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Spring Warrior Church of Christ

7432 S. Red Padgett Road

Perry, FL 32348

Prove All Things, Vol. 1 No. 44

“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21

Premillennialism: The Nation of Israel

By Scott Mixon, [12/5/01]

On May 14, 1948, Israel was officially declared a state. Supporters of

Premillennialism look to this moment as a sign of the beginning of the end. This
was further encouraged by the Six Day War in June of 1967 when Israel would
triple its possession of land. Premillennialism also promises a return of the Jews
that is yet unfulfilled, that Jews will once again occupy sacred cites, rebuild the
temple and restore their ancient worship. Specific beliefs vary between religious
groups but that is the basic theory.

God’s covenant with Abraham included three Promises. First, God

promised Abraham and his descendants land. In Genesis 15:18, God told
Abraham “to your descendants I have given this land, from the River of Egypt as
far as the great river, the river Euphrates.”

Inspired witnesses say the land promise has been fulfilled. Joshua, in
Joshua 21:43-45 said, “the Lord gave Israel all the land which He had sworn to
give unto their fathers and they possessed it and lived in it. Solomon reigned
over the correct boundaries, 1 Kings 4:21. Moses gave instruction concerning
cities of refuge in Deuteronomy 19:7-9 that were to be kept only if God fulfilled
his promise. Joshua 20:7-9 confirms that those cities were built.

Retention of the land was always conditional, based on Israel’s obedience,

Joshua 23:12-13, 15-16. The land was an everlasting possession. However, the
word everlasting in Hebrew meant “age lasting”, meaning there was no guarantee
that possessing the land would be forever and possession could come to an end.
The same word is used for other covenants, like circumcision in Galatians 5:1-4
and the priesthood in Hebrews 7:11-25, that were abolished at the Cross.

Second, God promised Abraham “I will make you a great nation” in

Genesis 12:2. In Genesis 15:5; 22:17, God promised to “multiply his seed as the
stars of heaven and as sand by the seashore.”, Copyright © 2001 Scott Mixon All Rights Reserved

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Genesis 21:3, 12 confirms that Isaac was the son in whom this promise was
fulfilled. Though Israel was destroyed and later driven from the promised land
because of sin, they were never totally destroyed. According to Jeremiah 25:11;
29:10; 30:11, Israel was promised “a full end” would not be made of them as of
other nations. A remnant would return after 70 years. God fulfilled the nation
promise to Abraham and kept His promise to restore the remnant in Nehemiah

Isaiah prophesied the Lord would set His hand “the second time” to
recover the remnant of His people in Isaiah 1:10-11. The first time was when they
returned from Babylonian captivity in Ezra 1. The second time is in the church
age according to Paul’s quote and applications of this verse, Romans 15:12. There
is no promise of a third time. In Christ a remnant of Israel is saved as well as any
Gentiles who obey by faith. Therefore, the Church is the spiritual remnant of
Israel, according to Grace, Romans 11:5.

Third, God promised Abraham that “in you all families of the earth will be
blessed”, Genesis 12:3. In Genesis 22:18, God said, in your seed all nations will
be blessed because thou hast obeyed my voice.”

According to Galatians 3:8-16, Christ is the seed. God’s blessing upon

Israel was not for their sakes alone, but in order that “all nations would be
blessed.” According to Galatians 3:26-29, all who obey Christ are Abraham’s seed
and heirs according to the promise.” Christians are now the spiritual Israel of
God, Galatians 6:16; Romans 9:7-8. Therefore, Christ is the ultimate fulfillment
of this covenant and the hope of Israel, Acts 26:6-7; 28:20.

The theory of Premillennialism is a false teaching based on many misused

Bible passages. A thorough study of the Bible leaves no room for a literal “1000
year reign.” There is no warning of his coming by predictions of the world events
or tribulations that will precede the event of His coming. His coming will be
sudden, unexpected and without warning. Therefore we must be ready. Let us
remember the warnings of adding to what is already written, Revelation 22:18, 19
and “prove all things” by the scriptures., Copyright © 2001 Scott Mixon All Rights Reserved

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