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Holy Cross Lutheran Church

1495 Underwood
Atwater, Ca. 95301 Tel. 209-358-3471
Sunday Service 10:15 Sunday School 8:45

Web site:

Volume 36
No. 02
FEB 2016

Daily Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries

In Christ I remain His servant and yours, Pastor Ken Klaus

"Living Advertisements" January 15, 2016

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making His appeal through us. We implore
you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For our sake He made Him to be sin who
knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.
2 Corinthians 5:20-21
This last October I was driving down the street and saw a giant gorilla doll.
This six-foot doll was placed out in front of a party store in our neighborhood. You know,
this is the kind of store that rents costumes and all kinds of party paraphernalia for birthdays,
anniversaries and holiday events throughout the year.
As I was passing by, I thought to myself, the owners of that store better watch out or
someone is going to steal that gorilla. A gorilla like that would look good in a college
dorm or a fraternity house.
I was just about past the store when the doll turned and waved at me!
Before I knew what I was doing, in shock, I waved back. That's when I realized that this
particular gorilla wasn't a stuffed doll or robot. There was a real, live person inside that suit.
The gorilla was a living advertisement for the party store. Although I get impressed easily,
this was a pretty impressive thing.
Has it ever occurred to you that we are to be living advertisements for the Savior?
Now, I know some folks might object to the word "advertise" when it's used that way. If you
are among those who feel that way, let me share that this word "advertise" originally meant
"to turn toward." So, in its purest form, we are advertising or turning people toward Jesus.
That's something we -- and the rest of God's people -- should never be ashamed to do.
Read through Scripture and you will find many others who were God's living advertisements.
* Moses advertised the Messiah when he, by inspiration of the Holy
Spirit, had foretold that the Savior, as He died for us, would have
none of His bones broken (see Exodus 12:46;John 19:36).
* Suffering Job taught us all to cling to the promise that Jesus would
be a Redeemer, the One who would, at the cost of His life, give us
eternal life (see Job 19:25-27; Galatians 4:4).

* King David was a living advertisement to the Lord's resurrection when he wrote that God's
Son would not, in death, see decay (see Psalm 16:8-10; Acts 2:27).
* Hundreds of years before Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Isaiah served as a living
advertisement when He shared that the Shepherd would die for His sheep (see
Isaiah 40:10-11; John 10:11). Of course, Isaiah went much further than that. He also wrote
that Jesus would be scourged and spat upon (see Isaiah 50:6; Matthew 26:67); rejected by
His people (see Isaiah 52:13; Mark 15:3-4); that He would be silent when He was accused
(see Isaiah 53:7; Mark 15:3); and that He would be crucified with criminals (see Isaiah
53:12; John 12:37-38).
The Old Testament is filled with living advertisements to Jesus. But so is the
New Testament. From John the Baptist to John the apostle and evangelist, God has raised
up people to point others to the Savior.
It is no different today as the Lord has raised us up to direct a lost world to the blood-bought
forgiveness which is theirs because of the Savior. It is no different as the Lord has asked us
to be His Son's living advertisers.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, may I consider it an honor to direct the lost to their Redeemer.
May the Holy Spirit touch their hearts so they may know the joys of having their sins
forgiven. In the Savior's Name I ask it. Amen.

"Deadbeat Believers" January 26, 2016

He will not always chide, nor will He keep His anger forever. He does not deal with us
according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens
are above the earth, so great is His steadfast love toward those who fear Him.
Psalm 103:9-11
A "deadbeat dad" is not a deceased father who used to play the drums. In modern lingo a
deadbeat dad is a parent who has failed to make court-ordered child support payments.
As of right now, the State of Arizona has recognized 421 deadbeat parents. These are
mostly men who, over the last five years, have run up sizable amounts which they owe for
the raising of their children.

The question Arizona has been asking is what to do with these negligent parents?
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey thinks he may have an answer. He says Arizona is going to
publicly embarrass these "losers" (his words, not mine). That's right. Arizona is going to use
a Twitter account to publish the photos and the names of these parents. In a public statement
the governor gave notice, saying, "For too long, you've been able to remain anonymous,
able to skirt your financial and legal responsibilities with no shame. If you don't want your
embarrassing, unlawful, and irresponsible behavior going viral: man up and pay up."
Officials report that two dads have already responded: one of whom owes his family more
than $170,000.
Now I don't know if such a course of action is wise, or fair, or if it is even legal. I do know I
am glad the Lord doesn't treat His people that way. Think of how it would be if the Lord
went on Twitter or Facebook and said something like
* "Last year I gave John Q. Christian a salary of $100,000. During that same time period he
showed his appreciation by giving $5 to his church."
* "For the last decade I have, with the exception of a single bout with the flu and two colds,
given John Christian good health. He complained about the sickness, but he never thanked
me for his good health."
* "John was confirmed 30 years ago. Since that time his church has offered Communion
over 1,200 times. During that same time period John has received the Sacrament 23 times,
and none of those times has been in the last six years."
No, the Lord doesn't work that way. Instead, our God's steadfast love waits for His people
to respond to the great gift of salvation Jesus made in His life, suffering, death and
resurrection. Although God will not wait forever, He knows that those who have truly
seen His redemption are going to have appreciative hearts.
He knows His people will never respond to Jesus by being deadbeat believers.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, in the manger, on the cross, and at the empty tomb, I
have seen Your love. May my heart be filled with thanksgiving for the forgiveness and
salvation which Your Son has won for me. This I ask in the Savior's Name. Amen.

"Respect" January 27, 2016

And all the angels were standing around the throne and around the
elders and the four living creatures, and they fell on their faces before
the throne and worshiped God, saying, "Amen! Blessing and glory and
wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our
God forever and ever! Amen." Revelation 7:11-12
Respect, that's a word and a concept, which has fallen out of favor.
Respect. Watch the evening news and keep tabs on what you see.
Almost always the reports will begin with a lack of respect. There's the
video footage of a mangled car where someone decided to disrespect
the railroad crossing's flashing lights, ringing bells, and descending crossbuck barriers. There
is also the story of the latest terrorist bombing where some religious fanatic has decided that
his point of view is so important that he has a mandate to disrespect and destroy the lives of
innocent men, women and children.
Those tragedies have one thing in common. They are all accounts that show no respect.
Most of our Daily Devotions folk will not argue when I suggest that today respect is in
serious and short supply. Most of us remember President Franklin Delano Roosevelt who
was crippled by polio. No matter what you think of him as a leader, it must be conceded
that he waged a heroic fight against that disease.
The media of his day respected that battle.
Although Roosevelt served as president longer than any other man, and was unable to walk,
unaided during that entire time, there are only two known pictures of him in a wheelchair.
Today, let a leader fall, become sick, or stumble in a speech, and a disrespectful press will
gleefully gloat and splash the story across its front pages. It will suggest we judge that entire
individual on the basis of that slip or stumble.
I imagine it's not the first time in history that respect hasn't, well, been respected. Here's
what an observer of society once said: "... our youths love luxury. They have bad manners,
contempt for authority -- they show disrespect for their elders and love to chatter in places
of exercise .... Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households."
Do you agree? Well, that was said by Socrates, the Athenian philosopher. He said those
words almost 2,500 years ago. You see, lack of respect is nothing new. In fact, if you think
about it, when Adam and Eve decided they knew better than God and ate the forbidden fruit,
that choice was motivated by a lack of respect.
In contrast to those who elevate themselves, Christians should be different.

Because of the Savior's sacrifice, because we have been moved from darkness to light,
because we have been forgiven, restored and redeemed, we should always show respect to
the Lord. We ought to join our voices with those who stand before the heavenly throne and
say, "Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be
to our God forever and ever! Amen."
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord when I speak Your Name, may it be done with honor and
respect. May all around me know the gratitude I have for all You have done for me.
This I ask in my Redeemer's Name. Amen.

Use these devotions in your newsletter and bulletin! Used by permission; all rights reserved by the Int'l LLL (LHM).

An Ash Wednesday prayer

Dear righteous Lord, we enter the holy season of Lent confessing
our many sins that separate us from you. Were sincerely sorry for
offending you repeatedly through our thoughts, our words and our
actions and often through our inactions, too.
Forgive us, Lord, and show us your tender mercy. Restore and
strengthen us to become your faithful and faith-filled servants.
During our Lenten journey, remind us to show mercy to other
people, just as youve shown mercy to us. In Jesus name, amen.
An early start to spring cleaning
Although Lent starts early this year, before spring appears in many areas, its an appropriate
time for spring cleaning. Indeed, Lent comes from old German and English words for
spring. So, while it might be too soon to open windows or hang clothes on the line, now is
ideal for some spiritual spring cleaning.
Lent calls us to examine our beliefs, confess and dispose of old grudges and selfish habits,
dust off our Bibles for a new routine of study and prayer, air out our hearts and brighten up
our attitudes. Lent cleaning lets the Holy Spirit freshen our faith and its never too early
for that.

Love all you do

Blogger Rachel Macy Stafford gained a following by admitting shed acquired the disease
of distraction. Her children and family paid the price for her dependence on technology and
a super-packed schedule.
In Hands Free Mama (Zondervan), Stafford describes how she made room to live, breathe
and appreciate each day. One step involved changing the slogan on the front of her planner
from Do It All to Love All I Do.
Now Stafford encourages others to take a Hands Free Pledge, letting go of distraction,
disconnection and perfection to live a life that simply, so very simply, consists of what really
What defines us
When their minivan was hit by a drunk driver, Gerald Sittser lost his mother, wife and
daughter all at one time. Sittser, a religion professor, escaped without physical injury but
was then forced to navigate his extreme loss. Eventually he
concluded that the experience of loss does not need to be
the defining moment of our story (quoted in AHA, by
Kyle Idleman). Instead, the defining moment can be our
response to the loss, Sittser says.
In this world you will have trouble, Jesus warns in John 16:33 (NIV) no sugar-coating
or pretending there. But then he says, Take heart! Jesus doesnt want our troubles to define
us; he wants to define us! The defining truth of our story is that Jesus has overcome the
world even at its worst. Hes stronger than our struggles and sorrows. And in him, so are
we. Heidi Mann
Grateful for grace
John Newton, a slave-ship captain who became a minister and abolitionist, had a special
affinity for grace. In fact, he wrote the hymn Amazing Grace to celebrate the freedom that
God gives to Christians.
I am not what I ought to be, Newton said. I am not what I want to be. I am not what I
hope to be. But still, I am not what I used to be. And by the grace of God, I am what I am.


At a time of deep struggle

in Elijahs life, God made
his presence known to
him. How?
A. In a strong and
destructive wind
B. In an earthquake
C. Through fire
D. Through silence

Answer: D (See 1 Kings 19:9-12, NRSV.)

LWML Meeting
Irene Iken opened the meeting with prayer.

January 11, 2016

Minutes from the last meeting were presented and approved.

Correspondence needing no action will be posted. Mary Rahn will take the large print
LWML Quarterly to share with St. Pauls Church, Merced.
Mary Rahn presented the Treasurers report. The report will be filed for audit.
Love Gift: Mary Rahn moved that the Love Gift be sent to Joy of
Harvest Hmong ministry. Lillian seconded the motion. The motion
The offering was collected.
Irene Iken fed the Birthday Pig.
Christian Growth: None.
Old Business:
Country Pantry proceeds discussion will be tabled until the next meeting.
New Business:
Are the LWML ladies interested in hosting a Sweet Sale February 7? The consensus is yes.
It will be decided at the next meeting where the proceeds will be used.
Mites were collected. Irene Iken read the Mite devotion, Redeeming Life Maternity Home.
The meeting was closed with the Lords Prayer.

LWML CNH Convention to be held at the

Wyndham Hotel in
Visalia , CA on April 15-17, 2016.



The Navajo Nation is the largest native people group in the United States. Over the years,
the Rocky Mountain District LWML and LWML have reached out to the Navajo people. In
1969 a parsonage and guest house were built for Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
in Navajo, New Mexico. In 1979 an LWML Mission Grant funded the construction of an
educational wing. The community was growing, and under the leadership of a young pastor,
the future looked bright. Eight years ago the pastor retired leaving no one to serve the
worshipers who remained. Lack of employment opportunities and behaviors that often
accompany poverty began to dim the light of hope. In 2013 however, Tim Norton, a trained
DCE and former LCMS missionary to Africa, was called as a missionary-at-large to the
Navajo people.
In partnership with Lutheran Indian Ministries, Norton is working to establish after school
enrichment programs for children, Boys/Girls Clubs, youth camps, a mens Bible group, and
a support group for abused women. Mentoring and training Navajo people for lay-leadership
opportunities is another vital part of this program.
In 2014, four Navajo men accompanied Norton to Alaska to work with the Athabaskan
people of Minto, Alaska, to restore a cultural recovery camp. The Navajo people once
migrated from that area, and Athabascan and Navajo are both from the Din people group.
This reconnection and celebration of a common heritage, and the opportunity to share the
Gospel, will offer mutual long term benefits.
It is with hopeful and thankful hearts that the LWML reaches out to our Navajo brothers
and sisters. May our mite offerings truly help to bring hope and healing to the Navajo people.

An underappreciated faith hero

Saul, who was converted from persecutor of Christians to the foremost evangelist Paul, is a
tremendous role model for surrendering ones life to Jesus. But another man in that story
warrants celebration, too.
Ananias, a disciple of Jesus, lived in Damascus when Saul was led there, blind from his
bright-light encounter with Jesus. The Lord told Ananias to visit Saul, lay hands on him and
restore his sight (see Acts 9:11-12). Not surprisingly, Ananias resisted; he knew of Saul and
his violence toward Christians. Yet the disciple surrendered and obeyed.
To top it off, when Ananias arrived, he spoke the warmest of greetings: Brother Saul
He didnt just call Saul by name, nor did he berate him. Despite initial misgivings, Ananias
claimed this former enemy as a fellow member of Gods family. What an act to follow!


Live Auction,
Silent Auction,
Dessert Auction,
Gift Raffle,
Please continue to support the

50/50 Cash Raffle,

Love Plus ministry with your

Elegant Dinner


prayers. The following are

& Fellowship!

Find out more

some of the current needs for

about Love INC &

the program:

Tickets are $35- each or

discover various


Table of 8 for $245-

opportunities to serve.
All are invited

Ride Volunteers
Ride Volunteers
Child Care Volunteers

Tickets Available:

to attend either of

Hoffmeister Center

our upcoming

1920 Canal Street, Merced

Volunteer Orientations.

Hope Christian Store

Thursday, April 14th

3144 G Street, Suite 145,


10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.


New Life Community

Thursday, May 19th

Church of Atwater

10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

2124 First Street, Atwater,

To find out more

Rooms 9 & 10

please contact the

Clearinghouse Coordinator

Friday, March 18 2016

6pm to 9pm

Also Available online

383.7034x110 or



Gateway Community Church

353 E. Donna Dr., Merced

209-383-7034 ext. 130


In 2015, Love INC had the privilege of meeting the needs of 589 families.

This yearwith your continual prayers and supportwe aim to continue

serving more community members in need.


Mobilizing local churches to transform lives and communities in the Name of Christ.

In 2015...
Love INC volunteers served 4,064 hours.
Love INC received 6,118 clearinghouse calls and processed 1,683 requests.
Love INC helped meet 1,208 childrens needs with one or more services.
Love INC helped meet 986 adult needs with one or more services.
Love INC graduated 35 Love Plus Participants and trained 27 new mentors.
Love INC individuals, businesses, foundations, organizations and churches donated
$122,794 and more than 730 furniture and household items to support our ministry to the


We will be LOVE Caroling on February 20th.

We will meet at the church at 4 pm. We will
carpool to several locations of shut-ins and
others that are in need of uplifting. List yet to
be determined. After some singing we will
return to the church for a supper of pizza. All
are welcome to come and join in on either or
both the singing and dinner. Caroling is just
not for Christmas.

2016 LCMS National Youth Gathering

In Christ Alone
Held every 3 years, the LCMS Youth Gathering provides thousands of youth and adults the
opportunity to come together as a community of Gods people to learn more about Jesus
Christ, the Christian faith and their Lutheran identity. During the five days of the Gathering,
youth spend time together in Gods word, worship, service and fellowship with others from
across the synod. This event is organized by LCMS Youth Ministry in Saint Louis, MO.

July 16-20, 2016

WHERE New Orleans, Louisiana

The Mercedes-Benz Superdome

I thank my God in all my remembrance of

you, always in every prayer of mine for you
all making my prayer with joy, because of
your partnership in the gospel from the
first day until now. Philippians 1:3-5


Wednesday, January 13, 2016 2:41 PM

Please pray for my friend Tricia and her
family. Her dad passed away suddenly last
night. We just saw him yesterday when we
were helping out on her farm.
Thanks much! Sandi Miller

Friday, January 8, 2016 2:28 PM

Please pray for me. I am going to Stanford
on Monday Jan 11 about my left lung and a
colonoscopy on Wednesday Jan13. I had a
Pet Scan and there were 2 hot spots.
Sharon Roper
Saturday, January 09, 2016 6:59 AM
Please pray for a friend Janet E. Kiley she
has aphasia due to cerebrovascular diseases,
strokes and stage 4 kidney disease. her
memory leaves her and dementia follows.
Her sentences are babbling nonsense, she
was told today. She can type better than
speak. it's all good though, She Has a life
filled with dear friends and precious children
and husband.
Carol Rogge
Tuesday, January 12, 2016 3:53 PM
Please pray for John CHENEY, my friend
of almost 20 years. He has decided a month
is enough. As of a few minutes ago the IVs,
tubes, oxygen are all turned off now. He has
his three closest friends with him: my brother
Darren Hughes, his neighbor Mike, and
his friend NATO. Pray that this is short and
remember your friends as I remember mine.
Thank you Doreen (Hughes) Keesler
He passed on to be with his Savior.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016 9:02 AM

Renate Fisher is in Turlock rehab facility.
Pray for a speedy recovery from her illnesses.
She can have visitors.
Her phone # is 632-7577
Thank You, Connie Northern
Thursday, January 14, 2016 1:32 PM
Please pray for 3yr old Klyde Gunn. He had a
cancerous brain tumor removed. He will have
a long treatment of chemo and radiation. His
grandma was a friend of Russell's.
Carol Rogge
Thursday, January 14, 2016 1:36 PM
We welcome Debbie and Richard's baby boy,
(our 6th great grandchild)
Owen Gene Imbrie.
9.9 lbs, 20 inches
Carol Rogge
Thursday, January
21, 2016 9:47 AM
Renate needs prayers for healing as she had a
bad reaction to an antibiotic that was treating
her Pneumonia. She is in a Modesto hospital
and not doing well.
Thank you, Connie Northern
Saturday, January 23, 2016 5:16 PM
Please continue your prayers for Little Klyde
and his family. He had his port put in his
brain yesterday as well as a Hickman IV.

This morning they did another MRI to check

for cancer in his spine and they're awaiting
the results.
Please continue to pray for Klyde and his
Family as they help him battle cancer.
Thank you, Carol Rogge

Tim Norton and Shepherd of the Valley

Lutheran Church. In Your Holy Name, we
pray, Amen.

Dear Lord, Your disciple Timothy
reminds us, First of all, then, I urge that
Sunday, January 24, 2016 3:35 PM
supplications, prayers, intercessions, and
Renate is in Doctors hospital in Modesto. She thanksgivings be made for all people.... This
is in quarantine. Her daughter Margo from
is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God
San Jose, said Renate communicates by
our Savior, who desires all people to be
nodding her head.
saved and to come to the knowledge of the
Thank you, Connie Northern
truth. 1 Timothy 2:1-4. We uplift the Navajo
people in prayer. May they find hope and
Thursday, January 28, 2016 12:04 PM
healing through the Gospel! Amen.
Please pray for Cathy Pauley and family as
they struggle with the news that Cathys
father has cancer. Cathy is the team leader
for Timothy Yazzie, a
for the Thailand mission team leaving next
Wednesday for ministry in Thailand. I am a Navajo man, who desires to share his faith
with his fellow Navajo. His work with Vicar
member of that team as well.
Norton has resulted in a desire for more
scriptural training. We ask Your blessings on
Please pray for all of us as we travel to and
from Thailand and while we are in Thailand Timothy and pray he may be a strong
sharing the Gospel with people hearing about Christian leader among his people, leading
them back to You and the promises of Your
Jesus for the very first time.
love and salvation. In Jesus Name, we pray,
Gods blessings and Christs peace to all of
you. Dennis Northern
Dear Jesus, as we bring our mites to You,
make us mindful of how they will be at
work among the Navajo people. The
problems and needs are great, but Your
Dear Father, You grant blessings to all of
unfailing love is greater. Give courage,
Your children, and You see our struggles.
We pray for those among the Navajo people strength and perseverance to those working in
who are facing unemployment, or struggling this ministry. Strengthen the faith of Navajo
Christians that they may effectively reach out
with substance abuse, domestic violence or
depression. Many families are hurting, Lord. in their communities with the saving message
of the Gospel. We ask this in Your name.
May they look to You and find loving
Christian support in the ministry of Vicar





Jacob and Anna







Please Remember: It is up to YOU to arrange coverage if YOU are
UNABLE to serve on your scheduled day. Please contact the church
office with any changes.
Aron Schmidt
Larry Rogge

Altar Flowers/Before &

After Worship Greeters
_______________ 2/07

Acolytes: Volunteers

Doreen Keesler


Lay Readers: Volunteers

Jennie Callahan


Anna Bautista


Stewardship: See Earl

Ushers: Volunteers
Altar Guild:
Lillian Hopkins
Connie Northern

If you would like to help with

any of these committees,
please call the church office.


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