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Governance is "the process of decision-making

and the process by which decisions are
implemented (or not implemented)".
The term governance can apply to corporate,
international, national, local governance .
The concept centers on the responsibility of
governments and governing bodies to meet
the needs of the masses as opposed to select
groups in society.

Good governance has 8 major characteristics.
It is participatory
consensus oriented
effective and efficient
equitable and inclusive
follows the rule of law

It assures that .
corruption is minimized
the views of minorities are taken into account
that the voices of the most vulnerable in
society are heard in decision-making.
It is also responsive to the present and future
needs of society.

Electronic governance or e-governance is the
application of information and communication
technology (ICT) for delivering government
services, exchange of information communication
transactions, integration of various stand-alone
systems and services between government-tocustomer (G2C), government-to-business (G2B),
government-to-government (G2G) as well as back
office processes and interactions within the
entire government framework.

e-gov. projects
In india
In Andhra Pradesh

Public Private Partnership

The Public-Private Partnership (PPP) based egovernance projects are hugely successful in India
The essence of e-governance is to reach
the beneficiary and ensure that the services
intended to reach the desired individual has been
met with.
There should be an auto-response to support the
essence of e-governance, whereby the
Government realizes the efficacy of its


It means to free the economy from direct or
physical controls imposed by the government.
Prior 1991, government had imposed several
types of controls on Indian economy e.g.
industrial licensing system, price control or
financial control on goods, import license, foreign
exchange control, restriction on investment by
big business houses, etc. These controls leads to
fall in economy growth. Economic reforms were
based on the assumption that market forces
could guide the economy in a more effective
manner than government control.

Privatisation implies the induction of private
ownership in publicly owned enterprises
In broader sense it connotes besides private
ownership the induction of private
management and control in the public sector
Private purchase of all or part of a company


Globalisation means free movement of
capital, goods, technology, ideas, and people.
Any globalization that omits the last one is
partial and not sustainable.
- Branko Milanovic
The ultimate aim of globalisation is to look
upon the world as a global village


Since the 1980s a number of countries, have

been influenced by the concept of
liberalization, privatization and globalization.
In the 1980s India has also started the process
of liberalization, privatization and
globalization (LPG).
It requires dismantling of a regime of
regulations, controls, restrictions, licenses,
secrecy and delay.

Effect ..
The policy of LPG affects the role, values and
skills of public bureaucracy. It also decreases
the scope of the functions of the state,
resulting in minimum of state interference in
the lives of the individuals.
The state is called upon to oversee the
operational side of the enterprises. This gives
the state a new role as regulator.

Role of P.A.
Today, the role of public administration is towards
more of governance, then of direct involvement.
The public administration has to play enabling,
collaborative, cooperative, partnership and
regulatory roles. Coming to the core areas such
as defense, atomic energy, law and order, foreign
policy it has a direct role to play. In certain other
areas such as telecommunications, airlines,
insurance, etc., it has to compete with the private
sector, for which there should be regulatory
commissions to provide for equal level playing
fields for both the sectors.

Globalization with the revolution of information

technology has been dramatically Changing human
behavior, management of corporations, and
governance of states much more than the industrial
revolution transformed the agricultural society makes
it easier to compare the similarities between nonWestern nations and Western nations with regard to
public administration systems and governance.
The impact of globalization on public administration in
non-Western and developing nations, however, is not
yet remarkable as opposed to Western and developed

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