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Question asked in marketing officer 2014

1-Mutual fund regulator-SEBI

2-when companies make marketing decisions by considering consumer

wants and the long run interest of the company,consumer and the general
population,they r participating which of the following principle?
1 societal marketing
2value marketing
3consumer oriented marketing
ANS= 1
3-n terms of special product life cycles a ___ is a basic and distinctive mode
of expression? 1 genre 2 style 3 fashion 4 fad
4-Anything that can be offered to a market for attention,acquisition,use,or
consumption that might satisfy a want or need is called an? 1 idea 2
product 3 demand 4 service--ANS=2
5-According to the price strategy matrix when a company overprices its
product in relation to its quality it is considered to be using which type of
strategy?1good value strategy 2premium strategy 3over charging strategy
6- ___ is a promotin strategy that calls for using the sales force and trade
promotion to move the product through channels? 1pust strategy 2 pull
strategy 3 blocking strategy 4 integrated strategy
7-each salesperson is assigned to an exclusive area in which to sell the
company full line of product or services in which type of salesforce
1product sales force
2territorial sales force
3 customer sales force
4 hybrid sales force
8-marketers are sometimes accused of deceptive practises that lead
consumer to belive they will get more value then they actually do____
includes practise such as falsely advertising ?
1deceptive pricing
2deceptive promotion
3decetive cost structure
9-he primary reason that many companies work to become the low cost
producer in their industry because of

10-hat the company that overlooks new and better ways to do things will
eventually lose customers to another company that has found a better way
of serving customer needs in a major tenet of?
1 innovative marketing
2 consumer oriented mar
3 value marketing
4 sense of mission marketing
11-cognitive dissonance occurs in which stage of the buyer decision
1 need recognition
2 information search
3 postpurchase behaviour
4 prepurchase
12-setting call objective is done during which of the following stage of the
selling process?
1 prospecting
2 preapproach
3 approch
4 handling objection
13-conflicts between different levels of the same channel of distribution are
referred to as?
1 horizontal conflicts
2 vertical
3 layer based conflict
14-using a successful brand name to introduce additional items in a given
product category under the same brand name (such as new flavour,forms
colours) is called?
1 line extension
2 brand extension
3 multibranding
4 new brands
15-__ belief and value are open to some degree of change.
1 crucial
2 core
3 primary
4 secondary
16-____ is a principle of enlightened marketing that require a company seek
real product and marketing improvement?
1 innovative marketing
2 consumer oriented marketing
3 value marketing
17-___ is the process of evaluating each market segments attractiveness
and selecting one or more segment to enter?
1 mass marketing
2 market segmentation
2 market targeting

18-___ includes practise such as overstating the product features or

performance luring the customer to the store for a bargain that is out of
stock,or running rigged contest?
1deceptive promotion
2deceptive pricing
3deceptive cost structure
19-A ____ is a good offered either free or at low cost as an incentive to buy a
1 spiff
2 premium
3 price back
4 patronage award
20- Closed-end funds have lower cash requirements than open-end funds
because1)open-end funds tend to invest in less liquid assets.
2)open-end funds pay more taxes than closed-end funds.
3)open-end funds allow investors to redeem their shares at any time.
4)closed-end funds have limited lifetimes.

21Shares of a closed-end fund are trading at a 4% premium over NAV. If

NAV is $10 per share, what is the current market price of the funds shares?
22- Which type of fund is most likely to have the lowest management fee?
1)Bond fund.
2)Equity growth fund.
3)Index fund.
4)Equity income fund.

Shares of closed-end funds often sell:

1)exactly at the net asset value.

2)at the net asset value, plus a load fee.
3)at a premium to the net asset value.
4)at a discount to the net asset value.

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