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The inaugural Global African Investment Summit ( run in partnership with 4 African
state houses is the only platform that brings together the public and private sectors to discuss
specific transactions, access to finance, and over 30 bankable projects in Sub Saharan Africa
requiring investment and technology transfer.
African Presidents will travel to the event with Finance ministers, sector specific ministers and CEOs
from state owned enterprises to address and hear from the global financial markets, project
implementers, consultants and law firms about co-financing and executing their most pressing
projects in Agribusiness, Natural Resources, Power, and Transport Infrastructure.
For more information about the event and to read additional interviews with key presenters and
attendees please go to

dmg :: events: In your opinion, and were talking about global investment and direct capital
investment into Uganda, what are some of the key things that investors should be aware of
that makes Uganda a favourable place to invest in terms of litigations and market entry?
Hon Elly Karuhanga: Peace, political stability, a great legal framework that can dispense
with yesses as fast as possible and the ability to hold an investors hand as a lawyer and
ensure he goes through the investment bureaucracy and his balance sheet is green.
dmg :: events: A lot of investors are very curious to understand the speed at which they can
repatriate their money, how has Uganda made itself competitive in that space?
Hon Elly Karuhanga: First of all, we liberalise the economy, the political leaders have the
correct political wheel to do that. It required guts, and the political risk that they had to
take. Things did not work out, and they did work out. They put government out of perpetual
begging and were able to build a good budget and can finance almost 80%, if not more, of
the budget. Well before it was not possible to finance even 10%.
They liberalised the currency so you can walk in with money and walk out with more money.
They ensure that the speed at which you get your licences has moved to almost record
levels. Uganda, in competitive terms, was like 120th out of 140 countries, but right now I am
waiting to see the new statistics but you should see Uganda now somersault to a
competitive age.

Our legal fraternity in terms of services is well qualified, our legal is best in the common law
of England. Many of our lawyers are trained in the UK and abroad. We have a very good
trained team of lawyers in this law firm and Kampala Associated Advocates trained in
Aberdeen, in Oil & Gas, in Mining and in financial management. We have a rare quality of
legal services in the country and within this law firm and we have an excellent array of
clients from all over the world, from United States to China to Europe to Africa. We are a
vibrant legal firm and proud of we are associated with a law firm in the United Kingdom,
based in London. And now we are associated with a law firm in Washington, they have
offices in China and Russia, in Dubai or in Canada and in Africa. We are a part of the
international community. So if you come to invest in Uganda, you will not be short of a legal
service that if of International quality.
dmg :: events: What sectors in experience particularly of KAA being very successful in
bringing companies into Uganda and without going into too much detail, the success behind
some of those companies that your organisation has successfully brought in.
Hon Elly Karuhanga: Well we for example, Tullow, it came to Uganda I am sure they were
doubting whether they would find very good lawyers but they found a team here and it was
not surprising that even when they had almost half a billion dollar case in London my
colleagues, my partners here were honoured to be invited to participate in London in those
cases. We have participated in legal cases in France, in London, millions of dollars of cases
where government is being sued by International construction companies. We have been
involved with construction contracts in the United States, and we have always been praised
after that and paid! It is good, we have gained the necessary confidence and been able to
attract international firms to team up with us, in fact, the CEO of London is coming to visit
our office in a few days and we will be going down to Johannesburg with him.
dmg :: events: One of the reasons we are here is the undisputed reputation of the KAA (the
Kampala Associated Advocates) coming into a country from the Western World can
sometimes be a daunting process, what would you like to say on behalf of your organisation
in terms of welcoming people in and carrying them through the process of market entry to
actually becoming a sustainable business.
Hon Elly Karuhanga: They should not make any mistake; on arrival at the airport your first
question when you get into the hotel is where is a good law firm? And once you get that
answer then go to that law firm and they will be able to make sure that you will not make
any mistake in your investments. That is my first recommendation, and then you will be able
to meet committed government officials in the revenue authority, in the investment area, in
the chambers which I chair, will be able to show you if youre in mining or in petroleum, to
show you have to walk the road.
The banking sector, find out which of the banks will be able to deal with you and handle
your banking issues. The insurance sector is vibrant, make sure you have a good investment
and everything else will fall into place and youll be amazed at how quickly youll find that

Ugandans generally are welcoming, happy people. This country is blessed with fantastic
climate and the people are quite happy, they are not miserable because of the weather and
as a result it has warmth, it is shining, business is booming, mining, petroleum, service
sector, ICT, you can speak on the phone to your family anywhere in the world.
We are working on the main infrastructure, what we used to have in the past will be things
of the past. And as I keep saying, Uganda is a 21 year old girl just waiting to get married and
looking for sweethearts and friends who can invest. They just see a flower.
dmg :: events: We are bringing 400 business leaders from around the World at The Global
African Investment Summit on the 20th October 2014, we look forward to seeing you there
and talking through our private sector, financial institutions, oil companies and mining
companies, so you can give them the benefit of your experience and the Kampala
Associated Advocates experience in market entry into Kampala.
Hon Elly Karuhanga: What a great moment, Im looking forward to that day. Thank you.

The Hon Elly Karuhanga was a founding partner of Karuhanga & Co. Advocates, which
merged with three other law firms to form Kampala Associated Advocates in 2001. He
became managing partner in 2006 when the Hon Bart Katureebe left the firm to become a
Justice of the Supreme Court of Uganda.
He is also the Founder President and Chairman, Governing Council, Uganda, Centre for
Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution (CADER) formed in 1998. CADER was
established by Parliament under Act 8 of 2000. He was appointed its Chairman and has
been reappointed every three years to date.
Hon Elly is also President and Director of Tullow Uganda Operations Pty Ltd and is the Senior Adviser, Africa,
for Tullow Oil. He is the Chairman of Uganda Chamber of Mines & Petroleum, an organisation that seeks to
promote and develop Ugandas mining and petroleum operations and services.
Since 2005, Hon Elly has worked in a diplomatic capacity as Honorary Consul of the Republic of Seychelles to
Uganda. He also serves on the boards of many companies, such as DFCU Bank, Nile Breweries (SABMiller),
Bankom Uganda, Equatorial Teak Company, Mweya Safari Lodge, Paraa Safari Lodge and and Chobe Safari
Lodge. He is the founder and Chairman of the Lake Rescue Institute.
He served as a Member of Parliament for Nyabushozi County for 13 years. In Parliament he served as an
elected delegate on the Constitutional Assembly that promulgated the 1995 Uganda Constitution. He also
served as Chairman of the Presidential and Foreign Affairs Committee.

About dmg :: events

dmg :: events is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Daily Mail and General Trust plc (DMGT,,
one of the largest media companies in the United Kingdom. dmg :: events was founded in 1989 and in 20 years
has managed exhibitions, conferences and online platforms for many industries in up to 25 countries.
dmgs Energy events include Gastech, European Autumn Gas Conference, Global Petroleum Show, GO-Expo
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Conference (APIDEC). For further information please visit

The Global African Investment Summit provides a unique opportunity for companies to improve
their brand awareness, better understand bankable projects to date, network with end investors,
and secure more market share in some of the most exciting economies & markets in Africa.
Indeed, the summit will bring together market-movers who have the capacity & experience to
develop mega projects and public sector initiatives across the continent including:
Presidential Investment Advisors
Ministries: Energy, Agriculture, Transport, Finance and ICT.
Government Agencies, National Oil and State Power Companies, Agriculture Ministries,
Communication Agencies and National Investment Bodies
Pension Funds, Family Offices, and HNWI
Attend the Summit and:
Gain an insight into current and future developments in Africa
Meet face-to-face with high profile governmental decision makers
Identify key opportunities to determine long term strategies
Build business relationships, network and forge partnerships with country specific
Understand the legal requirements in entering into business partnerships and investment
Network with end investors looking for investment opportunities in the region
For participation or media inquiries please contact:
George Rutter
Sponsorship Sales Manager
T: +44 (0)203 615 0393
M: +44 (0)771 339 2815

Victor Cruz
Strategic & Commercial Partnerships
T: +44 (0)203 615 2939

Michael Cluskey
Head of Marketing
T: +44 (0)203 615 2862
M: +44 (0)771 413 4683

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