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Basically, this is how I think shits gonna go

down based on other course syllabi I found

on the internet plus outlines in the following
references: Junqueiras Basic Histology Text
and Atlas (13th Edition) and Lewis Human
Genetics Concepts Applications (9th


stu you already know about/have notes on

personal irrelevant/relevant comments

Im gonna be doing the first few parts first
and upload them in PDF (because Pages
users problems), then Ill just add stu
about the later chapters and upload the
new versions.




1. Introduction to histology

2. Microscopy

3. Tissue preparation for study

4. Identification and interpretation of the

basic tissue structures in tissue

II. Eukaryotic Cell

1. Cytoplasm

a. Structure and function

b. Parts

c. Inclusions

2. Nucleus

a. Structure and function

b. Components

- Chromosomes and shit

c. Parts

d. Activity

- Cell cycle

- Cell division




III. Tissues

1. Types

a. Epithelial

b. Connective

- Cartilages




- Loose CT





- Dense CT

Dense regular

Dense irregular

- Osseous

Compact bone

Spongy bone

- Blood

c. Muscular

- Smooth muscle

- Skeletal muscle

- Cardiac muscle

d. Nervous

(all orange parts include types of cell

components (-blasts, -cytes, and -clasts),
function, basic structures and parts,
production, regeneration, growth, repair,
and destruction. Chapters IV onwards are
in-depth and system specific, and I will fix
this outline later on)

IV. Skeletal tissues

Nervous tissues

VI. Muscle tissues

VII. Circulatory tissues

VIII. Lymphatic tissues

IX. Digestive tissues and associates

X. Respiratory tissues

XI. Integumentary tissues

XII. Urinary tissues

XIII. Endocrine glands

XIV. Male reproductive tissues

XV. Female reproductive tissues

XVI. Special senses


histology the study of the tissues of the

body and how these tissues are arranged
to constitute organs. Histology involves
the study of how the cells structure and
arrangement optimize functions specific
to each organ.

tissues composed of interwoven cellular

and non-cellular filaments and fibers with
membranous linings

two interacting components of tissues:

1. cells produce extracellular matrix,
and are sometimes influenced or
controlled by matrix molecules
2. extracellular matrix(ECM) consists
of macromolecules which form
complex structures (ex. collagen fibrils
and basement membranes)
supports the cells and the fluid that
transports nutrients to the cells

carries away the cells catabolites

and secretory products

*cells and ECM interact components

of ECM are recognized by receptors
on cell surfaces, while the receptors
on cell membranes are attached to the
structural components inside the cells.
Tissues operate on this mechanism to
respond to stimuli and inhibitors.

Light Microscopy

light microscopy studying tissues based

on the interaction of light with tissue
components and is used to reveal and
study tissue features in dierent ways

kinds of light microscopy:

bright-field microscopy stained
preparations are examined by means
of ordinary light that passes through
the specimen

fluorescence microscopy tissue

sections are irradiated with ultraviolet(UV) light and the emission is in

the visible portion of the spectrum,
which, when contrasted with a dark
background, appears brilliant.
phase-contrast microscopy used
on unstained samples, it operates on
the principle of light refraction, that is,
when light passes through cellular and
extracellular structures with diering

refractive indices, they appear lighter

or darker, in relation to each other.

confocal microscopy uses a small

point of light (usually laser light) and a
pinpoint aperture which are aligned to
the focal point of the lens so that all
unfocused light will not pass through,
thus giving better resolution and
localization with better precision than
bright-field microscopy

Polarizing microscopy allows the

recognition of stained or unstained
structures made of highly organized
subunits. When normal light passes
through a polarizing filter, it exits
vibrating in only one direction. If a
second filter is placed in the
microscope above the first one, with its
main axis perpendicular to the first
filter, no light passes through. If,
however, tissue structures containing
oriented macromolecules are located
between the two polarizing filters, their
repetitive structure rotates the axis of
the light emerging from the polarizer
and they appear as bright structures
against a dark background (Figure 1
7). The ability to rotate the direction of
vibration of polarized light is called
birefringence and is a feature of
crystalline substances or substances
containing highly oriented molecules,
microtubules, and actin filaments.

Electron Microscopy

electron microscopy operates on the

interaction of tissue components with
beams of electrons. The wavelength in
the electron beam is much shorter than
that of light, allowing a 1000-fold
increase in resolution.

polarizing microscopy I DID NOT


heres what the book says:

kinds of electron microscopy:

transmission electron microscopy
or TEM applies only to isolated
macromolecules or particles, TEM
uses a metallic filament cathode that
emits electrons which move toward an
anode, a metal plate with a central
hole that forms a beam of electrons
passing through it. The beam is
focused by using electromagnets.

Tissue Preparation

*the tissue sections have to be thin and

translucent to allow the light from
microscopes to pass through. The ideal
tissue section is one that has the same
structure and molecular composition as
it had in the body, although in the
preservation process, some components
will be lost or altered.

scanning electron microscopy or

SEM the SEM also uses a narrow

beam of electrons, except that the
beam doesnt pass through the
specimen. Instead, the specimen is
sprayed with a metal coating, such as
gold, and is scanned with the beam,
creating an image from the reflection
of the beam from the specimen,
providing a 3D-view.

steps in tissue preparation:

1. fixation done to prevent or stop
enzymatic processes which digest the
tissues (autolysis), cut tissues are
immersed into fixatives to preserve
their structures. Its basically the HDfier of microscopy.

formalin most common fixative

for light microscopy containing
37% formaldehyde

glutaraldehyde most common

fixative for electron microscopy

*both formalin and glutaraldehyde

react with the amine (NH2) groups
of the tissue proteins to prevent

*double fixation can happen, as in

using buered glutaraldehyde
solution followed by buered
osmium tetroxide. OT preserves
and also stains membrane lipids
as well as proteins.

2. embedding done to obtain rigid

consistency of tissues and makes the
tissue sections easier to cut

paran embedding medium

routinely used in light microscopy

plastic resins embedding

medium used in both light and
electron microscopy

3. sectioning cutting tissue sections

into tinier sections using a microtome.
microtome a machine used to
cut tissue sample into thinner
sections, usually in m(micrometer)

4. staining done to make colorless

cell and ECM visible, and to provide
distinctions between each cell/ECM
basophilic cell components
cell components (ex. nucleic acids)
with a net negative charge (anionic)
and stain more readily with basic

*the anity of basophilic cell

components to basic dyes is due
t o t h e p re s e n c e o f a c i d i c
components in them, such as
(ex. DNA, RNA, and

toluidine blue, alcian blue,

methylene blue, hematoxylin

acidophilic cell components

cationic components (ex. proteins)
with many ionized amino groups
and have anity for acidic dyes
*acidic dyes stain acidophilic
components of tissues such as
mitochondria, secretory granules,
and collagen.

EG, eosin, orange G, and

acid fuchsin

hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)

staining most commonly used
staining technique, and has two
components, hematoxylin and
eosin (duh).

*hematoxylin stains a dark blue

or purple color for acidic
structures (DNA in the nucleus,
RNA-rich portions of cytoplasm,
and the matrix of cartilage)
*eosin stains a pink colour on
other collagen and cytoplasmic

I dont know if this is needed, but here

are the other dyes and their functions:

a. trichromes (ex. Mallory stain,

Masson stain) stain the
nuclei and cytoplasm very well,
and help in distinguishing

extracellular tissue components

better than H&E.

b. other counterstains usually

a single stain that is applied
separately to allow better
recognition of nuclei and other
structures. In H&E staining,
eosin is the counterstain to
c. lipid-soluble dyes used in
revealing lipid-rich structures of
cells, and avoids the use of
treatments that remove lipids
such as paran, heat, and other
organic solvents.
d. Sudan black a lipophilic dye
used in saturating alcohol
solutions to localize cholesterol,
phospholipids, and glycolipids

metal impregnation techniques

not a staining technique, usually
a complement to staining, uses
solutions of silver salts to visualize
certain ECM fibers and specific
cellular elements in nervous tissue.

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