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2015 has been an eventful year for Nigeria. The unprecedented dip in oil prices has posed a
fresh challenge to the nations oil mono-economy and the effects are being felt in sustenance
and creation of jobs, availability of petroleum products, cash flow and general well-being.
The general elections presented an opportunity for the nation to showcase itself to the world on
her readiness (or not) to strengthen her democratic process. Successful, with the political will of
President Jonathan, the sense of responsibility of INEC and her scribe, Professor Attahiru Jega,
the soaring interest of Nigerians in their democratic process and a virile opposition mounted by
the All Progressives Congress (APC) and her presidential candidate- the current President
Muhammadu Buhari. Indeed, if nominations for the most influential Nigerian personality of the
year are taken, these names would be the major contenders.
However, seven months into the new administration, the most virile (sincere) Buhari supporters
have genuine reasons to hope that their expectations of change arent mirages while his
vehement opposition cannot but agree that he has provided a glimmer of hope.
On the process of resetting our psyche away from endemic corruption, on the foreign policy
front, in the fight against terrorism and seemingly practical plans for the year ahead as detailed
in the 2016 budget, the President has shown the will to deliver on his promises. Individuals who
few months ago were all powerful and siphoned the nations resources are either asking for
forgiveness, being prosecuted or trailed. The last time the nation made such gigantic move
against alleged high-calibre national looters on this scale was during Obasanjos regime- eight
years ago!
The fight against terrorism has picked-up (similar to the sub-par progress achieved in the final
months of the Jonathan administration) from the dip that was experienced in the first two
months of the Buhari tenure. Interestingly, the major challenge in the fight against terrorism,
may be the bridling of premature claims of the Minister of Information or the tenure and the
nipping of creating tomorrows Boko Haram through handling groups such as Zarias Shiites,
IPOB and their leaders.
Buharis timely and personal presentation of the 2016 budget to the National Assembly is
praiseworthy. His words, apologies and plans resonated beyond the hallowed chamber he
addressed to the hearts of Nigerians that have been starved of explanations from the President.
Although the hope stirred is being threatened by revelations of high recurrent costs on items like
feeding, presidential upkeep, on-going works in Aso Rock etc. and the huge budget deficit of
2trillion naira; the funding of critical sectors of health, defence, works and education with the
high premium on capital expenditure makes the budget a good deal, if well implemented.
The level of hope, however, that this administration has given thus far, is tainted by some
missteps. If the mind of the President is a good index of an administrations ethos, the last major
civic engagement event of 2015, the maiden Presidential media chat, unearthed some
distressing facts.
The president in few of his responses tacitly alluded to his administrations disrespect for the rule
of law. He could have simply stated that subsequent re-arrests of initially bailed persons were on
account of new evidences and not disregard to previous court injunctions. His reference to
Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) versus the rights of bailed persons to travel out of the
country tended towards argumentum ad passions- legal battles are decide in courts and results
must be obeyed to the letter. The President must not strive to make us feel he thinks otherwise.
Similarly, his responses to the Nnamdi Kanu (IPOB leader) question and the suggested probe of
the militarys involvement in the Shiites attack reeked of impunity and a semi-converted military
dictator. These are only few inches away from what happened in Odi and Zaki-Biam under
President Obasanjos watch.
If the Presidents utterances on the rule of law are pardonable, the ones he made in response to
the questions about the economy arent. The president must continually be available,
impromptu, to provide near-accurate information on his governments policies, their rationale
and how issues surrounding them affect Nigerians, especially when it robs them of necessities
like petrol or the ability to pay for a good across borders.

On 2016s eve therefore, the form and function of the Buhari administration appear bitter-sweet.
Akin to a kid that earned an aggregate of 45% in his examinations- enough to be promoted to
the next class but meagre for a parents wish. The parents (Nigerians) are at a loss as to the
index to judge the kid (Buharis tenure) - the inherent potential of the child to transcend 45% or
the rumination on how 55% was failed.
2016 presents a fresh template for the Buhari presidency. There should be a balanced approach
to the rule of law, continuous articulation of sector-by-sector innovations and plans, active citizen
engagement, institutions building and fairness to supporters and oppositions alike.
Nigerias economy would pose recurring challenges and the President and his team must rise to
the challenge of breaking down these effects to the average Nigerian, distant from the 50kobosubsidy removal-deregulation dilly-dallying that currently applies in the oil sector.
The enormous challenge of infrastructure, works and public services development would stare
the team in the face while corrupt public servants and citizens will continually fight back.
Delivering change or leaving only their shadows behind would be the choice of Mr. President and
his team.

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