TCS Kalpesh Vasvani

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Interview Experience-TCS

Name: Kalpesh Vasvani (2008-10)
Mo. 09886390086

Selection Process

Online Aptitude test (For one and half hour Verbal ability, quant & reasoning)
Technical Interview
HR Interview

Finance students had all three rounds of process. While Marketing students did not
have separate HR rounds.

My technical interview lasted for 30-35 minutes and HR interview was for 10-15
1. Started with usual question - Tell me about yourself
2. Why did you choose SDM and came so far here in SDM to study? (Answer of
this question ended with my experience at SIP where apart from my project I
studied Project Appraisal, FOREX and commodity hedging so next round of
questions was on derivatives)
3. What is Put option and What is Call Option?
4. What is an interest rate-swap? How it is useful to an IT company? (Few more
basic question on FD)
5. What do you understand by LIBOR and where one can use it in International
6. Let's assume, If Infy's Beta is 1.5 and Beta of TCS is 0.5, in which stock you will

7. If I want to invest in Stock market, which stock you will suggest me as per the
current market condition? (After giving theoretical build up about investing, I
took TCS and Infosys for comparison. Started with Industry analysis & explained
how I would analyze the IT industry. Then I made comparison of TCS and
Infosys from each and every financial angle. My homework on IT industry as
well as on TCS was very useful here.)
8. You all Financial Analyst do the valuation of stocks & advise your client or
public to buy or sell particular stock, but what happened in Satyam's case - they
were cooking up balance sheet from years & releasing "excellent" financial
results, which all finally ended up huge losses for investor, so why should I trust
9. If you are credit manager of a bank, how will analyze your client before
disbursing the loan?
10. Which is the best criterion according to you from NPV and IRR? Why?
11. What is MIIR?
12. What is the Letter of Credit? Explain the Mechanism how it works?
13. What do you understand by US GAAP?
14. Why does an IT company prepare balance sheet in "US dollars (means as per US
GAAP)" also? (My answer: If IT company is listed on NASDAQ or NYSE then
it has to submit the Financial statement to the stock exchange regularly and it's
US stock exchange so balance sheet has to be in USD.)
15. Let's say an IT company is not listed on NASDAQ, then why it has to prepare its
Fin. Statements in US Dollars? (Here, I answered that most of the revenues of IT
cos. come from EUROZONE and US. And before confirming the contract, any
client would like to check the IT co. from many parameters. Financial soundness
is one of those parameters. Therefore, to give an idea about company's financial
health IT company also needs to prepare the Fin. Statements in USD.)

16. What did you do in your Mysore Dasara Survey project - What are the findings?
17. What was the subject matter of your certification course " security Market Basic
Module - NCFM " Tell me what all you learnt from that. (Again few more
questions based on this)
18. You seem to be more interested in equity research, why didn't you apply for any
equity research firm?
19. You are a graduate, you don't have any software related certificates. How
will you fit into IT Company?
20. So, What is your ultimate goal in life?
21. Do you have any question for me?
I can recollect these questions only, most of the questions were derived from the
answers of previous questions only.

In HR round, basic questions about strength-weakness and location were asked.


TCS is setting up two new centers, one in Bangladesh and other in Shrilanka.
If we move you there would you like to join there.

You dont have any prior work-ex or any other certification, which shows
your interest in IT. Why should we select you?

How was your technical interview? Rate yourself.

Etc.. etc..

Thats it guys Wish you all the best.

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