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Headspace is Portsmouth‟s Early Intervention in Psychosis Service, working with young people aged

14-35 years old who have or may be developing a first episode of psychosis. We can make sure that
young people and their families get help quickly, and provide support that is responsive to the young December
persons needs, on their terms. You can contact us on 023 92737 106. This newsletter informs about
our latest activities and the various groups that we offer. 2009

In this issue:
World Mental Health Day – Event
Awards – Nominations World Mental
Christmas Party – You‟re invited!
Back on Track – Class of 2009
Family Education – Monthly meetings
Health Day
o Goodbye Trevor! – Fond farewell
o SI Group is Go!– New group starts off
with a bang
o Bowling- Next few months‟ dates

Pam Ringland, our Senior Occupational
Therapist, was short listed for the PCT‟s
Chairman‟s Award in „Innovation‟. This
recognises her incredible achievement of
establishing our Back on Track supported Left to Right: Esther, Pam, Ali, Leah
college course, which is now being piloted
nationally as Back on Track 2. World Mental Health Day is celebrated every
The Headspace team were also nominated year on 10th October. This year an event was
for Southampton University‟s Most held in Portsmouth‟s Guildhall Square, hosted
Supportive Learning Environment. Thank by the BBC and television star Esther Ranson
you to our mental health nursing students (as pictured above.)
for putting us forward! We have a new The Headspace team was there, raising
student on placement called Claudia, who awareness and getting a bit crafty with the
will be with us until the end of December. people of Portsmouth, who answered the
question “What Makes You Smile?” by helping
us create two fantastic collages of pictures and

Christmas Party!
Headspace are organising a Christmas Party, for all of our service users. It will be
held at the Slug and Lettuce, Palmerston Road, Southsea on Monday 14th
December at 7pm. A big buffet will be laid out for all those who attend! Please
bring a little money for your own drinks. It‟s sure to be a fun evening, and we look
forward to seeing as many of you as possible! Let us know if you plan to come
Headspace Newsletter
Back On Track Report
Linda Medlow (tutor): It is Oct 12th and we are well into the first
half term, we have 8 students enrolled, 5 of whom are attending
regularly and 2 of those are attending for all 4 sessions, which is
Students are currently studying Literacy, Numeracy, Workskills
(interview techniques etc) and Professional Development. We have
a local Police Community Support Officer in on Monday to give us a
talk and next week we are visiting the local Magistrate‟s court.
In November we are planning time at The News Education centre
in Hilsea to put together our own front pages and hope in our
Keeping Well sessions to look at nutrition and exercise, even visit
the new Highbury gym! All ideas from students gratefully received.

Family Education Goodbye Trevor

Trevor Bushell, Outreach Practitioner, left
Headspace at the end of October. He has
been a pivotal member of the team since we
began. He helped to set up the service and
then forge strong links with the local schools
and colleges, through his hard work and
John Pounds Centre, 23 Queens Street, Portsmouth
We would like to thank him for all he has
We are now running a series of education brought to our team and wish him luck in his
sessions for the families of Headspace future endeavours!
clients. It is held monthly at the John We have interviewed for his post, and we will
Pounds Centre from 7pm to 8.30pm. be welcoming our new staff member in
Our first meeting, held in September, January.
seemed well received, and was very well
attended, in fact we almost ran out of
We would like to clarify that this meeting is
one of the few occasions when we do not
include our clients - it is an opportunity for SI Group is Go!
relatives to have some time for themselves
and take the opportunity to discuss what
may be difficult or emotional issues.

Upcoming sessions:

27/01/10: Substance Misuse

24/02/10: The Mental Health Act – the role
of professionals and inpatient care The Headspace Social Inclusion Group is now
well underway. So far this Monday afternoon
group have: gone out for meals, visited the
cinema, played golf, had a game of footy and
we plan to do much more.
We are now looking into more active
activities, and hope that we will find at least

Bowling one thing we enjoy that we can continue

independently outside of the group.
Reminder of upcoming dates: 9/12/09, We still need your ideas for a catchy group
13/01/10, 10/02/09 1:30pm to 3pm at name. Let a member of the Headspace team
Bowplex, Gunwharf. All Headspace service know if one springs to mind.
users welcome! Just come along.

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