February 2016 Emmanuel Newsletter

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Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Norwich, New York


Greetings and happy winter
to all! It seems that the mild
temperatures we enjoyed during
December have ended, and
January has brought us a proper
central New York winter. I
anticipate that February will bring
us more snow, ice, and colder
temperaturesthe perfect recipe
for retreating indoors to find
warmth and comfort.
My grandsons UPK
teacher planned a lesson on
hibernation that I thought was
quite appropriate for the
season and for the drop in
temperatures. After the lesson,
each of the children wrote a story
detailing their personal hibernation
planwhere they would choose to
hibernate, how long they would
sleep, and of course the list of
must-have items that they
couldnt live without. Levis story
was very cute and endearinghe
plans to hibernate at school
(because it is the coolest place on
earth), and he is going to sleep for
one hundred and twenty years. His
must have list includes: hot
dogs, French fries from
McDonalds, a few toys, and his
bed (which apparently is very easy
to carry).
Of course, his cute
little story made me smile proudly,
but it also got me thinking about

what my hibernation plan might

look like. Where would I choose to
lay my head and my heart? How
long would I slumber? What items
would be on my must-have list?
And as I asked myself those
questions, I realized that what I was
actually doing was working out the
details of my plan for spiritual
practice for the upcoming season of
Lent, which begins on February 10.
Each year, I intentionally
and prayerfully choose at least one
or more spiritual practices to reflect
inward and draw closer to God.
Over several years of doing this, I
have come to love and enjoy the
reflective season of Lent. I look
forward to each season with
anticipation, as I learn to develop a
deeper understanding of how God is
at work in me and in the world
around me. This year, I have
purchased a book of daily
reflections titled, Meeting Jesus on
the Margins: Meditations on
Matthew 25. This book of
meditations, written by a variety of
faith leaders, is designed to
heighten awareness of the places
and spaces where we meet Jesus
through service to people on the
margins. I am also planning to join
up with Diocesan youth to
participate in Lent Madness 2016.
Lent Madness is a Lenten

devotion that combines a flair for
sports with daily devotional
learning centered around the lives
of 32 saints.
There are many ways to
deepen your spiritual journey
through Lent. Some people
choose fasting as their spiritual
practice fasting from various
foods, or even from daily habits
(like changing negative thinking
to a focus on the positive; or
fasting from too much activity
and intentionally slowing down).
Rather than letting go of
something, many people choose
to add something like a daily
meditation or prayer, daily
exercise, or planting a garden.
Others may choose to offer their
service to others by supporting a
new project. Whatever the choice,
the purpose of adding a spiritual
practice during Lent is to
intentionally draw closer to God,
to reconnect in ways that are
life-giving, and to strengthen your
journey with Christ - within you
and in the world.
May we all be blessed
with a fruitful Lenten season that
fills our hearts with the Lord!

February Birthdays & Anniversaries

1 Timothy Thompson

15 Michael Schlafer

4 Carrie Sue LaCoe; Caleb Loomis

16 Susan Gracin-Sperry

6 Olive Sturges

22 Emily Murphy,

7 Kristin Harris; Kathy Wells

Jamie & Gregory Maistros

23 Francis Carnachan

8 Joanne Woodard; Caden Stone

9 Tammy Sullivan

26 Starr Carroll; Jeffrey Woodard

10 Joshua Dye; Jacqueline Kreiner

27 Deborah Cassavaugh;

12 Kisten Giglio

Carter Campbell; Thad Loomis

13 Richard Thompson

28 Cassandra Slater

14 Thomas Smith
Madalyn Jones
Are you or a loved one going into the hospital? Would you like to be
added to the prayer list or have a visit from Fr. Chuck or Mother Lisa?
Please contact: The Church Office at 607-334-8801 or 607-847-6361
and let us know.









Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18





2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2


Philippians 3:17-4-1


Luke 9: 28-36, (37-43a)


Luke 13:31-35


Deuteronomy 26: 1-11


Isaiah 55:1-9


91:1-2, 9-16


63: 1-8


Romans 10: 8b-13


2 Corinthians 10:1-3


Luke: 4:1-13


Luke 13:1-9


Ash Wednesday

Stations of the Cross During Lent

Wednesday at St. Andrews @
7:00 p.m. led by Joan Axtell
beginning on February 17, 2016.
Friday at Emmanuel @ 4:30 p.m.
led by Gary Brookins beginning on
February 12, 2016.

February 10 @
9:00 a.m. at
10:00 a.m. at Valley
View Nursing Home
11:00 a.m. @ Chase
Nursing Home
7:00 p.m. Ecumenical
Worship @ Christ

During Lent we will meet at St. Matthews on Thursday Evenings at 6:00 p.m.
for a series on Embracing Forgiveness. The evening will begin with a covered dish meal
and followed by a series dealing with forgiveness.
Each of us at times have been confronted by the need to forgive or to be
Forgiven. We will discover what forgiveness is and what it isnt. And hopefully, we will
draw closer to God as we ask help to forgive others and even learn to forgive ourselves.

Chenango County Habitat for Humanity will be holding its

2016 Souper Bowl on March 12, 2016 at the Norwich
YMCA from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The event will include
the sampling of soups from various Chenango County
restaurants, entertainment, dessert and beverage at the
cost of $7.00 at the door, $6.00 advance. Various raffles
will be available such as baskets, 50/50, and door prizes.
Bake Sale, Basket raffle, 50/50 raffle will start at 9:00 am

F e b r u a r y

2 0 1 6



Emmanuel Episcopal Church

The Reverend Lisa Busby
The Very Reverend Charles Taylor
P O Box 203
Norwich, NY 13815
Phone: 607-334-8801 or 847-6361


Editor: Fran Nash

Phone: 607-334-8801
Email: emmanuelchurch@frontiernet.net

Were on the Web:


To Know Christ And To Make Him Known!

Remember the Church in Your Will!

Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016


Mac-N-Cheese, Roll:
Beverage & Dessert

The 184th Annual Meeting of Emmanuel*

was held Sunday, January 24 beginning with the
9:30 a.m. Worship. The Annual Meeting was
informative as Fr. Chuck commended all for their
contributions in 2015. An overview of 2015 was
presented with old and new business being
covered as well.
The current Vestry for 2016 is: WardensDave Loomis and Jim Everard; Vestry-Sandra
Colton, Kai Loomis, Tony & Kisten Giglio, Gary
Tompkins and Sharon Everard.
*Extra copies of the Annual Report for 2015 are
available in the Church Office.

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