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in the early years of the ninth century !f t"\ i"5l

i"hl"".ment which gained for higr the title,
of l{uslim iurisprudence'- On the one
of the'fatber

U"a SUati ltood foursquare behind the principle of

tbe divinely inspired $+tu of the hophet T T*:,13
in the totttn. On tbe o&er hand be acknowknggd
,"""*tity for human reason to provide legal rules for
situations Dot exPr6$ly or speci$catly regulated by di

vine'revehtion. But thl ,*n, he argued, could not be

in the form of ra'y-Rezson could not operate es a source
of l"*, independJnt of the divine will, to :rclricve what'
ever ends ot p,rtpo* au individual jurist thought

tive sutlroritv along wit} the divine' Tlre uhimate goals
and purgrrses of hirnan txhavior had been laid down
bv eiEli, and were desirable and right not because
h'u"ra" rntille.t could assess them to be such, but simolv because Aileh had so ordained' The role of human
L;; ;*t, tlterefore, be entirelv sdbordinate to the
principles estabijshe{i,by divine revelation' I ts function
to tlel
'*,r, ,Lrplylto regubtl new cases by
tf." prioi'pio ufo" which the divine revelation had
)oorrn as reasonjng Ly "ttalogy, bt qiqAs' Since the
process nrust find its starting point in an accepted m-aniiestation of tlre divine ,r'ill, h.'*'n reason was harto tbe impldmentation and developme,t'of t]re
divir:e law ind could Dot oPerate independently of it'
Shi-fi?s tLesis became the basis of the classical erpositbn of Islamic legal theoqy' From tle tenth century
.'#f,bqliiirisd:consco*trs wes that e rub of law
from the Qur'an or the sunrul or


iuvElJTlON At{O


by rqatogical deduction tbere{rom.. But by way of a

pcctscrrpq cl^.sical
l.g"l th-fy neco{n;-ed itla, ii *-"
ceses-saibt anal%fu| re"&ning ,+ight entail injustice
lnd that it was then permissib[ t ;rr. a rx)re 'libcrat
forrn of rcarcning.
,Lttho-ugh this ixrrre close to b"iog
thing as the
ra'y of lhe ancientg it was now
dr:ss:d .up iD more rcphisticated tenninology and

called y-rhqre (-seeking the most equitable solJiion-),

best solution for the general
interef-)..But this was rx) longer regarded,.in "theon,.
as gtvmg numan rqsorl rcvereign play. -Equity- and
.,ll3.p"?t*. interest- were now sln as the pu.pore of
to inrplcmeht in the absence of any rugtr,_s&gngindicatio; in
the Qur'inor the sunrut.In sum, th"r.E*,Ilr" classic.:rl
legal theory expresses to perfectionrthe noUoo cf,Iaw as
the comprehersive and preordained system of .;God.s
To illustrate rthe,interaction of thU tryo elements of
divine revelition and human reason and the operation
of the yarious juristic principles and methods of ,.*o.,ing which I have now briefly outlined, I propose to.consider- one problem in some depth rathir than several
problems in what would necessarily be a superficiat
mauner. Thc problenr chosen is one of inheritarice, :.ncl
it is particularly appropriate for two reasoru.
First" there is no topic in Islamic law of more prG
nounc.edly individual characteristics than that of iuccession. The meticulous preciSion with which th6,priorities of the different legal heirs ari determi@,.ani tbe
quanhrm of their entitlement de6ncd, is regarded generally by I{uslim scholars as the zeni*i of

or islglili (-seeking the


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