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Countries hoping to integrate new immigrants should make sure the immigrants remain proud of
and interested in their ethnic culture as well as their new home, suggests a new study on
immigrant youth.
The study, based on more than 5,000 interviews conducted over 10 years, looked at 13 countries
and the experiences of their young immigrants. The countries researched
were Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands, New Zealand,
Norway, Portugal, Sweden, the United Kingdom and theUnited States.
The ideal situation is for young immigrants to be proud of both their ethnic culture and new
country, and to avoid ignoring either, said researcher Prof. John Berry of Queen's University in
Remembering their roots makes it easier to handle discrimination and deal with the challenges of
facing a new life, the report says.
The study, considered to be the most exhaustive of its kind ever produced, found that countries
that promote assimilation or a melting-pot philosophy often alienate young immigrants.
Berry pointed to France as an example of a country that pushes for its immigrants to assimilate.
The country, according to the report, has suffered because of it, with the recent riots sparked by
the deaths of two teens of African descent.
Almost 2,900 people have been arrested since the unrest began in late October, and the crisis
has prompted the country to consider its failure to integrate African and Muslim immigrants and
their French-born children.
"France is a country ... seeking homogeneity," Berry said. "They have an idea that they are one
people, one society, one culture, one language, and diversity is not welcomed as much as in
many other societies. So the opportunity to become integrated rather than assimilated is to some
extent denied, or certainly suppressed."
Berry said it's impossible to blame the riots on a single factor, but added that young immigrants
don't seem to feel as though they belong or are valuable to society, and that has contributed to
the turmoil.
"If you look at the television footage, how many political leaders, how many policeman and how
many firemen did you see looking like the people they were trying to control? Virtually none,"
Berry said. "Contrast that with Canada, and immigrants have become, not fully, but pretty well
represented across the whole range."
In countries with histories of immigration, new immigrants were mostly welcomed and accepted
as part of life and history. But in other places, immigrants' cultures were often laughed at, and
their kids were encouraged to change.

The report found there were four approaches young people took in trying to adapt to life in a new
The best strategy was to maintain their culture while embracing the new society, while the worst
was to have marginal involvement in both the old and new cultures.
Some young people tried an "assimilation strategy" of trying to forget their old lives, while others
tried a "separation strategy" of shunning the new society.

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