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Illegal logging is the harvesting, transporting, processing, buying or selling of timber

in violation of national laws. It also applies to harvesting wood from protected areas,
exporting threatened plant/tree species, and falsifying official documents.
Less obvious acts of illegal logging include breaking license agreements, tax
evasion, corrupting government officials and interfering with access and rights to
forest areas.
Illegal logging exists because of increasing demand for timber, paper and derivative
products (including packaging) a trend that is likely to continue. Illegal logging can
also happen when forests are cleared for plantations such as oil palm. But not all
wood removal is due to trade. In fact, 40% of wood taken from forests globally is
used for basic energy needs such as cooking and heating. In tropical regions, wood
removal (often illegal) for fuel can be as high as 80%.
The worlds huge demand for timber and paper products has led, in some places, to
increasingly unsustainable forest management removing too many trees too
quickly or logging entire forests. In order to provide a future for species and sustain
natural forests, as well as ensuring wood resources into the future, there are now
laws to control logging in key areas and to stop the trade in products from illegal
sources. Unfortunately, these laws are often broken.
Illegal logging poses a serious threat to forests, people and wildlife. It puts pressure
on all the forests WWF works in, whether they be in South-East Asia, Papua New
Guinea or South America. It contributes to global deforestation and climate change.
It threatens many species with extinction and denies forest-dependent communities
access to resources.
Illegal logging undermines legitimate business by undercutting timber companies
that act responsibly. It also diverts income away from sustainable development, and
causes social conflicts and financial losses for forest-rich developing countries.
Illegal logging is often linked to organised crime, money-laundering and civil war.
Up until now, theres been nothing to stop the illegal timber trade playing an active
part in the Australian market. The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
(DAFF) estimates that each year around $400 million worth of Australias forest
product imports (totalling around $4 billion in 2008) carry some risk of having been
illegally logged.
Illegal logging are always causing many impacts in our environment the Illegal
logging is increasing year by year the destruction of animals habitat, flash floods,
lack of resources and the global warming are the cause. Habitat destruction, trees
that usually used for animals to live is no more. Animals should work hard to survive

as we know that they should live in special condition. So as soon as possible they
will be dead and the endangered animals will be increase maybe soon there are
many animals that you cannot see anymore.
There are many impacts of illegal logging in our forest and community specially in
the air carbon dioxide releasing by the car affect our ozone layer and the solution
for this is to plant and to grow trees to absorb all the bad air in our community.
Trees absorb carbon dioxide that release by the cars and factories even burning of
the garbage affect our ozone layer. If we plant more trees and care for them our
problem in the ozone layer.
Illegal logging can affect also our climate when the ozone layer is so thin,the
ultraviolet rays become trapped on our atmosphere and can cause global warming,
devastating storms thus affecting our community.Because of global warming the ice
caps on the polar regions are at risk of liquefaction where the sea level of the world
would rise at hundreds of meters!! Making many low lying island(like Hawaii) and
cities(like Manila) around the world to submerge.Other than that,the decrease in
forest can affect the balance of nature greatly affecting man,animal and the world
itself.With global warming ultraviolet rays coming from the sun can harm our skin
and can cause certain illness like cancer.
Illegal logging is a big problem of our country but we can help our country and our
community by simple planting of trees and educate people on what's the effect of
illegal logging in our earth.Proper authorities should also take actions on this big
situation proper management and authorization should be done to the people.Laws
and regulations should be strictly abide by the people,if not the government should
be strict in executing penalty to the lawbreakers.Environment is the most important
factor in a country so it should be severe punishment for those who will not
follow.Moreover it is us people should learn how to follow and be responsible for the
environment,the world,our habitat. .Responsibility is the key.

Helmy Dewantara

Economic problem

Law Problem
Low Responsibility

Global Warming


Destruct Habitat
Flood and Erosion

Law Enforcement


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