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With friends like these


Read the quotations (1-5) below

about friends and friendship. Decide

which quotation is about:

a) helping a friend
b) making a new friend
c) having an animal friend
d) being jealous of a friend
e) lending money to a friend.
mon.,v andlose yo,"t f"7.1!:r),,
1 Lend
-'- your
(Proverbi 15th century)\'
-- ':" -. -

Before you listen again, decide with a

partner what kind of information is missing from
the notes below, e.9. age, name, place, etc. Don't
worry if you can't remember the exact answers at
this stage.


(Song by Roy Rogers,

tg52) I

Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends. r

(Song by John Lennon and Paul McCartney, 1967)

Nnwe ol4;1Y"'

Whenever a friend succeeds'

little something

in me

Gore Vidal,


Yr;,;r'ion ^"+t*r


(James Boswell,

,nni+t chnractert


If a man does not make new friends as he advances

through life, he will soon find himself left alone.

vril| aVedtu


i+ the


br6 r"ricr vor+'bt6


s{iKas' hnvi+tg







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with ra,is (5)
Bal cnLhed Mnrcn'ls r
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r,rnVcus is nVed

With a partner, explain what you think each
quotation means. Which ones do you agree
with? Which ones are true in your experience?

to two people talking about a film

about friendship. Look at the quotations in
Exercise 1 again and tick (/) the one which is
closest to the theme of the film.



Ma'rc'us becou"*'


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With friends like these

- -otes

Listen again and complete the

in Exercise 3.

Complete the gaps in this paragraph with the correct

word or phrase from Exercise 1.

With a partner, think of one or

:,'ro films, books or TV programmes
aoout friends or friendship. Say why
,ou liked or didn't like them. You can
,s th notes in Exercise 3 to help you
:rganise what you want to say.

Look at the words in italics in

each pair of sentences. What is the
jifference in meaning between each
cair? Work with a partner and use a

lictionary to help you if necessary.



Jenny is a really close friend of mine.

I can tell her everything.
Hes just an acquaintance We work in
the same place but I don't know him


friend = solTleore who Vou like verV

much and know we
=':qualntance = Soffleole who you know,

but not very well


a) Please discuss the question with your


b) She was the perfect flatmate. She was

really quiet and always did the

a) My mum doesn't get on with my

girlfriend at all.
b) Rosie has been going out with her
boyfriend for six months.

a) Antonia's parents split up when she

was five.
b) | had an argument with my best
friend yesterday, but we made it up

Work with a partner and don't

ook at Exercise 1. Write down as many
cf the words and phrases as you can
remember in one minute.



a) | had an argument and fel/ out with

my parents last night.
b) Ihe moment I saw her I fell in love.

Alisa and I are at school together. At first, we were

- | mean we had lessons together. We had friends in
common, but I hardly knew her really. We were just (2)
Then we started playing tennis together and after about two
months, we got to know each other very well. Now she is a really
and we do a lot of things together. We have talked
about the future and when we leave home, we'd like to be
.. ... . - | think it would be fun to share a flat with her, at
ieast for a while!

There is one incorrect word in each of the followinq

sentences. Find the word and correct it.


She's always falling on love

three times already this year!

My parents got married after getting out with each other for
only six weeks.
Many more couples split off than ever before.
I think l'm lucky because I go on with both my parents
l've never fallen off with my best friend.
l'm always having arguments with my parents, b-:'.'.e -,'.ays
make it on afterwards.


With friends like these

of the following sentences has a

the mistakes and correct them'

Ask and answer these questions with

a partner.

Who do you get on well with in your family?

Have you ever fallen out with a close friend? lf so,
what did you fall out about? Did you make it up
afterwards? How long did it take to make it up?

Example: 1 My best friend

for two Years.

How did you make it uP?

Can you rmagine going out with someone who
speaks a different language from you or comes from
a different country from you? What problems do

is John.

t've known him

1 My best friend is John I known him for two years'

I've had this watch since three months'

My family has lived at the same address since

five years.
I haven't spoke to my next-door neighbours since
last weekend
I knew the person sitting next to me for nearly two

you think You might have?

6 My hair has being

resent perfect
Present peffect simple


with for and since

Choose the correct verb form: present

perfect simple or Past simPle.


since last weekend

4 How long did you have/have you had that watch?

5 My grandmother lives rn our house. She Iivedlhas
/ived with us since last Year.

Rewrite the sentences in Exercise 3 to make

them true for you. Then compare your answers
with a partner.

1 My best friend

is Pilar' I've known her for

nearly five years.

Present perfect simple


r, iust,

below write the verbs in

Use the rules in the
kets in
box to help you.
For each dialogue

Where did you golhave you been on holiday

last year?
has three dogs. He hadlhas had them
for seven

7 My brother

I haven't been on holiday since a year.

I had these shoes since JanuarY.


My best friend is Sally I knew/have known her for

three years
When I was a child, I livedlhave /lved in Sicily'
| didn't see/haven't seen my next-door neighbour

the same length for three years'

I waslhave been in this classroom since 9 o'clock

this morning

9 | startedlhave started playing the guitar when


We use the present perfect simple to talk

about an action or experience at an indefinite
(or unknown) time in the past (we can use
ever, iust, Yet and alreadY).
We use the past simple to talk about an
action at a definite time in the past.

was eight

10 l'm starvtng | | clidn't eatlhaven't eaten anything

since thts morning.


B Yes,
A When

(youlsee) that new horror film?

Look again at the sentences in Exercise

and answer these questions'

Which tense do we use to talk about actions or

situations that began and finished in the past: the
past simple or the present perfect simple?
Which tense do we use to talk about actions or
situations that continue f rom the past unttl now: the
past simple or the present perfect simple?
3 With the present perfect, when do we use since?
4 With the present perfect, when do we use for?


Qrammar reference P' 156


\you/see) tt?


. (see)

it last weekend.

.. \your best friendlphone)

you today?

No, she

3 A When

(you/buy) that jacket?

(buy) it when I was on holidaY last


Look at these dialogues and

the questions below.
lau ever met someone from


/ust met a student from Mexico

you made it up with your friend yet?

l've already bought her some
,:olates to say sorryl


= < about something

o to help find their way



rras happened a short time ago (and

comes before the main verb)?

10 scare away dangerous people

o as symbols of friendship
o to remember people
o as part of their religion

has happened sooner than expected

(and comes before the main verb)?
has happened at any time in your life
(and comes before the main verb,
usually in questions)?
hasn't happened until now and shows
that the speaker expects something to
happen (and comes at the end of the
sentence, usually in questions and
negative sentences)?

iomplete these dialogues by writing

rne words in brackets in the correct

Have you been


to South America?

No, I haven't been there, but I might go

next summer (yet)

C l've seen a fantastic film the new

Harry Potter one (7ust)
D Oh, yes l've seen that, (already)
Grammar reference p. 156


Ask and answer the following

:restions with a partner.


What's the most excrting thing you've ever

ls there anything you'd like to do this year

but you haven't done yet?

Has anyone ever given you a present
which you've already got?
Have you thought about what to do on
your next birthday yet?
Do you think it will be easy to remember
the grammar you've just learned?


ij These photos were taken in the Arctic area of

northern Canada. Look at the list of possible answers below
and discuss this question with a partner: Why do you think
the people there made large constructions from pieces of
rock as in the first picture?

is used

With friends

open cloze


' rich of the words in italics



With friends like these

Read the text quickly' Which of

Exercise 1 are mentioned

the reasons in

will find it easier to understand a text if you read it quickly

without worrying about the gaps when you first read it.



The missing words from the text in

Exercise 2 are in this box. Fill in all the
gaps, following the stages in Exercise 3.

are to as where whe theY

his on of for about the




I n the cold Arctic landscape of northern

I an inukshuk (or inukshuit in Lhe plural), in
I in rt-," language of rhe lnuir people (l) ..


from piles of
with (3)

which are often made into

arms or legs oulstrelched'





very common to see

means'lilceness of a person'
live there,They are built


shape of a man

The Inuit people make inukshurt for different purposes.They can be symbols
of friendship or resPect (4) . . . special people'They can also warn


.. possible dangers or serve

so that the'arms






Compare your answers with a partner'

lf you have written a different word,
read the sentence again and decide
together which one is correct.



Look quicklY at the title and the

headings in the text on page 29. Answer
these questions.

as signposts for travellers They are often


in the best direction (7) .. ..,. .. .. . go

when collecting food or hunting

1 How many sections does the text have?

2 Look at the types of friends in each


heading (A-D) Can You Predict what

characteristics each kind of friend might

Sometimes the Inuit PeoPle build

inukshurt in long lines on each side


of the traclcs that the caribou wall<

along. Because (8)



(9) .

.. .. . .. ,.




., if there are many

people.This scares the caribou and

Follow the stages below

you answer this question.

they run between the lines to the

end of the tracl< (10)
hunters catch and


inukshuit standing



1 Highlight


each other:

lcoribou; o iype of lorEre onimoi like o deer.{ound in Conodo ond



th i ngs?

lil<e this (l l) ....,, .. remind

the Inuit people of the imPortance

offriendship and dependence


Which of these friends Iikes to do unplanned


In places where there are many


The missing words in the text are mostly grammar

words. Some of them may be part of a phrase or
expression (e.g. depen dent on)' Look at these stages and
the answer for the first gaP.

1 Read the sentence contalning the gap carefully.

2 Look at the words before and after the gap and decide what

The Party Partner might be a

lively person who likes going out a lot.


type of word is missrng (e.9. article, preposiiion, auxiliary

verb, etc ).
Fill in the gap with one word.

or underline the key word(s) in

the question . (unqlanned
Think of another word that means the
same as the word You highlighted.

Think of another word that means the

opposite of the word you highlighted.
Look quickly through the frrst section (A)
to find words or phrases like the ones you
thought of. Don't worry about reading

When you've found the correct part of the

text, read it carefully to check it answers
the question correctlY.

A small circle of good friends

is better than one
best friend

The Party Partner

The Hobby Sharer

t-c :s a time in most children's

- '.hen they have just one 'hest friend'.

Thirdlr,. one

to have is the'hobby sharer'. This is someone who you

have absolutely nothing in common with, except that at
the moment you share the same interest or hobby. If you
start a new hobby, like going to the gym, it is much more

-' - : the only person they are interested in and the

r: : rrson they need. But as we get older, most people
E-- -- that it's actually much healthier to have a small


,- ,,f good friends with different personality types.

motivating to have someone to go with. This friendship

could collapse at any time but is very nice while it lasts.
The great thing about this kind offriend is that you can
start all sorts of new things with different 'hobby sharer'

--. .. a'party partner'is essential. You need at least

rr- . -l{ friend who encourages you to do spontaneous
tr '.- Iike go to a late night party or buy something
'- i --, expensive. This kind of friend will put interest
'", * in your life. He or she will make you feel more


of friend who is fun

friends. He or she can help you move on to a new stage in

your life.

and relieve a lot of stress.

The'Tell-anything' Friend
The Workmate

Finally, almost the opposite of the 'hobby sharer' is the

kind of friend known as the 'tell-anything' friencl. He or
she could also be known as your'three-in-the-morning'
friend. You might never have to wake this fi'iencl up
because you're in a panic about something, but you know
you could. This is perhaps the only fi'iend rvho you show
your worst side to and with rvhorn you can truly
be yourself. The key to being a 'tell-anything' fliend is
that even though you may not agree with your friend, you
are always loyal and always on their side. This, after all,
is what a true friend should be.


you also need a'workmate'. This friend helps

'- ^ith your schoolwork or your career'. He ol she
:/r. l,ou and discusses your progress. If you have a

r-'- I like this, you're in luclt.

This is someone who

-.elp push you, support you and encourage you to

rir ir best. It's a good idea to find someone

who is
stage or a bit older'.
+,::-,ne who is too competitive. You need someone
- : - ,'nfident and senerous for this kind of friend.

,r . -:nrilar life


For questions 1-9, choose from the people (A-D),

cwing the stages in Exercise 2.

- --e Party Partner

i --e Workmate
- -^e Hobby Sharer
I -^e'Tell-anythrng'


,','-ich of these friends ...

<es to do unplanned things?
, the best for helping with homework?
.',ould help you in a desperate situation?
s generally very different from you?


Think about yourself. Which type or

types of friend from the text do you
think you are? Tell another student,
giving reasons.

with the title of the text:

A small circle of good friends is better
than one best friend? Discuss with a
partner, giving your reasons.
Do yorl'6gree


s usually a lively and active person?

ray suddenly stop being your friend?

i someone you probably wouldn't mind crying with?
shouldn't be a very ambitious person?
s usually a faithful and reliable person?


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