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October 2015

News from the Spradlins

News from the Spradlin's in South America

Vol. 7 No. 10

Regeneration and Rejuvenation

What a great month October was! Another soul was added to the Lords body. Praise God! Many
missionary men from all over South America had an opportunity to come together for a special
conference to be rejuvenated and encouraged. Also, Andrea and I celebrated 20 years of marriage this
October. Its been a month full of blessings and we give all the glory to our Creator! We hope you will
enjoy reading this months report from the mission field of Paraguay. We appreciate your support, your
love, and your prayers for us. God bless! - Troy and Andrea

Developments at the Ave. Sacramento

Iglesia de Cristo
Baptism! Mario Atteta was baptized on October 4th by
his father, Diosnel Atteta, who is our brother in Christ.
Mario has been studying with his dad for several years and
thinking about his baptism. He just wants to be pleasing to
God and to be a good person. You might remember that in
September 2013 we reported that Diosnel had been
restored to the church after a very long absence. We
praise God for the spiritual growth we see in both of them!
Every two years there is a special mens conference, or
Mario Atteta about to be baptized into Christ
retreat, that is offered to English-speaking missionary men
(Galatians 3:27) by his dad, Diosnel.
who are serving all over South America. It is called
Connections (formerly known as CCC) and is designed for missionary care. A special team of
elders, teachers, preachers, and counselors come down to a retreat site in Brazil, where everyone
meets up to offer their services and support for these good missionary men. The idea is to help them
develop better connections with:
(1) God, (2) other missionaries, and
(3) the serving team. This was my
third time to attend and each one
has just gotten better. I come home
feeling completely rejuvenated and
excited to get back to work, laboring
in the Lords vineyard! I would like to
thank all those who made this retreat
possible. It is a truly valuable service
that is greatly appreciated!
2015 Connections - a mens missionary care conference
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October 2015

News from the Spradlins

Contacts / Bible Studies /

Activities / Opportunities
Andrea has continued her
weekly Searching for Truth
Bible studies with Rosa,
Beln, Claudia, and Andrs,
and with her Learn English
Using the Bible student,
She also had a special project
helping Gabriel Desvars with
the scholarship application and
interview process for a
university in Korea. He made it
to the final round which
included a personal interview in

Andrea coaching Gabriel with a mock

scholarship interview in English

I had the opportunity to preach

at Ave Sacramento this past
month on The Churchs
Responsibility Toward Her
Missionaries. It was focused
mainly on how we can properly
support Eliezer, our missionary
for ASIDC, in his work that he
is doing in emby.
Andrea has started a fitness
program to help one of our
members that lives nearby. The
idea was just to help with her
physical problems, but
spending 6 mornings a week
together, it has also become a
great time of spiritual bonding
and encouragement. The two
of them are also using it to
evangelize a neighbor and
have plans to reach out to
others that visit the park!

We have started a new series of Bible study lessons focusing

on The Christian Home and have divided the lessons among
the brethren for teaching. The first few lessons went very well
and, since we have several new families among the
congregation, we pray these lessons will provide some
necessary, spiritual nourishment that will help them grow.
The students of the Asuncion Bible Academy have been busy
with several short courses this past month. We had our brethren
Enrique Morales and Osvaldo Rodriguez teaching their classes
from the USA via the video system, and Ave. Sacramentos own,
Ike Yegros, teaching Romans here in the classroom.

(Above) Photo and post from Andreas Facebook page:

Crime is pretty high here in Paraguay, but most of it has been relatively
non-violent. However, the incidence of violent crime has been increasing
and we've been getting reports that have been a little unnerving,
including an email from our own US Embassy. Troy decided to teach me
some self-defense moves, then word got out and it turned into a class for
all the ladies in the church. We had our first class yesterday and it should
last about a month. I look forward to practicing throwin' 'bows as my
homework for this week!
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October 2015

News from the Spradlins

Personal Developments and Activities

We celebrated twenty years of marriage!!! I was in Brazil on the
actual day, but we had already taken a vacation earlier in the year
to celebrate. Then, once I returned, we enjoyed a nice dinner at
one of Andreas favorite restaurants in Asuncion.
Andreas Las Amigas club - Andrea has been quite busy in
her role as Vice-President, organizing several social and
fundraising activities for Las Amigas, including a special viewing
of the local Paraguayan film, La Chiperita to raise money for
their projects.
Post from Andreas Facebook page: Since going-out date nights
never seem to happen for us (except for special occasions), we
are trying to start a new tradition of stay-at-home-and-cooktogether date nights. Last night was the first and we made Steak
Tacos with Homemade Tortillas. We had SO MUCH FUN doing
this!!! Crazy how cooking together is how we started out dating,
then we never thought of it again in 20 years of marriage!

Celebrating 20 years of marriage with

this beautiful lady!!

My sweet grandmother, Aileen Mimi Spradlin, passed away this past

month, on October 8th. She was 92 years old and was my last living
grandparent. She was a wonderful lady - a loyal wife, a loving mother, a doting
grandmother, and a successful business woman. She was laid to rest in
Chandler, Texas. According to my Aunt Shara, the day she was buried was also
the day she had married my grandfather, 75 years ago.
DISCOVERING PARAGUAY - Local movies: La Chiperita

Paraguays latest movie production - a love story

that shows a lot of Paraguayan culture

Andrea and I went to see one of Paraguays latest locally

produced movies, The Chiperita. It was produced by Hugo
Cataldo Barudi, the son of one of Andreas friends from the Las
Amigas club.
Here is a summary of the movie:
In a small town in Paraguay lives a young lady named,
Virgilia. She is a chipera (someone who sells chipa a
Paraguayan cheese bread) and she is in love with Walter, the
cute kid who works in the toll booth in her town and who has
been her best friend since childhood. Juanita, her best girl
friend, lives in a world of soap operas and advises Virgilia that
she should confess her love to Walter, but Virgilia doesnt dare
do so because she is afraid he will reject her.
Meanwhile, Virgilia's mother, Candelaria, is worried about
her son, Anselmo, who is living in Spain. She hasnt heard from
him for quite some time and his disappearance has caused a
lack of money that is needed to pay the bills, which he would
send them monthly to help.
Virgilia decides that she must face reality, letting go of her
illusions of love and recognizing that without the help of anyone
else but herself, she must support her family.
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October 2015

News from the Spradlins

Personal Studies

THANK YOU! to all of

our generous supporters!
Margaret Street church of Christ
(Sponsoring Congregation)
6745 Margaret Street,
Milton, FL 32570
Central Avenue church of Christ
Valdosta, GA
Dripping Springs church of Christ
Dripping Springs, TX
Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ
West Palm Beach, FL
Poolville church of Christ
Poolville, TX
Families of: Clay Bond / Chet Brown
/ Virginia Guess

Asuncin Bible Academy

Supporters / Contributors
Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ
(Stateside Administrator)
4067 Leo Lane
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Bear Valley church of Christ Denver, CO
Broadway church of Christ Paducah, KY
Carriage Oaks church of Christ Bossier City, LA
Central Avenue church of Christ Valdosta, GA
Jay church of Christ - Jay, FL
Poolville church of Christ Poolville, TX
Anonymous Families / Individuals
( AZ, FL, TN, TX)

Currently Reading/Have Read:

Mans Search for Meaning by
Viktor Frankl
A Response to Grace: Putting
Baptism in its Place by Boyd
Current Bible reading: Jeremiah,
Lamentations, Philemon - Hebrews
Joo - Novo Testamento
I have been preparing my lessons
for classes for the next quarter: 1
and 2 Kings, History of the
Church, and Church Planting.
I am still working on reconstructing
the Spanish workbook I wrote,
Fundamentals of the Faith, with
its newly edited pages, to prepare
it for sending to the publishers
soon! Hopefully by this January.

Andrea attended a
fundraising luncheon for the
Las Damas Internacionales
to raise money for a place
outside the city that helps
children with cancer. The
event was an Indian theme
and Andrea was used as a
model to demonstrate how
to put on an Indian Sari.

Would you like to help the Paraguay Mission? You
can by becoming one of our Prayer Partners and
praying for the work. Below are several specific
items for which to pray.
For the growth of the church in Paraguay
The spiritual growth of each member
To appoint elders and deacons soon
More churches planted in other cities
For the Asuncion Bible Academy
The students and their studies
The teachers and their preparations
More available teachers and supporters
For missionaries Troy and Andrea
Security and safety while working in Paraguay
Successful Bible studies
More potential study contacts
Good health
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