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: 5 Arif (Lower intermediate to intermediate proficiency level)


: 35 students


: 2nd of February (Tuesday)


: 9.30 am 10.30 am


: World of Knowledge


: Gift for Miss Sharmila (Unit 2: Saving, Spending and Sharing)

Focused skill : Reading

Integrated skill(s): Listening and Speaking, Writing

Content Standards
2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will

Learning Standards
2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences

be able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear


and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print

(b)non- linear texts

materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning.

Language focus

: Noun phrases

Behavioural objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :

1) To answer at least 4 out 5 questions listed on Year 5 textbook page 15
2) In groups, write their justification for their choice of gift
Previous knowledge: Nouns
Instructional materials: Realia, Year 5 English textbook, flashcards
Educational emphasis: Moral values Appreciating your teachers
CCTS Reasoning



Teaching-learning Activities

Set Induction

(Whole class participation)

Aural-oral discussion

5. Teacher brings a few things and put

them on the table.

6. Teacher asks the pupils which one

they would love to choose as a gift

(5 mins.)

(15 mins.)

1. What are these?

2. Which one would
you choose as a
gift for your class
teacher? Would
you have picked a
different item?
3. Why so?
4. Why is it that we
have to appreciate
our teachers?
(Whole class participation)

for their class teacher and why.

7. Teacher inculcates the moral value of

To gain pupils
To introduce the
To inculcate the
moral value.


Teaching aids:
Realia ( A teddy
bear, a book, a
bottle of perfume

appreciating your teachers.

8. Teacher introduces what they are
going to learn.

1. Teacher asks the pupils to open their

textbook on page 15.
2. Teacher assigns different pupils to
read aloud the information on the
3. Teacher asks if there are any parts of
the table that they do not understand.
4. Then, teacher goes through the
details of each item with the pupils
5. Teacher gives any necessary
explanations regarding the table.

Teaching aids:

(15 mins.)

(Individual task)
Answering questions
Based on the table on
page 15

1. Teacher asks the class to complete

the questions on page 15 by using

Teaching aids:

the table given as reference. They

are to be given 10 minutes to finish.
2. Teacher discusses the answer with

(20 mins.)

(Group work)
Gallery walk

the pupils.
1. Teacher asks the pupils to work in
groups of 4.
2. Then, teacher distributes A3 paper to
each group.
3. Each group need to discuss and
choose only one item as a gift for
their class teacher.
4. They will also have to keep in mind
about the pros and cons of each
5. Then, each group will have to paste
their A3 paper on the wall and select
one representative from the group to
6. Teacher conducts a gallery walk
together with the class (the groups
take turns between presenting and
joining the gallery walk)
7. The teacher discusses with class the

Teaching aids:
A3 paper

group with the best justification.

(3 mins.)

Summarizing the lesson

1. Teacher plays a game of poison box.

2. In the box contains strips of paper
written with gift items; the pupil who
receives the box must pick out a strip
of paper and decide whether he/she
would consider giving the item as a
gift to their teacher along with
justifications to their answer.
3. Teacher recaps the lesson.


A bicycle
A pendrive
A handbag

Teaching aids:
A box
Strips of paper

A knife
A car
A dead animal

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