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Michaela and Kira both grinned at you proudly.

"Take the rest of the day off,

James. You too, Michaela, since you'll need to finish bringing him up to speed on
everything around here. And, since I've heard nothing but glowing reviews of your
performance from our female clientele so far, consider yourself officially hired. I'm
assigning Michaela as your partner for now, since you still have some training to
go through, but you're now a full time member of the spa."
Michaela and Kira both started bouncing excitedly as they cheered for you. You
tumbled off of Michaela's palm and into her cleavage, landing face-down in the
tight space between her jiggling breasts. Michaela and Kira hugged, their
enormous bosoms pressing together and flattening you against Michaela's chest

from the pressure. Joye rolled her eyes.

Kira and Michaela eagerly exited Joye's office and headed for the parking lot, after
Kira grabbed her gym bag. Michaela's walls of flesh bounced against your face as
she walked, before she realized that you were no longer in her hand, "Oh shit, did

I drop James back there?" Kira startled for a second, before she saw your two legs
sticking out from Michaela's cleavage. "You did, but don't worry, he landed
somewhere safe and cozy." Michaela was confused until she looked down, and
saw you barely poking out from between her huge breasts, "Oh, haha! Good thing
I've got these babies to catch you, huh James?" Michaela teased you and
squeezed her breasts together, rubbing them against your whole torso some more
as you simply struggled to turn yourself right side up. Michaela made her way
towards her car without bothering to pull you from her cleavage the entire time,
figuring you were having fun. Michaela asked Kira if she wanted a ride, and Kira
accepted, mentioning that she lived close enough to walk to the gym and didn't
have a car with her.
Michaela opened her car door and plopped down into her seat, sending a massive
tremor through her breasts, which shook you back and forth. Kira hopped into the
passenger seat and threw her bag in the back just as Michaela was putting on her
seatbelt. The seatbelt pulled against Michaela's chest, causing each breast to
squish outwards slightly, putting more pressure against your body. Kira giggled as
she watched your lower body getting sandwiched between Michaela's breasts,
and said, "Michaela, do you want me to hold on to the little guy until we get to
your place?"
Michaela looked at Kira for a second, before she understood what she meant, "Oh,
right! I almost forgot about him again..." Michaela glanced down and pried her
cleavage apart to try and find you. Michaela found you with your upper body
wedged between her huge breasts, and smirked when she spotted your once
again erect penis pushing at your gym shorts and poking into her soft flesh.
Michaela fished you out of her cleavage, enjoying the sensation of your body
rubbing against her smooth skin as she pulled you out, before she handed you
over to Kira, "I don't really have a seatbelt for him so just put him somewhere

Kira held you in her hand and pretended to think hard, "Hmm, somewhere safe...
now wheeeeere could that be?" As Kira continued to sarcastically ponder where
she was going to keep you, she lowered you until you were in front of her
humungous breasts. They were tightly contained by her low cut sports bra, but
they were so large that the bra didn't seem to stop them from wobbling slightly,
or pouring out of the top of the bra. Kira squeezed her breasts together in front of
you as she mumbled to herself, "It should be somewhere soft so you don't get
hurt... somewhere close to me... hmmm..." Kira seemed to reach a conclusion as
her eyes lit up, and she said, "I know just the place!" Your jaw fell open as Kira
peeled her incredibly tight sports bra away from her left breast, revealing a
massive expansive of previously covered flesh to you. You couldn't take your eyes
off of the jiggling bulge of flesh as Kira struggled to make a space between the
fabric and her flesh. Kira noticed you staring and cooed, "It looks like you've
already guessed where your seat is, James!" This was the first time you'd actually
seen Kira's breast uncovered before, and it was marvelous. Her big pink nipple
was looking a little hard, too, as it wobbled from her movements. Before you could
stare too long, Kira dropped you into the cup of her bra, letting you slide down on
your back until your legs wedged themselves between her areola and the fabric.
Your erection pressed up against her soft flesh as you came to a stop, sending a
little shiver of pleasure through you. If Kira felt it, she didn't react noticeably,
except by smiling down at you coyly.
You were now laying back against the fabric, most of your body mere inches from
his giantess's enormous breast. Kira smiled down at you and giddily added, "Oh,
and feel free to get handsy!" before she released her bra cup, letting it snap back
into place. You were still gawping at Kira's blunt admission that you were free to
feel her up when the cloth at your back shot forward, immediately slapping your
body over her forgivingly soft nipple. Kira's breast bounced a couple times from
the impact as she laughed up above, but her bra remained cinched against her
skin, never giving you a millimeter of free space. If Kira hadn't felt your erection
before, she probably did now; your crotch was being mashed into the soft
frontside of her tit.
As Michaela started the car and pulled onto the road she asked, "Mind if I take the
scenic route home? It's a bit bumpy..." The two girls looked at each other and
laughed, each already knowing the answer to that question. The ride was indeed
bumpy: Kira's tremendous breasts bounced and heaved around every turn and
over every dip or rise in the road, sending shockwaves of heavy, warm flesh
against your entire body. It wouldn't have been so bad if Kira's bra had been a
little less tight, but as it was her breast was caught bouncing inside the enclosed
space her bra provided, with you caught in the middle. Kira's nipple hammered

into your face over and over, and you were pretty sure you heard a couple giggles
from Kira each time her bosom jiggled against you.


Fortunately, it wasn't a long drive, and Michaela eventually arrived at her house.
Kira didn't bother to retrieve you before she followed Michaela inside, causing you
to wobble more and more. Mir and Kira finally sat down inside, and Kira peeled
her bra away to reveal you. The two girls snickered when they saw you plastered
across Kira's big breast like a nipple cover, and Kira gave you a few playful prods,
sending you jiggling back and forth. Michaela teased, "Looks like someone
enjoyed the ride home!" as Kira very slowly peeled you off of her breast. They set
you on the table before Michaela excused herself to change into something "more
comfortable." Kira did the same, giving you some time to recover on your own.

Your jaw almost fell to the floor when Michaela and Kira returned: they were
practically in their underwear, now. Michaela was wearing nothing more than her
bra and booty shorts, revealing just the underside of her huge ass cheeks, and
you couldn't even tell if she had panties on. Kira was only wearing cotton panties
and a regular bra, which was pretty uselessly trying to restrain her enormous
rack. You tried to look casual as the two girls strolled over, flaunting their
incredible asset, before they sat down. "You don't mind if we get comfortable, do
you James?"

Michaela decided she'd cook for everyone, and asked what you wanted. "It's your
special supper, James, since you were such a good sport today!" You asked if she

had steak, which she did, and Michaela happily began preparing. Kira gave you a
quick massage as you talked, and she apologized again for letting you get
crushed. You happily stared at Michaela's giant ass every time she bent over to
stir something on the stove, pulling her shirt up until it revealed her thick legs,
while Kira massaged your back. You were so glad you had decided to come home
with the girls, instead of staying at work. This was bliss.
Once Michaela was done with the food, the three of you sat and ate together at
the table. Michaela didn't actually have a plate small enough for you, so she
cracked a beer for herself and Kira, and then gave you a bottlecap full of meat
and potato bits to eat from. It was a feast for you, as the three of you ate and
talked. You had a little bit of the beer, too, which led all three of you to get a little
bit tipsy. The three of you got well acquainted, and while normally you'd be scared
of being in the presence of two giant, drunk goddesses, you actually enjoyed their
company greatly. It helped that they kept leaning forward when they talked to
you, presenting their cleavage for you to stare at for most of the conversation.
The three of you actually had a lot in common, too, and you got the feeling that
Kira and Michaela both genuinely enjoyed your company, in addition to finding
your size just fascinatingly adorable.
It still wasn't quite dark out when you finished eating, so Kira suggested a movie.
Both girls piled onto Michaela's sofa, which was barely wide enough to fit both of
their enormous hips. You were standing on the arm rest, wondering where you
were supposed to sit, when Michaela smiled, "Here, James, I think there's room for
you between us!" and she placed you on the leather cushion between her and
Kira. You were stuck in a valley between two enormous thighs, with each girl's
bubble butt curving up and over your head until you could barely see the TV
screen or either of their faces. You were almost sealed in darkness, but you didn't
mind too much at first. You were leaning back against Michaela's warm thigh,
watching the movie out of the space between their legs, when you suddenly felt
the couch shift slightly. Kira's ass suddenly slid over, until it lightly squished into
Michaela. Michaela giggled, "Kira! Careful with that big butt of yours!" as you were
flattened between the two slightly drunk, playful girl's hips. Michaela pushed back
against Kira, trying to be playful, as you were ground against each girl's ass
Kira jiggled her ass against Michaela and countered, "What, don't you think
James's been missing these delicious booties? We never got around to finally
repaying him, you know!" Michaela smiled and looked down, before slowly
separating her giant butt cheeks from Kira's. As the two walls of soft flesh parted,
you were slowly revealed, stuck with your back against Michaela's ass. As the two
giant butts pulled apart, your cock pressed outwards, poking into Kira's ass cheek,
which elicited another smug giggle from her, "Hahah, see? He's been waiting all
day for this! Too bad those cumbersome shorts are in the way..." Kira cooed before
she reached down and quickly tore your shorts from your legs, leaving your legs
naked and still pinned between each girl's thighs. Kira proudly smiled down at you
as your hardening member brushed up against her smooth ass cheek, before
Michaela pushed her hips over towards Kira, once again sealing you between their

smooth, jiggly asses.

Throughout the rest of the movie, the two girls continued to slowly tease you by
shifting their legs back and forth against each other, grinding you against each of
their bodies. It became a bit of a contest to see which of them could end up with
your cock pressing against them, and it wasn't long before the movie was mostly
being ignored in favor of their new game. Over time each girl turned in their seats
until they were no longer rubbing their thighs together, but almost back to back,
pinning you between their huge rumps. You were busy trying not to pass out from
the dizzying mixture of movement and sexual pleasure you were being put
through, as each girl's smooth, yielding ass cheek rubbed against either side of
your body. When the movie finally ended, the girls stopped rubbing against each
other, and separated. You came away stuck face first against Michaela this time,
and Michaela teased, "Ha! Looks like I won that round!" Kira playfully bumped her
ass against Michaela in response, and though it was just a tiny shove for her, you
were slammed into Michaela's jiggling flesh from the motion. The two girls
laughed at your muffled response, and Michaela suggested they head to bed.


Without even discussing it, Michaela led Kira to her bedroom, with you helplessly
wobbling around on her ass cheek with her. You didn't mind too much; your cock
was still pressing into Michaela's ass, which was pleasurable, and the two girls
were obviously a bit drunk by now. You were tired from the long day at work, and
eager to fall into bed and sleep until morning. Michaela and Kira both hopped onto
either side of the mattress, before Michaela rolled onto her frontside and asked
Kira to peel you off. Kira gave Michaela's ass a quick playful slap, sending tremors
through your body, before peeling you off. Kira giggled when she saw your naked
and very firm cock, and placed you on the bed. The two girls were now lying on
their sides, facing each other, with you between them at chest height. Michaela
began to slide her shirt off, but paused just before she lifted it over her breasts.
With a hint of smugness in her voice Michaela asked, "You don't mind if I sleep in
the nude, do you James? You just make it look so... comfortable."
Kira smiled at your response, which was nothing more than a series of

indecipherable stutters. "Oh, I hope not! I was planning on taking my top off too,
but if that's going to bother you, James, I don't have to..."
Each girl was leaning over you, anxiously kneading their breasts over your head,
as they waited for a response. Clearly they were trying to get a rise out of you,
and just wanted to hear you say how much you wanted them to get naked for
their ego's sake. You, wanting to preserve SOME dignity, tried to sound cool, "Well,
I'm already naked, so I guess the more the merrier!" Neither girl undressed,
though. Michaela leaned closer, until you could see her immense bosom straining
against her tight white t-shirt, and she asked, "Hmm, you don't sound very
enthusiastic, James! Maybe we'll save this for some other night..." Michaela pulled
her shirt back down, and then pulled it extra tightly against her breast until each
boob was tightly wrapped in the thin fabric, and you could see each indentation of
her nipple. Kira played along, "Yeah, maybe it's safer if we keep our tops on, or
else you might be squished in the night!" and began pressing her breasts
together, putting on a show for you.
The two girls smirked at each other as they saw your cock visibly throbbing at the
sight of them, before you finally broke, "Okay! Yes, I want you to take your tops
off!" Both girls burst out laughing, and very eagerly threw their tops aside. Each
girl's enormous bare breasts bounced free, and immediately slammed onto the
bed, inches away from you. You groaned as one of Kira's huge tits landed with a
thud next to you, and bounced against one side of your cock. "I warned that you'd
get squished, James!" Kira teased as she began shaking her breasts, letting them
rub against you. Michaela whined, "Save some for me!" and impatiently scooted
forward until her own breast slammed into your side, squishing you against Kira's
The two girls giggled when they heard your muffled groans of enjoyment
emanating from between their massive tits as they bounced on top of the bed.
You could tell from their enthusiasm that they had been waiting a long time for
this, as each girl began fondling each other all over, and excitedly pushing their
chests together. With your body and your cock caught between each girl's tits,
you were given a very soft, jiggly massage all over. It took all of your
concentration not to moan every time one of the girl's smooth breasts bounced or
rubbed against your hard cock, and each girl was only spurred on by your tiny
cries. You couldn't see it from your position, but Michaela and Kira began fingering
each other as they were caught up in the heat of the moment. Each of them could
feel your body being pounded beneath their soft tits, and they loved it. The two
girls embraced, pinning your cock between their breasts as they began humping
each other, letting out their own moans of ecstasy.
You were getting close to cumming when the pressure on top of you suddenly
abated. Michaela had rolled onto her back, and Kira was looking down at you
hungrily. Kira reached down and slid a finger under your back, carefully picking
you up. Michaela gave your cock a quick flick with one finger, as Kira held you
over Michaela's enormous, wobbling bosom. Before you could say anything Kira
mashed you downwards against Michaela's nipple. You were buried by Michaela's

soft tit flesh as Kira pushed at your back, and you felt your cock pressing against
Michaela's sweaty flesh. Kira's finger pulled away from you, giving you just a
second to wobble around, before something incredibly heavy and soft slammed
into your back. Kira had dropped her own gigantic tits against you, pinning you
face down against Michaela's breasts. You heard the girls giggling for a moment,
before it sounded like they began to make out with each other. You were a little
annoyed that the girls had basically been putting you wherever they wanted, but
on the other hand, it was SO hot. You started sucking on Michaela's nipple, which
was jammed against your face, and you heard her let out a light gasp from above,
before Kira's breast began bobbing against your back, pounding your hard cock
into Michaela's flesh some more.
The bouncing and jiggling you were experiencing between each girl's chest
became more and more violent, as each girl became more riled up. From the
sounds of Michaela and Kira's quickened breathing, they were nearing orgasm as
well. With a sudden and powerful shudder, you felt Kira and Michaela embrace
firmly, squashing you between their breasts as they screamed out in ecstasy.
Michaela's nipple flattened your head against the soft underside of Kira's tit, but
you hardly even noticed. The increase in pressure caused you to orgasm, and as
you heard Michaela and Kira moaning in pleasure, you began convulsing
uncontrollably. A stream of cum filled the immediate air pockets between each
girl's gigantic breasts, before shooting out from between them. You heard
Michaela gasp as streaks of your cum shot out from her cleavage and onto her
face, before Kira started laughing. Exhausted, Kira rolled off of Michaela. You were
stuck face first against Michaela's huge breast which continued to jiggle around as
Michaela breathed heavily. Kira saw you, surrounded by cum, and grinned.
Kira reached over and squeezed around Michaela's breast, puffing you upwards as
Michaela's flesh bulged from the pressure. Kira leaned over and began sucking at
Michaela's nipple, and you. With her tongue Kira rolled you onto your back, and
began licking at every part of your body, while putting special emphasis on your
genitals. Michaela and Kira both giggled together; Michaela from the pleasure she
was feeling, and Kira from getting the chance to finally "apologize" in her own way
for lying to Michaela about the bet you lost. After Kira had sucked every last drop
of cum from Michaela's breast, and then taken another minute to slather your
cock and balls with her tongue and smooth lips as well as push your body all over
Michaela's nipple with her mouth, she released Michaela's breast, letting it bounce
back into position. Kira spat you into the palm of her hand, gave your whole body
a big wet kiss, and then gave you a very sultry wink. You were still shuddering
from the pleasure overload you had just experienced, so you collapsed into the
palm of her hand like a ragdoll. Kira dropped you between her breasts and then
rolled towards Michaela, giving her another hug as you were squashed between
the girl's enormous chests for the night. You were being smushed between Kira
and Michaela's giant breasts, and you barely had space to breath, but you didn't
even care. You were in heaven.

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