March 2010 - "Build A Home and Leave A Legacy"

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faith journey ~ GELATT family

build a home and leave a legacy
The first desire of every married couple is to build or buy their own home. Much thought and
planning goes into this important decision. They know what they want, and then they put a
plan in action to achieve their goal. Yet, I wonder how many couples approach their mar-
riage and family with that same level of commitment. How many husbands and wives truly
have thought about what the Bible says about building a spiritual home ? How many have a
Biblical plan to leave a Godly legacy?

In 1900, a trace was done on the offspring of Jonathan and Sarah Edwards. Jonathan Ed-
wards (1703-1758) was a theologian, pastor, missionary, and university president. He had a
brilliant mind. At the age of 23, he became a pastor in Massachusetts at the most influential
church in America at that time. He and his wife had 12 children. Just 150 years after his
death, this study into his offspring revealed that this Godly marriage had produced the following:

13 college presidents 65 professors 100 lawyers 30 judges 60 doctors 100 missionaries

80 holders of public office including 3 Senators, 3 mayors of large cities, 3 state governors, and a U.S. Vice President

These generations of the Edwards family carried their Godly worldview into these various occupations, and impacted
scores of people for eternity. All because Jonathan and Sarah had a plan to build a spiritual home, and to leave a Godly

At FamilyLife, we feel that building a strong spiritual home and leaving a Godly legacy are of the utmost importance.
Couples that attend our Weekend to Remember conferences are taught the basic Biblical principles that provide the
proper footing to do just that—build a home and leave a legacy.

Valentine’s weekend kicked off our Weekend to Remember’s for the Spring as 7,791 husbands and wives filled hotel ball-
rooms in 7 cities to “get away and come together” as a couple. They put aside life’s daily distractions to focus on each
other again. Many lives were impacted that weekend, and 708 of those came to know Christ as their Savior and Lord.
708 !!! Imagine if those 708, like Jonathan and Sarah Edwards, seek to build homes and leave legacies with their children
and grandchildren. Imagine the eternal impact!

Here is a quote from one of the 7,791 in attendance:

“My wife and I have been separated for about a year and she had filed for divorce last January…...I asked her to try this confer-
ence. We recommitted to our vows on Saturday night (of the conference) and are planning on moving back together and working on
repairing our relationship with God at the center of our circle!”

a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ Help for today. Hope for tomorrow.

our ministry
AT FAMILY LIFE: to effectively develop godly marriages and families who change the world one home at a time.
TO YOU: to pray for you regularly, communicate what God is doing in our lives, and tell how He is using us to minister.
branson trip
We are bringing a group of couples to the Branson Weekend to Re-
member conference which takes place March 26-28th. Several cou-
ples from Kansas and Arkansas will attend the conference to step
away from the daily grind of life. Life has a way of overwhelming
every marriage. The Weekend to Remember is a chance to make a “always praying joyfully in
change. It’s a time to rediscover each other and find more intimacy in your life together. every one of my prayers for
Please pray as Johanna and I are there, that we may be refreshed as a couple, and that we all of you
may be open to minister, as well. We want people to leave the conference with encourage- because of your partnership
ment, hope, and practical tools to build and grow their relationship. If you would like to at- in the gospel from the first
tend as a couple, or if you know someone who would like to attend, please contact us ASAP. day until now.”
We are able to offer you a substantial discount if you contact us directly. Philippians 1:4-5
This is a life changing weekend you will not soon forget—it truly is a Weekend to Remember. prayer items
Weekend to Remember 01
family scrapbook Our conferences have kicked off
for 2010. Pray that God will
bring people, and that lives and
marriages will be changed for
Holland Chapel 02
Unexpected ministry! Our
church in Benton has some ways
in which we can use our gifts
and talents to serve the body
here. Please pray for wisdom.
More details to come later.
Snow Day in Arkansas! The Ministry Preview 03
kids were so excited. Several couples will be coming
to Little Rock from March 17-21.
These couples are coming to
preview Family Life to deter-
The kids at play, and with
mine if God is calling them into
some new friends.
the mission field with us. Please
pray for wisdom.
Branson WTR 04
We are bringing several couples
from Kansas and Arkansas to
the Branson Weekend to
Remember (March 26-28). Pray
for us as we minister that
weekend in Branson!

contact us
1718 Foxrun Road
Emma’s new Benton, AR 72019

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