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Vivek mishra

Mob no9415020293,8287233532
1. Quickhelp (android)
Summary-In Quickhelp app I have shown six events viz emergency
contacts, fire, caf, hospital ,police ,My Location and panic alert events.
Through the help of google map (satellite) type nearby given events are
searched using radius as a parameter. We can set the radius in (meter) to
find locations of searched items. List of different places would be present
and on clicking on them would fetch address and phone number , latitude
and longitude. Two buttons and 2. View map features is present .On
clicking on map button we can get the distance between the source and
destination and navigation facility is also available. Walk, Car and bus
travelling time is also available taking the aspects like traffic, shortest
route .In emergency contacts I have provided five contacts detail of the
person and link it to the phone directory.


After the login is successful, the aim is to create an interactive menu. This menu will contain

Visited Companies
The Visited Companiesbutton of menu will correspond to a screen which will show all the visited
company names with blue background. The companies which have not visited the campus will be having
a white background


After the TNP app is closed the application will allow the students to check the old posts offline too. So the
applications data will be saved in the local database so that it can be accessed without internet and the student
doesnt have to connect to the internet for the older posts. Also login information is stored so that the user doesnt
have to login again and again to access the contents of the application

The students are required to be notified immediately about the training and placement information. Hence the
application will generate a notification on the notification bar of the android phone as soon as a post is posted on
the server, whether the application is running or not on the android (internet should be active on the device for the
notification functionality).


As the facebook is the trendiest application these days, the TNP app consists of a similar functionality for the
student-coordinator interaction. The student will be able to comment on the post by clicking on the comment
section. And the local TNP coordinators will be able to reply to the comments by clicking the reply button below
the comment.


Database of the students webkiosk login and all the training and placement posts will be kept at the cloud. As the
student will press the login button the information will be sent to the cloud database for authentication. This will
provide a secure login to the user as all the confidential will be stored in a cloud and is only accessible by the
students of the college.

3. Optical Character Recognition Mobile Application &

Training Using Neural Networks(android)
4. Cab booking & Business Event Updates(android)
5. Quiz and discussion forum:
In this app there is admin mode where admin can add questions and coressponding their
answers and cam also remove the questions this will maintain the dynamic nature of the
quiz.each question will have a time limit of 20 sec and at the end of the final score will be
shown.Admin can review the users and their profile.
admin can see total active users in the app..means those who has account in the app.
Admin can also remove the users.
the 2nd module of the quiz is a discussion foroum in which user can post any question
with their topic names and any user can answer them.How many a prticular question
and answer is seen,the count will also be shown.user can review the question according
to their no. of visiters.And every time the recent question that is asked will be shown in
the users profile. there will be a profie button in which user can see how many quiz
played by him and what his score is.In quiz part the quesion and answers added by the
admin will be shown with their topic name and can be played. User will hae the facility to
play on multiple domain at the same time.
questions nd topic names can be dynamic as admin ad and remove the question

6. Face Detection & Recognition (website ,in C#)

7. Security In Cloud Computing(Application in C#)
8. Desktop Sharing & file Transfer (JAVA)

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