European Scholars Racism

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How the "civilizing mission" was reinforced by the intellectual

constructs of European scholars who justified slavery and


"The whites are superior to the Negroes as Negroes are monkeys and apes as are the oysters.
"Voltaire (in" Treatise on Metaphysics. "Quoted in" Clash of the month "No. 25, p.31)
"Their round eyes, their flat nose, thick lips still their, their ears differently figured, wool of their
heads, the same measure of their intelligence, put them and other species of men of prodigious
differences. And demonstrating that they have developed this difference to the climate, is that
blacks and black women carried in the coldest countries always roduce animals of their species,
and mulattoes are not a race bastard of a black and a white, or white and black. "Voltaire ("
Essay on manners. "Quoted in ibid.)
"Nature has subordinated to this principle these degrees and the characters of nations, we see
so rarely change. This is where the blacks are slaves of other men. We buy on the coast of Africa
like animals. "Voltaire (" Essay on manners. "Quoted in ibid.)
"The Negro race is a race of men different from ours [...] we can say that if their intelligence is not
a species other than our understanding, it is very less. They are not capable of much attention,
they combine low and do not appear to facts or benefits, or for violation of our philosophy. They
are native to this part of Africa like elephants and monkeys, they believe born in Guinea to be
sold to whites and to serve them. "Voltaire (" Essay on manners ", Geneva, 1755, t.XVI, p.269270)
David Hume

" I suspect the negroes and in general the other human species to be naturally inferior to the
white race. There has never been a civilized nation of any other color than white , nor individual
shows by his actions or his ability to think ... There are home or manufactured devices or art, or
science. No mention our colonies , there are Negroes slaves scattered across Europe , was
never found in them any sign of intelligence. " David Hume (1711-1776) , English economist,
wrote influential in his time ( in "On the national character , Vol III " )
" I am inclined to think that the negroes and in general all other species of men are naturally
inferior to whites . There never was a civilized nation of a skin color other than white , nor even
any individual eminent , whether in the field of action or spirit . " David Hume ( English
philosopher ) ( Popkin , 1974)

Immanuel Kant
" Nature has endowed the African negro no feeling that rises above silliness (...) Blacks (...) is so
much that must be separated and disperse with sticks . " Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) ( in "Essay

on the diseases of the head , watching the sense of beauty and the sublime , ed. Flammarion ,
1990" )

G. Cuvier
"The negro race is confined to the south of the Atlas, his complexion is black, his curly hair, his
skull compressed and crushed his nose , his prominent nose and thick lips clearly resemble
monkeys : the peoples who compose it are still remained barbarians (...) the most degraded of
human races , whose forms are closest to the brute, and whose intelligence is high nowhere to
arrive at a regular government . " The zoologist , G. Cuvier ( in " Research on fossil bones ,
Volume 1, Paris , Deterville , 1812 )

"You can not get the idea that God is a wise being, has put a soul , especially a good soul, in an
all-black body. (...) It is impossible for us to suppose that these people are men, we begin to
believe that we do not we are Christians themselves. " Montesquieu ( in " The Spirit of Laws " ) in
1748 :

"Africans , however , have not yet reached this recognition of the universal. Their nature is folding
itself . What we call religion , state, actually existing in and for itself , absolutely valid , all this
does not exist for them. Heavy relationships missionaries put this fact beyond doubt (...) What
characterizes indeed negroes , it is precisely their conscience failed to contemplate a strong
objectivity , such as God , the law, which could join the will of man , and by which they can reach
the intuition of its own essence " and go on to say that Africa is " an ahistorical world
undeveloped , fully prisoner of natural spirit and whose place is still on the threshold of the history
of the universal " Hegel ( in " The reason in history, Paris , Plon , 1965 " ) :

Ernest Renan
"Nature has made a race of workers , it is the Chinese race (...) a race of worker of the earth ,
that the negro is (...) a race of masters and soldiers , c ' is the European race. " Ernest Renan ( in
the" Sermon on the nation " )

U.S. President Thomas Jefferson

"I am led to believe , but it's just a feeling that blacks, they form a distinct breed or have
undergone a separation due to the time and circumstances , are inferior to whites as the body
and mind " U.S. President Thomas Jefferson (in Gossett , 1965 , p.44)

Abraham Lincoln, U.S. President

"Equal Black ! Nonsense ! For how long , under the government of a God big enough to create
and run the universe, he will have to peddle knaves and fools to resume in about a too low
demagoguery. " Abraham Lincoln, U.S. president (in Sinkler , 1972 , p.47)

"The black African is guided by fantasy ; European man is guided by the customs. " Linnaeus
( biologist, Systema naturae , 1758)

Charles Lyell

" The brain of the Bushmen [ ... ] leads to one of Simiadae (monkeys ) . This implies a connection
between the lack of intelligence and structural assimilation. Each human race has its place, as
the lower animals " Charles Lyell (founder of scientific geology) (in Wilson, 1970)

Herbert Spencer

"The intellectual character traits of the wild ... are found in the civilized child. " Quoted by Jay
Gould, the wrong measure of the man , in 1983 Herbert Spencer ( a Darwinist )

Rudyard Kipling

"O Take up the White Man's burden Mande off your strongest race Upgrade your son in exile ,
rather , to serve your captive fleeting order that he serve heavy armor Wild gent at heart moving ,
Fresh conquered dark and serve - half - devil and half- child " Rudyard Kipling ( the burden of
White , 1899) : (Jules Castier translation )

Charles Spearman
"The men of color were , for the average of all tests , delayed about two years on the whites;

inferiority appeared in all tests ... " Charles Spearman ( eminent specialist intelligence ( ? ? ) )
Army mental tests , 1936

"We need to preserve the breed , be careful elimination of even more severe morally inferior
beings than it is today ... we have , and we have the right to rely on the best of us and arrange to
have the selection that will determine the prosperity or the annihilation of our people, " Lorenz
( Nobel Prize in Physiology of Medicine in 1973 )

Arthur R. Jensen
"The intellectual inferiority of blacks is genetic. The number of genes in intelligence among blacks
is lower than that of whites. " Arthur R. Jensen ( geneticist in the 1970s ! )

Requested the American Academy of Sciences " that research be undertaken to determine the
influence of the high birth rate of blacks on the quality of the U.S. population and offers sterilize
those with less than 100 IQ " Shockley ( Nobel physics 19 ? )

Francis Galton
Eugenics : Science of improving the race, which merely means the unions sound issues , but
especially in the case of man , takes care of all the influences that give the best endowed races
more likely to prevail over the inferior races. Francis Galton (1883 , founder of the scientific
eugenics )

Charles Richet

"After the elimination of inferior races, the first step towards the selection, this is the elimination of
abnormal ... We will call me freak because I prefer healthy children tainted children ... This makes
the man is intelligence . A mass of human flesh, without intelligence, it's nothing ... " Charles
Richet (1850-1935 , Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology in 1913 , Human Selection 1919 )

Bertrand Russell
"No democratic government will never work in Africa. " Bertrand Russell (1872-1970 ,
mathematician ) ( Quoted by Paul Johnson, the big lie intellectuals )

Albert Schweitzer
The European will never know how terrible is the life of these unfortunates who spend their time
in fear spells directed against them. Only those who have seen the misery of almost understand
that it is a human duty to teach primitive peoples a different conception of the world and life, to
deliver them from this fatal beliefs. ... As for the intellectual effort that represent technical
achievements , the native is not able to evaluate it. But when dealing with a white , he feels with
unerring intuition if it is a personality, a legal entity ... the primitive knows that judgments of
elementary values ... when he meets the United kindness justice and truthfulness, dignity inside
behind the external dignity , he bows and recognizes his master ... " Albert Schweitzer ( Nobel
Peace doctor Gabon , in ' On the edge of the virgin forest ' 1952)

Jules Ferry
"I challenge you to support through your thesis based on equality, freedom, independence
inferior races. Gentlemen, we must speak louder and truer ! We must say openly that the
superior races have a right vis --vis the inferior races .
" Jules Ferry (1832-1893 , Parliamentary Debates of July 28, 1885 ) Gentlemen, we must speak
louder and truer ! We must say openly that the superior races have a right vis- -vis the inferior
races . I repeat that there is a race to the top right , because there is a need for them. They have
a duty to civilize the inferior races " Jules Ferry.

Ernest Renan
"Colonization in large is a political necessity quite top notch ... The conquest of a country inferior
race by a superior race is not shocking ... " Ernest Renan (1823-1892 , the intellectual and moral
reform in 1871 )

Guy de Maupassant
"In Africa, girls abound, but they are just as evil and rotten as the muddy liquid wells Saharan "
Guy de Maupassant.

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