Architecture For Website

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Draft (4/25/08)

Regional Conservation Professional Training Program

Conceptual Architecture for Website:

Audience: Agriculture and Conservation Professionals - Regional Partners (NRCS, Extension,

SWCD, other State Agencies, Farm Bureau, Private Sector – COOP’s, NGO’s,TSP’s, and to a
lesser extent farmers)

Structure of website –
To make a site that communicates who we are while providing…
What is the look? - Marketing/ branding - Appealing interface and provides information
How we want to navigate around the site

Website generally used for?

Marketing Problem solving
Education Topical issues
Accurate information Professional services
Philosophy and concepts Available tools
Professional services Connect w/partners
Information forum Communicating timely info
Research sharing Easy access

Key concepts our site could incorporate

Program marketing Expertise in field/technical Info
Networking among states
Information sharing – emerging Partnership
issues, funding opportunities and Student registration and tracking
incentives… Information about state programs
Timely newsletter type updates? and other professional services
Our philosophy and roles Training course archives
Environmentally sound principles Training sources
Training opportunities

Networking “Platforms/Systems”
Great Lakes Regional Home page and Water Quality Website (i.e. Basin pages)
UW and Cooperative Extension linkages
NRCS techreg and other links
Regional Conservation Professional web presence
State linkages
Training Registration and Database
Site for PDF’s
Tool 1: Database capability
Tracking Registration
Credit cards
Track CEU’s
Regionally focused training
Multi state opportunities
Cross linkages to partners providing training
Tracking course completion (Student, training authority, certifying agency)
Link to location for PDFs – current course information and archives

Tool 2: Communication and networking

Email links
Newsletter or updates

Tool 3: Clearing house of information

State Information – Programs, State Specific information –Technical Info, State specific
certification requirements, Training needs
Programs, Research, Case Studies
Communicating Information
Timely Information Updates
State interfaces
Regional water quality website and Cooperative Extension page
State and Agency info
Incorporate links to State “partner sites”

Tool 4: Training
Technical training for agency
Technical training for private sector
Door open to sharing about training to landowners… provide links
Technical conferences
Web based training
Teacher interface (place for course pdf’s, information sharing and dialog)

Start of ideas/concepts for the organization of the site - What potential folders?

• Home Page - Vision: Who we are (Mission Statement)

• Program side bar w/ tags
o Administration
o State and Agency Links
o Training Program areas
 Agriculture
• Traditional
• Emerging
 Conservation
• Ecological Restoration /Operational Maintenance
 Farm Assessments - EMS
 Energy
• Green tier
• Biofuel
• Conservation
 Professional Development
o State Links
o Miscellaneous:
 Other educational opportunities – CCA, MOSES
 Projects – Case studies and related programs and research
 Products
• Brochures, Posters, publications, videos etc…
• Downloading Archived Information and Technical Information
 Grant opportunities
 Partnership Information
 Staff, Team and Teacher profiles
o Communication –

Round Table Ideas about Website – not prioritized (March 13-14 2008)

o Reach all (79 ) Conservation Districts in the state web based training
o Web site for upcoming sessions
o Ability to share materials and get information easily – outlines, content, process
o Web based database for curricula/ what’s available
o Develop a process to share needs
o Access to the database will save money
o Why reinvent the wheel if someone else already did it – Link to it if appropriate
o Linking existing training tools via Web
o Livestock & Poultry Education Center Website approach
o Type of consortium where course materials are networked, grants are obtained,
web presentations
o Development of website so it can be a location for training activities
o Website functions links to state resources
o Communication of training activities between federal, state, land grant inst., and
local agencies
o Web based training in some areas where appropriate
o An easy list of what’s available in each state, all over the region and keep it
o Inventory of all electronic
 Curriculum
 Case study stories
 State media tools
 Data commonality i.e. Tillage transect data
 White papers
 Common tools
 Calendar of events
 Registration
o Well known website where trainings are posted and can be seen by people in
various states
o This program could be downloaded PowerPoint, narrative information and
presented by professionals in different locations
o Trainings listed by topic area, CEU’s, location
o Begin to build website portal for information sharing
o Groundwater program web based training available w/ the months

Topics/Information with links

CNMP and Nutrient Management
Conservation and Conservation Planning
Drainage and Soil related topics
Integrated Pest Management
Cover Crops
Energy Production and Energy Conservation
Water Quality
Emerging Issues… Biofuels, Organic Farming, Climate…

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