Export RFC Destination Before System Refresh

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7 Replies Latest reply: Aug 16, 2011 3:35 PM by Mukesh Khamparia

Nabil El Filali Mar 3, 2010 1:01 PM

how to export RFC destination to file in order to

import it in an other sys
This question has been Answered.
i would like to export all RFC destination to a file in order to import it after a refresh, could you please
help to know how to do it

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Guest Mar 3, 2010 1:24 PM (in response to Nabil El Filali)

Re: how to export RFC destination to file in order to import it in an other sys
Goto SE01, create transport request with modifiable
Program ID : R3TR
Object type : TABU
Object Name : RFCDES
Then double click RFCDES, give * in Table Keys.
Finally Release the transport requests without fail.

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Mukesh Khamparia Aug 16, 2011 3:35 PM (in response to Guest )

Re: how to export RFC destination to file in order to import it in an other sys
Small Correction ( I tried by SE01 but unable to create the same hence followed via SE09)
SE09 --> Select Modifiable --> Click on Create ---> WorkBench Request --> OK --> Put Short
Description --> OK
Double click in the created request
Now Put
Program ID : R3TR
Object Type : TABU
Object Name : RFCDES (Press Enter)
Double Clieck on RFCDES --> put * in table keys --> Save
Finally Release the request.
Edited by: Mukesh Khamparia on Aug 16, 2011 3:35 PM

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Sanujit Purohit Mar 5, 2010 7:59 AM (in response to Nabil El Filali)

Re: how to export RFC destination to file in order to import it in an other sys



how to export RFC destination to file in order ... | SCN

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I hope your database is oracle.

Please find the step below
RFC Destinations u2013 Export the tables holding the RFC information.
As ora<SID>, create a file (say rfc_export) with the following contents.
File=u2019<Destination filename>u2019 (say rfc_dump)
Select * from rfcattrib
Select * from rfcdes
Select * from rfcdoc
As <SID>adm,
Cd /usr/sap/trans/bin
R3trans -w exp_rfc.log rfc_export
Import RFC information
As ora<SID>, create a file (say rfc_import) with the following contents.
File=u2019 rfc_dumpu2019
As <SID>adm,
Cd /usr/sap/trans/bin
R3trans -w imp_rfc.log rfc_import
Please ensure to put the path details along with the file names. And try creating the files in any
directories other that /usr/sap/trans/bin. Just to keep this system directory clean of all these
Hope this will help.

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Nabil El Filali May 27, 2010 12:35 PM (in response to Nabil El Filali)

Re: how to export RFC destination to file in order to import it in an other sys
to close

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Prateek Yadav May 27, 2010 12:45 PM (in response to Nabil El Filali)

Re: how to export RFC destination to file in order to import it in an other sys
The best and easiest way...
Goto SE01, create transport request (Transport of Copies)







If you take only RFCDES you will be missing the Documentation part of RFCs in order to take
everything you need to have export of all the above mentioned tables.
Pls check if you get the passwords and everything because I heard in ECC6 its giving some issue
related to password saved for the user in RFCs.
All the best !!

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Kedar Malekar May 27, 2010 2:00 PM (in response to Prateek Yadav)
Re: how to export RFC destination to file in order to import it in an other sys

Below are the steps that we follo When customer requests additional definitions then you must add them to the export control
file /usr/sap/trans/bin/QAS_exp_rfccon.ctl
Example of ctl-file:

Contents of export ctl-file i.e. /usr/sap/trans/bin/QAS_exp_rfccon.ctl

1. RFC Destinations export



how to export RFC destination to file in order ... | SCN

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client = 500
file = "/usr/sap/trans/bin/data/QAS_rfccon.dat"
select * from RFCATTRIB
select * from RFCDES
select * from RFCDOC
select * from ZI2ATPASGN
select * from ZI2ATPENG
select * from ZZPHASEDBL
select * from RZLLITAB
select * from TPFID
select * from BTCOMSET
select * from TVARV
select * from E070L
u2022 QASadm> cd /usr/sap/trans/bin
u2022 check if data directory exists
u2022 QASadmadm> mkdir data (if it does not exists already)
u2022 QASadm> R3trans u2013w QAS_exp_rfccon.log QAS_exp_rfccon.ctl
.... Continued on next

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Kedar Malekar May 27, 2010 2:03 PM (in response to Kedar Malekar)

Re: how to export RFC destination to file in order to import it in an other sys
R3trans u2013w QAS_exp_rfccon.log QAS_exp_rfccon.ctl
This uses the commands in QAS_exp_rfccon.ctl and writes the log to
QAS_exp_rfccon.log. Check the logfile to make sure the datafile was created.
Below command will import RFC
Import exported RFC connections (as QASadm)
oraQAS> cd /usr/sap/trans/bin
oraQAS> R3trans u2013w QAS_imp_rfccon.log QAS_imp_rfccon.ctl
You need follow this steps as shown in my message. It will perform export and import of
Thanks and Regards,

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