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1 February 2016
HTML Edition Part 2

* General Interest *

Notes of Interest

16 thru 31 Jan 2016

Survey of Women Veterans. The VFW has initiated a Survey of Women Veterans and has requested all
member associations of The Military Coalition to ask their membership to participate in order to have a
larger base in order to make the survey more accurate. Questions can be directed to Carlos Fuentes, VFW
to to participate.
Destroyers. For those of you old salts who served on Destroyers, check out Destroyer Crew Life:
Destroyermen 1970 US Navy at Should bring back
some fond and perhaps not so fond memories.
Senior Humor. Check out for a very funny prank played
on Jimmy Kimmels aunt at her ceramics class.
Transplants. The Birmingham, Alabama VA Medical Center recently joined six other VA hospitals around
the country in performing kidney transplants.
VA. In a three-minute interview , Rep. Jeff Miller says the VA, has improved on the margins, in

the last 16 months. However, he argues that federal civil service laws are preventing VA staff from being
held accountable, and that the laws need to be changed for the entire government.
Golden Age Games. The 30th National Veterans Golden Age Games are coming to Detroit 10-14 July. All
veterans enrolled in the Detroit VA Health Care System are eligible to compete. The games are open to vets
55 and older. Registration is open until March at
Global Warming. Global temperatures in 2015 were the warmest since record-keeping beganand it
wasnt even close. According to new data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and
NASA, average temperatures over land and ocean were 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit above the 20 th century
average, clearing the previous record by 0.29 degrees Fahrenheit. Thats the largest margin by which any
annual temperature record has been broken.
Tax Help - For Military Retirees with adjusted gross income of less than $100,000, the Los Angeles AFB
Tax Center is scheduling appointments to complete their 2015 tax return. For more information refer to the
green "Tax Center" link on the lower right side of the official home website for the Los Angeles AFB ( ). Tax Center phone number is 310-653-3815.
Auto deaths. Volvo asserts no one should be killed or seriously injured in a new Volvo by 2020. New
crash-prevention technologies include Adaptive Cruise Control, 360 Surround View, Driver Alert Control,
Rest Stop Guidance, and Blind Spot Information System.
Eyeglasses. Military retirees are entitled to one free pair of eyeglasses per year. To obtain follow the
instructions at
Beer. Canned beer made its debut JAN 24, 1935. In partnership with the American Can Company, the
Gottfried Krueger Brewing Company delivered 2,000 cans of Krueger's Finest Beer and Krueger's Cream
Ale to faithful Krueger drinkers in Richmond, Virginia. Ninety-one percent of the drinkers approved.
Kruger sales jumped 550%.
Surveillance. Think you can hide in a crowd? Not Anymore. Ever wonder how they found the Boston
bombers in just a few days? To help you understand what the government is looking at go to the photo at which was taken in Canada and shows about 700,000 people.
Pick on a small part of the crowd click a couple of times -- wait -- click a few more times and see how clear
each individual face will become each time. Scary sharp! Not so easy to hide in a crowd anymore.
Light Bulb Change. Go to to
see it done on a 1500 ft TV tower.
Modern Warfare. Check out First
Part Attack from the Air, Second Part Attack from the Ground.
VA Apps for Women. At can be found a guide to
VAs new mobile apps for women veterans.
Vet Links. Links to useful information for active duty, guard\reserves, retirees and veterans, and their
families, are available on the LINKS FOR MIL\RET\VETS website at
Military Robots. The global market for military robots will reach $21 billion by 2020, according to a
forecast by market research firm ASDReports. This reflects a compound annual growth rate of 9.27 percent
from 2015.

[Source: Various | January 31, 2016 ++]


Japan~China Dispute Update 01

Territorial Water Incursions

Japans navy may be called upon to patrol the countrys disputed southern island chain if China continues to enter its
territorial waters. The announcement at a news conference 12 JAN by Defense Minister Gen Nakatani follows a 26
DEC incident in which three Chinese vessels one of them armed entered Japanese waters off the disputed
Senkaku Islands, called the Diaoyu by China. The incident marked the first time an armed Chinese vessel entered
Japanese waters, said a spokesman at Japanese Coast Guard headquarters in Tokyo. China followed up by entering
Japanese waters again last Friday. It is a decision made by the Cabinet, Nakatani said. I will not elaborate on a
hypothetical situation; however, generally speaking, when an event occurs that is difficult for the police agency or
the coast guard to respond, an order will be issued in principle for [the Self-Defense Force] to take a seaborne
patrolling action.

In this graph provided by the Japanese Coast Guard, the red bars show the number of incursions in recent years by
Chinese vessels into Japan's territorial waters. The blue bars indicate the number of entries into Japan's contiguous zone.

Nakatani declined to say whether Japans intentions had been conveyed to China. A spokesman for the staff office
of the Maritime Self-Defense Force would not elaborate on the potential patrols. The Japanese navy was called upon
in response to North Korean incursions in 1999. Such an order has never been issued regarding China. Since Japan
purchased three islands from a private owner in September 2012, there have been 68 cases of Chinese incursions
toward the end of 2012, 188 in 2013, 88 in 2014 and 95 last year. [Source: Stars and Stripes | Matthew M. Burke
and Chiyomi Sumida | January 13, 2016 ++]


Trial Could Have Ramifications Across U.S.

The requirement to present photo identification to cast a ballot went on trial 25 JAN in a closely watched case that
will have legal ramifications for voting across the country this presidential election year. Inside a federal courthouse
here, attorneys for the Justice Department and the NAACP argued that the law passed by the Republican-led North
Carolina General Assembly intentionally discriminates against African Americans and Latinos, who
disproportionately lack one of the required forms of photo identification. The state should be making it easier for
people to engage in the fundamental right to vote, not harder, Michael Glick, a Washington lawyer representing the
NAACP, said in his opening statement. Because the voter-ID requirement will make it harder for African Americans
and Latinos to vote, Glick said, it is unconstitutional and violates the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Under North Carolinas election law, passed three years ago, voters will have to present one of these photo IDs
for the first time this year: a North Carolina drivers license, a special non-operators ID, a U.S. passport, a military
ID, a veterans ID, a tribal ID from a federally or state recognized tribe, or in certain cases, a drivers license or nonoperator ID issued by another state. Thomas A. Farr, a lawyer representing North Carolina, argued that there is no
evidence that any resident of the state will be unable to vote under the photo-ID law. He said there is a great deal of
dispute about the data that the NAACP and Justice Department will present, which they say indicates that African
Americans are twice as likely as whites to lack a photo ID. Were talking about a very, very, very small group of
people who may not have a photo ID, Farr said, adding that the challengers just dont like the policy.
Since the 2010 midterm election, 21 states have added voting restrictions and in 15 states, the rules will be in
place for the first time in a presidential election, according to the Brennan Center for Justice. Eight states have strict
photo-ID laws. Election administrators, voting rights activists and lawyers are watching the North Carolina case
very closely, said Richard L. Hasen, an election-law expert at the University of California at Irvine. If North
Carolina gets a green light from the federal courts to pass this set of laws making it harder to register and vote, then I
expect other states with Republican legislators to pass similar laws. The trial is being held before U.S. District
Judge Thomas D. Schroeder, who joined the bench in 2008 after being nominated by President George W. Bush.
Schroeder held a three-week trial last summer on the rest of the election law, which reduces the number of days of
early voting, disallows people from registering and voting on the same day, stops ballots cast in the wrong precinct
from being counted, and ends the practice of pre-registering teenagers before they turn 18. Schroeder has not yet
ruled on that case.
The photo-ID trial is expected to last about a week. North Carolinas snowy and icy conditions affected the first
day of trial. Several witnesses were unable to travel to Winston-Salem, including plaintiffs Rosanell Eaton, 94, and
her daughter. Instead, a video of Eatons deposition last year was played on computer monitors in the courtroom.
The Franklin County, N.C., resident described how she had to make 10 trips to the Division of Motor Vehicles, drive
200 miles and spend more than 20 hours to obtain one of the required forms of voter identification because of
discrepancies between the name on her drivers license and that on her voter registration, along with differences in
the birth date on her birth certificate and her Social Security card. It was really stressful and difficult, a headache
and expensive, Eaton said.
Three years ago, the Supreme Court, in its 5-to-4 decision in Shelby County v. Holder, nullified the part of the
Voting Rights Act that required North Carolina, nine states and jurisdictions in five other states to get permission
from the federal government before enacting new voting laws because of their history of discrimination. Within a
month after the decision, the Republican-led North Carolina General Assembly passed one of the countrys most
restrictive voting laws. Republican Gov. Pat McCrory signed it, comparing the requirement of a voter ID to
common practices like boarding an airplane and purchasing Sudafed and saying the law would help prevent voter
fraud. Glick said in court Monday that there simply was no evidence of voter fraud and lawmakers definitely
knew that. A witness in last summers trial testified that the State Board of Elections referred two cases of in-person
voter fraud to prosecutors from 2000 to 2014.
Last summer, before the first trial was to begin, the North Carolina General Assembly passed an amendment that
allows voters to cast provisional ballots if they are unable to obtain specified forms of identification and if they can
show they have a reasonable impediment, including lack of transportation, illness, lack of a birth certificate or
work schedule. Lawyers representing North Carolina say education and training efforts on the amendment are
robust, but Glick said in court that the reasonable impediment rules are unclear and confusing and will
intimidate voters from coming to the polls. Earlier this month, Schroeder denied a preliminary injunction, ruling
against a request by the NAACP to block the law from going into effect until after the March primaries. His ruling
means that voters must show a photo ID, beginning with early voting on 3 MAR. Election-law experts say it could
be a sign of Schroeders future rulings in this case. Schroeder said the plaintiffs have failed to clearly demonstrate
that they are likely to succeed on the merits, based on the arguments in their briefs. [Source: Washington Post |
Sari Horwitz | January 25, 2016 ++]


Gulf War

Iraq Invasion | Was it a Mistake?

Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was on The Late Show Monday (25 JAN) night, and Stephen Colbert
was very careful with his questions. Rumsfeld was on to promote his new solitaire app, but all anyone ever wants to
talk to Rumsfeld about is the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and Colbert was no exception. He started out by asking if the
current situation in Iraq and Syria, including the rise of the Islamic State, was "a worst-case scenario, or a beyondworse-case scenario" when the George W. Bush administration was planning the Iraq War. "I think the disorder in
the entire region, and the conflict between the Sunnis and the Shia, is something that, generally, people had not
anticipated," Rumsfeld said.
Then Colbert got a little more direct. "The top two Republicans and the top two Democrats, none of them thinks
going into Iraq was the right choice to make," he said. "Do you still think it was the right thing to do, 12 years
later?" Rumsfeld said that when Bush made the decision, Iraq had disregarded several U.N. resolutions, had used
chemical weapons on his citizens and Iran, and "it seems to me the president, given the facts he had from the
intelligence community, made the right decision. In retrospect, they didn't find large caches of chemical or biological
weapons." Colbert turned to Rumsfeld's "known unknowns" formulation and introduced a fourth option, "unknown
knowns," gently suggesting that the Bush administration misled the American people by asserting that Iraq was a
threat to the U.S. when the intelligence was too murky to back that up. "The president had available to him
intelligence from all elements of the government," Rumsfeld said. "And the National Security Council members had
that information; it was all shared, it was all supplied. And it's never certain. If it were a fact, it wouldn't be called
intelligence." Colbert looked taken aback. "Wow. I think you answered my question." You can watch the strange,
nearly 10-minute conversation at [Source: The Week | Peter Weber | January 26, 2016 ++]


Israel's Memorial to 9/11

9/11 Living Memorial Plaza

Twin Towers Memorial, Israel

Above is Israel's memorial to 9/11. It is called the 9/11 Living Memorial Plaza. Completed in 2009 for $2 million, it
sits on 5 acres of hillside, 20 miles from the center of Jerusalem. The memorial is a 30-foot, bronze American flag
that forms the shape of a flame to commemorate the flames of the Twin Towers. The base of the monument is made
of melted steel from the wreckage of the World Trade Center and includes this engraving in Hebrew and English:
"This metal remnant was taken from the remains of the Twin Towers, that imploded in the September 11th disaster. It was
sent over to Israel by the City of New York to be incorporated in this memorial. This metal piece, like the entire monument, is
a manifestation of the special relationship between New York and Jerusalem."

Surrounding the monument are plaques with the names of the victims of 9/11. It is the only memorial outside the
U.S. that includes the names of all who perished in the terrorist attacks including 5 Israeli citizens. A glass pane over
the metal facilitates viewing. The site solemnly overlooks Jerusalem's largest cemetery, Har HaMenuchot. The
monument is often used for memorial and commemoration services. The inauguration ceremony was held on 12
November 2009 with representation from the US Ambassador to Israel, James B. Cunningham, members of the
Israeli Cabinet and legislature, family of victims and other. The 2013 memorial for the 9/11 attacks was
commemorated at Living Memorial Plaza. Families of victims and diplomats attended the event. U.S. Ambassador
to Israel Daniel B. Shapiro commented during the ceremony: "Here, at this painfully beautiful memorial site, we are
a reminder to everyone that we, Americans and Israelis, stand together in a spirit of solidarity and commitment to the
[Source: Jan 2016 ++]


Winter Weather Safeguards

Be Prepared and Stay Safe

As you prepare for extreme winter weather, make sure you and your family know how to safeguard yourself from
cold temperatures, snow and ice. Snow, sleet and freezing temperatures can knock out heat, power and

communications services to your home or office. Get prepared for weather-related emergencies, including power
outages, and follow these steps from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention to prepare your home.
Check your heating systems and have them professionally serviced.
Inspect and clean fireplaces and chimneys.
Have a safe alternate heating source and alternate fuels available.
Install a Carbon Monoxide (CO) and smoke detector. Check its batteries regularly. If the detector sounds
leave your home immediately and call 911. Carbon monoxide is found in fumes produced any time you
burn fuel in cars or trucks, small engines, stoves, lanterns, grills, fireplaces, gas ranges, or furnaces. CO can
build up indoors and poison people and animals who breathe it. The most common symptoms of CO
poisoning are headache, dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion.
Stock food that needs no cooking or refrigeration and water stored in clean containers.
Ensure that your cell phone is fully charged.
Keep an up-to-date emergency kit and refill any prescriptions that are due to be refilled.
Dont forget to wear appropriate clothing at all times. It is best to layer light, warm clothing, gloves, scarves,
hats and waterproof boots for wetter weather. Work slowly when doing outside chores, and take a friend and an
emergency kit when participating in outdoor recreation. You should also prep your car for colder climates. Have
your radiator serviced and check antifreeze levels. Check your tire tread, and if necessary, replace your tires with allweather or snow tires. Keep your gas tank full to avoid ice in the tank and fuel lines, and use a wintertime formula in
your windshield washer. It is also smart to prepare a winter emergency kit for your car. Pack blankets, nonperishable foods, and water and plastic bags for sanitation. Be sure to include booster cables, flares, a tire pump,
flashlight, battery-powered radio, and extra batteries and a first aid kit. If an accident does occur, with these
essentials, you should have enough materials to keep you safe and warm until help arrives.

When its cold out, try to check on family and neighbors who are at risk from cold weather hazards: young
children, older adults, and the chronically ill. If you have pets, bring them inside. If you cant bring them inside,
provide adequate, warm shelter and unfrozen water to drink. Winter storms and cold temperatures can be hazardous
for all, but if you plan ahead, you can stay safe and healthy! Visit for more tips, resources
and winter safety ideas. TRICARE can help you stay informed about your benefit in times of severe weather. When
a state of emergency is issued, TRICARE may authorize early prescription refills, blanket waivers for referrals or
other emergency benefits. When authorized, any emergency benefits are announced in email disaster alerts along
with their effective dates. You can sign up for email and text disaster alerts to get the latest information. Go to the
Disaster Information page on the TRICARE website for more
information. [Source: TRICARE Communications | January 22, 2016 ++]

Photos That Say it All



Most Creative Statues

Bratislava, Slovakia | Men at work

Man At Work


Interesting Inventions

High-Tech, Heated Shoes

French company Zhor-tech rolled out shoes with a step counter, which they say can measure your activity far more
accurately than a fitness tracker. But thats not all it offered with this offering in the world of wearable tech. The shoes
billed as the first connected footwear technology come with a built-in heater, controllable via smartphone app,
that lets you warm your tootsies. They also include technologies that can use footwear to help with early diagnosis of
diabetes or help people with poor circulation. The $450 shoes should be available later this year, and the English
translations on their website are mildly amusing


Moments of US History

Bridget Bardot and Pablo Picasso 1956

The ascendant actress and the seasoned artist



Revenge Tactic #12 Against Inconsiderate Parkers


Brain Teaser

Which One is It?

The spellings of each location (city and country) in column A have something in common that only one place name
in column B shares. Which one is it?
Column A
Arlon, Belgium
Burgdorf, Switzerland
Lvov, Ukraine
Moulins, France

Column B
Moma, Mozambique
Oulu, Finland
Quan Long, Vietnam
Dezhou, China


Have You Heard?

Smart Women

Barbara Walters, of 20/20, did a story in Kabul, Afghanistan, several years before the Afghan conflict. She noted
women walked five paces behind their husbands.
She recently returned to Kabul and observed that women still walk behind their husbands.
Despite the overthrow of the oppressive Taliban regime, the women now seem happy
to maintain the old custom.
Ms. Walters approached one of the Afghani women and asked, "Why do you now seem happy with an old
custom that you once tried so desperately to end?"
'The woman looked Ms Walters straight in the eyes, and without hesitation said, "Land mines."
Moral is (no matter what language you speak or where you go):


Have You Heard?

Some People

Recently, when I went to McDonald's I saw on the menu that you could have an order of 6, 9 or 12 Chicken
McNuggets. I asked for a half dozen nuggets.
'We don't have half dozen nuggets,' said the teenager at the counter. 'You don't?' I replied.
'We only have six, nine, or twelve,' was the reply. 'So I can't order a half dozen nuggets, but I can order six?'
'That's right.' So I shook my head and ordered six McNuggets

I was checking out at the local Wal-Mart with just a few items and the lady behind me put her things on the belt
close to mine. I picked up one of those 'dividers' that they keep by the cash register and placed it between our things
so they wouldn't get mixed. After the girl had scanned all of my items, she picked up the 'divider', looking it all over
for the bar code so she could scan it.
Not finding the bar code, she said to me, 'Do you know how much this is?'
I said to her 'I've changed my mind; I don't think I'll buy that today.'
She said 'OK,' and I paid her for the things and left.

A woman at work was seen putting a credit card into her floppy drive and pulling it out very quickly.
When I inquired as to what she was doing, she said she was shopping on the Internet and they kept asking for a
credit card number, so she was using the ATM 'thingy.'

I recently saw a distraught young lady weeping beside her car. 'Do you need some help?' I asked. She replied, 'I
knew I should have replaced the battery to this remote door unlocker. Now I can't get into my car. Do you think they
(pointing to a distant convenience store) would have a battery to fit this?'
'Hmmm, I don't know. Do you have an alarm, too?' I asked.
'No, just this remote thingy,' she answered, handing it and the car keys to me. As I took the key and manually
unlocked the door, I replied, 'Why don't you drive over there and check about the batteries. It's a long walk....'

Several years ago, we had an Intern who was none too swift. One day she was typing and turned to a secretary and
said, 'I'm almost out of typing paper. What do I do?' 'Just use paper from the photocopier', the secretary told her.
With that, the intern took her last remaining blank piece of paper, put it on the photocopier and proceeded to make
five 'blank' copies.

A mother calls 911 very worried asking the dispatcher if she needs to take her kid to the emergency room, the kid
had eaten ants. The dispatcher tells her to give the kid some Benadryl and he should be fine, the mother says, 'I just
gave him some ant killer......'
Dispatcher: 'Rush him in to emergency!'



Things that might make you say it (05)


Brain Teaser Answer

Which One is It?

Dezhou, China (all five vowels appear just once)



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