Call For Host of An IPSF TDC - Triple E

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International Pharmaceutical

Students Federation
European Regional Office
February 1, 2016

Triple E: European Experience of

Call to host an IPSF Trainers Development Camp
The Regional Working Group of the IPSF European Regional Office (EuRO), in
collaboration with the IPSF Professional Development Team, is calling for interested
Member Organisations of the region to host an IPSF Trainers Development Camp (TDC)
under the newly established Triple E: European Experience of Excellence; a subsidiary of
the IPSF European Regional Office.
The Triple E: European Experience of Excellence is a newly established platform intended
to bring IPSF projects closer to the European members.
The program and package for the IPSF Trainers Development Camp includes but is not
limited to:

Training Program
Social Program
Necessary transportations during the event (not including Airport-Venue)

Only Member Organisations of the IPSF European Regional Office can bid to host this
event; however, all IPSF members are eligible to apply as participants at the Trainers
Development Camp.
Associations interested in hosting and organizing the IPSF TDC should note the following

The bid for this event must include the following elements:
Motivation for hosting the event
Provisional budget [] including trainers expenses
Expected number of participants
Tentative dates
Preliminary schedule
Financing of the event will be fully independent from both IPSF EuRO and IPSF
budgets. All finances shall be handled by the hosting Member Organisation under
supervision of the IPSF Treasurer and the Chairperson of EuRO.
No profit shall be generated by this event. Any excess funds from the event will be
treated according Article 13.4 Finances of the IPSF Domestic Rules.
Necessary technical support (e.g., projectors, microphones) and materials (e.g.,
flipcharts, writing utensils, lotsandlotsandlots of Post-it Notes) needed for the
trainings should be made available.
IPSF Secretariat: Andries Bickerweg 5, 2508 AE The Hague, The Netherlands.
Tel: +31-70-302 19 92 - Fax: +31-70-302 19 99 - Email: - Website:
Registered under Dutch Law: 40413709

International Pharmaceutical
Students Federation
European Regional Office

The registration fee shall cover accommodation, all meals, and transportation during
the event. It is strongly recommended that the accommodation should be as
affordable as possible while still being clean, safe and comfortable for the
Please read the related parts of the IPSF Official Documents such as Article 13
Finances and Article 14 Projects in the IPSF Domestic Rules.
These documents can be obtained both from the IPSF Homepage or the IPSF
Secretary General at
If your bid is selected, you must sign an event agreement contract with IPSF.
The host association and Reception Committee are required to work closely with
IPSF EuRO Regional Working Group and the IPSF Professional Development
Team, who shall supervise the organization and planning. Frequent (weekly)
updates and regular communication between the host and the EuRO RWG is
requested and required!

The selection of the Triple E host will be voted on by the Regional Working Group of the
IPSF European Regional Office.
For any further information please contact Mr. Christian Roth, IPSF Chairperson of the
European Regional Office:
If you are interested in hosting one of the first events under the Triple E subsidiary, please
send your bid along with the required information to
Submissions to be received no later than Monday, February 21st, 2016 23:59 [GMT +0].
Yours in IPSF
On behalf of the IPSF EuRO RWG

Mr. Christian Roth

IPSF Chairperson of the European Regional Office 2015

IPSF Secretariat: Andries Bickerweg 5, 2508 AE The Hague, The Netherlands.

Tel: +31-70-302 19 92 - Fax: +31-70-302 19 99 - Email: - Website:
Registered under Dutch Law: 40413709

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