Instagram: The Pros and Cons: Fundação CECIERJ - Vice Presidência de Educação Superior A Distância

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Fundao CECIERJ - Vice Presidncia de Educao Superior a Distncia

Curso de Tecnologia em Sistemas de Computao

Disciplina: Ingls Instrumental
AD1 1 semestre de 2016
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Instagram(*): the pros and cons

Posted by tamS in Featured | 0 comments

Is Instagram revolutionizing photography or causing its demise? Many debates around

the value of Instagran are offered at the moment, some arguing that it actually debases
photography while others claim it is a social networking tool.

Mark Hall recently presented a bog post explaining: The mistake of the critics of

Instagran is to think that Instagram is about photography and photo-sharing. It was only
when he saw his daughter and her friends use Instagram that he realized its value. For
them, its a replacement for Facebook. They share photos, but those are just points of
entry, a way to a conversation expressed virtually. They improve their photos and
comments using an array of 3rd party apps like Versagram, PicFrame, Emoji. Its a ping to
let your friends know you exist, and what you are doing; and you hope for a ping back to
let you know youre not alone on the network.

Kate Bevan, however, wrote a recent article for The Guardian claiming that Instagram is

debasing photography. As a photography lover, she says, Every day my Twitter and
Facebook are full of Instagram images. Her argument is that the filters spoil pictures,

distorting the story of what the picture is telling. She loves the opportunities that
software creates but for her Instagram/Hipstamatic/Snapseed filters are the antithesis of
creativity. They make all pictures look the same. They require no thought or creativity
input: one click and youre done, she argues.

Both Marks and Kates arguments raise very interesting points but I think that artistic

photography that has a chance of being hung in galleries cannot compare to those
produced by Instagram. Its like comparing blog writing to Shakespeare. Photographers
are producing something unique and artistic while Instagram users are creating
something fun and imaginative that they can share with their friends. Nobody is going to
give Instagram users a mark out of ten or buy their photographs to exhibit in
international galleries.

As Hall explains, we can compare the same trend when it comes to YouTube. Why did

YouTube succeed on the web? Because it gave us a place where we could always find
something great that we could share; and they allowed us to take those videos and talk
about them wherever we liked: our blogs, Facebook and Twitter.

Bevan is comparing apples with pears while Hall elaborates on the value of apps and

features on the web. Personally, Ill use Instagram to share funny moments or beautiful
scenes with my friends, but that will never transcend the joy of playing with my digital
camera and using my own creativity to try and produce amazing photographs. The digital
world is not engulfing creative industries like photography, writing, video-making, it is
instead opening up new dimensions.


Instagram um aplicativo para iPhone, que permite o compartilhamento gratuito de fotos com aplicao de
uma variedade de efeitos e filtros que podem modificar o brilho, acrescentar molduras, etc. O Instagram j
uma febre mundial; tem o poder de transformar fotos simples em verdadeiras obras de arte.

debase: diminui a qualidade; demise: fim/morte; ping: mensagem de contato via internet; array:
srie; apps: aplicativos; teenage daughter: filha adolescente; replacement: substituto; share:
compartilham; a way to: um meio para; spoil: estragam; youre done: est pronto; raise:
levantam; of being hung: de serem pendurados/expostos; thought: pensamento/viso; while:
enquanto; fun: divertido; trend: tendncia; features:caractersticas/tipos; instead: em vez disso.


1. A pergunta que inicia o texto: Is Instagram revolutionizing or causing the demise

of photography? resume dois argumentos antagnicos de duas pessoas diferentes. Responda
em Portugus. (1.0 pt)

A. Na opinio de quem o Instagram est causando o fim da fotografia? _______________________

B. Na opinio de quem o Instagram pode causar uma revoluo na fotografia? __________________
2. Quando foi que Mark Hall percebeu o valor do Instagram? Responda em Portugus. (1.0 pt)
3. Segundo o texto, qual das frases abaixo apresenta uma afirmativa correta sobre Kate Bevan?
(1.0 pt)

A. (

) Kate Bevan a criadora do Instagram.

B. (

) Kate Bevan uma amante da fotografia.

C. (

) Kate Bevan filha de Mark Hall.

4. O enunciado do autor do texto Its like comparing blog writing to Shakespeare

lana luz sobre qual dos argumentos abaixo? Marque sua escolha. (1.0 pt)
A. ( ) No se deve colocar no mesmo patamar fotografias artsticas expostas em
galerias e fotografias produzidas pelo Instagram.
B. (

) Os amantes de fotografia apreciam as fotografias artsticas.

C. (

) Filtros fotogrficos so a anttese da criatividade.

5. Procure no texto as seguintes informaes. Copie as palavras em ingls. (0.5 pt)

A. Tipos de aplicativos. __________________________________________________
B. Nome de um jornal. ___________________________________________________

6. Para o autor do texto, o mundo digital no est ameaando o valor a fotografia, da

escrita ou da produo de vdeos; em vez disso, o que o mundo digital est
proporcionando? (1.0 pt)

7. Qual palavra no pargrafo 3 sinaliza que o argumento de Bevan diferente do

argumento apresentado no pargrafo anterior? (1.0 pt)

) claiming
) however
) thought

8. Em For them, its a replacemente for Facebook (pargrafo ), o pronome them

se refere a qual das opes abaixo? (1.0 pt)

) critics
) photography and photo sharing
) her daughter and her friends

9. As palavras listadas abaixo tm a mesma raiz etimolgica. Volte ao texto e observe a

classe gramatical de cada uma delas de acordo com a sua funo no texto e sublinhe a
opo correta. (1.0 pt)
creates [ verbo substantivo adjetivo ]
creativity [ verbo substantivo adjetivo ]
creating [ verbo substantivo adjetivo ]
10. Na lista de grupos nominais a seguir, identifique seus ncleos e seus modificadores.
(1.5 pt)

A. a social networking tool

ncleo: ______________

modificador(es) _________________________________

B. blog writing
ncleo: ______________

modificador(es) _________________________________

C. (Agora selecione um grupo nominal do texto e faa o mesmo.)

ncleo: ______________

modificador(es) __________________________________

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