical time to add a well balanced fer- and spark plug. This is basic
a dark green color in plants and www.pleasantlandscapes.com yearly maintainence that will
plants arrive in our garden centers tilizer to your lawn and shrubs. It
shrubs without the use of fertil- or at the following contact keep your machine running
or big box stores. Sometimes cold will promote a spring flush of the
izers. Iron will give you the nice numbers:
smoothly for years longer
winters like we have had will put plants and a greening up of the than it would if you neglected
green color without causing the
a hurting on our more tropical lawn. More is not always better Summerville (843)851-8008 it. If you don’t care to attempt
grass and shrubs to grow rapidly.
species of plants that many of us when it comes to fertilizing lawn John’s Island (843)768-6808 these upgrades yourself, a
Care should be used with iron
enjoy in our landscaping. Peren- and shrubs. This is especially true East Cooper (843)886-9314
mower repair shop or sales
supplements as iron is the same facility will take care of it for
nial flowers, shrubs and trees may for Centipede grass. Murrell’s Inlet: (843)928-4159
by-product that comes out of peo- you in exchange for a bit of
appear dead, but could actually Centipede grass is a poor Daniel Island (843)216-4796
ple’s well water that stains their money.


20 APRIL, 2010 • www.lowcountrysun.sc

Thank you everyone for the nature of pornographic material, 3. Clarify your own value/reli- to the easy access to on-line por-
great response to my last two arti- the “pleasure high” it can create gious position about having any nography. It is one of the lead-
cles! Send me an email! Write to: and the resulting need for more of that material in your home re- ing causes of family breakdown
asksharpliz@gmail.com. and more graphic material for the gardless. Discuss this with your today. A silent tragedy is the un-
I am in the process of doing same result or high creates a trap husband, again with the help of known numbers of pornography
some personal responses as this that most people cannot escape a professional, or clergy, so that addicts who have progressed to
issue goes to publication. Keep from without specific help. There the issue does not erode the rest acting out their sexual addictions,
the questions and comments is research that indicates that of your marriage. I am concerned including on children.
coming! sexual addictions create a certain that your husband became defen- I recommend that all readers
A lot of questions have been chemical reaction in the brain. A sive when questioned--which can become “Stewards of Children”
coming up lately about a very few suggestions: be a sign of trouble. through “From Darkness to
serious subject--pornography ad- 1. Obtain a filter for your comput- 4. It takes a lot of love, for- Light” (From Darkness to Light.
diction. er that will keep imposing and in- giveness, clarity and excellent org) to learn how to protect chil-
appropriate materials from reach- boundary setting on the part of dren.
Dear Liz, ing your grandchildren. Seeing the spouse of the addict. If your There are countless pro-
My husband and I have had explicit material has been proven spouse will not seek help, please grams to help with pornography
a fairly good, frequent sex life in to be harmful to children--and in do for yourself. addiction, once a person recog-
our marriage. But, I’ve noticed teens can become the basis of a It is important to note that is- nizes they may have a problem.
that lately, he has been spending sexual addiction later on. sues around pornography are sta- Please write to me for infor-
an increasing amount of time “be- tistically impacting relationships mation about programs in your
hind closed doors” with his com- 2. Calmly discuss your con-
Dear Perplexed, cerns for the children with your in a negative manner in alarming area. My email is: asksharpliz@
puter. I did snoop, and discovered numbers. No less than 20-million gmail.com
Your letter echoed an in- husband, and if needed, seek the
in the history that he has been go- Americans are sexually addicted,
creasing number of similar ques- help of a professional to explain
ing to sites that I consider porno- (and that’s reported cases) -- with
tions. There are multiple issues the critical importance of taking
graphic. When I asked him about the numbers growing daily due
here, including the importance of steps to protect them.
it, he got very angry and told me
protecting young eyes from ex-
it was none of my business. Then
posure that can be harmful and
bills having to do with pornog-

confusing, and dealing with one
raphy showed up on our phone
of the most difficult addictions to
bill. We are in our mid 50’s. I
treat and overcome. It is impor-
am very uncomfortable with this,
tant to note that someone becom-
especially since our young grand-
ing involved with pornography
children sometimes use our com-
does not necessarily have any-
puter. Help!
thing to do with access to a will-
Perplexed, Charleston SC
ing marital partner. The graphic





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www.lowcountrysun.sc • APRIL, 2010 21
Since every dollar counts u Upgrade the look of a boring a fast and easy decorative win- Looking for an accent wall
these days, homeowners need kitchen island by adding decora- dow treatment. that really “pops” in the home?
sensible home improvement tive brackets or corbels as accent u Accent interior doorways with Eager to highlight a dormer
products that can help increase pieces. a keystone. window with brick but lacking
the value of their homes with- u Add a urethane pineapple, the u Install a set of moisture-resis- the structural support to hold
out breaking the bank. Synthetic international sign of hospitality, tant urethane pilasters on both up the weighty blocks? Light-
millwork products are a fast, easy above the front entry door. sides of a shower stall and a door weight brick panels are the an-
way to reach this goal. u Dress up a porch area by add- crosshead overhead to upgrade swer.
Easy-to-install urethane and ing brackets to porch posts. the look of the bathroom. “The restrictions and prob-
PVC products can enhance the u Cover up unsightly wooden u Create customized shelves to lems of installing heavy bricks
interior and exterior of any home porch posts with a semi-assem- house knick knacks using mould- vanish when using panelized
without busting a budget. For a bled, two-piece classic style PVC ing or PVC boards. Faux finish products,” says Scott Jeffreys,
minimal product investment and Column Wrap. the pieces to make a collection president of Performance
even less ‘sweat equity,’ hom- u Install carved leaf or grapevine stand out. Brick. “Made of recycled gyp-
eowners can gain maximum re- brackets under kitchen counter- u Add a one-piece fireplace man- sum and reinforced with high-
sults. tops and shelves to add dimension tel surround to an existing fire- density polymer materials, the
Lightweight brick panels accent
place or create a faux fireplace environmentally friendly pan-
the interior of your home in a
area using these durable accent els can easily be added to any
very unique way.
pieces. area of the home.”
u Create a welcoming look over The overlapping and inter-
a garage or gable area by install- locking panels of Performance Brick attach easily and quickly to
ing a urethane wreath and bow. wall substrates using the Fast-Track system. This system elimi-
The three-piece accent is 86” long nates the weight concerns associated with real brick and allows
and 38” high and makes a stun- for placement in tight-fitting locations. Along with installing brick
ning accent on the home. panels as exterior siding on the home, Jeffreys recommends
u Flank the window opening be- using the panels in unique applications, including:
tween two rooms (like a kitchen 1 To create an interior fireplace surround stretching up to
and family room) with a pair the ceiling.
of urethane shutters. The light-
weight shutters can be stained or 2 To feature dormers on a home’s exterior.
painted to accent the walls. 3 To highlight areas above large windows and patio doors.
u Top off a standard bookshelf 4 To create an accent wall under a kitchen counter area.
with an impressive combination
Adding a urethane crosshead over an outside window takes just a few acorn pediment to add style in 5 To enclose a screened-in porch or sunroom.
minutes and adds instant curb appeal to a home. any room. 6 To transform an outdoor shed or workshop.
u Add a scalloped moulding bor-
Top twenty, 20-minute home and visual appeal to the room. der to a child’s room to launch
7 To skirt a front porch area.
improvement projects include: u Add a two-piece urethane ceil- into a princess or medieval theme 8 To focus attention on a front porch or entryway.
ing medallion around a ceiling fan for the room. 9 To showcase the garage surround of the home.
u Place a crosshead over an out- or lighting fixture to “pop” some u Install a set of pilasters on ei-
side window with a keystone to visual friendliness to the ceiling. 10 To add dimension to a kitchen wall, pizza oven or country
ther side of the garage door and a
add curb appeal to the exterior of kitchen fireplace.
u Add moisture-resistant corbels long door crosshead over the top.
the home.
to the top of cabinets to present “Each of these projects can easily The brick panels are made to replicate the Old World look of
u Wrap unsightly metal supports a more finished look in the bath- be completed in just 20 minutes,” handmade architectural brick. A “no repeat pattern” assures that
in a finished basement with PVC room or laundry room. says Mealer. “These are simple each project completed with Performance Brick is unique with
Column Wraps to add style to the
u Create a unique window treat- do-it-yourself projects that quick- a one-of-a-kind appeal. Standard color options in the product
ment by hanging a pair of brack- ly and effectively upgrade your line include Cabernet Red, Darlington Rose, Manchester Brown
u Use Victorian-style nips and ets on either side of a window. home and bring years of lasting and Pearl Grey. For more information, visit www.performance-
spires to accent exterior areas, Insert a dowel rod through the satisfaction.” buildingproducts.net.
fencing and gated areas. brackets and drape with fabric for

“I believe that you control your destiny, that you can be what you want to be. You
can also stop and say, ‘No, I won’t do it, I won’t behave his way anymore. I’m lonely
and I need people around me, maybe I have to change my methods of behaving,’ and
then you do it.” - Leo F. Buscaglia
“Our thinking and our behaviour are always in anticipation of a response. It is there-
fore fear-based.” - Deepak Chopra
“Behavior is what a man does, not what he thinks, feels, or believes”
- anonymous

22 APRIL, 2010 • www.lowcountrysun.sc

Improve fuel economy without changing your lifestyle
and understandably making the horsepower, cooler running en-
cost of fuel a much less pressing gines, reduced deposits, reduced
concern. oil consumption, resistance to
However, while the cost of oxidation and breakdown, easier
fuel at the onset of 2009 was once winter starts. They all add up to a
again back to normal, financial better running, longer lasting ve-
prognosticators do not expect that hicle.
to last. In fact, many predict fuel But with higher gas prices
costs will rise again by the fall, on the horizon once again, the
and continue to do so well into fuel economy synthetic oils of-
2010. Motorists would be wise fer is what’s most appealing to
As 2008 drew to a close, to consider ways to improve their motorists. By reducing friction,
Few topics of discussion have however, fuel costs took a back- vehicle’s fuel economy. synthetic motor oils greatly im-
evoked as emotional a response seat to more pressing issues, such One way to do so without prove a vehicle’s fuel efficiency,
as gas prices over the last couple as the failing economy and rising making drastic changes to your enabling the engine to run more
of years. Depending on who you unemployment rates. In addition, lifestyle is to use synthetic motor smoothly and not forcing it to
watch on television or which for the first time in a long while, oils instead of traditional petro- work as hard as engines running
newspaper you read, the rising the cost of fuel finally began to leum motor oils. The benefits of on traditional petroleum motor
costs of fuel either dictated our dip, falling from more than $3 per synthetic motor oils are many. Su- oils. For more information on
lifestyle or barely changed it at gallon to less than $2 per gallon, perior wear protection, increased synthetic oils, visit www.amsoil.com.

The 5 Most Expensive Restore cloudy headlight covers to

Vehicles to Insure crystal clear performance
The nation’s drivers often groan about the cost of automo- Cloudy headlights affect hundreds of thousands of vehicles in virtually every make
bile insurance. That reality has led to the proliferation of auto of car and truck. Clean the headlight lens with headlight cleaner kits or with items
insurance provider commercials on radio and television, each sometimes found at your local auto parts store. Save money over expensive
advertising more affordable rates. replacements, restore them yourself, it’s quick and easy.
While the company you choose can influence how much If your car is more than nearing nine years, the safety $30. And, the entire process
you’ll be paying to insure your next vehicle, a host of other fac- three or four years old and problem is growing, particu- takes approximately 30 min-
tors can also make a difference in your bottom line. Those fac- has plastic headlight lenses, larly in hot, sunny climates. utes, depending on the extent
tors include personal driving history, the neighborhood in which chances are you are among 3M, a trusted leader in au- of the damage.
you live and even how much you drive on a daily basis. the 15 million car owners bat- tomotive products, has a new The system includes all of
Another factor that can influence what you pay to insure your tling cloudy, dull headlights solution in its 3M Car Care the products needed to do the
auto is the auto itself. Oftentimes, the type of vehicle you’re driv- that decrease nighttime visibil- line that allows car owners to job, from sanding discs to pol-
ing goes a long way to determining your insurance premium. In- ity and can contribute to un- quickly and cost-effectively ishing pads to 3M polish. The
sure.com, an online resource providing information to shoppers safe driving conditions on the eliminate this problem. The only tool a consumer needs is
looking for auto, life, home, and health insurance, notes that the road. new 3M(TM) Headlight Lens an electric or cordless drill with
following vehicles proved the most expensive to insure in 2009. In fact, the Motor Vehicle
1. Nissan GT-R: With a sticker price of nearly $80,000, it’s no Lighting Council cites poor
surprise this flashy coup cost more than $2,500 to insure on visibility as a factor in an es-
average. Its top speed of 193 miles per hour (MPH) no doubt timated 2.8 million accidents,
made prospective insurers tremble. 23,000 fatal crashes and
2,300 pedestrian deaths every
2. Dodge Viper SRT-10: Another vehicle with a reputation for
year in the United States.
speed, the Viper SRT-10 cost drivers an average of just under
While plastic headlights
$2,500 to insure. Something to think about when cruising at 200
help reduce vehicle weight
MPH, the vehicle’s top speed.
and withstand impact, oxi-
3. BMW M6: Those considering an M6 probably don’t care about dation and sunlight can dull
the insurance, as the vehicle itself costs more than $100,000 to the surface, turn it yellow or Jeep Cherokee Headlight Before Jeep Cherokee Headlight After
take home. leave it cloudy and scratched.
4. Ford Shelby GT500: Its sticker price of approximately This means the light from the Restoration System includes 1,000 to 3,000 RPMs.
$43,000 makes it more realistic for many of the nation’s driv- headlights is diffused and not everything the consumer The 3M Car Care product
ers, who can expect to pay nearly $2,200 per year to insure this focused correctly on the road- needs to remove the oxidation line and 3M Headlight Lens
muscle car. way, which limits visibility in and restore the headlight lens Restoration System can be
dark and rainy conditions. Not to its clear condition. It is also found at leading automotive
5. Mercedes G-Class: Its curb weight of more than 5,500 lbs. only can the driver of the ve- cost-effective. Compared to aftermarket retailers and on-
might keep you safe in case of collision, but its average insur- hicle not see the roadway, the having the lens commercially line through select distribu-
ance cost of more than $2,000 won’t keep your wallet safe when vehicle also is less visible to repaired for approximately $75 tors.
it comes time to ante up. other cars. or replaced for up to $1,500, For more information on
To learn more about automobile insurance, With the average age of the 3M Headlight Lens Resto- 3M Car Care products, visit
visit www.insure.com. vehicles on U.S. streets today ration System costs less than www.3Mcarcare.com.

www.lowcountrysun.sc • APRIL, 2010 23

Total Health—Holistic pet food has become a popular way to help pets
boost energy levels, improve coats and more.
Maybe you already add Ome- with their pets meaningfully and dition of his skin and coat, energy biotics, natural enzymes, botani-
ga-3s and probiotics to your diet, thoughtfully each day can easily level and weight,” he says. “If an cals and Omega-3s and -6s.
but what about the food you feed be achieved through a holistic animal transitions to an optimal, “These ingredients have the
your four-legged friend? diet. And by following a holistic holistic diet, like Holistic Se- power to positively impact a
If you are like a growing feeding philosophy, pet owners lect®, and comes back to see me dog’s or cat’s health not just to-
number of pet owners, your dog are unlocking a higher level of in a few months, he’s like a new day but for the long term,” notes
or cat consumes many of the health for their dogs and cats.” dog.” Dr. Townshend. “They work to-
same nutrients you do. You might The Diet Link So how can you go holistic? gether to help with digestion and
even make an occasional trip Say your dog is acting a bit Visit a local pet specialty store or nutrient absorption, while also
to the yoga studio for a “doga” sluggish, for instance, or the fam- the Web to find Holistic Select. fighting disease and stress—and
(that’s dog yoga) session. It’s all ily cat’s coat has lost its sheen. It’s geared toward providing ani- even improving the look and feel
part of what veterinarian Dr. Al Dr. Townshend says you should mals with a more complete sys- of a pet’s coat.”
Townshend calls a revolution in carefully consider what is in their tem of health. Holistic Select is To learn more about holistic
holistic pet health. food bowl. filled with a unique set of what’s pet food and health, visit www.
“Americans are applying ho- “I can look at a dog that called “Select Actives™,” the holisticselect.com or call (800)
listic health techniques for mind comes into my office and tell same functional ingredients that 225-0904.
and body to their pets,” he says. what he’s been eating by the con- many pet owners seek to add to
“They appreciate that connecting their own diets. They include pro-

Man’s Best Friend and Heartworms to go outside at some point either

to potty, take a walk or spend the
afternoon at one of our gorgeous
back of the neck.
Revolution: This product kills
By Dr. Kendra Findley dence of heartworm disease in this this question….”if my pet is in- fleas, heartworms, treats scabies (a
dog parks. Even if your pet only type of mange) and prevents ear
This particular parasite is prob- area. The American Heartworm doors do I need to keep them on
goes out into your fenced yard you mites. This is my favorite product
ably the least understood among Society has done a study showing heartworm prevention?” Again my
have to consider that the neighbors for use on cats because of the add-
pet owners and the most impor- the 100+ cases of heart-
dog may be infected and ed benefit of preventing ear mites.
tant in my professional opinion. worm disease occur per
the mosquito who bit him
Heartworms are literally worms clinic in the Lowcountry. Heartgard/Sentinel/Intercep-
doesn’t respect the pres-
that live in the heart of both dogs This disease causes seri- tor/Triheart/Iverhart: Each of
ence of your fence. So
and cats when left untreated. Pet ous and often times irre- these products is a heartworm and
what are your options?
owners want to know if continuous versible damage to a dog’s intestinal parasite preventive ad-
heart and the treatment can Advantage Multi: Ad- ministered orally once a month.
prevention is necessary because in
be both expensive (averag- vantage Multi: Doesn’t Sentinel contains Lufeneron, a flea
some cases it can be cost prohibi-
ing around $1000) and life kill ticks but works on sterilizing agent, and kills whip-
tive. The answer is ABSOLUTE-
threatening. fleas as well as heart- worms. Interceptor also adds whip-
LY. Dogs should be on heartworm
Heartworms are spread worms. By paying a little worms to its killing repertoire.
prevention year round particularly
from one infected dog to more for Advantage Multi Triheart and Iverhart are recently
in the Lowcountry due to our mild
another via a mosquito bite you can protect your pet introduced generics that are just as
winters and the increased inci-
and we have no shortage of mos- answer is ABSOLUTELY. Indoor from fleas AND heart- effective as the Heartgard but can
quitoes in the Lowcountry. Now pets are just as at risk because they worms with a single product ap- cost significantly less.
you’re probably asking yourself are never 100% indoor, they have plied topically once a month to the

History suggests the first April Fool’s Day

dates back to late 16th century France with the
introduction of the Gregorian Calendar. Prior to
1582, the year the Gregorian Calendar was in-
troduced, New Year’s Day was celebrated for a
period of 8 days, beginning on March 25 and culminating on the first day
of April. However, with the introduction of the new calendar, New Year’s
Day was moved to January 1. Back in the 1580’s news traveled slowly,
and many did not receive news of the new calendar for several years, and
then refused to acknowledge the new calendar. They thus became known
as “fools,” and, at least some historians believe, April Fool’s Day was born.

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24 APRIL, 2010 • www.lowcountrysun.sc
“BROADWAY LIGHTS” AND AMISH tour of Madison, IN with a step-on guide and ad- visits to Independence, MO; Omaha, NE Boys
SIGHTS – APRIL 25 – MAY 2, 2010 mission to two house museums, driving tour of Town; Cheyenne, WY Terry Bison Ranch; Billings,
– 8 days/7 nights lodging. 12 Indianapolis, IN, tour of the Indy Racetrack and MT; Spokane, WA; Seattle, WA; Vancouver, BC;
Meals. Three nights lodging in Museum, admission to the Indiana State Muse- Butchart Gardens, Victoria; Stanley park, Vancou-
New York City, driving tour of um, dinner and show at the Boggstown Cabaret, ver; Queen Elizabeth Park & Gardens; Columbia
New York City with guide, Spir- one night at Harrah’s Metropolis Casino Hotel Icefields and Columbia Glacier tour by Snow Bus
it of New York Dinner Cruise, with dinner and breakfast, dinner at Cumberland mobile; Banff National Park; Regina, Sask; The
visit Statue of Liberty and Ellis Mountain State Park Restaurant, tickets to the Mall of the Americas; Minneapolis/St. Paul Tour;
Island, tickets to two Broadway Cumberland County Playhouse to see “Tinyard”. St. Paul Cathedral; Minnehaha Falls; Sculpture
Shows (TBA), two dinners in New York City, free $949.00 PP/MD $994.00 PP/NMD Gardens; Bonanzaville Tour in Fargo, ND, plus
time for shopping, tour of West Point US Military more. $3062.00 PP/MD $3212.00 PP/NMD
Academy and Museum, two nights in Lancaster, MYSTERY TRIP # 71 – JUNE 22 – 29,
PA, Amish countryside and farmland driving tour 2010 – 8 days/7 nights lodging. 14 MACKINAC ISLAND’S
with guide, tickets to the Dutch Apple Dinner The- Meals. Can’t tell you where we are GRAND HOTEL – AGAWA
ater, dinner at Good-n-Plenty Restaurant, tickets going or what we are going to do – CANYON FALL TRAIN
to Sight and Sound Theater to see “Joseph”, one but you will have lots of fun and see TOUR – PICTURED
night in Chester, VA with tickets to the Swift Creek lots of beautiful scenery!! $1123.00 ROCKS NATIONAL LAKE-
Mill Dinner Theater to see “A Grand Night for PP/MD $1181.00 PP/NMD SHORE & INDIANA’S
Singing”. $1625.00 PP/MD $1707.00 PP/NMD AMISH COUNTRY – AU-
ATLANTIC PROV- GUST 30 – SEPTEMBER 10, 2010 – 12 days/11
TULIP TIME – NIAGARA INCES & QUEBEC nights lodging. 21 Meals. Tours of or visits to
FALLS, ONTARIO & OT- – JULY 11 – 29, Lexington, KY; Flint, MI – Crossroads Village &
TAWA – MAY 12 – 19, 2010 – 19 days/18 Huckleberry Railroad and sightseeing cruise on
2010 – 8 days/7 nights. nights lodging. 22 the Genesee Belle; Star-Line Ferry to Mackinac
8 Meals. Visit Morgan- Meals. Tours of or Island, carriage tour of Mackinac Island, one night
town, WV; New River visits to Mystic, CT; at The Grand Hotel with Grand Luncheon Buf-
Gorge Visitor Center, 2 Bangor, ME; St. fet, dinner and breakfast, evening entertainment;
nights lodging in Niagara Falls, Ontario, hotel lo- John, New Brunswick; Halifax, Nova Scotia; Peg- luncheon cruise on St. Mary’s River through the
cated near the Falls, driving tour to include Niag- gy’s Cove, NS; Cape Breton Island; St. John’s, famous Soo Locks; free time in Sault Ste Marie,
ara Botanical Gardens, the Floral Clock, Niagara Newfoundland; Gros Morne National Park; Cow- Ontario; full day Agawa Canyon Fall Colour Train
on the Lake and a visit to the Farmer’s Market. head, NF; L’Anse aux Meadows, NF; Lance au Tour; visit the Upper Peninsula Area of Michigan
Dinner at the Minolta Tower overlooking the Falls. Clair & Red Bay, Labrador; Corner Brook, NF; to include Munising, Pictured Rocks National
Two nights lodging in Ottawa, Ontario, riding tour Prince Edward Island – Charlottetown; Moncton, Lakeshore Boat Tour; S.S. Badger Ferry from
to include Rideau Canal and the Tulip Gardens, New Brunswick; Magnetic Hill; Edmundston, New Manitowoc, WI across Lake Michigan to Luding-
plus a boat tour of the 1,000 Islands Region. Brunswick and Quebec City, Quebec. We will ton, MI; admission to Historic White Pine Village
$985.00 PP/MD $1032.00 PP/NMD CALL NOW TO also take the following ferries: North Sydney, NS with lunch; visit Nappanee, IN; guided Shingle
SIGN UP – SPACE IS LIMITED!! to Argentia, NF; St. Barbe, NF to Blanc-Sablon, Shoppes Backroads Tour of Amish Countryside;
Labrador; Port aux Basques, NF to North Sydney, Haystack Lunch in an Amish home; tour of Amish
BELTERRA CASINO HOTEL NS; and Caribou to Prince Edward Island. This Acres; Thresher’s Dinner at Amish Acres; tickets
– CINCINNATI – MADISON is a once-in-a-lifetime trip and not to be missed!! to Broadway Musical at the Round Barn The-
– INDIANAPOLIS – ME- $3041.00 PP/MD $3195.00 PP/NMD ater, plus overnight at the Cumberland Inn Hotel.
– 8 days/7 nights lodg- AND CANADA’S NATURAL
ing – 14 Meals. Three
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www.lowcountrysun.sc • APRIL, 2010 25
New Woodlands General Manager has Fresh Outlook
By Torrey Monroe discount. New for Father’s Day guests with a great opportunity to
For years, Woodlands Inn in weekend, the Inn will feature two sample and learn. All events be-
Summerville has been renowned special events: a Saturday eve- gin with a one-hour tasting recep-
for its exemplary service, stel- ning barbeque on June 18, with tion. Guests are served at pouring
lar cuisine and exceptional ac- cigars and bourbon. On June 19, stations located on the main floor
commodations. With numer- dads can enjoy a different type of in the century-old mansion, fol-
ous accolades, it has cemented Sunday brunch, which includes lowed by a four-course pairing
its reputation worldwide as an oyster shucking and pony beers dinner in the Dining Room.
award-winning hotel and as the on the patio. Woodlands Inn is owned by
highest rated restaurant in the Also new are Memorial Day renowned entrepreneur and phi-
Carolinas. Now, a new general Weekend activities to honor the lanthropist Sheila C. Johnson.
manager is reaching out to the area’s Armed Forces. In addition She operates Woodlands through
Lowcountry community to expe- to a Sunday buffet brunch with her company, Salamander Hos-
rience this backyard gem through
a new menu and pricing, and a The Woodland’s Inn combines the history, charm and grandeur of a Charleston
series of more relaxed special Plantation Estate, surrounded by magnolias and moss-draped oak trees, with
events. every modern amenity and comfort of a world class hotel.
“We are making Woodlands
more approachable for local resi- vidual options. to most places in the tri-county
dents,” said General Manager “People in the Lowcountry area,” said Lavin. “Summerville
Casey Lavin. “While we continue are rightly very proud of Wood- residents often drive to down-
to deliver excellent service and lands and its awards,” explained town Charleston for dinner, and
fantastic food, the environment is Lavin. “However, we have of- we think people will come in the
not as formal. We want to engage ten been considered as a special opposite direction. And, should
our neighbors.” occasion location. We want to someone want to stay over after
Lavin has already established change that perception. As well a wine dinner or special event, we
as hosting weddings and an- offer extremely competitive room
niversary dinners, we want to rates.”
hold companies’ regular business One of Lavin’s first initia-
lunches, serve as the location for tives was to create outdoors
school events or provide a gather- events on Woodlands’ grounds.
Woodland’s Pine’s Cafe reflects the care taken in creating rooms with a
ing place for friends after work. The Inn’s new Farm-to-Table relaxed and comfortable ambiance.
We just attended the Flowertown dinner series begins on April 14,
Festival and the response from at which chefs will create a meal live music on May 29, active mil- pitality, which also manages In-
residents to our new ideas was using farm-fresh goods from lo- itary members will receive a 50% nisbrook Resort near Tampa/St.
Woodland’s menu reflects a variety amazing.” cal producers. The concept is for discount. On Monday, May 30, Petersburg, FL, and the under-
of local farm fresh products. The 19-room property is lo- diners to discover the variety of Woodlands will host a commu- construction Salamander Resort
a Friday Night Jazz program at cated on 42 acres less than two vegetables, fruits, and meats pro- nity picnic for service members & Spa in Middleburg, VA.
Pines Café during April and May. miles from the center of the Sum- cured by local farmers. The first and their families.
The Café, located next to the ac- merville. Originally built as a event is scheduled for April 14, Woodlands continues to hold Woodlands Inn
claimed Dining Room, presents private residence in 1906, it was with two more following on May its highly successful Wines of 125 Parsons Rd.
lighter culinary options and a converted into Woodlands Inn in 12 and June 9. the World dinner series on the Summerville, SC 29483
more relaxed atmosphere. The 1995 and quickly became estab- Woodlands is also offering third Wednesday of every month. www.woodlandsinn.com
menu in the Dining Room is also lished as a Lowcountry jewel. a Mother’s Day Brunch on May Wines from all over the globe are 843-575-2600 or 800-774-9999
being freshened with more indi- “We are centrally located 9, with moms receiving a 20% served at each tasting, providing

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26 APRIL, 2010 • www.lowcountrysun.sc

Come on up and sit a spell, have a lemonade and watch the world go by.
The American front porch Geist in his book,’ “Toward a Safe Municipal land planners like
nearly disappeared during the & Sane Halloween & Other Tales front porches “because they help
second half of the 20th Century, of Suburbia” (Random House). create safe, feel-good neighbor-
except for a blip on the screen “It was a place to sit. To sit hoods,” says Mark Elliott, presi-
during the ‘70s and ‘80s when and talk—something called vis- dent of the Elliott Group in Mor-
some builders attached pretend iting—about anything that came ton Grove, which builds custom
porches to the facades of faux- up. and semi-custom homes in the
Vicorians. s“Sometimes nothing was $500,000-and-up market.
They looked good on paper, said for several minutes, just “But it’s not just the curb ap-
but, in real life, you couldn’t cram sharing the silence, the sound of peal they add,” reports Elliott.
a rocking chair into them with a the crickets, the lawn sprinkler, or “People are really using them.”
crowbar. whatever It was okay to be silent “We’re out there spring, sum-
Now, front porches seem to then, not a failure to communi- mer and fall, and eat out there in
be enjoying a retro revival, along cate that you had to seek profes- the summer,” says Stacey Connor,
with comfort foods and Radio sional help for.” of the porch that wraps around her
Flyer wagons. Then came TV, says Geist two-story, four-bedroom home in
Not just ornamental, pretend in his 1985 book. Then, central HomeTown Aurora, built by Pal-
porches, but deep, roomy porches air. By the 1950s, recalls Geist atine-based Bigelow Homes.
that invite passers by to come on Front Porch In Maine sarcastically, “A body’d have to “We sit there and watch the
up, put their feet up and have a by Janet Kruskamp be a fool to sit out on the front kids play in the tot lot next door.
glass of lemonade porch talking with his next-door The neighbors walk by and say
Front porches and their back- garage went up front” “Whether you use the front neighbor when he could be in his hi. The porches give the neigh-
yard cousins are nothing new, of Builders trace the current porch or not, it makes for a bet- air-conditioned ‘TV room’ being borhood a Mayberry, small-town
course. The word “porch” derives front-porch craze back to the ter streetscape,” says Talen. “The talked at by the big stars from kind of feeling.”
from the Latin word “porticus.” mid-1990s, when Walt Disney garage doors out front say, ‘Cars Hollywood and New York.” “Surrounded by wooden rail-
Early American homes, includ- Co. built the much-publicized live here.’ Front porches say, The trend started before 9-11, ings, the Connors’ porch is deep
ing George Washington’s Mount Celebratiori community outside ‘People live here.”’ but now people are staying home enough to accommodate plenty of
Vernon and Thomas Jefferson’s Orlando. It was billed as the flag- Builders say the front-porch even more. The front porch is a patio furniture,” she says.
Monticello, had porches. ship for the neo-traditional hous- passion crosses demographic place they can relax. “When the kids get older, I’ll
From the start, they were ing trend, which pushed garages lines. Front porches are selling at put a porch swing out there, too,”
decorative (dressing up Plain- to the backs of lots, resurrected “Front porches are appeal- all price points, too, from modest she says.
Jane homes or embellishing the alleys and clustered homes closer ing to all kinds of buyers - young subdivision homes to the over- “Research showed that peo-
already ornate) and/or functional together families and older couples,” re- $350,000 homes Schillerstrom ple yearned for more connected,
(adding square footage and offer- As backyards shrunk, front ports Naperville-based builder builds. social neighborhoods, and front
ing free air conditioning). porches became the new gath- John Schillerstrom, who has built Like the houses they adorn, porches are part of this,” says
“The late 1800s to W.W.I ering spots. According to the dozens of custom and semi-cus- their prices run the gamut, he Bigelow’s vice president of sales
were the heydays of the front National Association of Home tom homes with front porches in says, “from a $3,500, simple one and marketing, Jamie Bigelow.
porch and the front stoop,” says Builders (NABB), the number of the last few years. “The common with a concrete floor to a $10,000 Please go to www.janetkrus-
Emily Talen, professor of urban porches (front and back) on new thread—they like to socialize to $15,000 one with a beadboard kamp.com to see more of Janet’s
and regional planning at the Uni- homes grew from 42 percent in with their neighbors.” ceiling and canned lights. The wonderful and whimsicle front
versity of Illinois. “Then our cul- 1992 (die first year it tallied them) “The front porch was pleas- sky’s the limit.” porch paintings.
ture became a car culture and the to 50 percent in 2000. ant, not exciting,” recalls William

www.lowcountrysun.sc • APRIL, 2010 27

4 - slice (1 - ounce each) Cracker Barrel
Sharp Cheddar Cheese
1 - medium pear, thinly sliced
that 11 billion sandwiches are consumed
in the US each year or 30 million per
Heat bacon as directed on package.
Spread bread slices with mustard.
Truly the reason we Americans love
Top 1 of the bread slices with cheese,
the sandwich is because it’s portable,
pears and bacon.
a quick meal that fits with our hectic,
Cover with remaining bread slice.
By Schu non stop culture and lifestyle. Sure the
sandwich is simple – two pieces of bread Recipe courtesy of
Too few people understand a really stuffed with luncheon meat, maybe some www.alanskitchen.com
good sandwich. cheese and condiments; but it is and can
- James Beard be so much more.
When you have a minute make a list
Each month when I sit down in of all the sandwiches that you know off
front of the computer I imagine myself the top of your head. Okay I’ll help:
constructing a gastronomic masterpiece, PB & J • Grilled Cheese • BLT
something cutting edge that when read Dagwood • Grinder • Reuben The Croque Monsier sandwich combines Gruyère cheese with milk
will inspire folks to consider thinking or The Trinity of salads and seasonings to make the filling melt to an even more creamy
trying something new. Of course I never (egg salad, chicken salad, and tuna salad) consistency
really believe that I accomplish that goal Italian • Muffuleta
so let’s just have some fun instead. Philly Cheesesteak in a small saucepan on medium/low heat crisscross Wisconsin, Minnesota and the
Suffice it to say I stopped in my Panini • Monte Cristo • Cuban until it just starts to bubble. Add the flour Dakotas selling disposable diapers (he
tracks when I came across this quote Club • Corned Beef on Rye and cook, stirring until smooth, about 2 worked in textiles). Anyway, he told me
by James Beard. Beard was a culinary Pastrami on Rye minutes. Slowly add the milk, whisk- a story about his favorite lunch time tra-
maverick and is rightfully credited for Po’ Boy • Sloppy Joe • French Dip ing continuously, cooking until thick. dition of pulling into a local Wisconsin A lifelong foodie, Schu has
advancing our country’s culinary educa- Tomato (you thought I forgot) Remove from heat. Add the salt, pepper, cheese shop, picking up a chunk of sharp worked in the food and beverage in-
tion. He exposed us to cultures and fla- The Pittsburgh • Wrap • Hoagie and nutmeg. Stir in the Parmesan and 1/4 cheddar and then stopping for a fresh dustry since the age of 15. From dish-
vors from around the world so that our Submarine cup of the grated Gruyere. Set aside. loaf of bread and a jar of deli mustard. washer to general manager, from mom
collective palates could grow. His influ- We could go on forever but that’s 3. Lay out the bread slices on a baking Once he had all his ingredients he & pop joints to hotels and national
ence can still be felt through the Beard my point! Like our creativity, it’s end- sheet and toast them in the oven, a few would drive until he found a secluded chains, Schu has also written for vari-
Foundation…but the sandwich?! less! minutes each side, until lightly toasted. area with a big, shady tree. Once settled ous publications and hosted a weekly
Certainly the sandwich would not Try this on for size. I once read that For extra flavor you can spread some under the tree he would relax, construct radio show dedicated to food.
be the first thing that comes to mind any jelly goes with any cheese - blue butter on the bread slices before you and enjoy a simply cheddar and mustard
when counting the many contributions of cheese and apricot, cheddar and apple, toast them if you want. sandwich.
James Beard. And that is why I am so in- gruyere and blackberry, swiss and rasp- 4. Lightly brush half of the toasted slices
clined to write to write about the simple berry – it all works! with mustard. Add the ham slices and
attributes of the lowly sandwich. Don’t believe me. Try it! I’ve been about 1 cup of the remaining Gruyere
Did you know?
Although it is universally believed experimenting for 2 years and I have yet cheese. Top with the other toasted bread April is National
that humans have been putting various to find a combo that doesn’t work. slices. Grilled Cheese Month
objects between 2 slices of bread since 5. Spoon on the béchamel sauce to the April 2 is
the Middle Ages, the common theory is tops of the sandwiches. Sprinkle with the National Peanut Butter
that in 1762 John Montagu, the 4th Earl Croque Monsieur Ham and remaining Gruyere cheese. Place on a and Jelly Day
of Sandwich, is credited with creating Cheese Sandwich broiling pan. Bake in the oven for 5 min-
the sandwich; well at least the name. As utes, then turn on the broiler and broil The 2nd week of April is
the story goes Montagu was quite fond Ingredients Egg Salad Week
2 Tbsp butter for an additional 3 to 5 minutes, until
of gambling and during a somewhat the cheese topping is bubbly and lightly Kraft introduced Cracker Barrel Fresh Florida Tomato Month
long streak at the card table he instructed 2 Tbsp flour
1 1/2 cups milk browned. brand natural cheese in 1954
someone to bring him something to eat and it has become a sandwich National Food Month
A pinch each of salt, freshly ground pep- If you top this sandwich with a fried
that would not interfere with his card favorite for its taste and creamy
per, nutmeg, or more to taste egg it becomes a Croque Madame. meltability.
National Pecan Month
playing. The kitchen brought him sliced www.simplyrecipes.com
6 ounces Gruyere cheese, grated National Soft Pretzel Month
meat between two pieces of bread. Low
and behold the sandwich was born, or (about 1 1/2 cups grated) National Soyfoods Month
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese (packed) Now before you go running off to the Cracker Barrel Cheddar,
named. kitchen and experimenting with cheese Bacon & Pear Sandwich www.thenibble.com
The rest they say is history as the 8 slices of French or Italian loaf bread
12 ounces ham, sliced and jelly humor me by reading one last Ingredients
sandwich’s popularity has grown to such story about the sandwich. Back in the April showers bring May
massive proportions that it is on almost Dijon mustard 8 - slices Bacon
1950’s my dad was a salesman working 8 - slices French bread flowers and Mayflowers
every restaurant menu and consumed on Directions the Midwest before the interstate system bring hungry pilgrims
a daily basis around the world. Accord- 1. Preheat oven to 400°F. 1/8 - cup Grey Poupon Savory Honey
had a stranglehold on us all. He would Mustard
ing to www.chacha.com. It’s estimated 2. Make the béchamel sauce. Melt butter

28 APRIL, 2010 • www.lowcountrysun.sc

Is your Hair, Makeup and Clothing Aging You?
If you have had the same look like a clown.
hairstyle and makeup colors for Be really careful with the shim-
over thirty years then do yourself mer makeup, as it can act like air-
a favor and make a change! port runway lights illuminating
every line, wrinkle and pore.
Hair styles Go to a place where a makeup
Getting a great hairstylist to artist can help you learn to make
create an up dated hairstyle for your best features stand out and
you can take years off your face can show you how to minimize
and give you a new fresh look. your flaws.
Find a hairstyle that is attractive Find a good lipstick or lip
and highlights your best features. color that works well with your
Most women look younger complexion and coloring. Apply Beauty & Fashion
when their hair doesn’t look like a foundation or powder to your lips By Belinda Roberts
teased, sprayed, shellacked mess. before applying your lipstick, as
it will stay in place and last much
Keep it simple and chic. longer.
Since most women do prefer to Keep your eye makeup as sim- A nice white crisp blouse with
color their hair, it’s convenient ple as possible. If you ever have a ruffled vee collar and placket
that dyes are safer and easier to the opportunity to have a make brings the lines straight down
use than they once were. While over, take advantage of it, learn your center, the blouse should nip
dyeing your hair at home is what colors look good on you and a bit in your waist, and a slightly
cheaper, most women opt to go to which ones don’t. boxy sophisticated Chanel like
a professional colorist, which is sweater or jacket creates structure
To look your best at any age takes a lifelong commitment to skin
the best way to go. Dress for Success
and balances out the softness of
Many colorist’s will use more and hair care. More women talk about their
midsection, and hiding a bit of a your body. A dark pair of com-
natural products if you request it. hairline, low-lights give bru- bet: bronzed skin, light eyes, and fortable low heels will elongate
Once you start dyeing your hair it belly. Many women tend to have
nettes a boost, shoulder length sheer lips. your legs.
is preferable to go a few shades a waist thickening as they grow
hair is versatile, wisp bangs offer The right hair style, and a This outfit will be flattering
lighter than your natural color. older.
a touch of softness, and can hide light touch with make up can and you will appear to look slim-
This makes roots easier to Toppers, jackets and lightweight
frown lines. make mature women appear age- mer with a modern classic casual
deal with and generally will look sweaters will camouflage your
Make the most of thinning less. look. Add a great necklace and
softer and more flattering to your tummy.
hair, pump up the volume! The following tricks can be you will look fabulous!
face. You should consider high- A nice casual dressy look that
more becoming for today’s ma-
lights as these are much more Makeup Magic is flattering to many. Start with a
With heavier makeup, the ture woman. Red lips are time- Got a style challenge? Let me
youthful looking and stylish. dark mid rise pair of denims,or
older you will look. Beware, too less, don’t let them clash with help you solve it.
dark slacks with no pleats, as
Some tips on hairstyles much powder, heavy eyeliner strong eye makeup. Keep the rest
this will update your casual dress
Bobs never go out of style, and super white skin. Your best of your makeup light if you opt Belinda Roberts
look, and slims your stomach.
long bangs disguise a receding for bright lips, lest you appear to gatorbug54@aol.com

Mature skin care is impor- sions such as cold, wind, sun-

Skin Care Tips
tant and we mustn’t neglect it. light. The skin is thinner and • Use a mild soap with a neu- because of the heat from ra- products that contain nutrients
To make the most of the skin as collagen and elastin pro- tral PH. Normal soaps and diators. to feed, moisturize and rejuve-
is necessary to take care of it duction diminish, the skin be- shower gels will strip the skin nate the skin.
through the different stages in comes dryer and wrinkles are • Avoid clothes with fabrics
of its natural oils. that can irritate the skin such • Avoid smoking and alcohol
our lives. Many people don’t more pronounced.
• Wash with warm water as wool and polyester. in excess.
give their skin the attention Care for mature skin is not
and care it deserves. to be taken for granted, espe- • If you are having a bath, • Use moisturizing products • Drink water, take some kind
A great percentage devel- cially if you belong to this age make it short and add bath every day, specially after the of gentle exercise such as
op dermatological problems group and suffer any kind of oils. shower. Don’t forget the neck, walking or swimming and eat
such as itching, infections, ec- dermatological problem. • Dry every part of the body hands and feet. Applying a a healthy diet.
zema and allergic reactions. Agents that influence ma- very well. moisturizer will help to smooth It is never too late to take care
These skin conditions oc- ture skin are: soap, water, over the skin and to reduce of the skin, no matter your age
• Use an humidifier in the bed- itching.
cur because mature skin has cold, excessive heat, dry air, room especially in winter. group.
less defences, making it more wind and friction. • Use anti-aging skin care.
vulnerable to external aggres-

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www.lowcountrysun.sc • APRIL, 2010 29

1. Dried corn kernels 4. Plastic pipe
6. Interprets writing 5. Title of respect
11. Boob tube 6. Poke fun at
14. High energy physics 7. Greek goddess of the
(abbr.) dawn
15. Baby beds 8. Article
16. Feline mammal 9. Atomic #110
18. 100 = 1 rupee 10. In a way, oozed
21. Actress Greta 11. Green and darjeeling
23. Polio vaccine developer 12. Yes in Spanish
25. Seldom 13. Held over
26. Kassite King Atanah- 14. Horsepower
28. Military gestures 17. Playthings
29. Biu-Mandara 19. Helps little firms
31. In bed 20. Direct a weapon
32. A male swan 21. Australian cockatoo
35. Not small 22. Island off venezuela
36. Previously possessed 24. Take into custody
37. Restaurant 25. Egyptian sun god
38. Show the way 27. Dark brownish black
40. 1/100 franc 28. Adventure stories
42. 2nd Islamic month 30. Secure with rope
46. Einstein 32. Capital of Australia
47. Traditional Hindu music 33. Frequently
49. Earth color 34. Mozambique seaport
50. Type of compass 37. Gluten free disease
52. Corn seed spike 39. 1776 female descendants
53. Rounded 40. Packaging container
58. Lake in Oklahoma 41. Metric ton
59. Waterford glass 43. A long way
64. Summed 44. Maturation in years
65. Of the cod genus 45. Placed on a stand or
shelves 54. Radioactivity unit 60. 36 inches
CLUES DOWN 48. Quantitative fact 55. Centilitre 61. South Dakota Crossword answers
51. __ shucks on page 11
1. Reddish browns 56. Incredibly edible 62. Bahrain dinar
2. Atomic number 13 53. Consumed 57. Arrived extinct 63. Chinese distance measure

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30 APRIL, 2010 • www.lowcountrysun.sc
At twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty the wit; at forty the judgment.
- Benjamin Franklin

Generous Lawyer Herman’s Hermits - Mrs. Brown, You’ve Got a Lovely Walker
A local United Way office realized that the organization had never
The Bee Gees - How Can You Mend a Broken Hip
received a donation from the town’s most successful lawyer. The
person in charge of contributions called him to persuade him to Bobby Darin - Splish, Splash, I Was Havin’ a Flash
contribute. Ringo Starr - I Get By With a Little Help from Depends
“Our research shows that out of a yearly income of at least Roberta Flack - The First Time Ever I Forgot Your Face
$500,000, you give not a penny to charity. Wouldn’t you like to
Johnny Nash - I Can’t See Clearly Now
give back to the community in some way?”
Willie Nelson - On the Throne Again
The lawyer mulled this over for a moment and replied, “First, did
your research also show that my mother is dying after a long ill- Procol Harem - A Whiter Shade of Hair
ness, and has medical bills that are several times her annual in- Paul Simon - Fifty Ways to Lose Your Liver
come?” Marvin Gaye - I Heard it Through the GrapeNuts
Embarrassed, the United Way rep mumbled, “Um ... no.” Leo Sayer - You Make Me Feel Like Napping
The lawyer interrupts, “or that my brother, a disabled veteran, is The Temptations - Papa’s Got a Kidney Stone
blind and confined to a wheelchair?”
Helen Reddy - I am Woman, Hear me Snore
The stricken United Way rep began to stammer out an apology,
but was interrupted again. Commodores - Once, Twice, Three Times to the Bathroom
“or that my sister’s husband died in a traffic accident,” the lawyer’s
voice rising in indignation, “leaving her penniless with three chil-
A manager hosts a dinner party for people from his office and he encourages them all
The humiliated United Way rep, completely beaten, said simply, “I to bring their children. During the sit-down dinner, the manager’s three-year-old girl just
stares at the man sitting across from her. She can hardly eat her food.
had no idea...”
The man checks his tie, feels his face for food, pats his hair in place, but nothing stops her
On a roll, the lawyer cut him off once again, “So if I don’t give any from staring. He tries his best to just ignore her, but finally, it’s too much for him. “Why are
money to them, why should I give any to you?” you staring at me?” he asks.
Everyone at the table has noticed her behavior, and they fall silent to hear her response.
The little girl says, “I just want to see how you drink like a fish!”

A 90-year-old man was having his annual checkups. The doc- A WELL PLANNED LIFE?
tor asked him how he was feeling. “I’ve never been better,” the old
man replied.” I’ve got a twenty-year-old bride who’s pregnant & is Two women met for the first time since grad-
about to deliver a child. What is your opinion about that, Doc?” This 1950’s actor starred
uating from high school. One asked the other,
the old man asked. The doctor thought for a moment, then says, in only 3 films, but will “You were always so organized in school, Did
“Well, let me tell you a story. I know a guy who is a hunter. He never always be remembered as you manage to live a well planned life? “
misses a season for hunting. But, one day he’s in a bit of a hurry “Yes,” said her friend. “My first marriage
a symbol of restless youth.
and he accidentally grabs his umbrella instead of his gun “.
The doctor continued, “ So he’s walking in the woods near a His spirit of rebellion and was to a millionaire; my second marriage was
creek, and suddenly he spots a lion in some brush in front of him. yearning for adventure to an actor; my third marriage was to a preach-
He raises up his umbrella, points it at the lion and squeezes the were reflections of his er; and now I’m married to an undertaker.” Her
handle. BAM! The lion drops dead in front of him . “That’s impos- generation. friend asked, “What do those marriages have
sible!” said the old man in disbelief. “Someone else must have Answer on page 11 to do with a well planned life?” “One for the
shot that lion.” Exactly,” said the Doc.
money, two for the show, three to get ready,
and four to go.

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