583 Construction Management Rev I

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This method statement provides a detailed Construction Management Plan, indicating
how the Project Agreement will manage the overall demolition, construction and
refurbishment works; specifically covering:

General approach to health and safety;

General approach to environmental management and sustainability;
General approach to quality management;
Management methodology including compound arrangements, storage, on and
off site support structures, logistics, etc
Organisation of staffing and resources;
Operational integration of staff and operatives across the Participant organisation
and sub contracts;
General security arrangements;
Proposals for resident liaison throughout and in respect of all aspects of the

Each of the points listed above are covered separately for the new build and refurbishment
works in the section that follows, with the exception of:
b) Environmental Management and Sustainability, and
h) Proposals for resident liaison

which have been collaboratively produced and agreed between the construction and
refurbishment contractors.

REG-5.8.3-001 Construction Management Version I



Part 1 New Build Construction Management PlanPage 3
5.8.3 (a) General Approach to Health & Safety page 3
5.8.3 (b) General Approach to Environmental Management ..page 10
5.8.3 (c) General Approach to Quality Management ..page 18
5.8.3 (d) Management Methodology ..page 22
5.8.3 (e) Organisation of staffing and resources .. page 26
5.8.3 (f) Operational Integration of Staff .page 28
5.8.3 (g) General Security Arrangements ..page 29
5.8.3 (h) Resident Liaison page 31

Part 2 Refurbishment Works Construction Mgt Plan .Page 35

5.8.3 (a) General Approach to Health & Safety page 35
5.8.3 (b) General Approach to Environmental Management ..page 37
5.8.3 (c) General Approach to Quality Management ..page 37
5.8.3 (d) Management Methodology ..page 38
5.8.3 (e) Organisation of staffing and resources .. page 41
5.8.3 (f) Operational Integration of Staff .page 43
5.8.3 (g) General Security Arrangements ..page 46
5.8.3 (h) Resident Liaison page 48

Appendix 01 - Higgins Health & Safety Policy & Procedures
Appendix 02 - Traffic Management Plan
Appendix 03 - Contract Quality Plan
Appendix 04 Higgins Quality Policy
Appendix 05 Rydon Maintenance H&S Policy
Appendix 06 Rydon Maintenance Quality Assurance Policy

REG-5.8.3-001 Construction Management Version I




5.8.3 (a) General approach to Health & Safety
The Higgins Construction approach to Health and Safety management is paramount on all
construction projects, and is developed in such a way as to encourage everyone involved to
work together.

The core duty of all involved in the project will be to co-operate and co-ordinate with others.
Every person involved in the project will have to seek co-operation from, and co-operate
with, others involved in the construction work on the same or adjoining sites in relation to
health and safety issues.

Below are the main criteria by which Higgins will approach the Myatts Field North Project:

Ensure that all statutory appointments and notices are in place.

The Project Management Team will ensure that Designers and Sub-Contractors who
may be engaged on the project are competent and adequately resourced.

Ensure suitable and sufficient welfare facilities are provided for the project from the start
of the construction phase.

All Company Personnel are provided with information, instruction and training to ensure
they are competent to address the Health & Safety issues likely to be involved in the
management of the construction phase of the project.

A Higgins Construction Director will ensure that the construction phase of the project is
properly planned, managed and monitored, with adequately resourced competent Site
Management and support teams i.e. Resident Liaison Officers appropriate to the risks
and activities involved in this project.

Pre-tender/pre-start meetings will ensure that every sub-contractor who will be involved
on the project is informed of the minimum amount of time in which they will be allowed
for planning and preparation before they begin work on a site.

Suitable Construction Phase Plans will be prepared before construction works

commence and provided to the CDM co-ordinator.

The Project Management Team will provide copies of, or access to, relevant parts of the
Construction Phase Plan and other information to sub-contractors, including selfemployed, in time for them to plan their works.

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Information requests from sub-contractors will be met promptly and the Higgins project
team will oversee safe working, co-ordination and co-operation between the Project SubContractors.

The Project Management Team will liaise with the CDM co-ordinator on design carried
out during the construction phase of a project, including design by specialist Contractors.
Appropriate information will be included in the Construction Phase Plan.

The Project Management Team supported by experienced Health and Safety Advisers
shall ensure that all appropriate safety measures are implemented on the project.

The Project Management Team will ensure Construction Phase Health and Safety Plans
are to be kept up-to-date as projects progress.

All site personnel will be provided with suitable Health & Safety Induction, Information
and Training and site rules enforced as necessary and ensure the workforce is consulted
in relation to the projects Health & Safety matters.

The Project Management Team will provide the CDM co-ordinator promptly with any
information relevant to the Health & Safety File for the project

A copy of Higgins Health & Safety Policy & Procedures is provided at Appendix 01.

We acknowledge that the works will have an ongoing impact on the local environment during
the regeneration period. We therefore place the utmost importance on recognising the
issues and identifying options to mitigate the impact of these issues.

Items which are considered to be of prime importance are:

Demolition, and new build construction works adjacent to tenanted properties

Traffic management and recognition of the impact of introduction of construction

traffic into a heavily populated public space

Site security and unauthorised access

Temporary and permanent utility services protection

Noise, dust and nuisance mitigation

Local community Health & Safety awareness

Well managed and appropriate temporary works

The regeneration programme will be carried out on a phased basis and as each Phase of
the works commences each construction area will be fully enclosed within a robust hoarding,
preventing any unauthorised access to the construction operations. The access gates to the

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works will be manned during construction working hours and movements in and out of these
areas closely controlled.

To ensure that the construction work is segregated from the public, vehicular movements will
be arranged to prevent disruption to the local residents. Where this is not possible traffic
movements are controlled and limited to non-sensitive periods (i.e. not during school runs).
Please refer to the Traffic Management Plan provided at Appendix 02.

All routes used by construction traffic leaving the construction site will be required to be
cleaned with wheel / under-carriage cleaning apparatus to mitigate against mud / debris
being transferred onto public roads.

Prior to the commencement of all phased works we will keep local residents and the local
Authority Representatives advised of operational programmes, methodology and the
proposed traffic management plan through the Residents Forum, the Resident Liaison
Officer, and newsletters. Any concerns or matters raised by local residents and the local
Authority Representative will be considered and where deemed appropriate will be
incorporated into the final approach.

All site roads, construction traffic routes etc. will be signposted with speed limits, direction
markers etc. Pedestrian routes and vehicular traffic routes for construction works will be
segregated by either demarcation fencing or physically sitting in different areas of the site.

When subcontractors from the database are selected at the enquiry stage for each project
they will be directed to their obligations in terms of health and safety legislation and our
procedures on site. Prior to letting a sub-contract award we hold a pre-order meeting to reemphasise the current legislation and our specific requirements. The pre-order meeting
minutes are signed by both parties and are used to formalise our contractual agreement with
the subcontractor. These minutes will be included within the form of subcontract agreement
and will be regularly referred to during meetings between our on site supervision team and
the subcontractor.

Prior to the works commencing the Pre-Construction Information is developed into the
project specific Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan and is signed off at each stage
of the project prior to that work commencing. The subcontractors will be required to produce
the requisite method statements, risk and COSHH assessments in accordance with our
processes and procedures, and will not be allowed to commence work until these are in
place. This document is maintained on site and further developed by the addition of other
specific risk assessments, method statements, training information etc.

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The on site management of Health and Safety is controlled by our prevention is better
than cure ethos. All our supply chain partners are required to read and sign our current site
rules and regulations. Following this initial site induction there is a continuous process of
education by way of tool box talks relative to works being undertaken. These are signed off
by the Health & Safety Manager and records kept of all tool box talks given and which
operatives attended.

Regular site inspections are undertaken by our site management team and our health and
safety advisors to ensure that the works are being undertaken to the highest possible
standards and practices. These reports are published and available to all and will be
discussed with each subcontractor at regular progress meetings.

The health and safety performance of all subcontractors is monitored through Sub-Contract
Evaluations against the following performance indicators:

Quality of Workmanship

Submission of Records/Documentation

Adherence to Programme

Level of Work Supervision

Co-operation with Agent/Other Trades

Level of Technical Assistance/Expertise

Willingness to obviate Extra Costs

Attitude to Dayworks

Attitude to Site Cleanliness

Prevention of Waste

Protection of Works

Attitude to Health and Safety

Rectification of Defective Work

The results are fed back into our procurement database to inform selection of sub
contractors for future projects.

The nature of the works is such that all works will be notifiable under and require compliance
with the terms of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 (CDM). In
order to comply with and surpass the regulations a CDM co-ordinator will be appointed at
the earliest possible opportunity after preferred bidder, and prior to the progression of

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detailed design. It will be the CDM co-ordinators responsibility to ensure that the Client is
aware of their duties and that relevant Pre Construction Information is passed to the
Principal Contractor and from there onto the trade sub-contractors. It is the responsibility of
the Principal Contractor to prepare a Construction Stage Health & Safety Plan in response to
the particular circumstances of the project and to ensure that the works are planned and
carried out in a safe manner with particular regard to the safety of the public, the works
operatives and future maintenance operatives.

The commencement of all work, regardless of the scale, will be subject to receiving a
satisfactory Method Statement and Risk Assessment. Only once these have been approved
by the Site Manager and H&S Manager will permission be granted to carry out the work.
The following provides an overview of day to day H&S practices which are enforced and
followed on site:
All site operatives and visitors to the site will be suitably inducted by our Management
Staff before being allowed onto the site.
All works to be undertaken will be carried out under the supervision of a permanent site
representative from Higgins Construction PLC namely our Project Manager. He will
discuss with the site operatives the full extent of the works taking place and explain all
the restrictions applicable to this contract.
All subcontractor operatives on site will be experienced workers trained in their
respective duties and conversant with the companys Health and Safety Policy and
Project-specific Method Statements.
All trade operatives will be under the supervision of their Site Foreman, who if applicable,
speaks the particular language of any non English speaking operatives and will translate
all site induction/toolbox talks and emergency evacuation procedures. A signed
statement is obtained to ensure all operatives on site have received and understood all
such safety instructions from Higgins Staff.
All operatives will be expected to use in the proper manner, the correct tools, equipment
and PPE for the task in hand.
Each operative shall demonstrate a concern for safety on site, for other workers, as well
as for themselves.
We will ensure that each operative wears the requisite personal protection equipment.
The site will be designated a hi-viz and hard hat area and operatives will comply with
All subcontractors will be required to undergo an on-site induction course to ensure all
operatives are conversant with the safe methods of working.

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Plant operatives will be CPCS holders and be responsible for the correct safe use of the
items of plant they are using and ensure that it is operated in accordance with the
manufacturers instructions. All plant and equipment shall be the most appropriate for
each operation and the plant will be properly maintained and in good working order. Any
noisy plant shall be fully suppressed and when in intermittent use shall be shut down
during the periods of non-use.
Site personnel will maintain warning signs, barriers and safety measures etc, and report
any defects to their foreman for his immediate attention and action.
We will assess the requirements for First-Aid based on the numbers of operatives on
site, and together with the subcontractors, provide the necessary facilities on site.
Appointed members of Higgins Site Staff/Sub-contractors will be first-aiders. In the
event of any emergency on site, requiring attendance of the ambulance or fire fighting
services, once services have been informed, the Site Supervisor will take the appropriate
A Fire Plan and emergency evacuation procedure will be in place and all operatives
informed of these by the Project Manager or other appointed site staff.
A traffic and pedestrian plan will also be agreed prior to implementing and clearly
displayed on site. This will be regularly reviewed and amended as necessary.
Prior to commencing on site a full and detailed risk assessment will be carried out and
issued to the Clients Agent for approval.
Access and Traffic Management
In recognition of the busy surrounding roads, traffic and pedestrian management needs
careful consideration and consultation with the neighbouring residents and Lambeths
Highways Department.
A detailed Traffic Management Plan will be developed and implemented, taking into
account any requirements from planning conditions which may be specified further down
the line.
Temporary one way systems may need to be adopted for construction traffic together
with on site haul roads and temporary vehicular crossovers.
The estate and neighbouring residents together with Lambeths Highways Department
will be consulted at an early stage prior to implementing any traffic management plan
and updates as the works progress.
Access on and around the site, as shown on the annotated drawings, will depend on the
particular stage of the works.
A trained and dedicated Vehicle Banksman will supervise the access and egress of
delivery vehicles within the confines of the hoarded off site areas. Refer to the annotated
phasing plans.
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Large delivery vehicles will be offloaded within the site boundaries using cranes
positioned at appropriate locations to suit the build sequence.
Careful co-ordination and clear instructions for all deliveries will be given to suppliers and
Direction signage on approach roads will clearly identify the new build construction sites
and the areas secured for demolition.
Appropriate directional signage and safety information will be displayed on the estate
warning pedestrians of the individual site access routes and construction traffic routes
The existing pedestrian and vehicle routes will be carefully considered when formulating
our traffic management strategy.
A member of Higgins Site Team will be responsible for supervising the traffic
management for each stage of the works and auditing and amending as appropriate.


Communication on site is essential, and the site team will have dedicated telephones/radios,
faxes and email connections.

The Project Manager is the point of contact on site during working hours. We will have
emergency telephone numbers for matters arising out of working hours, weekends, and
public holidays.

As part or the Considerate Constructors initiative site contact numbers and the name of the
Project Manager will be displayed on notice boards.

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5.8.3 (b) General approach to Environmental Management

This section outlines our approach to sustainability during the demolition and construction
process. Full descriptions of our approach to sustainability are in the Sustainability Method
Statement (5.7.2) and associated documents.
In July 2008 Higgins Construction PLC, achieved accreditation under ISO 14001:2004
(Certificate Ref EMS523870). In accordance with the requirements of the standard, they
have developed and subsequently implemented an Environmental Management System
(EMS) which has been designed to systematically reduce the impact of their business
processes on the environment. This EMS forms the foundation for delivering pro-active
Environmental Management on all of their projects, and will be fully adhered to on the Myatts
Field PFI development.
Higgins Construction PLC is committed to protecting the environment and recognise that
many of the operations and processes involved in delivering projects harbour the potential
for environmental impact. Working to an ISO 14001-certified EMS helps to address this by;

Identifying the Environmental Aspects of all business activities

Identifying all legal and other regulatory requirements and ensuring that compliance with
them is maintained and regularly reviewed.

Ensuring all Environmental Objectives and targets (KPIs) are set and monitored.

In recognition of the evolving nature of Environmental Management, we pro-actively ensure

the continual improvement of our environmental performance. At the heart of this approach
is their Environmental Policy, which contains the following key commitments;
1. To employ an Environmental Management System in accordance with BS EN ISO
14001:2004 on all projects, and use this system to influence business decision making
2. To develop and achieve environmental objectives at Management Review Meetings
which can be supported by measurable performance indicators, to manage all potentially
significant environmental aspects including resource use, waste, emissions and
3. To work with supply chain partners to promote the sustainable sourcing of products and
4. To maintain a consistent and transparent dialogue with all interested stakeholders in
order to identify and address key environmental issues affecting the business.
5. To seek out and apply innovative solutions to the delivery of projects.

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6. To regularly publish information on their environmental performance.

7. To the ongoing and structured training of staff, clients, suppliers and sub-contractors with
the aim of enhancing their awareness of relevant environmental issues and securing
their effective participation in helping to minimise the environmental impacts.
8. To the reduction of the environmental impact of the final constructed product through
improved specification and design.
9. To the promotion and demonstration of efficiency in the use of energy, water and
materials, during the construction process including the use of defined
measures/processes to minimise waste and re-use and maximise recycling outputs
As well as twice yearly auditing by BSi, their EMS is subject to more frequent internal
auditing by a dedicated external consultancy. This ensures continuous improvement based
upon the Plan - Implement - Check, Correct and Present - Review feedback loop model.
In addition to improving Higgins general environmental performance, their EMS also helps
to score in several key areas under the Code for Sustainable Homes;

Higgins are Associate Members of the Considerate Constructors Scheme, and have an
internal KPI to achieve an average score in excess of 32 (denoting exemplar
performance) across all projects, helping to meet the requirements of Section MAN2 (2
credits max)

In accordance with Clause 4.3.1 of ISO 14001, their EMS includes a Procedure to
consider and record each major construction activity and its Environmental Aspect on an
Aspects Register, together with the measures required to mitigate its potential effects.
This includes best practice policies in respect of both air (dust) pollution arising from site
activities, and water (ground and surface) pollution occurring on the site. They also have
Procedures in place to monitor, report and set target for CO2 production / energy use
and water consumption arising from site activities. All of these measures help to score
under Section MAN3 of the Code (2 credits max). This is also how we ensure that we
adequately protect ecology during the demolition and construction process (Eco 3).

Based on our present policies and method statements, we will develop a Construction
Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for the project. The CEMP will be developed
throughout the planning, design and consultation processes with the aim to avoid, minimise
and mitigate any construction effects on:

The Environment

Existing surrounding Communities

New Residents of Myatts Field North

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A generic site-wide CEMP will define the general approach by which the project will be
undertaken and describe the environmental management system for the whole site. It will
show how best practice environmental performance will be achieved wherever practicable.

Site specific CEMPs will be prepared for each phase of the works. These will be written in
accordance with the generic site-wide CEMP and will detail the specific environmental
obligations and constraints (over the above those cove red in the generic CEMP) for that
area of the site. Both the generic and site specific CEMPs will include the following generic

A Management Structure, which includes an organisational chart encompassing all

staff responsible for environmental work. This will set out the respective roles and
responsibilities with regard to the environment and identify the nominated
environmental manager.

An internal environmental audit programme, for example ISO 14001.

An Environmental Risk Register and associated procedures, which show how

environmental risks will be addressed.

Procedures for environmental training of all permanent site staff, temporary staff will
be covered within the Toolbox Talk.

Procedures setting out how internal communication will be programmed, managed

and documented in respect of all environmental matters.

Procedures for handling external communications, liaison and complaints including

the development and maintenance of a clear audit trail.

Procedures for monitoring, recording and disseminating the environmental

information and performance.

Procedures for addressing non-compliance and corrective actions.

Procedures for dealing with major incidents, unexpected occurrences or finds during
construction, particularly related to:

Air quality (for example dust)

Cultural Heritage (for example archaeological finds)
Ecology (for example protected fauna/flora)
Ground quality (contamination issues)
Noise and Vibration
Water resources

In addition, the CEMPs will include the following detailed information as appropriate.
Construction Works

Location of the works, including a site plan, showing construction site boundaries,
position of plant and any sensitive receptors, e.g. trees, water courses, local
residents etc.

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A description of the works to be undertaken.

A detailed programme of the construction activities:

Proposed dates and sequence of the works
Details of proposed normal working hours and intended start up and
close down times.
Outline of any works which may require construction activities outside
of normal working hours.

Equipment and plant to be used (including type, make and expected number).

Vehicular access routes/points:

Location plan of each access route/point.
List of activities for which each access point is to be used.

Method of delivery/removal of materials and plant.

Details of proposed site accommodation.

Personnel access routes/points:

Location plan of each access route/point.
List of activities for which each access point is to be used.

Details of how public right of way and access to property will be retained and

Construction travel plans, including proposals for shared travel, car parking
restrictions, use of the Park and Ride and public transport.

Location of secure storage facilities for tools and equipment.

Legal Requirements

Schedule of appropriate environmental legislation and good practice that will be

adhered to, which is both current at the time of contract and which may come into
force during the course of the contract.

A list of specific objectives and targets that have been imposed by planning
conditions and agreed in consultation with third parties.

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A register of permissions and consents required, with responsibilities allocated and a

programme for obtaining them.

Environmental Requirements

Procedures for monitoring construction processes against the project environmental

objectives and for the appropriate action if thresholds have been breached.

Procedures for reporting any spillages/pollution incidents to the relevant authorities.

Procedures for co-ordinating the monitoring results to ensure that the combined
effect of the works in different locations does not trigger threshold levels.

Schedule of potential significant environmental effects relating to each activity (this

should draw upon the definitions of significant effects used in the ES and relate to
those effects identified).

A specific Environmental Risk Register relating to each activity.

Monitoring proposals, which shall include:

The receptors for which monitoring will be undertaken

Frequency of monitoring
Factors against which the monitoring results will be analysed
Threshold levels
Speed at which results will be analysed
List of organisations/individuals to whom results will be distributed
Actions to be taken in the event that thresholds are breached.

Management Plans

Specific management plans relating to the following topics:

Cultural Heritage
Noise and Vibration
Pollution incident control

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External Consultation
A list of those notified of the works and the date notified
A list of proposed notifications and dates

On-site mitigating measures for each effect and risk which will form part of the
toolbox talk for all site based staff.

A formal Code for Sustainable Homes Pre-Assessment has been undertaken, including
early consideration of;

building orientation / massing

target u-values
air permeability
low or zero carbon technologies (renewables)

This approach enables a strategy to be developed for meeting the requirements of the Code

Ensuring that building orientation optimises energy reduction, maximises passive

heating and reduces heat loss

Utilising an early renewables assessment to determine the most cost effective

approach to meet the site-specific renewables target taking on board any site

Managing the production of typical SAP calculations to determine target u-values for
the development

Incorporation of the above to enable early establishment of the wall and floor
construction to meet the requirements of Code Level 3. This is especially important
as these constructions can affect the choice of elevation materials, site setting out,
acoustic and thermal performance, use of MMC, etc.)

As part of Higgins standard ISO 9001-accredited Quality Management procedures, a

detailed Contract Quality Plan (Appendix 03) will be developed, monitored and managed
during each stage of the design and construct process. The format of this Contract Quality
Plan has been designed to integrate fully with the Environmental Management System, and
accordingly the Code for Sustainable Homes Assessment forms a key component of this
document. For Myatts Field North we are targetting 100% Forest Stewardship Council
(FSC) timber, which will be incorporated into the management plan. Rydon Maintenance
will use the same contract quality plan format to achieve their targets.
Including the Code toolkit and bespoke commitments into the Contract Quality Plan ensures
that all decisions made during Pre-Construction are tracked and integrated into both subcontractor and materials orders, and Higgins own management processes.

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Below are more details on key commitments to best practice in sustainable construction for
Myatts Field North.

Materials is a significant section in the Code for Sustainable Homes in terms of available
credits, and there is a mandatory requirement for at least three of the five key elements to
achieve a relevant Green Guide rating from the 2007 version of The Green Guide of A+ to D
(roof, external walls, internal walls, upper and ground floors, and windows).

We commit to achieve levels in excess of these mandatory requirements;

80% of the materials utilised on the project will be A-rated (as defined in the Green
Guide 2008)
100% of timber used will be FSC (or equivalent) accredited

Using our extensive supply chain database we can source and specify cost-effective
materials which meet the required scoring criteria under the Code whilst still maintaining
architectural merit.

The above commitments will be formalised through their inclusion in the Code for
Sustainable Homes Assessment checklist included within the Contract Quality Plan and
accordingly incorporated within all sub-contract and material orders. As our constructor
partner procures all of their materials directly, we can guarantee that a full audit trail (as
required under the Code) for all materials i.e. FSC accreditation, Chain of Custody
Certificates, etc. will be supplied.

Waste Recycling

From January 2008, Higgins Construction PLC has operated Site Waste Management Plans
on all of its new schemes, helping to score under the mandatory requirement of Section
WAS2. Higgins partners with several licensed Waste Management Companies, who hold
Waste Carriers Licenses and operate ISO 14001-accredited Waste Transfer Stations. All
waste is removed unsegregated from site before being separated into individual waste
streams and recycled at the Waste Transfer Station.
Records are then issued to site by the Waste Management Company for inclusion in the Site
Waste Management Plan. An average recycling rate of 78% has been achieved across
recent project, and we believe that our commitment to increase this to 80% is practically

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achievable via on-site segregation of plasterboard waste and the subsequent recycling of
this element as a separate waste stream to the other unsegregated waste.


We confirm our commitment to produce, monitor and managed a detailed Transport Plan,
which will be initiated at Preferred Bidder Stage. These Plans have been successful
developed and utilised on previous schemes and have ensured that the number and length
of journeys are kept to a minimum, reducing emissions from transportation, and minimising
noise, fumes and general disturbance to local residents.

This Transport Plan will be incorporated within the overall Contract Quality Plan to ensure it
is continuous and regularly monitored and updated.

We believe that our proposal for the construction of Myatts Field PFI will minimise waste,
and transport movements.

Air Tightness
We do not believe that an air permeability rate of 3m3/m2/h is practically achievable on
panellised timber-framed forms of construction (excluding SIPs). Based on historical data we
believe that a predicted air permeability rate of 7m3/m2/h is more realistic (which is still a 30%
improvement over current Building Regulations), although we reaffirm our commitment to
reduce this level as far as practically possible.

Following completion of the Air Tightness Testing, copies of all test reports will be included
within the Contract Quality Plan and additionally distributed to the Code for Sustainable
Homes Assessor to ensure the post-completion audit requirements of the Code are met.

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5.8.3 (c) General approach to Quality Management

Higgins have a strong quality ethos. Each has successfully been granted or is in the
process of applying for Investor in People Status, and Quality Assurance accreditation
The following section details Higgins approach to matters related to quality management
which will be continually reviewed and developed to enhance their resource capabilities in
order to successfully execute their projects.

Commitment of Resources
Higgins Construction considers its primary resource capability to be its employees and
integrated supply chain and have recognised this through its commitment towards
Investors in People .

Higgins have a progressive and rigorous selection process for employment of both staff and
supply chain partners to ensure suitability and competence to deliver against our quality
management targets on the projects that we undertake. Thereafter all employees are
reviewed on a regular basis under a Company Training and Development Policy and all
supply chain partners are reviewed by our Procurement Knowledge Centre and any areas of
weakness addressed.

A copy of our construction partners Quality Control Policy is included in Appendix 04. The
key elements of the Quality Assurance system are detailed as follows:

Quality Control Policy

Higgins Construction PLC will manage and continue to improve the high quality of building
contracting services provided by the company;

Ensure that all contractual requirements between the company and its clients are
consistently achieved;

Ensure that health, safety and welfare requirements are properly applied and managed;
Continually try to improve the effectiveness of the quality management system.

The aims of the quality control policy are delivered through the Higgins Management System
which is audited by Directors and independently by the BSi.

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The Higgins Management System has been developed in accordance with the requirements
of BS EN ISO 9001:2000. Conformance with the requirements of the Higgins Management
System is mandatory for all members of staff engaged in the provision of building contracting
services. This quality policy will be reviewed at the annual management review to verify its
continuing suitability.

Quality Objectives
Higgins are founder members of the Governments Construction Best Practice programme
which is being managed through the offices of the DTI.

In accordance with the recommendations made by the Construction Task Force, which are
detailed in their report Rethinking Construction, Higgins have joined the following two
Benchmarking Clubs:-

Housing Forum Benchmarking Club which is managed by Achilles; and

Housing Industry Benchmarking Club which is managed by Building Software Limited.

Through the use of specific KPIs the companys performance is regularly monitored and
measured and the results are compared with the industry average. The companys
performance will be reviewed by the Board of Directors, who are responsible for managing
the development and implementation of the improvements that they deem necessary to
address any deficiencies and/or weaknesses identified through this programme.

In addition to the above each department maintains a set of quality objectives which are
used to monitor performance.

Scope of the Quality Management System

The Higgins Management System is defined within the following key documents:

Quality Manual;
Procedures Manual;
Business Plan;
Monthly Board Reports; and
KPI Report

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The Higgins Management System has been developed to exceed the requirements of BS
EN ISO 9001:2000 as applicable to the provision of building contracting services.

The processes and quality control systems we have in place will ensure that the project is
managed for compliance with all contract requirements and required standards of
workmanship, cost and programme performance. The management tool we use, also
address key areas such as risk management, value management and supply chain
management all of which ensure the project and client delivery targets are met.

Our Supply Chain are required to work to the Higgins Management procedures unless they
are able to demonstrate to us that their own Quality Systems provide the equivalent
standard of quality control and management.

We develop Quality Plans for each project which we would involve the Client and the Supply
Chain in, to ensure that all parties buy into the key processes and sign-off stages, that will
ensure an audit trail is available to show quality checks have been adhered to.

We will establish a continuous improvement culture throughout the partnership. We will

encourage input from all stakeholders, including residents and the supply chain, to review
what we are doing and how we can do it better. By establishing a forum team to look at
continuous improvement we would be able to establish a mechanism for reviewing
feedback, setting targets for improvement ensuring strategy is developed to encourage this
culture. On Myatts Field North Regenter will hold joint review and lesson learnt workshops
for both the refurbishment and new build contracts where we will include residents
comments to regularly evaluate areas that could be improved. We will then make sure that
we act on the lessons learnt on future phases of work.

We will maintain a clear induction process with all new team members to ensure lessons
learnt are shared and backward steps are not taken. By the development of clear audit trails
and Issue Resolution Logs we will be able to record and monitor the impacts of both radical
changes and fine tuning.

The Higgins Management Procedures is targeted in key areas: -

Before Contract:

Ensuring that the site management team has the correct composition and is the right
team for the 'job' in terms of experience and expertise.

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Maintaining regularly audited data bases of quality suppliers and sub-contractors.

Ensuring that proposed suppliers meet the correct contract specification.
Ensuring that all proposed sub-contractors meet the Company's rigorous selection
procedures and will deliver the correct product.

During Contract:
Quality monitoring will take various forms depending on several factors;

The type of work being carried out

The duration of the work being carried out
The complexity of the work being carried out and
The contractors previous performance.

The Contracts Manager will be responsible for monitoring the quality of both the work being
carried out and the information that is supplied by way of drawings, manuals and other data
needed to determine future maintenance and lifecycle.

Day-to-day monitoring of the work quality will be devolved down to operational technical
staff. For larger projects these will take the form of regular scheduled, minuted meetings
with the contractor.

Other features of the contract period are;

The agreement and monitoring of a site specific Contract Quality Plan to achieve the
required quality objectives.
The purpose of the plan will be to identify key quality issues, incorporate them within the
plan and establish the means to measure monitor and achieve the required quality level.

The agreement of an effective handover procedure. The procedure will be extracted

from the quality plan and translated into a handover programme. This programme
together with a procedure checklist will be utilised by the site management team to
achieve successful handover.

Post Contract support for a 12 month period for completed dwellings will be provided
by the following means:

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UItilising a professional, directly employed office based after care team led by a
construction director. The after care team will log problems and allocate resources as

Employing mobile, multi-skilled operatives supported by trade specialists where required

to undertake repairs and maintenance.

On Myatts Field North we will include a quality plan that will be prepared in conjunction with
,and signed off by, key stakeholders and partners. The plan will indicate those stages of
works that require inspection, the timing/frequency/quality control parameters or
specifications, and the allocation of responsibility for inspection. Quality inspections will be
recorded in the appropriate customary manner and actions reviewed regularly within a
Supply Chain quality forum and the management of appropriate safety standards through an
independent safety group.

We will agree and monitor a specific Contract Quality Plan to achieve the requirements of
the scheme in terms of its quality objectives. This plan will be fully agreed after extensive
consultation and discussion with the residents and client to ensure that the plan includes for
all client inspection and review processes and milestones. The purpose of the plan will be to
identify key quality issues, incorporate them within the plan and establish the means to
measure monitor and achieve the required quality level.

5.8.3 (d) Management methodology, including compound

arrangements, storage, on and off site support structures,
We believe transformation of this estate is only achievable through a fully integrated,
seamless and comprehensive approach to regeneration. We will achieve this by running the
practical aspects of our development on Myatts Field North in a fully incorporated way to
ensure the most efficient works programme for residents. We will ensure full integration of
compounds and all logistics in terms of deliveries and storage between all our delivery
partners. We will set up one site compound from which we will operate all our procurement,
delivery and storage systems for both refurbishment and new build in order to minimise any
mess or disruption for residents.

The management of this process will be through Joint Project Meetings which will take place
weekly throughout the development programme. Residents will be invited to attend these
meetings to discuss any concerns they have with the management of the works.

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We also intend to appoint one team of Resident Liaison Officers that will serve the residents
whatever their position within the programme.
Management Methodology - Joint Working Structure
Regenter MFN SPV
General Manager

All refurbishment
All repairs and maintenance
All lifecycle replacement

All New Build

Sales and Marketing
of new build

Regenter MFN DevCo

Joint Weekly PM

Plan utilities /
roads / hoardings /
plant safety / demolition

Repairs & Maintenance

Plan respite /
re-housing /
cleaning / support

Joint RLOs Team

Site Access Arrangements All Parties

The main site compound for all of the works, new build and refurbishment, will be located in
the same location which will also contain resident liaison and neighbourhood management
facilities. However there will be a requirement for satellite offices adjacent to specific work
This office will comprise of:

Reception area
Meeting room
Offices for construction management staff
Housing Office with resident access
Toilets and welfare facilities
Storage containers
Respite facilities

The majority of site project offices will be in a central compound. The offices will be modular
accommodation to suit flexible arrangements for the internal layouts.

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This will be fitted-out and furnished to a high standard to make any visitors feel welcome.
They will also project our corporate image, being professional in appearance and using
relevant colours and logos. They will be maintained and kept free from graffiti at all times.
The offices will be fully equipped with telephones and Internet connections, together with
smoke detectors and fire alarms. Water and electricity will be provided by tapping into the
mains supplies. The office will be welcoming and resident friendly as the bottom floor will be
the housing office.
In addition to the main project offices, satellite offices will be established adjacent to new
build site 13 and site 17.
Storage of materials will be in steel containers within the main compound and within satellite
compounds close to the works areas.

The area we propose for the central project offices is indicated on our phasing/traffic
management plan (Sides 1 & 2), close to Cowley Road.
This will remain for the duration of the project as this helps to maintain consistency, stability
and to build trust with the residents and other stakeholders. We also feel that due to lack of
space we will need to double stack with staircase access to the top level.

All operatives will adhere to the Myatts Field North dress code, including the wearing of
personal, protective equipment (PPE) and visible means of identification at all times.
Operatives will conduct themselves in a professional manner. Operatives will bring to the
premises, or have delivered, all tools, equipment and plant necessary to carry out the
programmed works.

Material Distribution and Storage

We will provide containers to store smaller and more vulnerable and valuable items of
material. We may in additional use separate storage areas within individual hoarded off

All disturbed areas will be reinstated at the end of the project, if not included as part of the
new works. We will ensure that pedestrian access to the site office for visitors to the housing
office and to the RLOs is safe and secure.

A combination of materials handler forklift, mobile crane visits, static tower crane visits, static
tower cranes and Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP) are proposed for this project.

The general principles of materials control will be followed at all levels:-

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Good schedule file systems used to give quick reference as to when, and from whom,
deliveries are required.

Planned deliveries utilised to ensure control of suppliers

Careful checking of orders and monitoring of planned delivery dates to ensure materials
delivered can be properly stored and unnecessary double handling avoided

Standard quality of materials maintained throughout the contract period by checking

against agreed samples or specifications

Alternate sources made available if possible

Control of wastage of materials of site level optimised to ensure level kept to a minimum.
Delivery schedules monitors and adjusted accordingly

Subcontractors will be encouraged to minimise any wastage of materials at the first instance
in line with our Environmental Policy. Proposals for use of modular components and ready
mixed mortar for example, may also help reduce wastage.

Materials delivered to site will be packaged to prevent wastage at point of use e.g. shrink
wrapping and / or palletised. Careful ordering of type and quantity together with a selected
method of offloading will further prevent material wastage on site.

Careful co-ordination of material deliveries will be necessary to avoid potential congestion

with residents traffic and the local school start and end times. It is also important to have
the correct sizing of delivery vehicles to allow materials to be received offloaded / loaded
within the hoarded off site boundaries. This offload / load procedure will be supervised at all
times by an appointed Banksman as our Health and Safety Procedures.

Working Hours
Although the office will be open from 0900hrs until 1700hrs, all sub-contractors and employees
will be advised of the allowed working hours and will be adhered to. These times will be in
accordance with LBLs Code of practice for construction sites, i.e., 08.00hrs 18.00hrs
Monday to Friday, and 08.00hrs 13.00hrs Saturday. No works will take place during UK

No work will be carried out on Sundays or Bank Holidays, unless necessary for minimising
potential disruption of utility services connections and / or diversions or installing / removing
tower cranes and having first been approved by Lambeth.

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Off Site Support Structure

The site team will be supported by large off site support structure we have shown an
example of this in the off site support structure of Higgins. Each team is supported in this
way with a wealth of knowledge, expertise and staff that can be called upon at any time.

5.8.3 (e) Organisation of staffing and resources

We show below an organisation chart showing where each service delivery partner is placed
within the wider context of Regenter MFN. Each delivery partner is integrated into one team,
sitting in one office.

Lambeth - All Teams Staffing Structure

Regenter MFN
SPV Manager

24/7 Helpdesk

Pinnacle Contract
Manager and
support staff

Regenter DevCo
Project Manger and
support staff

Senior Project

New Homes
Sales and Marketing

Housing Manager

New Build Team

Estate Services

Housing Team
(including Leasehold)

Resident Liaison Officers

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Equipe Contract
Manager and
support staff


Repairs &


Repairs Team


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We will jointly appoint a team of Resident Liaison Officers (RLOs). We will ensure this team
meets the Resident Forum, as it is crucial they understand the community and what
individuals experiencing refurbishment and decanting are going through.

The RLO Team will be in place prior to Financial Close to prepare for Service
New Build
Our New Build Team reports to the SPV General Manager, and will include, although not
exclusively, the following roles:

Project Manager

Site Managers

Managing Surveyor

Community Development Manager

Senior Project Co-ordinator

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5.8.3 (f) Operational integration of staff

The diagram below shows how we intend to ensure all our work streams are integrated. As
well as sharing an office, one of the most effective ways of operational integration, we will
ensure that joint weekly meetings feed into the working stream groups, so that everyone
knows exactly what is happening at all stages of the program.

Operational Integration of Staff

Weekly Joint
Strategic Meeting
Design Team
Working Group

RLO Team
Refurb Team
Working Group

New Build Team

Working Group

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5.8.4 (g) General security arrangements

When undertaking construction and/or refurbishment work we will address the following
aspects of security:

Compound Security: we will install CCTV on the compound that has high quality hard drive
recording. This recording is of a good enough quality and date stamped to be able to use in
court action if required
Site Security: each site will be made secure by the erection of solid hoarding prior to any
work commencing, so that no unauthorised access is possible
Site Personnel: will wear high visibility jackets and hard hats, and will be expected to wear
ID badges at all time.
Resident Safety: we will assist in keeping residents safe by holding Health and Safety
briefings. All operatives who enter resident homes will only do so with ID badges.
Resident Belongings: resident belonging will be inventoried before work begins within their
home, and anything that the resident feels is of value will be placed in secure storage.
The access to the project offices shall be controlled at all times and all personnel and visitors
will report to the site office. A separate dedicated access will be provided for the residents to
access the housing management/RLO offices.
The vehicular and pedestrian access into the construction areas will be controlled by an
appointed gate man employed by Higgins Construction, who will be in radio contact with
the other members of the Higgins and Rydon Maintenance site management team.

All site personnel will wear photographic/controlled access identification badges at all times
on site and a register shall be kept in the Project Managers office. They will be surrendered
and cancelled on completion of work stage works and or employment and the register
amended accordingly.

All visitors shall wear visitor badges when on site.

All operatives will wear Myatts Field branded Hi -Viz vests for security and safety. These will
be issued with the ID badges.

Security issues will be integral to the sub-contract documents and discussed and agreed at
all pre-commencement meetings.

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CCTV cameras will be erected as a security measure to monitor the site and it may be
necessary to augment these cameras with out of hours static guards, should the need

During out of hours periods the detailed security measures will be augmented within the
works compound with the use of security personnel/wardens, both in a static monitoring and
mobile capacity.

Public safety is paramount and that safe access is assured to and from dwellings and
around the site with appropriate areas securely fenced off with notices and signs as
required. We will assist in keeping residents safe by holding Health and Safety briefings; we
will be visiting local schools to talk about the work that is being undertaken and the health
and safety risks that this may pose. We will ensure the all residents and the Client are
aware of the out of hours designated emergency contact number.

Prior to works starting, the site areas will be segregated from the residents with 2m high
solid hoardings with vision panels if required. These will be moved/adapted to suit the
phasing of the project. We propose to use 2m high heras fencing for the completion of the
works for the landscaping, car parking, new below ground services and new roads.

Existing fire escape route/access points to occupied buildings/shops will be maintained with
appropriate signage for any temporary diversion routes and with suitable temporary

The site access will be protected by pedestrian and vehicular security gates which will be left
closed during the working day and securely locked out of hours.

The hoarding will need to be adjusted and adapted during the later stages of work for the
completion of the external landscaping and car parking.

Stair tower access to scaffolding will be made safe on a daily basis and all mechanical plant
will be immobilised at the end of each working day, whilst un-attended or for periods of non use.

At the start and on completion of the daily works, the site will be inspected to ensure it is
secure and safe.

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5.8.3 (h) Resident Liaison throughout and in respect of all aspects of

the work
Resident liaison throughout all aspects of the works is critical to deliver a successful
programme of works on time and with the support of the local community and residents
throughout a period of tremendous upheaval and disturbance. We understand how
important it is for residents to understand what is being proposed, contribute towards the
proposals and feel that they have been able to voice concerns, ideas and questions. We
have an approach that has a proven track record and enables residents to have direct
access to the teams delivering the works programmes to ensure the maximum
transparency, honesty and performance against our delivery commitments.

Our approach to resident liaison during this period is outlined below. A separate method
statement detailing our approach to resident consultation during the planning process is
included in our Planning method statement 5.4.4

Resident Forum
This will be the representative body on behalf of residents in the monitoring of our
compliance and performance against the Project Agreement including our performance in
relation to execution of the construction, refurbishment and demolition works.

Design Consultation
The design consultation process will take place prior to each planning application. This will
provide residents with full access to the drawings and surveys and a genuine ability to
influence the evolution of the design. This process has already commenced and we have
already revised our design and masterplan solution on the basis of the feedback received
from residents e.g. we have reduced building heights and incorporated replacement
bungalows. Further revisions can also be incorporated to address concerns over heights of
the buildings surrounding Fountains Place. We can also ensure that the final selection of
materials and colours for the community centre, parks furniture, play equipment are directly
influenced by the choices and preferences of residents throughout the design consultation

Service Delivery Solution

We will consult with residents during our first 100 days in order to find out what it is important
to them in regard to the service proposals and tailor our solution as a result of this
consultation. We will walk the estate with residents and collectively identify the composition
of the Environmental Blitz action programme. Other areas including the nature of support
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and consultation that is offered throughout the construction and refurbishment period will be
particularly tailored to the preferences and requirements of residents e.g. weekend
meetings, composition of meetings, nature of representation and agenda items.

Establishing Key Groups

Because the project has different elements, different residents require different information.
We will establish working groups with the residents covering demolition, decanting, new
build and refurbishment so that we can address and fully meet the requirements of each
group. The requirements of the residents experiencing refurbishment works to their homes
are unlikely to be consistent with those residents that will be moving to a new home or to that
of a homeowner. All of these needs will be different to the needs and requirements of the
various community groups and local businesses and surrounding residents. We will set up
resident liaison groups and activities that are specifically tailored to the different groups.

Wider Consultation
We propose to hold open community meetings once a month for the first 100 days on site. If
the community feel that these need to continue we will make sure that they do. This will
enable wider representation and liaison to be established.

Published Consultation
We will regularly distribute a newsletter throughout the construction and refurbishment
period. Newsletters will be issued on a quarterly basis during the services period.

Resident Liaison Officers

We will have dedicated Resident Liaison Officers (RLOs) responsible for the individual, oneto-one consultation with each resident/family prior to refurbishment, construction and decant
works. The RLOs will be responsible for assessing the individual needs of the residents and
ensuring that the works are undertaken in such a way that respects these individual

The RLOs will undertake all initial discussions with residents concerning appointments and
programming of the necessary works, support available to assist throughout the process
(e.g. respite facilities, moving assistance etc.) and take time to explain and illustrate the
various choices that are available to residents and assist with their selection (e.g. kitchen

The RLOs, together with the Helpdesk will also undertake survey work with residents
following completion of the works to monitor resident satisfaction and feedback that will be

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published in our reporting material and newsletters and also inform the approach we take in
future stages of the works.

Single Site Office

We will establish a combined site office within the Myatts Field North Community from which
the construction, refurbishment and service teams will operate. It will be co-located with the
Neighbourhood Management Office providing a One Stop Shop for all aspects of the
contract. This will enable more effective communication and will provide a better service to
the residents.

The site office will be open extended hours during the construction and refurbishment period
from 9am and 5pm . The site office will enable us to display material relevant to residents
such as the various works programmes, masterplan model for the new Myatts Field
Community, performance and feedback information and the team responsible for delivery of
the works and services to the residents.

The site office will also provide confidential interview rooms where residents can talk openly
to our team in private and confidential surroundings. We will have a suggestions box and
complaints box, together with access to translation services to ensure that all residents feel
able and capable of accessing information and participating in consultation and liaison.

Show Homes
We will provide and make available show homes on each phase of the new build
construction works so that residents are able to view the new homes that are being provided
and the choices available to them on the various fixtures and fittings. The show homes will
be a key tool in promoting interest and excitement among residents that are required to
decant and move home through the project.

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Promotion of Resident Safety & Visits to Local Schools

Public safety is paramount and safe access is assured to and from dwellings and around the
site with appropriate areas securely fenced off. We will effectively guide the public on safe
routes using notices and signs as required.

Part of our overall all plan for safety will be to visit local schools to explain what work is being
undertaken and the health and safety risks that this may pose. We will ensure the all
residents and the Client are aware of the out of hours designated emergency contact

We will ensure that accesses to existing blocks of flats are maintained, as well as ensuring
that there is good access to the newly occupied homes as they are built.

Staff Livery & Identification

We intend all staff to have easily recognisable staff livery, making them more obvious,
accessible and approachable to residents whilst undertaking their duties. All our operatives
will wear identification badges at all times, and we will encourage residents to refuse entry if
a badge is not shown. Residents can call the Helpdesk to check the identification of any of
our staff if there is any doubt or concern at all.

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The section below provides responses from our refurbishment partner, Rydon Maintenance,
to the question raised in the ISDS and covers the following matters.

General approach to health and safety;

General approach to environmental management and sustainability;
General approach to quality management;
Management methodology including compound arrangements, storage, on and
off site support structures, logistics, etc
Organisation of staffing and resources;
Operational integration of staff and operatives across the Participant organisation
and sub contracts;
General security arrangements;
Proposals for resident liaison throughout and in respect of all aspects of the

5.8.3 (a) General approach to Health & Safety

Our approach to refurbishment is guided by the fact that we are working in peoples homes.
Health and Safety and the security of residents and neighbours will be the first priority of
Rydon Maintenance. An important issue for us is the organisation of works to ensure that
multi trade working is carried out simultaneously, minimizing disruption and speeding up the

We will address those through risk assessment, vigilance, monitoring, feedback,

consultation and best practice advice. We will also negotiate and agree a Residents Charter
with the Steering Group which will guide all our actions.

We are dedicated to the development, investment, management and operation of housing

projects. This includes the management, operation and maintenance of client premises and
equipment, and the provision of support services. We build teams involving all parties in a
project and centred on a close working relationship with the client together with a
commitment to health, safety, quality, and environmental objectives. Rydon Maintenance
has an up-to- date health and safety policy manual in compliance with legal requirements.

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To ensure its risks are adequately managed and its standards maintained, we carry out
regular internal and external audits of itself and its suppliers. We can access financial
resources, staff with suitable skills and appropriate technology for implementation and
continual improvement of our policy.

The occupational health and safety policy manual states the responsibilities of managers,
methods to control hazards and how employees are informed. The company will attempt to
minimise the occurrence of all workplace risks. For this purpose regular safety meetings will
be held to provide occupational health and safety advice for all employees and the setting
and review of objectives. Rydon Maintenance will ensure systems exist to maintain a safe
place of work at clients sites for all employees, suppliers, visitors and other interested
parties. The Rydon Maintenance compliance manager is responsible for providing
information on the company health and safety performance and reporting results to the
General Manager on a regular basis and the designated H&S Site Manager as appropriate.

All employees have a personal responsibility for their own occupational health and safety
and that of other people. This includes anything we do or fail to do. Consultation will be
carried out with all employees who must co-operate fully on any matter relating to
occupational health and safety or face disciplinary measures.

The initial refurbishment works will require compliance with the Construction (Design and
Management) Regulations (CDM). In order to comply with the regulations a CDM Coordinator will be appointed at, or just prior to, contract commencement by Regenter. It will be
the CDMCs responsibility to ensure that any proposed works are planned and carried out in
a safe manner with particular regard to the safety of the public, the works operatives and
future maintenance operatives.

The commencement of all work, regardless of the scale, will be subject to receiving a
satisfactory Method Statement and Risk Assessment. Only once these have been approved
will permission be granted to carry out the work.

A copy of our H&S policy is enclosed at Appendix 05.

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5.8.3 (b) General approach to Environmental Management

Refer to section under Part 1 of this method statement where applicable to refurbishment

5.8.3 (c) General approach to Quality Management

We are conscious of the need to sustain and improve the high quality of our service to
ensure that all standards and specifications are consistently achieved throughout the
contract. We have a total commitment to the philosophy of customer care. Our experience of
working within the community sector has resulted in a belief that success is achieved only by
recognising and providing a quality response to the needs of residents, our partners and the
council. We have underlined our commitment to quality customer care with the achievement
of Quality Assurance accreditation ISO 9001:2008 which will ensure:

The high quality of the products we use

The efficiency of installations and refurbishment works we carry out
The effectiveness of the co-ordination and communication among the stakeholders
of the project.

This process will involve the pooling and dissemination of formal structured feedback, in the
form of responses to survey questionnaires, as well as regular stakeholder workshops in
which feedback is discussed and potential improvements are identified and evaluated. For a
sub-contractor to be working on our project, the quality monitoring aspect of their
performance will be included in the terms and conditions of their contract.

Quality monitoring will take various forms depending on several factors:

The type of work being carried out

The duration of the work being carried out
The complexity of the work being carried out
The contractors previous performance.

The Refurbishment Contract Manager will be responsible for monitoring the quality of both
the work being carried out and the information that is supplied.

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Day-to-day monitoring of the work quality will be flowed down to operational technical staff.
For larger works, this will take the form of regular scheduled, minuted meetings. For small
repair works a proportion of the works will be post-inspected to ensure compliance. This will
be fed back into the SPV monitoring meetings.

The information obtained through these processes is then used to identify actions and

The practices and procedures which are implemented in achieving our quality policy
emanate from the company objective to achieve Zero Defects at completion.

Our Contract Managers are charged with the responsibility of ensuring that a high quality,
right-first-time product is delivered in every dwelling.

The process we will follow is:

Snagging: The scope of works for each package will identify the provision of benchmarks,
samples and snagging teams. Subcontractors will be required to detail the extent of their
input and staff commitment to these items.

Completion, Handover and Certification: Works will not be offered up to the Independent
Certifier until we are satisfied that they meet our own stringent standards and fully comply
with the requirements of the Project Agreement.

A copy of our QA policy is enclosed at Appendix 06.


(d) Management methodology, including compound

arrangements, storage, on and off site support structures,

We believe transformation of this estate is achievable through a fully integrated, seamless

and comprehensive approach to regeneration. One aspect of how we will achieve this is by
running the practical aspects of our development on Myatts Field North in a fully
incorporated way to ensure the most efficient works programme for residents. We will
ensure full integration of compounds and all logistics in terms of deliveries and storage
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between all our delivery partners. We will set up one site compound from which we will
operate all our procurement, delivery and storage systems, in order to minimise any mess or
disruption for residents.

Site Access Arrangements All Parties

It is our intention to manage all works in Lambeth, refurbishment, new build construction and
neighbourhood management from a centrally located site office and compound.

This office will comprise of:

Reception area
Meeting room
Offices for construction management staff
Housing Office with resident access
Toilets and welfare facilities
Storage containers
Respite facilities

All the site office accommodation and storage will be in steel portacabin type units. This will
be fitted-out and furnished to a high standard to make any visitors feel welcome. They will
also project our corporate image, being professional in appearance and using relevant
colours and logos. They will be maintained and kept free from graffiti at all times. The offices
will be fully equipped with telephones and Internet connections, together with smoke
detectors and fire alarms. Water and electricity will be provided by tapping into the mains
supplies. The office will be welcoming and resident friendly as the bottom floor will be the
housing office.

For the first three to six months the temporary site establishment will be located in a shop
unit in Foxley Square until the interim site set up is available off Cowley Road. On
completion of the new community centre the establishment will relocate to this permanent
location for the remainder of the PFI term. We would prefer to reduce any moves to the
absolute minimum as this helps to maintain consistency, stability and to build trust with the
residents and other stakeholders.
All operatives will adhere to the Myatts Field North dress code, including the wearing of
personal, protective equipment (PPE) and visible means of identification at all times.
Operatives will conduct themselves in a professional manner. Operatives will bring to the

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premises, or have delivered, all tools, equipment and plant necessary to carry out the
programmed works.

Material Distribution and Storage

We will provide containers to store smaller and more vulnerable and valuable items of
material. We may in additional use separate storage areas within individual hoarded off

All disturbed areas will be reinstated at the end of the project, if not included as part of the
new works. We will ensure that pedestrian access to the site office for visitors to the housing
office and to the RLOs is safe and secure.

The general principles of materials control will be followed at all levels:-

Good schedule file systems used to give quick reference as to when, and from whom,
deliveries are required.
Planned deliveries utilised to ensure control of suppliers
Alternate sources made available if possible
Control of wastage of materials of site level optimised to ensure level kept to a minimum.
Delivery schedules monitors and adjusted accordingly
Careful checking of orders and monitoring of planned delivery dates to ensure materials
delivered can be properly stored and unnecessary double handling avoided
Standard quality of materials maintained throughout the contract period by checking
against agreed samples or specifications

Subcontractors will be encouraged to minimise any wastage of materials at the first instance
in line with our Environmental Policy. Proposals for use of modular components, timber
frame, brick slips, and ready mixed mortar for example, may also help reduce wastage.

Materials delivered to site will be packaged to prevent wastage at point of use e.g. shrink
wrapping and / or palletised. Careful ordering of type and quantity together with a selected
method of offloading will further prevent material wastage on site.

Careful co-ordination of material deliveries will be necessary to avoid potential congestion

with residents traffic and the local school start and end times. It is also important to have
the correct sizing of delivery vehicles to allow materials to be received offloaded / loaded
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within the hoarded off site boundaries. This offload / load procedure will be supervised at all
times by an appointed Banksman as per our Health and Safety Procedures.

Working Hours
Although the Rydon Maintenance office will be open from 0900hrs until 1700hrs, all subcontractors and employees will be advised of the allowed working hours, these times being
those normally provided through the planning approval process and will be adhered to.
Should working hours not be provided through this process, 08.30hrs 1800hrs Monday to
Friday and 0900hrs 1300hrs Saturday will be nominated.
No working will be done on Sundays or Bank Holidays, unless necessary for minimising
potential disruption of statutory services connections and / or diversions or installing /
removing tower cranes and having first been approved by Lambeth.

5.8.3 (e) Organisation of staffing and resources

Refurbishment Team
The refurbishment team will be collocated with the construction team in the site compound
located within Myatts Field North, and will report directly to the SPV General Manager. The
team will include, although not exclusively:

General Manager

Refurbishment Contract Manager

Repairs & Maintenance Manager

Project Surveyor

We implement a process of continuous improvement which is focused on the long term and
incremental, rather than step change. It is an approach which is orientated around people,
rather than processes, is relatively easy to implement, but requires high levels of
organisational discipline. Excellent change management skills underpin on-going success in
terms of continuous improvement. The continuous improvement concept believes that every
aspect of working life can be improved. Five elements support the approach:

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Team work: the process of incremental improvement has, at its heart, people who operate
as teams to improve the way they work and thereby the overall service they deliver.
Teamwork is of fundamental importance to the way Rydon Maintenance work. It scores
consistently highly in all of our staff surveys internal and external.

Personal discipline: this is very much about focus and keeping all managers and staff
orientated around their key tasks. The performance management process, which is linked to
our values and corporate and local objectives, is central to maintaining this discipline. It is
only in this way that we can stretch services, performance and efficiency.

Improved morale: highly motivated staff, who are committed to the business and their own
personal work goals, deliver, we believe, the best results in terms of continuous
improvement. Celebrating successes, social events, involvement in local charities, giving
something back to our communities, bonuses and rewards for high performance and a
culture which encourages service improvement, are all part of the process of building high

Suggestions for improvement: critical to the way Rydon Maintenance works is the
opportunity for staff and customers to identify problems and suggest solutions. We utilise a
range of mechanisms within our operating framework, which encourage ideas for

Commissioning of Specialist Services and Appointment of SubContractors

We intend to deliver the refurbishment works programme through a combination of directly

employed operatives and specialist contractors and sub-contractors.

We are proposing to procure the services from ISO 9002 registered companies with relevant
experience in service provision of this nature. The list of approved contractors from the
Specialist Approved Subcontractor Database will form the basis of the approved list for this
project. We will also utilise local labour and develop a local supply chain in this area. This
ensures that we maximise our contribution to the local area and that we are able to be more
responsive in our delivery. We will also work hard to help local contractors comply with our
commissioning standards and provide the detailed information which is essential before
going on our select list.

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5.8.3 (f) Operational integration of staff and resources

The diagram below shows how we intend to ensure all our work streams are integrated. As
well as sharing an office, one of the most effective ways of operational integration, we will
ensure that joint weekly meetings feed into the working stream groups, so that everyone
knows exactly what is happening at all stages of the program.

Operational Integration of Staff

Weekly Joint
Strategic Meeting
Design Team
Working Group

RLO Team
Refurb Team
Working Group

New Build Team

Working Group

Empowering Employees and Focusing on the Customer

We have worked hard to create a framework that makes innovation a habit in Rydon
Maintenance. This means seeing staff as a prime resource, rather than simply as a cost, we
enable all of our staff to fulfill their potential, by empowering individuals, while still
maintaining focus on the customer. We recognise that when a customer meets an
employee, they meet the whole organisation. Our staff are therefore encouraged to work
with stakeholders as partners.

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Rydon Maintenance is committed to excellence through people development and aims to

create a culture of learning where individuals take responsibility, in partnership with their
managers, for their personal and professional development.

Rydon Maintenance recognises the need to develop its people so that they gain the
necessary skills to reach their full potential, and are fully equipped to deliver an excellent
service in each area of the business. This will assist Rydon Maintenance to achieve its aims
and objectives through a well trained and supported workforce.

The aims of Rydon Maintenance as a company are:

To provide effective induction training for all new staff.

To provide effective training to those with a change in job role
To ensure that development needs are identified as part of the business planning
process and reviewed regularly
To ensure appropriate skills are in place to deliver the business strategy
To provide leadership and management development to line managers
To ensure the effective delivery of mandatory training, such as Health and Safety
and Equal Opportunities
To ensure equality of access to all development opportunities for all employees
To continually monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of our training and
development activities

Rydon Maintenance provide specific training in:

Customer Services
Telephone techniques.
Dealing with Difficult People
Training for Service Developing Competencies

Annual Appraisal Reviews

As part of its commitment to excellence through people development, every employee will
have a review of their performance and development annually

Professional Qualifications
The Company will provide support for a number of professional studies courses by covering
the cost of tuition and examination fees and allowing for a number of paid study leave days
in preparation for examinations.

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Employees provide feedback on the value and effectiveness of the training and development
they undertake. This information will be used to assess and improve the training process.

Employee Relations / Staff Involvement

Rydon Maintenance strives to ensure that it has effective communication processes, which
encourage the engagement and participation of all staff.
Strategic changes and
development are communicated directly to all staff. Regular management and staff
meetings are held across the business, which facilitates two-way communication and

Staff Consultative Arrangements

Where appropriate the company consults with staff when there are significant changes to
terms and conditions of employment or working practices.

Informal Consultation and Communication

Staff Meetings -Regular staff meetings are held across the business to facilitate the
sharing of information.

Newsletter - The Company will contribute to the quarterly newsletter which provides
further information to all staff.

Intranet - The Company intranet is accessible to all and is regularly updated with news
and information.

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5.8.3 (g) General security arrangements

When undertaking construction and/or refurbishment work we will address the following
aspects of security:

Compound Security: There will be CCTV on the compound that has high quality hard drive
recording. This recording is of a good enough quality and date stamped to be able to use in
court action if required
Site Security: each new build site will be made secure by the erection of solid hoarding prior
to any work commencing, to prevent unauthorised access
Site Personnel: will wear high visibility jackets and hard hats, and will be expected to wear
ID badges at all time.
Resident Safety: we will assist in keeping residents safe by holding Health and Safety
briefings. All operatives who enter resident homes will only do so with ID badges.
Resident Belongings: resident belonging will be inventoried before work begins within their
home, and anything that the resident feels is of value will be placed in secure storage.
The access to the project offices shall be controlled at all times and all personnel and visitors
will report to the site office. A separate dedicated access will be provided for the residents to
access the housing management/RLO offices.

The access to the project offices shall be controlled at all times and all personnel and visitors
will report to the site office. A separate dedicated access will be provided for the residents to
access the housing management/RLO offices.
The vehicular and pedestrian access into the construction areas will be controlled by an
appointed gate man employed by Higgins Construction, who will be in radio contact with
the other members of the Higgins and Rydon Maintenance site management team.

All site personnel will wear photographic/controlled access identification badges at all times
on site and a register shall be kept in the Project Managers office. They will be surrendered
and cancelled on completion of work stage works and or employment and the register
amended accordingly.

All visitors shall wear visitor badges when on site.

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All operatives will wear Myatts Field branded Hi -Viz vests for security and safety. These will
be issued with the ID badges.

Prior to refurbishment works starting, where required working areas will be segregated from
the residents /general public with 2m high heras fencing, moved/adapted to suit progress.

Existing fire escape route/access points to occupied buildings/shops will be maintained with
appropriate signage for any temporary diversion routes and with suitable temporary

When undertaking refurbishment and maintenance works, there are several aspects of
security that need to be addressed:

Resident Safety / Security - It is vital to the success of this project that residents feel that
they themselves, their homes and their possessions are continually safe and secure. We will
therefore instigate a security pass/ID system that will be carried by all management and
operatives whenever they are in the project area. Residents will be instructed not to allow
anyone into their homes unless they are in possession of a security pass. As an additional
safeguard, Resident Liaison Officers will also introduce operatives to residents when
commencing work within each residence. Residents will also be issued with contact
numbers (including out of hours) that they can use if they have any concerns about security
issues relating to the works.

Public safety is paramount and that safe access is assured to and from dwellings and
around the site with appropriate areas securely fenced off with notices and signs as
required. We will assist in keeping residents safe by holding Health and Safety briefings; we
will be visiting local schools to talk about the work that is being undertaken and the health
and safety risks that this may pose. We will ensure the all residents and the Client are
aware of the out of hours designated emergency contact number.

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5.8.3 (h) Resident Liaison throughout and in respect of all aspects of

the work
Refer to section under Part 1 of this method statement.

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