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Effects of Rapid Population Growth

Based on the M.V Campaign FP-Inakup Arekup by DOH/USAID

1. Education
Education affects in over population. If men and women were educated in birth
control there would most like be less children. An increase in population especially
in developing countries also affects the children in the family. In the Music Video
by the DOH, it shows that the parents and forced to discontinue their eldest
daughters education and was forced to work selling in the streets because of
financial difficulties due to having more siblings.
2. Economics/Employment
Rapid Population Growth in the Philippines results in an increased rate of
unemployment which results in an increased poverty rate in the Philippines which
in turn affects the quality of life and health of their families as shown on the video
where the family is cooped-up in a small household.
3. Health and Nutrition
In developing countries like the Philippines, access to basic Family Planning
Services are not being given to most of the target population especially in indigent
communities which results in unplanned pregnancy. The local government should
provide universal access to family planning, contraceptives, and information.

Charmaine Kelly O. Posadas

BS Midwifery III

Comprehensive Family
Ms. Lanie Llamas

Because of rapid population growth, our food production willmost likely have to
doubled in the future. Increasing food production will also create a dilema of
creating space for food production.
4. Housing
As seen on the video,because of the number of members in their family and
poverty, they are forced to live in a small home clearly not intended for their large
family. It also may pose as a future health threat to the family because of how easy
it is to spread an infection/disease. Also, additional houses if will be provided, will
also require vast land space which may lead to ecological destruction and affect
other factors as well.
5. Facilities
A good example for facilities being affected by over population are government
facilities, especially Public Schools and Hospitals. The facilities services that are
being used and given are not intended for the number of people using the facilities
resulting in an inefficient and ineffective service being given to the people. Public
Schools with an immense Teacher to Student Ratio is unable to attend to all the
students availing education and Government Hospitals even with adequate manpower is unable to provice a good quality service because of the large population
being attended. Facilities affects other factors such as Education, Health, and
6. Environment
Because of over population the issue of climate change may just continue to grow
worse. An increase in population will also have an increased need for oil, gas, coal
Charmaine Kelly O. Posadas
BS Midwifery III

Comprehensive Family
Ms. Lanie Llamas

and other fossil fuels that create green house gases. The need also for fresh clean
water grows as the population continues to rise.

7. Peace and Order

Over population also makes maintaining peace and order more difficult for law
enforcers because an increase in population means that there are more people to be
handled and looked after. In the video,it illustates the loud streets being crowded
filled with Cars, Buses, and motorcycles and not far from them are street vendors
forced to work in a dangerous environment because of over population and lack of
proper employment opportunities.

Charmaine Kelly O. Posadas

BS Midwifery III

Comprehensive Family
Ms. Lanie Llamas

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