Endogenous Processes:: Formation of Mountains

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The separation of the major lithospheric plates, continental drift and expansion
of the oceanic crust settled into action dynamic forces at great depths. The
diastrofismo is a general term that refers to the crustal movements caused by
ground forces endogenous producing basins of the oceans, continents,
plateaus and mountains. The geotectonic cycle called these large structures
associated with major crustal movements and rock types in different steps of

The epirognesis affecting large parts of the continents and oceans, especially
for vertical movements, and produces plateaus and basins. The slow and
gradual crustal displacement act in particular on the cratons, stable regions of
the cortex. Fractures and displacement of rocks, which can be from a few
centimeters to many kilometers, are called faults. Geysers and hot springs are
like volcanoes, tectonic unstable areas.

Formation of mountains

The orogeny, or mountain building tends to be a localized process that distorts

the existing layers. The ridges are
formed in special areas of the cortex,
called geosynclines: marine basins
where large amounts of sediment
coming from the destruction of the
continent are collected. In this
compression zone bark large forces
required to fold originating materials.
The mountains are generated in the
destructive edges of the plates of the
lithosphere, which explains the
presence of folds, reverse faults, volcanoes and earthquakes. The activity will
be greater when younger the mountains.

Cratons are located in central areas of the continents. They consist of rocks that
were consolidated in the archaic, especially, gneiss, schist and granite anatexia.
They are very stable regions. The movements that occur are epirognicos and
the heat flux is very small. The heat given off by the rocks is very low because it
has already produced the disintegration of radioactive elements containing
2,000 or 3,000 million years ago. Metamorphic rocks and granites can be

covered with sediment. Cratons are surrounded by regions formed by younger

rocks, result of orogenic processes.


Fracture lines along which a section of the earth's crust has moved over
another. Their appearance is associated with the boundaries between plates
that slide over each other
and with places where the
continents separated.

The dislocation movement

responsible can be vertical,
horizontal or a combination
of both. When the activity in
failure is sudden and
abrupt, it can produce a
strong earthquake and even a surface rupture forming a topographical form
called fault scarp.

A volcano is a fissure in the earth's crust on which a volcanic cone material
accumulates. The volcanoes are produced by the outpouring of lava from deep
within the Earth. Most volcanoes are composite structures formed in part by
lava flows and fragmented material.

Many volcanoes are born underwater,

in the seabed. Etna and Vesuvius
began as underwater volcanoes, as the
broad cone of the Hawaiian Islands
and many other volcanic islands in the
Pacific Ocean.

The earthquakes

The earthquakes are sharp and brief shaking of the earth's crust. These
phenomena occur especially at the edges of lithospheric plates, reaching far
more violence in subduction zones where frictions are very intense since it is
introduction of a
under another. Other
earthquakes occur
lithospheric plates as
in the case of a
strong pressure due
to the formation of
an orogen on the
edge of the plate
forming part. They
can also be caused
by volcanic eruptions
or faulting.


Lneas de fractura a lo largo de la cual una parte de la corteza terrestre se ha

movido sobre otro. Su aparicin se asocia con los lmites entre las placas que
se deslizan uno sobre el otro y con los lugares donde los continentes se

El movimiento de dislocacin responsable puede ser vertical, horizontal o una

combinacin de ambos. Cuando la actividad en el fracaso es repentino y
abrupto , se puede producir un fuerte terremoto e incluso una ruptura de la
superficie formando una forma topogrfica llamada escarpe de falla .


Un volcn es una fisura en la corteza de la tierra en la que se acumula un

material cono volcnico . Los volcanes son producidos por la efusin de lava de
las profundidades de la Tierra . La mayora de los volcanes son estructuras
compuestas formadas en parte por flujos de lava y material fragmentado .

Muchos volcanes nacen bajo el agua , en el fondo del mar . Etna y Vesubio
empezaron como volcanes submarinos , como el amplio cono de las islas de
Hawai y muchas otras islas volcnicas en el Ocano Pacfico

os terremotos

Los terremotos son agitacin aguda y breve de la corteza terrestre . Estos

fenmenos se producen sobre todo en los bordes de las placas litosfricas ,
llegando mucho ms la violencia en las zonas de subduccin , donde las
fricciones son muy intensos , ya que es la introduccin forzada de una placa
litosfrica bajo otra . Otros terremotos ocurren dentro de las placas litosfricas
como en el caso de un continente bajo una fuerte presin debido a la formacin
de un orgeno en el borde de la parte que forma la placa . Tambin pueden ser
causados por erupciones volcnicas o fallas .

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