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Government of Orissa

Department of Water Resources

Construction of Check Dams

August - 2010

Guidelines for Construction of Check Dams


Introduction :
Objective :
Selection Criteria :

Sailent Features & Types of Check Dams :

Design Aspect :
Implementation Arrangements.
Operation and Maintenance:
Fund flow Arrangement :
Institutional Arrangements :
Monitoring Mechanism :

Way forward

Guidelines for Exploitation of Surface Water by construction of Check Dams

Construction of Check Dams.
Introduction :
Orissa depends largely upon monsoon for its Water Resources. South West
Monsoon triggers rainfall in the State. About 78% of total annual rainfall occurs
during the period from June to September. In addition to seasonal availability the
rainfall in the state also shows a spatial variation. Under normal conditions the State
receives annual precipitation of about 230.76 billion cubic meter (BCM). Of the total
precipitation, a part is lost by evaporation, transpiration and deep percolation and a
part stored in the form of ground water reserve, the remaining appears as surface
runoff. Considering the topographical and geological limitations, 75% of the average
annual flow can be utilized. Till-date a storage capacity of 17 BCM has so far been
developed through completed major, medium & minor (flow) projects. The projects
under construction will contribute to an additional 1.47 BCM. The per capita water
storage needs substantive improvement keeping in view the challenges going to be
faced by water sector.
Taking into account the limitation of storage schemes and their long gestation
period, State Government is keen to utilize a part of the surplus surface runoff
flowing down to the sea through interventions such as Check Dams or Instream
Storage structures in small rivers / streams and anicuts in bigger streams / rivers.

Objective :
The broad objectives of Check Dams (In-stream Storage Structures) are :

To provide drinking water facilities in the villages along both the sides of
the river after monsoon period.

Ground Water recharge

To provide incidental irrigation during late Khariff and Rabi by storing water
at the end of monsoon mainly through lifting devices.

Guidelines for Exploitation of Surface Water by construction of Check Dams

Irrigation use of water flowing down drainage channels.

To divert water from perennial / semi-perennial streams in hilly areas for

irrigation purpose.

Other uses by villagers like bathing, washing, fishing, recreation etc.

depending on location and potentiality.

Selection Criteria :
The Check Dams will store or divert surplus water flowing to the sea at the
end of monsoon. While selecting locations for construction of in-stream storage
structure or check dams the following principles & priorities are to be followed.

Blocks having less than 35% irrigation coverage to be considered.

Areas where farmers are using traditional irrigation by constructing

temporary cross bunds on streams.

Where the farmers are willing to take up operation & maintenance of the

The newly constructed structure should not have any adverse impact on
the hydrological efficacy of the existing, ongoing and future major,
medium, minor (flow) irrigation and minor (lift) irrigation projects.

In-stream storage will be developed near urban centers if suitable rivers

and locations available for multipurpose domestic and irrigation use.

Though the purpose of the scheme is to be demand driven, hydrologically and

technically feasible sites may be considered by DoWR and local people are to be
consulted prior to taking any action for implementation. The main emphasis on
selection of a site will be proper use of water through peoples participation.

Sailent Features & Types of Check Dams :

The check dams or in-stream storage structures with or without gated
arrangements are to be capable of safely releasing the anticipated design flood
without affecting the safety of the structures with minimum afflux in the upstream.
Water can be stored in such a pond / reservoir towards the end of monsoon.
Basing on the type of stream or nallah where the structure is proposed to be
constructed the check dams may be divided into three categories. To achieve these
Guidelines for Exploitation of Surface Water by construction of Check Dams

objectives three types of check dams have been selected primarily basing on the
type of the stream.
1. Check dams, upto a height of 2.0 mt. can be constructed across small
tributaries / nallah / drainage channel within the banks and streams in
middle and higher reaches (within approx. 50 mts. wide)
2. Check dams in deltaic rivers/ drainage channel (lower reaches) (within
approx 50 mts. wide).
3. Storage across major rivers and streams having higher width and huge
flood water discharge.
1. Check dams upto a height of 2.0mt. can be constructed across small
tributaries / nallah / drainage channel within the banks and in hill streams.
These storage schemes will be low cost structures and will be primarily
used for the purpose of irrigation through lift, re-charging of ground water and
providing drinking water facility to nearby villages. People have to develop
their own irrigation system (either lift or flow) from the check dams
2. Check dams in deltaic rivers/ drainage channel.
These structures will be constructed on deltaic rivers / nallah / drainage
channel with alluvial bed and will be primarily used for providing irrigation
facility by lifting water during later part of monsoon and rabi. At places
existing, ongoing and future foot bridges may be used for storing water by
providing wooden planks / steel shutters between the piers or through putting
sand bags considering safety of the structure.
3. Storage across major rivers and streams having higher width and huge
flood water discharge.
These structures can be used for the purpose of drinking water
facilities to nearby villages, irrigation facility to the nearby areas with minimum
lift, useful for meeting industrial demands during lean periods (Nov-May). The
sites will be selected after detail survey & investigation. These structures will
be constructed, operated and maintained by the department.

Design Aspect :
1. Check dams on small streams / nallahs / drainage channel & Deltaic river:
All the structures shall be designed as per standard practices for
ensuring the safety & economy.
The height of these structures will be normally within 2.0 m. The
storage arrangement can be made through provision of alternate piers with

Guidelines for Exploitation of Surface Water by construction of Check Dams

two grooves on each side for providing wooden planks/ steel shutters in
position and gates of wooden planks/ shutter / sand bags to store water.
These structures are to be constructed in series to make them more effective
by storing more water for attaining their objectives.
2. Check dams on main streams.
As these are important structures on main streams, the design of these
structures shall confirm to prevailing codes & references.

Implementation Arrangements.
The scheme will be implemented through the existing field units of major &
medium irrigation sector and minor (flow) irrigation sector following standard extant
codal procedures with following stipulations.
The tender should be invited on percentage basis as per OPWD Code Vol. I
Clause 3.5.5(v) for these works.
The small check dam works will be taken up by inviting tenders keeping a
minimum bid period of 10 days, so as to complete the tendering process and
issuance of work order at the earliest, preferably within a month. Maximum one
month time should be prescribed for completion of works. As per the latest
amendment to para 3.5.5. (Note-II) of OPWD code, additional performance security
are to be deposited at the time of execution of agreement by successful bidders
when the bid amount is seriously unbalanced. It is observed that in many cases
successful bidders are not responding for drawal of agreement causing abnormal
delay in finalization of tenders. Since in-stream storage structures are to be
completed within a short period the following amendment in the agreement / tender
document are to be incorporated.
Additional performance security shall be deposited by the bidder when the
bid amount is seriously unbalanced i.e. less than the estimated cost by more than
10% along with the tender. The bidder will deposit the additional performance
security to the extent of the differential cost of the bid amount and 90% of the
estimated cost in shape of Post Office Saving Bank Account / National Savings
Certificate / Post Office Time Deposit Account / Kissan Vikash Patra / Deposit
receipt of Schedule Banks.
Failure to comply the above clauses will lead to make the bid invalid for such

Guidelines for Exploitation of Surface Water by construction of Check Dams

On completion, the Projects will be handed over to Pani Panchayats/farmer

groups for proper management. Consent of farmers before / during and after
completion of work will be obtained and kept in the case record. Executive Engineers
will be personally responsible for timely completion of the work with quality and
subsequent use for various purpose.
Separate implementation arrangements will be made and guidelines will be
prepared for barrages / anicuts across major streams and big rivers which will be
constructed, operated and maintained by the department.

Operation and Maintenance:

On completion, the small check dam projects will be handed over to Pani
Panchayats / farmer groups for proper management.
1. Pani Panchayats (WUAs) should be formed by the beneficiaries of the
scheme during the process of selection of site for check dams. These Pani
Panchayats are to actively participate during the execution of the scheme.
2. The infrastructure once completed in all respects will immediately be
handed over to Pani Panchayats (W.U.As) for its operation and
maintenance. However, technical guidelines and assistance required for
operation and maintenance will be extended to the Pani Panchayats
(WUAs) free of cost by the department.
The Department responsible for execution of the scheme will supply
the wooden / steel planks or sand bags once only and demonstrate the
operation of putting shutters / planks / sand bags in position and their
removal, transportation and maintenance in real field scenario.
However the Pani Panchayats (W.U.As) are required to meet / provide
the cost of shutters, any other materials etc. including cost of labour
and other incidental charges during operation and maintenance in
subsequent years after handover.
3. It is mandatory that the waterway of check dams constructed across
stream / nallah / drainage channel etc. should be free from any
obstructions / interventions made by planks / steel shutters / sand bags
etc. before onset of the monsoon or later by 5th of June every year.
However, the department may ask / expect to be in readiness to lift /
remove the shutters etc. to make the water way clear of any obstruction
during any time of their operation and maintenance period to meet

Guidelines for Exploitation of Surface Water by construction of Check Dams

exigencies like managing non-monsoon

downstream water requirement.





4. The Pani Panchayats (W.U.As) are responsible to install lifting

arrangement for lifting water from the pond and its conveyance for
equitable irrigation to users farms.
5. The Pani Panchayats (W.U.As) may install and maintain pipe conduits,
taps etc. and take care to make water hygienic, if the water is to be used
for drinking purpose.

Fund flow Arrangement :

Funding for execution of check dams in KBK districts are to be met from
Special Component Assistance (SCA) and Additional Central Assistance (ACA).
Similarly, States own fund is to be utilized for execution of check dams in Non-KBK
districts. The funds will be placed in the annual outlay of the Department. Various
Industries using water will be asked to participate in anicut / barrage projects in
upstream areas by contributing funds to government for execution of such projects to
conserve water for use in non monsoon period.

Institutional Arrangement :
The scheme will be implemented through the existing field units of major &
medium irrigation sector and minor (flow) irrigation sector. The concerned Chief
Engineers / Chief Engineers & Basin Managers / Chief Construction Engineers will
prepare a list of viable projects out of the probable projects furnished by the field
Executive Engineers after due consultative process with the local people. The final
list of the projects will be prepared by the Engineer-in-Chief, Planning and Designs in
consultation with the Chief Engineer, PP&F and Chief Engineer, Designs, Research
and Quality Control. This list will be placed to DoWR for concurrence and then steps
will be taken for implementation of the project.
While preparing the probable list of projects the selection criteria as indicated
above are to be followed.
The field unit will take steps to document the pre and post project scenario of
the project site.

Guidelines for Exploitation of Surface Water by construction of Check Dams

Monitoring Mechanism :
State level monitoring committee:The progress of selection of sites for in-stream storage structures and
implementation will be monitored by a State level monitoring committee with the
following structure.
Chief Secretary


Agricultural Production Commissioner -


Secretary, Finance Department


Secretary, Revenue & Disaster Management Department

Secretary, Agriculture Department
Secretary, Energy Department


Secretary, Department of Water Resources



Member Convenor

Engineer-in-Chief, Water Resources, Orissa, Bhubaneswar -


Engineer-in-Chief, Planning & Designs, Bhubaneswar -


Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation, Bhubaneswar -


Any other Govt. Officer with the permission of the Chair-


The State level monitoring committee meeting will be held twice within a
financial year.
District level monitoring committee:The progress at district level will be monitored by one district level monitoring
committee under the chairmanship of the Collector & District Magistrate of the
district. The Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation of the district will be the member
convenor with concerned Superintending Engineers and other concerned Executive
Engineers and District Agricultural Officers as members. These monitoring
committees will be notified by the Department of Water Resources. The district level
monitoring committee meeting will be held once in every quarter of each financial

Department level monitoring:The progress of the activities under the scheme will be monitored by the
Director, M&E, office of the Engineer-in-Chief, WR. Each Chief Engineer / Chief
Engineer & Basin Manager will prepare and furnish a monthly progress report during
the 1st week of each month preferably transmitted electronically. The Director M&E

Guidelines for Exploitation of Surface Water by construction of Check Dams

will prepare a consolidated progress report and furnish it to DoWR under intimation
to all the Chief Engineers and Basin Managers / Chief Engineers and Engineer-inChiefs. Day to day progress will be monitored by the regular monitoring
arrangements of the department.

Way Forward :
After success of the 1st phase construction of check dams and as per the
demand from farmers / industries, the State Government may suitably modify /
amend / alter any guidelines / norms in the scheme if any difficulties / problems arise
during implementation of the scheme for achieving better performance under the

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Guidelines for Exploitation of Surface Water by construction of Check Dams

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